Runaway Love

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Runaway Love Page 17

by Amber Nation

  I was madly in love with Maggie and I would be elated to see her pregnant with my child, but given the circumstances it wouldn’t be wise.

  I felt the familiar tingle start at the base of my spine, I needed to stop.

  Continuing to slip in and barely pull out of her delicious channel, “Babe? I’m gonna come so tell me to stop.”

  She held onto me tighter, if that was even at all possible, her nails digging into the tender flesh of my shoulders. Almost certain she would leave indentions, but the hell if that didn’t turn me on even more.

  “Charlie, baby, don’t stop. Please don’t stop. Harder, I need it harder,” she pleaded breathlessly. Hearing her beg made an animalistic growl rip out from the back of my throat.

  Pounding harder and increasing my speed, her breathing picked up even more as she began emitting incoherent sounds, then yelling, “Oh God, Charlie… Yes! Yes!” My body went tight as her inner walls clamped around my shaft like a vice, milking me and sending me over the edge right along with her.

  Maggie slumped against the wall, which rendered me to test out my reflexes in catching her to support her slack weight against the wall.

  I slowly moved to set her down on her feet making sure she got her bearings in both legs first.

  “Now I could definitely use that extra sleep. But noooo I still have ten hours of work ahead of me.” She joked as she began washing her hair, gliding her shampooed covered hands through the water logged strands of hair.

  “I didn’t hear you complaining not even five minutes ago while my dick was lodged deep within your pussy.” I retorted, albeit a bit jokingly as I took over lathering her hair, massaging her scalp in the process.

  “God Charlie, don’t be so crude!” she shrieked, as she slapped my arm ruefully.

  I pulled her head up to where she was looking into my eyes, the underlying amusement reflecting back at me. “Well it’s true. Buried deep within your pussy is one of my two favorite places to be.”

  I quickly kissed the tip of her nose and went about washing my own hair and body.

  “What is the other?” she asked, I had her curiosity piqued.

  I decided to feign ignorance. It was so amusing seeing her get so riled up. “The other what?”

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about!” she said as she reared her fist back to sock me in the gut, playfully of course, but I was much quicker than her.

  I caught her wrists and yanked her closer to me so I could wrap my arms tightly around her. The water was losing its warmth so we needed to wrap up our shower excursion. “My absolute all-time favorite place to be is in your heart, there is no greater place on this earth to be.”

  The lack of words lingered in the air and Maggie’s quietness bothered me. I was afraid that I had said something wrong.

  “Maggie? Baby?”

  She tipped her face up towards me and it was suddenly very clear the reason of her lack of speech. Even in the small, dimly lit confines of the shower I could see the tears welled up in her eyes.

  I hoped to God that they were happy tears and I didn’t fuck things up.

  “Thank you, Charlie. Thank you for being the one to love me.”

  Before I could ask her to explain further, we were interrupted by her cell phone ringing. Normally, she wouldn’t be so inclined to answer, but it was her work tone, so she wouldn’t ignore it in case it was an emergency.


  This morning was amazingly perfect. Although I realize now that I agreed to let Charlie go without a condom. Shit!

  I will chalk that up to a lapse in judgment due to the throes of passion…

  Yeah, that excuse didn’t work for me either.

  I would take it as a sign that I needed to get on birth control…ASAP! But excuses aside, I was honestly caught up in the moment. I had remembered having a discussion about him taking me in the shower.

  And he made it happen.

  And it was flipping hawt.

  The thought of an unplanned pregnancy made its way into the forefront of my brain and I had to quickly shut it down.

  It wasn’t likely to get pregnant from just having unprotected sex one-time, right?

  HA! Even I wasn’t that naïve.

  That was saved for those sixteen years olds who ended up in the Labor and Delivery Unit thinking ‘Well it was just the one time.’

  I don’t know if I would have an aversion to becoming pregnant this early in our relationship. I knew in my heart that someday I wanted to be a mother, but so soon? And how would Charlie feel? Was he even the type of guy who wanted the two point five kids and a white picket fence? I definitely needed to put a lid down on the worry that was bubbling up inside of me. I would just make sure that I kept an eye on when my period was due and go from there before I jump to any drastic conclusions.

  Then he had to go and say the sweetest thing that I’ve ever heard.

  Forget poems and love songs, all I needed were Charlie’s heartfelt words.

  Words that ran so deep, they were engraved on his soul.

  His favorite place to be was in my heart.

  I would take three lifetimes of having felt no love just to feel Charlie’s during one of those. I honestly never thought that I, Margaret Walker, would find my soul mate, my complete heart. If this was a dream, then I hoped I never woke up.

  The distinct sound of a horn violently honking startled me out of my love struck stupor, only to make me realize that I had been daydreaming while sitting at a stoplight.

  Who seriously does that?

  Oh yeah, that’d be me. Hopeless daydreamer, party of one.

  I let up off of the brakes and eased onto the gas pedal, continuing on my way to the hospital.

  Which brought me to the phone call that interrupted our little shower rendezvous and had me super excited.

  Emmalynne was finally in labor.

