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Trust Game

Page 9

by Wolfe, Scarlet

  “Sure. Um, Kyle, can we finish discussing this in the morning?”

  “No problem. I have plenty to work on since we’ve been tied up with this all day.” He’s out of the chair and moving past Everett, who barely leaves him room to get by. What’s up his ass?

  It is a fine one, so I stare at it as I follow him down the hallway. “What did you need?” I ask after shutting his door.

  “You were blushing.”

  “Uh, OK, and why does that concern you?”

  His gaze is possessive as he takes hold of my chin.

  “I can recall what I’ve said and done to make you turn red, so I have a feeling I won’t like whatever it is he said to make you blush.”

  “You need to ease up. I’ve known you one week today. I don’t have to tell you what he said, but I will tell you that he wasn’t hitting on me.”

  “We’re long passed one week, and you know it.”

  “You’re right. We have shared a hell of a lot in one week, so let this go. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “I’m not worried. I don’t like it is all.”

  I sigh some of my tension away.

  “Are you always this exhausting?”

  “I should’ve given you my condition when this all began. I won’t share you, Reese.”

  “You’re intense.”

  “And you love it.” His lips land on mine, his tongue pushing its way in as he cups my face, holding it firmly to his. Damn, he’s a good kisser.

  Skillfully and commandingly, his tongue takes possession, and like every other time, I concede, incapable of resisting the drugging effect he has on me. I’m anchored to our kiss when he pulls his lips away and leans his forehead to mine.

  “You’re making me feel alive but also irrational.” His breaths are sharp and uneven as his thumbs skim my cheeks. “I can’t see you tonight.”

  “Why?” I ask.

  “The guys in the shop somehow managed to put two bikes in worse shape than they were when they came in for repair. That never happens, so a few of them are staying, along with me, until they get them right. I think they partied too much this weekend.”

  “It’s been a long few days for me, anyway. I need rest.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says before kissing my forehead and hugging me, sharing those damn emotions again. Lustful Everett is enough to handle, but when he becomes sweet, I want to run the other way.


  “Why the fuck are you guys standing around?” I ask when I walk into the shop.

  “Chill, bro. We’re waiting for a couple of parts to get here, and they won’t be delivered until six-thirty,” Roman replies. “I told you I had this covered.”

  “Obviously not, or this wouldn’t have happened in the first place.”

  “Guys, why don’t you go grab dinner? Make sure you’re back by six,” Roman says, looking to the three guys standing around doing jack shit. After they exit one of the bays, he points at me.

  “Ev, we’re all human and make mistakes. Very few are made out here, so you need to calm the fuck down.”

  I blow out a breath. “You’re right, and I’m sorry.” Running a hand through my hair, I stroll over to inspect the motorcycles.

  “You were in a great mood last week. Where the hell did it go?” he asks.

  “I’m fine.”

  “No, you’re not. Does this have anything to do with that attractive woman walking to her car?”

  My head snaps toward the parking lot, which I can see from the open bay. There Reese is, getting into her Volkswagen.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “Shut the hell up. I can’t talk about it.”

  “Why not?”

  “I promised I wouldn’t, that’s why.”

  “I’m your brother, and I’m not going to say shit to anyone.”

  “That’s a load of crap. I know you told Sarge something was up with me.”

  Sighing, he takes a seat on a stool and pulls a cigarette from his pocket.

  “Those are bad for you.”

  “If you gave me a dollar every time you said that to me, I’d be fucking rich enough to say, ‘I quit this damn job.’ Now, tell me what’s up with you and that Reese, or at least share why you’re in a pissy mood.”

  “I can’t stay away from her. I know I don’t need to be here tonight, but if I’m not here, I’ll be trying to see her.”

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  “It’s too much too soon, and I’m getting this uneasy feeling that she’s not going to reciprocate. You know I’ve never been one to date around. It almost always turns into more for me.”

  “None of us have liked dating. Well, except for the little shit. Travis’s generation is different, or at least, he’s different. He’s never with a woman long enough to call it dating.”

  I exhale a deep breath, attempting to rid myself of the loneliness that creeps back in when Reese isn’t near.

  “Look, I respect that you don’t want to be out screwing any female who moves, but I also don’t want you to get serious with her only so you don’t have to go out and date. Sarge and I married young, and it’s worked out, but you weren’t as lucky the first go around.”

  “My marriage wasn’t that bad.”

  “It’s been over two years, Ev. Time to admit the truth. Your marriage was a divorce waitin’ to happen.”

  I throw a finger out at him.

  “Don’t fucking go there.”

  He holds his hands up in front of him, his cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth. I swear I’m terrified his heart is going to explode sooner than our father’s did.

  “Alright, I won’t talk about her. I will say that I’m glad you’re healing and ready to move on. Sarge says Reese seems tough and independent, not a whiner expecting to be treated like a queen.”

  He’s talking about Krystal again. My family couldn’t stand her. I tried my hardest to get her on their good side, but she’d mess it up every time. It didn’t help that my brothers worked with her and witnessed first-hand the way she carried on.

