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Smut for Chocoholics

Page 3

by Victoria Blisse

  “I met someone,” Deidra confided. “One of those tourists who are always passing by, taking photographs of us, calling us names.”

  “Sister Deidra!” Beryl reprimanded. “You know what Brother Jacob says about cavorting with outsiders. If you’ve been unchaste with a boy from beyond the community, you’ll never be saved.”

  “Oh, but it wasn’t a boy,” Deidra said, as though that were a proper defence. “Her name is Stella and she’s covered in tattoos. They’re all over her body. I’ve seen them! Oh Sisters, she’s the most lovely creature I’ve ever laid eyes on, and if I board our ark I’ll never see her again. Never!”

  Deidra fell into bed, sobbing wildly, her shoulders heaving as she wailed.

  “Quiet down or Sister Frances will be asking what you’re on about.” Mona stood from the bed and bundled the girl’s spare underthings into an apron. She felt as though she didn’t know Sister Deidra at all anymore, but her charitable spirit forced her to take care of community sisters. “Get out of bed. I need to wrap your clothing bundle in a blanket.”

  Sobbing, Deidra slipped off the bed and fell into Sister Beryl’s lap on the floor. Beryl seemed shocked, at first, to find Deidra’s face lodged against her thighs, but she settled in quickly, shushing the girl, petting her hair.

  “Come now, Sister.” Beryl looked beseechingly to Mona as she ripped apart Deidra’s bed. “It isn’t as bad as all that.”

  Mona was about to offer some consolation when her gaze fell to a dark strip under Deidra’s pillow. It was lace, and a very stretchy sort of lace.

  “Sister Deidra,” Mona said. “What is this?”

  Deidra looked up quickly, and snapped it out of Mona’s hand. “That’s none of your concern, Sister.”

  A flash of amusement crossed Beryl’s face and she shouted, “Its underpants!”

  “No,” Mona said. “It’s far too small.”

  Deidra hugged the lace close, and her cheeks went bright red. “It belongs to my Stella. It’s called a thong.”

  The strange precipitation fell harder against the roof, making splattering sounds the likes of which Mona had never heard. The muddy rain, or whatever it was, seemed to be coming down harder by the minute. If they waited much longer, they’d never make it to the ark.

  But Sister Beryl seemed oblivious to the weather as she tore the “thong” out of Deidra’s hands. “How does it work?” she asked, holding it against her apron.

  “Give that back,” Deidra shouted, snatching it from Beryl. “It still smells like her. It’s all I have.”

  Obviously Sister Deidra cared for this strange outsider. Perhaps Mona was being uncharitable in chastising the poor girl.

  “If you’re set on taking those frilly things with you, I’m afraid you’ll have to wear them,” Mona said. “Otherwise, Brother Jacob is certain to find them among your possessions, and who knows how he might react?”

  “He might even throw you overboard,” Sister Beryl said.

  Deidra looked between the two of them and gave in. “Yes, you’re right. Of course you’re right.”

  Slipping off her thick cotton underclothes, she pulled on the thong. Mona watched with great interest as the pretty young woman hitched the lace over her gentle bush of honey-coloured hair. Mona’s whole body trembled as black lace snapped against Deidra’s porcelain skin. Sister Beryl didn’t make a sound. The only response came from the strange rain pounding against the rooftop.

  “Are you ready to go?” Sister Frances called from downstairs.

  The three girls jumped. Mona’s heart raced as she called out, “Yes, Sister. We’re coming straight away.”

  “I can’t see the men in the woods anymore,” Frances shouted up the stairs. “I assume they’ve all taken refuge in the ark. This rain is coming down in droves.”

  Sister Deidra dropped her skirts, covering the lovely lace she had on underneath. Mona wasn’t done looking. She was truly fascinated by the way the thong disappeared into the crack of Deidra’s behind and hugged the front so tight. She’d never seen anything like it.

  “Take up your bundles, Sisters.” Mona tied hers tight with rope and hoisted it over her shoulders. “I have a suspicion it’s going to be awfully slippery outside.”

  “We’ll make our way across the clearing,” Sister Frances called as they stepped reluctantly down the stairs. “I’ve packed up the sausage and bread. We’ll have to take turns carrying the food.”

