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Smut for Chocoholics

Page 12

by Victoria Blisse

  Rachel could do no more than gape at him feeling her emotions all over the place. Blinking she forced herself to pay attention to him and get on with the work.

  “How would you like these to be shown off?”

  “I...well I’m not sure, I was sort of hoping you’d be able to help me with that. As I said before my customers have asked me in the past for a chocolate catalogue and I thought it would be fun to have our bestselling chocolates as the main focus rather than getting in someone else’s chocolate calendar and just selling them,” as she spoke he took each small box out and laid them on a small table that had lights and cameras already set up pointing down at them. He motioned for her to continue, “I’ve picked out our twelve bestselling pieces as well as some fancy packing material so maybe one chocolate for every month?”

  He nodded pulling out the brightly coloured cellophane she had brought along followed by the strips of ribbons they used to tie up the chocolate boxes, she had spent a long time sourcing the right boxes and packing material so was proud of how they looked when they went out the door with the customer. Happily people seemed to appreciate the little touches she added and she had been doing a very brisk business ever since she had opened.

  “So a chocolate for every month.” He nodded as he talked moving the chocolates around “I think however there should also be a human touch, how would you feel being in the pictures?” he paused and looked back at her.

  Rachel’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open.

  “Me? But...” she fell quiet unable to think of anything to say. The last thing she wanted was to be in the photographs.

  “Well why not you? What would be better than having the chocolatier in the photographs?”

  “A chocolatier that doesn’t look like she’s been eating her own product?”

  He span around faster than she thought possible looking at her shocked.

  “Don’t ever say that! You aren’t skinny or skeletal that’s true but most people like curves and something to hold onto. You have the most amazing smile and I haven’t been able to think of anyone or anything else since you came into my life.”

  As he spoke he closed the distance between them so that by the time he stopped talking he was only one step away from her. She could see the intensity in his eyes and a mix of anger and lust which made her feel so small but at the same time desired. It was a strange feeling and she didn’t quite know how to react or what to say.

  Standing looking up at him she saw his expression soften being replaced with concern.

  “Please believe me you have nothing to worry about. If you don’t want to be in every shot of the calendar at least let me have you on the back page?”

  Rachel stood there not really sure what had just happened and did the only thing she could think about. Nodding she swallowed hard.

  “I suppose one image in the calendar wouldn’t be so bad and I guess it would add a more personal touch although I don’t really want any more than one in there. “

  She tried to ignore the comments he had made about her. He blinked looking slightly hurt then nodded.

  “Right, well let’s get started on the chocolates.”

  With a longing gaze he shook his head and turned around moving back to the chocolates that had begun to melt. With his back turned to her Rachel felt able to slump down on the table shame burning her cheeks. Becky was right but how could she make a move now that she had just ignored his comments? With a silent groan she tried to shake the thoughts out of her head before joining him to help with arranging the chocolates.

  As he focused on his job other than offering suggestions there was nothing that Rachel could do so she sat in one of the comfortable looking chairs and waited.

  “What do you normally wear to work?”

  “I’m sorry?” she looked over to him startled when he spoke.

  “I’m thinking about doing a slightly different photograph, rather than one that is you in work. I thought it might be fun to get you in different clothes and just do something a bit unusual. It’ll maybe help you get over the thought of being photographed.”

  He said it without any hint of amusement and from his expression she could tell he was being completely serious.


  He nodded.


  “Well...I guess I would have to see what sort of costume we would be talking about.”

  “I’ve got a whole wardrobe of different pieces, when I’ve finished this shot we can go have a look.” His focus returned to the chocolates leaving Rachel to contemplate clothes. She could see his point and if nothing else it could be an added talking point of the calendar which was what she wanted.

  She decided to just let him have complete control of what she wore, in a matter of half an hour she found herself stood in a blue and white gingham dress that gave her the look of being a singing nun on the alps. The dress had a bodice front pushing her breasts together and upward whilst giving her a much thinner waist. The only part of the costume she wasn’t sure of was the wig with its honey coloured ringlets that bounced and moved with every turn of her head.

  Looking at herself in the mirror she had to admit she looked different. Had she not known it was her she would have assumed it was somebody else. With the waist that was now in existence she smiled at the shape her body made.

  Running her hands absently down her sides she held onto her waist and grinned. She looked like a mix between a shapely housemaid and an innocent sweet girl. Two things she wasn’t but she could always pretend.

  “What do you think?” His voice seemed very close, even though Rachel knew he was outside of the changing room.

  “It’s different, I’m not sure.” She turned a little to see how her back and bum looked in it all.

  “Can I come in and see it?”

  Turning away from the mirror she unlocked the door and pulled it open. He was stood in the doorway, as soon as he saw her his eyes widened. Standing with her hands resting on her hips she looked up at him feeling more confident then she had before now she no longer looked like herself.

  “What do you think?”