  Sally, who was my new boss over the Labor and Delivery Unit, called in a panic because Emmy had the entire department in an uproar. Apparently being five days overdue was enough of a reason for Emmy to go postal on anyone and everyone she came in contact with. She was actually going to the extent of not letting anyone touch her unless it was me.

  I just knew it was going to be one helluva long day!

  I pulled into an open parking space in the hospital lot and prepared myself for the day ahead.

  I was still pretty new in the Labor and Delivery Unit, but I had most of the ins and outs down. This transition was a shock to everyone, but it was completely for the best. Between my working sixteen hour shifts and Charlie working nights at the bar, our time together was pretty much nonexistent. And truth be told, Emmy kinda persuaded me as well.

  My decision to switch departments was ultimately the right one. To help bring life into this world was…


  To see the new mom’s faces light up when getting to hold their bundle of joy for the first time, was utterly awe inspiring, the instalove casting over their features like a wondrous glow.

  It was astonishing to witness, and if I were to be completely honest, it was also a bit sad as well. Why did my mom lack that instant love feeling when she had me? Or if she actually did have that, what caused everything to change?

  Same goes for Toby, why did his parents stick their noses up at him all because his sexual preferences were different?

  They thought he wasn’t ‘normal!’

  I definitely wanted to know what their definition of ‘normal’ consisted of because apparently they had it all wrong. But that was a can of worms for a different time.

  Walking down the hallways towards the L&D’s nurse’s station so I could put away my things, I heard a loud commotion. A woman was screeching and although her words were incoherent, I could tell that she was in definite pain.

  Surely that wasn’t Emmalynne?

  I heard things being possibly thrown at the wall and then a frantic Grady come stumbling out of the L&D suite, as if the room were on fire.

His face was haggard and rough and his forehead was creased with worry. He looked like hell, and that was putting it nicely. He glanced up and noticed me as I began moving a little faster to put my purse away. The very second his eyes met mine, I saw him visibly sigh in relief. His shoulders slumped forward as he walked to the counter and banged his head against the cool laminate.

  He took his time rising back up, and when he did he actually looked like he had aged ten years.

  “Thank God you are here, Maggie!” He pointed to the room which still had obscenities being poured from within the confines. “The woman in there looks like my Emmy Lou but that’s it. What vile, awful things that are passing through her lips are NOT things my Emmy Lou would say to me. She has me sweating profusely and frankly she is scaring the shit out of me. So it’s a damn good thing you are here. Please hurry in there and bring back my sweet Emmy Lou! Oh and a healthy baby!” he pleaded as if I were some apparent miracle worker.

  Stowing my purse away, I rushed towards the room. I’d heard stories about women being in so much pain that they morph into being hateful because it was so excruciating. But I’d never witnessed one of those cases, until now that is. I guess I had about point five seconds to grow a thicker skin. It was one thing to have a stranger jump down your throat, but it was another when it was your friend.

  I just had to remember that it was the pain talking.

  I paused just outside of the door and took one last glance back at Grady. The apology that was written all over his face was unmistakable. He felt sorry for me which meant that things were clearly much worse than I initially imagined. He wasn’t blowing things out of proportion.

  I looked down at my scrub uniform and thought a suit of armor would’ve been much more suitable, but it was too late now.

  I took once last deep breath and said a quick prayer, because…

  I was going in.

  Walking into the room, I immediately saw Sally and the relief etched on her face when she noticed me walk in.

  “What took you so long?” she whisper shouted at me. Em had her totally freaked out as well.

  Emmy - 2

  Everyone else - 0

  I glanced down at the watch I always wore to work, and noticed it had only been twenty-five minutes since she had called. Pretty good timing if you asked me, since I live about seven minutes from the hospital, and my shift didn’t actually start for another twenty minutes.

  I couldn’t say that my appearance was very polished, as my hair was still damp and just thrown up in a knot on top of my head, and I hadn’t even had enough time to put my contacts in.

  “I was in the shower when you called, thank you very much!” I whisper yelled back to her. I normally wouldn’t have spoken up at all let alone back talked, but I was already to the point to where I was frazzled as well.

  The tension in this room was so extremely thick that you needed a frigging chainsaw to be able to slice through it.

  I knew this was my first belligerent case, but you’d think that at least one of these nurses would know how to handle the situation, and that apparently was not the case.

  Emmy’s eyes, hidden within her purple framed glasses, suddenly appeared from behind her Kindle and she immediately perked up.

  “Maggie!” she screeched, tossing her Kindle aside as if it weren’t one of her most prized possessions, which I knew differently.

  I took a tentative step forward, not knowing what was going to come next. I made sure that I could see the door out of the corner of my eye, and hoped it stayed clear so I could make a run for it if things should turn hairy.

  “Thank goodness you are here. I wasn’t going to start pushing this baby girl out until a nurse I knew and trusted was here to help!”

  Wowsers, high maintenance much? Grady was right, this wasn’t the Emmalynne we all knew and loved. But then again she didn’t act like she was on the verge of starting World War III either.

  “Now that Maggie is here, will you allow us to do our job?” Sally impatiently, muttered. There were dozens of other women on this floor, so spending an unwarranted amount of time in Emmy’s room was taking precious time away from the other new mothers to be.

