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Dracula's Kiss

Page 3

by JoAnne Kenrick

  He wanted to sink his teeth into her and begin a feeding frenzy right there and then, but he couldn’t. Not yet. Not without the blindfold. Not when he craved her so badly. He couldn’t take the chance of her seeing his cat-like stare glowing in the darkness. He had to control himself or get her bound ASAP. She couldn’t find out about his secret. The less she knew about him the better. One night. That was the deal.

  “Fuck it.” She pivoted to face him and ripped at the dress, revealing two very beautiful breasts with rosy nipples pointing straight at him. She removed a broach from the neckline of her dress. He remembered her wearing it on Halloween; a cheap, costume piece. Once she had folded out the pin, she took it to her cleavage and trailed it along the surface of her skin just above her left breast. She kept going until she made an inch long scrape, and blood trickled. Red, thick, and acidic in scent. Alec couldn’t take his sight off her offering.

  “We’ve both provided healthy blood tests, so let’s do it.” She licked her lips. “I’ve always wanted someone to drink my blood...will you do it? I’ll drink yours, too, if you want me to.”

  Alec grabbed her wrist before she had a chance to bring down the point to his skin.

  “No, I don’t want ye tae.”

  “I thought you wanted this?”

  “I do, but yer not biting got that? That isn’t in the deal.”

  “Testy.” Cathela moved back a step. She seemed pissed off, and he couldn’t have that. He moved, maybe a little faster than he should have, and wrapped his arms around her so her breasts pressed into his chest. Before she could protest, he bent and licked her open wound. The instant his mouth met with her chest, she went limp in his arms. He supported her and his lapping was replaced by a gentle suckle. Before he knew it, he had no control over his hunger and he fed from her sweet taste of copper and licorice. Thick particles of Cathela dripped down his throat, filing his body with her sensual desires and nutrients. His cock, already sprung for action, told him to fuck this woman senseless. It’d been so long since his feeding had turned into sexual pleasure.

  He ripped her dress the rest of the way down the front and knelt to kiss her on her flat stomach. He loved the way his lips bounced off her smooth skin, and the scent of her arousal wafted toward him, begging him to keep at it.

  He paused, concerned he might be overwhelming her. “Is this okay?”


  Her comment made him chuckle.

  He ripped her panties off with a force he knew she’d enjoy. What a sight. She’d gone Brazilian on him. He dove straight to her swollen lips and licked her up. The murmuring sounds of pleasure she made edged him to keep going. He’d almost forgotten the taste of a woman and pushed further into her sex, moving his face side to side while his tongue pleasured her clit and his chin dug into her entrance. She gripped his shoulders, her long nails sinking into his skin, and she cried out for more. Seconds later, her pussy clenched and she creamed in his mouth. He lapped at her, savoring everything she had given him, then licked his lips.

  In his hurry to please, he had forgotten one major thing. He hadn’t blindfold her yet. Panic settled in. He had to think of something. His sight keener and his senses sharpened, he knew he had turned.

  “Where’d you learn to—”

  “Drink? I’ve got everything we need tae make Dracula’s Kiss. Want me tae make ye one?” He turned his back to her, using the cocktail as an excuse to hide his face. He knew his vampire side was screaming to come out and play because his skin had become taut around his bone structure. He focused on calming himself, lulling his cock to settle down so he could return to his human appearance.

  “Hmmm, yes. I’d like Dracula to kiss me, please.” She ran a hand across his back, her touch gentle and loving. “Would you like some help?”

  “Why don’t ye get comfortable on the bed, I’ve got this covered.”

  Cathela tsked and backed away.

  “I’m not done with ye yet. But a drink first. Ye still seem a little tense.” Alec went about making her a drink, his hands shaking as he tried to calm himself.

  “Okay.” Her tone suggested she wasn’t happy, but still, she stepped toward the bed, her tread soft and slow which relaxed him, giving him more precious time to become Alec again.

  Chapter Three

  “Where have you been all my life?”

  “Right here, Cathela, I’ve been right here.”