  “Yes, Sister Frances.” Mona nodded absently, unsure why she felt so defeated. It was more than just the fact of leaving the only home she’d ever known. Mona had a sinking feeling in her stomach, like she was about to do something that frightened her terribly.

  Mona glanced back as Deidra and Beryl descended the staircase, whispering and giggling together. What were they so pleased about? The underwear, most likely. They seemed giddy about it.

  “Are we ready to venture out in the falling mud?” Sister Frances asked as she opened the front door.

  “Lord Above!” Mona shrieked as the brown substance gushed across her shoes, painting a thick coat across the wooden floors. “We must get to the ark, Sisters. We’ll be drowned if we stay here much longer.”

  Wrapping their headscarves tighter around their hair, the young women set out into the harsh weather. Mona steeled herself against the droplets falling from the sky, but she was verily wrong in her assumptions. The drops were not cold and severe. They fell warm against her cheeks, and drizzled lightly down her face.

  “Feels nicer than I thought it would,” said Sister Beryl. “The weather’s lovely.”

  “Only, shield your eyes!” Sister Frances cried out. “Hurts like the devil when you get a drop in there, let me tell you!”

  Beryl and Deidra tramped behind, laughing ferociously while Mona and Frances carried on ahead, each clutching one handle of the great food hamper.

  “Wait, wait!” Mona begged. “Oh, I do apologize, Sister Frances, but my hand is slipping against the wicker.”

  “Let’s set it down for a moment. Perhaps our sister-friends will take up the task,” Frances proposed, though they were hardly past the front yard. “What say you, girls? Will you help out your elders?”

  Sister Frances always took on this matronly air, even though she was only two years older than Mona. Mona, in turn, was nearly two years the senior of Deidra and Beryl, but she didn’t act so superior. They were peers, all four of them. No sense in creating silly hierarchies.

  “Yes, Sister Fra...” Deidre sputtered when a glob of the strange rain landed in her mouth. She wiped her lips with the back of her hand, but the poor girl was covered in the mysterious glistening substance. Suddenly, Deidre stopped choking and said, “Sisters! Why, Sisters, this isn’t rain... its chocolate!”

  “Chocolate?” Sister Beryl’s eyes shot wide open, and he shielded her brow with both hands. “Are you sure? How can you know?”

  “Yes,” Sister Frances replied harshly. “You know very well chocolate is contraband in the community. How could you possibly know what it tastes like?”

  “Oh, Frances, you’re such a bore!” Deidre stuck out her chocolate-covered fingers. “Here, have a taste.”

  “Yes,” said Sister Beryl, egging her on. “Give in to temptation. For once in your life, do something sinful!”

  Mona’s heart fluttered as she observed the indecision in Sister Frances’s face. Why was it so thrilling to watch a good girl do something bad?

  “No,” Sister Frances said, furrowing her brow. The front of her face was still fairly clean; thanks to her two hands blocking the rain, but dribbles of chocolate ran down the sides of her cheeks and her neck, soaking her high-collared dress.

  “If you won’t taste it, I will!” Sister Beryl cried, taking hold of Deidra’s slim wrist.

  A rush of fluid filled Mona’s mouth as she watc
hed Beryl suck their sister-friend’s fingers. That chocolate must have tasted marvellous, judging by the way Beryl closed her eyes and moaned. In fact, Deidra appeared to be moaning as well. It was just too much to watch.

  “May I have a taste, too?” Mona asked, driven forward by desire. “It looks too delicious.”

  “Oh, it is!” Sister Deidra said, and extended her other hand. Mona licked it without hesitation. “Well? What do you make of it?”

  A rush of warmth flooded Mona’s cheeks. She’d never tasted anything so sweet, and she couldn’t have predicted the precise taste of it. Chocolate and sex were the two taboo topics uninformed girls most liked to speculate upon. They imagined sex wasn’t all it was made out to be in the godless mainstream. Of chocolate, they imagined much the same.

  But they were wrong. Oh, were they wrong!

  Mona’s knees buckled as she sucked Deidra’s long fingers. She struggled to stay on her feet. Her cheeks warmed. Her jaw ached for the sweetness of liquid chocolate. They weren’t accustomed to sweets in the community. The foods they consumed were plain and uninspired. Brother Jacob believed this was the key to keeping down sinful human urges.