  The guilt from not arriving here sooner hit me tenfold. I cursed myself for having unnecessary daydreams which would’ve taken about five minutes off of my commute.

  I busied myself getting various things read for the baby’s arrival and started Emmy’s IV. Her OB was in to see how far she had progressed which was when Grady finally appeared back in from the hallway.

  Em’s contractions were getting worse, but she still refused pain medication, and it would still be a little while before baby Finnegan would be making her appearance.

  I slipped out in to the hallway to get away from the intensity of Em’s birthing suite, only to find Tucker lingering around the nurses station.

  I had met him a few times, but hadn’t really gotten a chance to talk with him much. His brow was furrowed and you could see the worry etched on his face as he appeared to be deep in thought.

  I walked up beside him and asked, “Whatcha thinking about Tuck?”

  He let out a small gasp, he was so deep in his thoughts that he hadn’t even seen me approach.

  “Oh hey Maggie. How is my mom? I heard her yelling earlier, then Grady came out and he looked a little freaked. Is everything ok, is my sister alright?” His countless questions left him breathless.

  I placed my hand on his shoulder, trying to reassure him, “Calm down Tucker, everyone and everything is fine. Your mom is just in some pain and it’s making her pretty grouchy.

  His breath whooshed out of his mouth, as he relaxed at hearing my explanation that everything would be alright. It was extremely endearing to see that he was so worried about his mom and sister.

  “Where is your grandpa?” Emmy’s dad, Sam and Tucker were best buds. They did everything together.

  “He is back in the waiting room. I just needed to do some thinking.”

  I flinched and tried to quickly recover, I needed to remember that Tucker was in fact still a kid, even though he acted much older than his ten years. I took him down to the lounge and bought him a drink and directed him to sit at the lone, vacant table. Hopefully I could encourage him to open up to me and get what he needed to off of his chest.

  I didn’t need to fret because he started talking almost immediately. “Maggie, do you think Grady will love the new baby more than me since I’m not really his son?” I could tell that he was nervous for what my response would be, so I really needed to choose my words carefully.

  It broke my heart to hear that he would even think that.

  “Tucker, I know for a fact that Grady loves you very much and to him and everyone else, you are his son. I honestly don’t believe for one second that he would treat you or your sister any differently from one another. His love for the both of you will be exactly the same. That’s the thing with parents, it doesn’t matter if they have one or five children they love each and every one of them just the same.”

  He shrugged his shoulders while fiddling with the tab on the top of his soda can, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Don’t get me wrong I love Grady so much, but it just makes me sad that my real dad wasn’t really there for me when he was alive.”

  Oh boy could I relate with him on having a shitty dad. Bryce Morgan, was Tucker’s real dad and apparently from what I’ve heard, a real asshole. He was killed in a car accident when Tucker was four, which was also the same accident that left Emmalynne with a shattered leg. Bryce was the reason that Emmy used to have such low self-esteem, but thanks to Grady, he had changed all of that. I was so glad that Tucker had Grady, who willingly stepped up to the plate to be an amazing father to Tucker. He was absolutely wonderful and some other dads needed to take a few lessons from him.

  “Maggie?” He seemed a bit apprehensive, I supposed there was more on his mind.

  “Yeah, Tuck?”

  “Do you think I’ll be a good big brother?”
br />   “Absolutely,” I didn’t even hesitate in answering that question. His face immediately perked up. “You want to know how I know?”

  He vigorously shook his head yes. “Because you cared enough to ask about it. That you were worried about it, tells me you will be an amazing big brother, the best ever.

  Just make sure that since you are considerably older, that you will look out for her and make sure that no one hurts her. And don’t fight with her or pick on her too much. You’ll have to do it every once in a while just to keep your parents on their toes.” I gave him a quick wink and moved to stand up so I could take him back down to his grandpa.

  “Let’s get you back, I need to make sure your mom hasn’t caused anymore uproars.” I chuckled as I led him back through the halls.

  Emmalynne and Grady were really lucky parents. Tucker was sweet as could be and so well behaved. I would consider myself lucky, if I had a child even half as great as Tucker. He was considerate, thoughtful, and just an all-around great kid.

  I left him with Sam and went back into Em’s room.

  “I saw you were talking to Tuck, everything ok?” Grady asked, coming to stand beside me just inside the room. The doctor was currently checking Em to see how far her cervix had dilated, so she wasn’t paying us one bit of attention.

  “Yeah, everything is fine. He was worried that when the baby came if you were going to love him any less, since technically he isn’t your son.” I noticed him open his mouth to speak, but I quickly cut him off so I could finish what I was saying. “I told him that he had absolutely nothing to worry about and that you are his dad in every sense of the word. He is lucky to have you Grady.”

  He looked at me sheepishly as if he were almost a bit embarrassed. “That’s where you’re wrong, I am the lucky one. Always have been.” He looked up at Emmy and just the love and adoration that was shown in his eyes was almost enough to make me cry.

  Loud commotion came from the hallway, when the door opened and a very pissed off Toby appeared. He stormed in through the door, his chest heaving up and down as his breathing was irregular.


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