  “You live in Cruden Bay?”

  “Erm, no. I mean, I’ve always been around. Ye understand? I’m going tae bathe and I wonder if ye’d care tae join me?”

  Nice avoidance, Mister.

  Alec slipped out of his clothes then paraded the hotel room, naked, like he wore the finest designer suit. Confident and proud. And he had every reason to be proud. She twisted her neck so she could cop an eyeful of his complete glory. His butt, tight and full. His legs as muscular as a rugby player’s. His torso ripped with a most beautiful six-pack. And she had to take a second...maybe a third...glance at his dick. Talk about hung like a donkey.

  “Would I care to join you? You’re such a gentlemen. I didn’t expect that. Not from a man on a one-night stand.”

  “I wouldn’t know because I’ve never had a one-night stand with a man before. Have ye?”

  “And funny, too.”

  “So, bath?”

  “If you’re so insistent on having a bath right now, why don’t you jump in while I get undressed?”

  He strutted into the marble encased bathroom. She considered herself a very lucky woman at that moment; a hot guy ready to do as she asked and a luxurious hotel room to smother her in lush riches. Yes, that’s lucky. Cathela slipped out of the remains of her ripped dress then slumped back on the huge bed, the mattress dipping with her weight. She slid her stockings off, enjoying the feel of the skimpy material and how it brushed at her smooth legs. Naked at last, she made her way to the bathroom but paused at the open doorway to flick her hair into place and check herself out in her nakedness. She removed her glasses, thinking they didn’t match the sexy goddess image she wanted. The world became fuzzy, like the “romantic lens” soap operas gave older actresses.

  Not bad. Here’s hoping he agrees.

  She rounded the door and found him up to his neck in bubbles and steam from the hot water. He grinned and blew bath foam in her direction.

  “Water’s great, and check out the size of this...tub.” He winked.

  “Hmmm, looks good.”

  “Come on then, get in.”

  “I meant you, not the bath.”

  “Come on...I won’t bite unless ye ask me tae.”

  “Hotel soap makes my skin dry.”

  “Live a little.” Cathela shook her head. “How about ye get over here and sit next tae me, then, while I get cleaned up.”

  “Sure.” She pulled up a wooden chair and parked it next to the bath.

  He gave her a wet sponge. “I need some help.”

  “Be glad to.” She dipped the sponge in the warm water and raised it over his chest before squeezing out the excess. With tentative care, she washed his chest, over his shoulders, and down his back. The water trickling down every ripple and curve of his six-pack mesmerized her. He shifted his weight and closed his eyes.

  Time to get more intimate. She dared to venture under the water and wiped the sponge over his thick, engorged shaft and around his balls, squeezing and applying pressure so she could feel him through the thick barrier. He moaned and leaned back in the bath, his legs spread wide. That was her cue to use her hand instead. Up and down, around and across. He grunted and grabbed hold of her wrist, guiding her motion and tightening her hold on him. One more long, slow stroke and he shot his delight into the warm water.

  Cathela reached over the tub to kiss him but he threw his arms up and pushed her away, making a huge splash and soaking her.

  “Go tae the bedroom, now!” He threw his arms up and covered his face, his tone demanding and panicked.

  “Go and put the blindfold on.”


  “Don’t question me, damn it. Do as yer told and trust me.” His voice softened a little. “I’ll make it worth yer while.”

  “Fine.” She had no idea what the hell had happened, but his commanding tone excited her and reminded her of the interlude they’d shared in the dungeon. She raced to the bed and caressed the exquisite crochet of the lace covering.

  “Isn’t the point of a blindfold to deprive my sight? I’ll still be able to see through this!” With what little I can see without my glasses that is. She placed it over her face to test it out. Sure enough, she could see through the flimsy material, black mesh filtering her sight. She could still make out her surroundings, just, but if this was the game Alec wanted, she’d play along.

  “Is it on?”

  “Yes.” She put a loose knot in the back and waited for him, assuming what she hoped was an alluring pose, propped up on an elbow.

  Alec moved toward her.