  “It’s lovely,” Mona sighed. “A gift from Creator, falling from the sky, begging for our mouths.”

  “I very much doubt that,” Sister Frances snapped. “The Creator is perhaps tempting us with sin, pouring chocolate on our very faces to test our principles. I, for one, remain firm in my convictions.”

  “In Brother Jacob’s convictions, you mean.” Sister Beryl chuckled cruelly. Her cheeks were covered in glistening, warm chocolate.

  “Sister!” Mona hissed, knowing too well what Beryl was thinking. “I hope to high heaven you wouldn’t say anything too regretful.”

  Beryl rolled her eyes. “Everybody knows you’re in love with him, Frances. That’s why you reject every other man who comes around. You think that if you wait long enough, our good brother will leave Sister Gabrielle and take up with you instead. Well, guess what? It’s never going to happen. Brother Jacob doesn’t love you.”

  All at once, Sister Frances’s hands fell at her sides. The strange rain splashed across her cheeks. Their poor friend’s lip trembled rapidly. What brutal heartache Sister Frances must feel! To be called out for her chaste love and mocked by pretty young Beryl...

  “I’m sorry,” Mona said, and took Frances by the hand. “Oh, you poor dear. You poor, poor love.”

  Frances was not the sort of woman who cried easily, but in that moment hot streaks ran down her cheeks, mingling with chocolate. Mona had never been so moved by another’s emotion. She arched toward Frances and kissed her slick cheek. The warm rush from the chocolate coated Mona’s throat while the salt of Sister Frances’s tears danced on her tongue.

  “No man will ever love me,” Sister Frances sobbed. “Nobody will ever love me the way I love Brother Jacob. It is pure adoration, Sisters. He is everything to me.”

  Mona could think of no way to console her dear friend. It took Sister Deidra, who had also suffered loss of love, to devise a solution.

  “Sister Frances,” Deidra called over the sloppy slap of the rain against the ankle-high flood of chocolate. She raised her skirts all the way up over her waist, showing off her lover’s black lace thong.

  “Goodness gracious!” Sister Frances cried. Any other day, she’d have certainly torn a strip off Deidra. Perhaps it was the prospect of death by chocolate, or the stark realization that the man she loved would never love her, but Sister Frances cheered, “How revealing!”

  “Chocolate makes me do funny things,” Sister Deidra admitted, not at all shyly. “I feel it all through me. Don’t you, Sisters?”

  “Yes!” Sister Beryl cried. She was licking her own hands now. “Yes, I do too. It’s made me all warm, especially between my legs. It’s a funny feeling.”

  “Indeed,” Mona whispered while Sister Deidra tore out of her dress. Their clothes were slick with chocolate. The world had gone brown, but Deidra’s porcelain skin and golden hair glowed like the sun.

  “Almighty Lord!” Sister Frances cried.

  Deidra stood before them in all her glory. The only garment she wore was her thong, pelted by chocolate rain.

  “Feel it on your skin, sisters!” Deidra extended her arms to the chocolate-giving skies. “It’s simply wonderful! I’ve never felt anything like it.”

  Nudity was considered shameful in the community. Even women were not meant to see one another without clothing. Mona wasn’t sure if things were different in the electrified world, or if women had more casual contact with one another’s bodies, but seeing Deidra naked was a rare delight - one she desperately wished to share.

  “Take off your burdensome layers,” Deidra pleaded. “Take them off, Sisters.”

  Mona struggled with her apron strings. “I will!”

  “And me, as well!” said Sister Beryl, giggling like a child. “Oh, what a thrill!”

  Sister Frances stared as they lost their dresses and underthings. The look on her face wasn’t as judgemental as Mona had seen in the past. She looked rather more amazed than anything.

  Beryl was quick. She’d stripped naked by the time Mona was down to underthings, and the vision of that girl’s naked curves gave Mona pause. Sister Beryl’s body was absolutely luscious: her breasts full and pendulous, her chest specked with orange freckles, her hips wide and her belly round. The chocolate rain seemed to seek out her skin, landing in thick splotches.

  “Goodness,” Sister Frances said her voice thin as a breath. “Beryl...”

  “Hasn’t she a lovely body?” Sister Deidra asked.

  Beryl covered her breasts with one hand and the orange fuzz between her legs with the other. Despite the dark chocolate drizzling down her face, Mona could clearly see Beryl’s pink blush glowing through.