  I thought I was giving her a comfortable life, but it was never enough for her. She didn’t even have to work, but she wanted more money.

  It was always about the future and what she could gain. She couldn’t live in the present and enjoy what we had for five flippin’ minutes.

  “Reese isn’t Krystal, but I haven’t had time to figure her all out yet,” I say.

  “It’s only been a week, little brother. Give it time.”

  “That’s the problem; I don’t have much time. I can’t go into it. I told her I wouldn’t, so until she says otherwise, that’s all you’re getting out of me, and you need to keep it to yourself.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Bro, wait until you see who Reese hired,” Travis says with a grin. “She’s hot. Another chick to look at instead of nothin’ but ugly dudes.”

  “Leave her alone,” I say as I go behind the counter.

  “Yeah, because we know you’re leaving Reese alone.”

  I can’t argue that. “How’s business?”

  “Great this week. Tell Punch Bug we’re so busy that she needs to hire a beautiful chick to work up here with me at the counter.”

  I pick up the stack of mail and sift through it.

  “I thought you were trying to get with her sister?”

  “I am, but I don’t know how that’s going to play out, so I have to keep my options open. She’s letting me take her out Friday night.”

  My eyes flash up to his. “Don’t dick her over. Do you hear me?”

  “Chill, bro.”

  Holding the mail up, I point the stack toward him.

  “Listen to me, Trav. Don’t fuck her and take a walk. If you don’t think you can treat her differently, then stay away from her.”

  Travis’s grin fades, and he looks as if I punched him in the gut. “Why don’t you say how you really feel about me?”

; A customer walks up, so I holler at Franklin to wait on him. “Trav, I’m sorry, but I can only go by what you say, and all you ever do is brag about all the girls you bang.”

  “Alright, that’s fair. I have slept with a lot of girls, but the truth is, when I say it’s over because she wanted more, it’s the other way around.” Travis looks away from me and fidgets with some papers.

  “A lot of girls nowadays only want sex. They don’t want a relationship in college. It would actually be awesome and surprising to find one who does.”

  I eye him speculatively as he scratches his blonde hair and continues to nervously shuffle papers. He might’ve been hatched from the same nest after all.

  “Besides, looks only get you so far. As soon as they hear I want to stay at Casteel after graduation, they aren’t too interested. They don’t take the time to see what we’ve built here.”

  In less than ten minutes, I realize I haven’t been spending enough time alone with Trav. He lost his dad young, so his brothers should be talking to him more outside of work, giving him guidance, and not only over beers at the local bars.

  The kid works full-time, arranging his classes around this place. I wrap my arm around his shoulder.

  “I’m proud of you, and Dad would be, too.”

  Trav smiles. “You think?”

  “He already was so I know.”

  “Thanks, bro.”

  Stepping outside the counter, I turn to him.

  “I’ll find out from Reese what sort of stuff Becca likes.”

  “Thanks that would be awesome.” His cocky grin returns, and my baby brother made my morning. He’s gonna be alright.

  Reaching the hallway, I see that Reese’s door is shut. I notice a pretty girl next to Kyle in his office, and it appears he’s training her. He looks happy about it. Maybe he’ll pursue her and leave Becca alone so Trav has a chance.

  I enter my office, and as I walk around my desk, I see a wrapped gift in my chair. It’s in black paper and has a white bow on it. Who is buying me gifts? I hear snickering, so I look up and see some of the guys from the shop crowded at my doorway. Roman is one of them, and Travis has tagged along.

  “Did you assholes leave this?”

  They pile in but stay close to the door.

  “He’s calling us assholes when we were kind enough to pitch in and buy him a present,” Roman says before glancing around at the guys and chuckling.

  “Bro, if you keep an open mind, this could be life changing,” Travis says.

  I look down at the gift. “At least it’s not big enough to be another blow up doll.” Humoring them, I open it and find a book.

  “Assholes. Every one of you.” They all burst into laughter.

  “Dating for Dummies.”

  “It’s the latest edition, bro. The chicks are freakier these days, so we felt you needed the most up to date information,” Travis adds before glancing to the door, “especially if you’re going to seduce the sexy independent type like the one down the hall.”

  “Shut up before she hears you, and get the hell out of my office.” Each of them laugh at my expense again before leaving. I flip the book over and read the back. I wonder if there is a chapter on independent women. What am I doing? Assholes.

  I toss it inside a drawer of my desk. How humiliating it would be if Reese discovered it. After I’m sure the guys have cleared the area, I stroll down to her office and give her door a tap before opening it.

  “Head up, buttercup.” Taking a glimpse at me, she smiles before her forehead is scrunched, her nose close to the reports in front of her.

  “Everything OK?” I ask.

  Sighing, she glances back up. “Yeah, sorry. I’m working on the taxes. There is a big piece to the puzzle missing, and I’m trying to put it together. What was all the noise?”

  “Uh, the guys being their obnoxious selves. Let me know if we need to go over anything.”

  “Like yesterday?” she asks in a low voice.

  Shutting her door, I lean back against it.

  “It’s Thursday, Reese. I haven’t been with you since Saturday, and longer since I’ve had the pleasure of being inside you. I’m sorry if I was distracted.”