  “Cuff me, big boy.” She chuckled, got up on her knees, and crossed her wrists.

  “When I’m ready.” He climbed onto the bed and set about fixing the lace over her head. Double, no triple, knotting it.

  “Turn around.”

  “Yes, Master.” She obeyed without pause or thought.

  “That’s right. I’m yer master tonight. And ye had better do as I tell ye.”

  “Of course, Master,” she cooed, moving to touch his mouth, but before she reached her planned destination he grabbed her wrists and tied them together with the silk binding. He pushed her so she fell back on the bed. The mattress bounced with the force, lifting her for a second, before cradling her body. She let out a squeal.

  “Ye do as yer told.” The harsh tone of his voice sent waves of pleasure to her sex and made her moist with excitement. She wanted to reach out and touch him, to pull him to her. But she was bound by silk and her commanding lover.

  “Touch me, Alec.” She couldn’t see his facial expression too well through the mesh veil, but she could have sworn he smiled. He forced her legs open and let out a guttural sound of pleasure before nipping the mound above her sex. The sensation of pain and pleasure made her wriggle and moan. First, a piercing of penetration from his teeth? Oh hells to the yes. Then he licked her swollen folds, his teeth still locked on her flesh. She wanted to grasp the bed sheets, to grab his hair, but only had her voice to use. She screamed. Loud and piercing.

  He withdrew and laughed. “Ye like that?”


  “No, ye don’t get tae order me about. Shush, or ye’ll have the guests in the next room phoning the front desk with talk of maritals or murder.” He kissed her stomach, his touch cold and exciting, then her breast and her hard-as-rock nipples. Next he found her belly button with his tongue, which sent her into a fever of need and complete surrender. She belonged to him in that moment, with neither need nor desire to make any decisions or plan ahead. Tiny muscle spasms tickled around her tummy and settled in her clit. He stopped and she heard sounds of ripping. Condom?

  “Hurry up.”

  “Be patient,” he growled.

  Before she could beg for more, he sank his teeth into her neck and entered her in the exact same moment. No easing into her, no teasing; the length of him filled her. No more thinking. No more crying out for more. Pure bliss. His thrusts were needy, goal oriented, and powerful. The pull of her blood leaving her body and entering his mouth as he fed from her artery sent her into a frenzy. Before she even registered how fantastic it felt, her body bucked beneath his and rocked into an exhilarating orgasm. Not long after her spasms lulled, he ejaculated against her G-spot. The sensation warmed her and sent her sex into another explosion of mini contractions. Lightheaded, like she’d drunk one too many, she nearly passed out from the power of her enjoyment.

  Cathela stirred from what felt like a deep sleep. She opened her eyelids. For a second, she had forgotten where she was and why her world had been filtered with black flowers and dots. Then she remembered. Alec. Best orgasm ever. And a blindfold. She tugged it off and spun, hoping he still slept beside her. Deep in slumber, he lay still and peaceful. She slipped the cotton sheet over the pair of them and snuggled into his chest, hoping to use his heartbeat as a way to fall asleep. She heard nothing and moved her hand around, but found no beat whatsoever. And his skin under her palm was so cold.

  I must still be dreaming because vampires aren’t real.

  Chapter Four

  The sky brightened with tones of oranges and pinks, warning their night would finish soon and a new day would begin. Alec grasped the velvet curtain and cursed under his breath. “Just one date, Alec. Don’t get attached.”

  “What did you say?” She yawned, stretching her arms over her head.

  “Huh?” He snapped his sight across to Cathela, a beautiful vision, naked and sleepy-eyed. He wanted nothing more than to wrap her in his arms and spend the next twelve or so hours sleeping by her side. But he couldn’t do that. Another night with her and he’d be hooked in, wanting to spend the end of days with her. Never had he met a woman with such willingness to please not only him but herself, too.

  “Nothing. I just said it was time tae go.” He let the curtain fall back into place, covering up the impending daylight, and slunk into the bathroom to get dressed.