  Sister Frances surprised everyone by crying, “No, don’t cover yourself, Beryl.”

  The redhead’s hands fell to her sides, letting chocolate rain smack her big breasts.

  “Good girl,” Sister Deidra said, applauding Beryl’s nudity. “Now ask Sister Frances if she’d like to gain her first taste of chocolate from your skin.”

  Frances and Beryl’s eyebrows arched one in time with the other.

  “Well?” Beryl asked, more bashful than ever. “You can, if you like.”

  “Goodness,” said Sister Frances, brushing chocolate from her forehead. “Perhaps it is the will of the Lord, if chocolate is falling from the sky. Water falls from the sky, usually, and that’s a necessity of life. It’s God’s gift.”

  “Yes!” Sister Deidra cried, encouragingly. She grabbed Beryl by the arm and forced her chocolate-covered body closer to Frances. “Taste it, Sister. It falls from the sky, and it is good!”

  Fire blazed in Frances’s eyes. It burned bright enough to scorch anyone who came too close, but Sister Beryl approached nonetheless.

  “Would you...?” Beryl bit her bottom lip, seeming both ashamed and aroused as she lifted her big breasts. “Would you lick me here, Sister Frances? I’m sorry to ask, only...”

  Before Beryl could get another word out, Sister Frances pounced at her luscious body. Cupping Beryl’s breasts, Frances traced her tongue up the girl’s generous cleavage. But Frances didn’t stop there. She kept licking Beryl’s glistening neck, then sucked Beryl’s ear lobe.

  “Oh, yes!” Beryl’s eyes fluttered closed. “Yes, Sister Frances!”

  Mona’s body warmed as she watched. The scene was so transfixing she didn’t even notice Deidra creeping toward her.

  “You haven’t taken off your underthings, Sister Mona.” Deidra’s breath was warmer than the chocolate rain splashing across her face. “Will you let me do it?”

  “Yes,” Mona whispered. “Please.”

  It didn’t take Sister Deidra long to untie the cord
s on her thick cotton undergarments. They’d been white when she put them on that morning. Now they were a deep mahogany, saturated by chocolate. When they fell to the ground, they disappeared into the thick chocolate bath, the same one that was devouring her calves.

  “Take a look at Sister Frances,” Deidra said, pointing over Mona’s shoulder. “You’d think she liked it.”

  Mona couldn’t take her eyes off Frances, who was eagerly lapping chocolate from Sister Beryl’s breasts. Both girls moaned, like their whole bodies were involved in the licking. And then Mona realized she was making the same sound. She was making it because Sister Deidra was pressing her bare breasts flush to Mona’s back, sliding them up and down her skin.

  “Oh, sister!” Mona could scarcely catch her breath. “Oh, that feels...”

  “Wonderful?” Deidra asked, tracing her hands up Mona’s naked belly.

  “Yes, Sister.” Mona’s chest rattled with every breath. “Oh, truly wonderful!”

  Sister Deidra ventured upward, cupping Mona’s breasts. Flicking her nipples, Deidra sent pulses of pleasure to the apex of Mona’s thighs. Her eyelids fluttered, but she shielded her face from the onslaught of chocolate rain. Mona couldn’t stop watching as Sister Frances removed her sopping dress, still sucking Beryl’s breasts.

  “What they’re doing,” Mona sighed. “Oh, it looks simply astounding.”

  “It feels simply astounding,” said Sister Deidra, before pushing Mona into the chocolate flood.

  Mona landed with a splash. Beryl and Frances fell in at her side. They were lost in each other’s lust, licking each other wildly as Frances struggled out of her underthings. Her bare skin wasn’t bare for long. Soon, her flesh was coated in chocolate, and kisses, and Beryl’s writhing body. Mona stared unapologetically as Sister Deidra landed on top of her.

  “Ooh, it’s warm as a bath!” Deidra giggled as she pushed her nipple flush to Mona’s mouth. “Here you are, Sister. Suck my tits and then I’ll suck yours.”

  Beryl and Frances moaned, either because they were listening or because they were so transported by their own passions. Mona didn’t fight Deidra off. She wanted to suck the chocolate from those pointed little nipples. And even when the chocolate was gone, she still craved the subtle saltiness of her sister-friend’s breasts.


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