  “We can’t afford to be distracted over this.” She seems stressed this morning and annoyed with me. I don’t like it one damn bit.

  “If you hadn’t avoided me the last two nights, I might not have gotten carried away during office hours.”

  Leaning back in her chair, she stares at the ceiling and releases a loud breath.

  “Everett, I didn’t agree to have sex with you a set number of nights per week.”

  “I thought you wanted this. Actually, it was your idea,” I say through grated teeth.

  “We shouldn’t get accustomed to spending a ton of time together since it’s temporary.”

  Walking over to the front of her desk, I slam my palms onto it. Startled, she snaps her head down to look at me. “Stop with the fucking schedule. You were letting go with me, so I’m not allowing you to put the damn wall back up. Why can’t you enjoy what’s happening?”

  She stares at me blankly, and it’s making me furious. “Speak up, buttercup. I’m not a mind reader.”

  “Why are you getting so angry?”

  “Because avoiding me is not what you want.”

  “How do you know what I want?”

  “You’re keeping me at a distance because you get to be the true Reese when you’re with me, and it’s scaring the shit out of you.”

  Tears begin to fill her vivid green eyes before she averts her gaze.

  “I understand, Reese. I could’ve been with you Monday evening, but this need to be near you every second when I just met you overwhelmed me. I got past it though. You know why? Look at me, doll.”

  Her lip quivers as she gives back those tear soaked eyes. “We don’t know when the whistle blows and our game ends. Life can be short, and I’m making the fucking most of it from here on out. Stop playing it safe and live, fancy face.”

  “But you make it sound so easy. This …” she points back and forth between us, “could get complicated.”

  Reaching across her desk, I grip her arms and bring her forward before I kiss her passionately, taking what I want. I feed it to my soul, crowding out the loneliness.

  She only fights briefly before she’s fisting my hair and whimpering into my mouth. Like every time I have the privilege of tasting her, I reluctantly pull my lips away. Framing her face firmly, I give her a piercing stare.

  “Stop worrying about when this ends. You can’t tell me the thought hasn’t crossed your mind that it won’t.”

  I leave her office. This morning has already been a damn emotional roller coaster ride. I need to get the hell out of here, so I march into Sarge’s office.

  “Good morning, bro,” he says.

  “I have to leave. Can you handle things today?”

  “Uh, didn’t you just get here?”

  “I’m gonna do some field work. Jess said he’s all for airbrushing helmets, so I’m going to get the word out and hit up a few of our wealthier clients to see if I can entice them back in with another bike.”

  “Sure, no problem.” He continues to stare at me.


  “I know this has to do with her. When are you going to tell me about it?”

  “Am I entitled to any privacy in this family?”

  “Have it your way, but I’m here when you’re ready.”

  I storm from his office and out the front door as fast as possible. Reese holds the control today, but I’m only giving her a little time to wise her ass up before I take it back.


  “Can I speak to you for a few minutes?” I ask Sarge, standing at his doorway.

  “Sure, come on in.” He shuffles some papers around before he straightens and clasps his hands on the desk. “What’s up?”

  “This is getting into personal territory, and I wouldn’t normally discuss this kind of matter, but the ci
rcumstances here aren’t exactly normal.”

  Instantly, he seems uncomfortable.

  “Please tell me you’re not quitting. My brother is intense and demanding, but he’s honestly a great guy, so don’t let him bulldoze you outta here.”

  “No, I’m not quitting. I do, however, want to discuss Everett. This tax issue is a critical situation. I’m not going to sugar coat it. If not handled properly, it could shut you down, and Everett could even end up in jail.”

  Sarge sucks in a breath and falls back in his chair.

  “That serious, huh?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “The gentleman who worked here before you tried to tell us the same thing, but Ev wanted no part in listening, so the man left. He said he wasn’t getting involved in anything that could suck him into trouble.”

  “Well, this can’t be avoided any longer. One of the problems is that Everett can’t handle discussing it.” As quick as a wink, the ache between my legs is back, so I shift in my chair.

  The images of him touching me in his office yesterday, as I tried to discuss this with him, trample my mind. I feel the sensations all over again, from the way his hand skimmed under my skirt, and his mouth seared my throat.

  Fingers slipped into me and brought me to climax, prompting the spine-tingling pleasure to escape from my lungs. It was only momentarily before his mouth smothered my moans, his tongue ravishing mine, his arms holding me up in a possessive embrace.

  He loved it, getting to pleasure me. His eyes, hands and mouth absorbed it all like it was a life-changing experience.

  Each time we’re together sexually, he treats it as if he has given up his last penny to be a part of it. And that is what terrifies me.

  “Reese … Reese.”

  “Huh? Oh, I’m sorry. I got sidetracked. Um, like I was saying, Everett has trouble discussing that year. I’m aware it was a difficult time, due to his wife’s passing, so I hate bringing it up.”

  “Yes, he gets pretty defensive if we talk about Krystal.”

  “He will have to discuss some of it with me, but I was hoping I could ask you questions when it doesn’t have to concern him.”


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