  “Check out isn’t until eleven. We could order breakfast. I’m starved.” Before he had even pulled his shirt over his head, she climbed out of bed and put on her glasses. She smiled then skipped to his side; bouncy, irresistible, and still very naked. The soft skin of her plump ass tempted a spanking. But he had to keep his hands to himself. Playtime had definitely finished.

  “Yes, ye would be hungry. I must have drained ye near dry. I’ve already put an order in for a full English breakfast. It’ll be here at nine.” He turned his back to block her out of sight and out of mind. But the mirror before him ended those hopes. She slithered close to him and wrapped her arms around his chest, peering around him and toward the polished surface.

  Shit, forgot about that little detail. No more subtle candlelight to distract her, either.

  “No reflection?” She stepped back, and a little gasp escaped her. He wanted to turn, to hold her in his arms and explain it to her in every little detail, but panic had grasped hold of him and he didn’t know how to say it without hurting her feelings. He hated that he’d lied to her. Hated it.

  “I guess not.” Get out, get out while you can. Before you spill the beans and feel even closer to her. Get out.


  Shit. Shit. Shit. He rushed into his pants and threw on some socks. Anything and everything to keep him busy, and to stop him from seeing her beautiful, stunned face.

  “Alec, talk to me? What’s going on?”

  “I’d have thought that was obvious. I’ve gotta go. It’s been fun.” It’s been fun? Oh, nice, way to hurt her feelings, jerk-off.

  “No way, you’re not going anywhere until I hear you say it. Go on, say it.”

  Say it? Say what? Oh…. “Vampire?”

  “So you admit it? But what about the blood tests we did for 1Night Stand? How did you manage that?”

  “A friend helped me out.”

  “I see. Are there more like you? And does this friend know about your condition?” She moved away from him, horror—no, betrayal—in her eyes.

  “Condition? Ye mean does he know I’m a bloodsucker? Yes, he does. And yes, there are others like me.”

  “Creature of the that why you didn’t want me to see or feel you when you were feeding from me. Because you didn’t want me to see your face? Is it bad when you turn? I mean, really? Is it?” She reached out and ran her soft touch over his cheeks, caressing him like a mother would a sick child. “I bet it’s not that bad. Will you show me?”

  “Cathela, no.” He had to get out of there. He used his speed to his advantage and in a blink he stood at the door that led into the hallway.
r />   “Alec, please don’t go. Not yet. Please.” She chased after him, making his escape not so guilt-free. Wide-eyed, she stared at him. Just the way she’d looked at the Halloween Ball. How could he leave her in that state? “Why me?”

  He grasped the doorknob. “I have to go.”

  “Just answer me, please? Why did you pick me that night?”

  “I picked ye out long before then, and I didn’t choose ye. Ye chose me. Ye were lost, and I saw myself in ye. After watching ye for months, I gatecrashed yer party and pretended to be a barman for a chance tae talk tae ye. I followed ye down tae the dungeons tae make sure ye were okay. That’s all I was meant tae do, but....” He sighed and opened the door while keeping his sight locked on the carpet. “I never expected ye would feel the same way about me, that ye’d have the same desires that I have for ye.”

  “Will I ever see you again?”

  “Probably not.”


  “I can’t, Cathela. I can’t risk getting tae close tae ye. It wouldn’t be fair. Or safe.”

  “I can take care of myself. Please stay, Alec. For the first time in years I feel alive, and that’s down to you.”

  “And how long do ye think ye would stay alive if we spent any longer together? If we fell in love? I’m immortal, Cathela, and can never grow old with you.” He opened the door, his heart heavy and aching. It had been so long since he’d felt such a connection to another being, and it hurt. He had no idea a vampire could have such feelings without a heart. “Day approaches. I must leave. But thank ye. Thank ye for a wonderful evening. I shall never forget it, or ye.”

  Confused, he was caught off guard when she slid between him and the door and blocked his escape. She kissed him, soft, lovingly. “Please stay, Alec. Have breakfast with me, and spend the day sleeping with me. I can love you. I want to love you. I think I already do.”


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