  His eyes did the talking for him as they roamed over her body. She felt as if he was mentally undressing her. It wasn’t a feeling she minded so much but she wasn’t dressing up solely for the benefit of him.

  “I take it the staring is a good sign. Shall we get on with the photographs?”

  She tried to make herself sound a little more authoritative, which resulted in a hunger sparking up in his eyes before he snapped his attention back to Rachel’s face.

  “Yes of course. This way.”

  Following him they went back down into the studio.

  “Right let’s have you behind the chocolates, hold them up as if you’re surprised to see them, but excited.”

  Rachel looked at him confused but followed his instructions. A few shots were taken before he looked back up and shook his head.

  “No this isn’t working; I think an action shot would work best.”


  “Yes such as you pouring melted chocolate into moulds or making them whilst smiling at the camera I think it’ll add a definite something.”

  “Well I can’t really make them here, I don’t have my equipment with me nor do you appear to have any stove something I can melt the chocolate on.”

  He looked round the studio then shook his head before looking at her.

  “How about the shop?”

  “No, it wouldn’t be hygienic and I can’t risk doing anything that would cause my shop to be closed down even for a day.” A thought struck her and before she had chance to think about what she was saying the words fell out. “I do have a smaller set up in my kitchen however. It’s where I test all my new flavours and I have lots of product there it wo
uld be useable, if you think you can set your cameras up there?”

  He smiled widely sending Rachel’s heart fluttering in a way she was felt slightly annoyed at.

  “That sounds perfect. Would we be okay to go there now, or would we have to clear it with your husband first?”

  “I don’t have a husband.” She said simply, knowing full well what he was doing.

  “Boyfriend then?” he raised an eyebrow and Rachel simply shook her head.

  “We could go there now if you wanted, but would you rather organise a different day?”

  “No, now is good for me and we’ve got you into the dress it would be a shame to waste this time. Besides other than you I have no other job on tonight so we can spend as long doing this as we would like. Do you want to drive and have me follow?”

  Rachel gaped at him but just dumbly nodded as he sprang into action placing the chocolates into the boxes.

  “You can follow me it’s fine. I’ll go and get changed.”

  “No, no time let’s get this done and get everything moved before we lose momentum. Don’t worry you look amazing, the dress will be fine to drive in.”

  Deciding to just run with the whole thing even though she was beginning to feel as if she was losing some control she picked up her bundle of clothes and a box.

  “I’ll take these to the car then.”

  It didn’t take long to pack up the chocolates and it was only a bit longer before he had packed up his cameras and lights and was ready.

  Sitting in the car Rachel had a chance to reflect on exactly what was happening. She knew when they got to the house it was likely that something would happen but to her surprise she was very much hoping it would. She was an adult and it had been a long time since she had been with a man, even if it turned into just a one night event she knew she could do a lot worse than him. He had made it blatant that he liked her so she decided she was definitely not going to disappoint.

  Car headlights flashing through the back window of the car drew her attention back to the present and checking it was Robert she set off for her flat.

  “Ah yes, this is much better.” he walked round the long wooden breakfast bar. “You should be here, I’ll set up lights there and there and if you can be pouring chocolate so that I can see you and the already made chocolates.” He gestured around the area as he talked, excitement flushing his cheeks. Rachel watched him as he moved back around to her. “How long will it take to melt the chocolate?”

  “Not that long, we’re only using a small amount I’ll place it all in a basin that I’ll fit on top of a saucepan with water in it. I can use a low heat however if you need some time to set things up?”

  Robert nodded

  “That would be good it won’t take me too long to set the lights up but I will work as quickly as I can.”

  As he finished speaking he set about unpacking his equipment. Rachel paused for a moment to watch him bend over then turned to get her own equipment ready, whilst the chocolate was melting she looked back catching as many glimpses of him she could.

  She loved to see how focused he was when he set everything up, completely aware of what he was doing but so unaware of her, she got the feeling she could have taken all her clothes off and paraded in front of him and he still would not have noticed. She chewed her bottom lip as she watched him the chocolate slowly melting.

  She was still staring when he looked over at her having completed his set up. Her cheeks reddened, she looked away and stirred the now melted chocolate.

  “It’s ready.” She said as she lifted the bowl up away from the heat.

  “Great just stand in front of the counter and pour it into some moulds or something, anything really it doesn’t have to be what you would do normally just as long as I can see the flowing chocolate.”

  Looking around Rachel quickly grabbed one of her trays and lined it then looked over to him.

  “Ready for me to pour?”

  He grinned and nodded.

  “You go ahead. Whenever you’re ready, oh and don’t mind me I’ll just be here taking pictures. However don’t forget to look at the camera from time to time and smile! Remember to enjoy it.”

  Rachel’s head began to whirl, but she stood where he had said and began to pour the chocolate looking over to him. Looking away from the bowl she smiled at the camera feeling completely out of place and very clumsy in the dress. The lights were hot and the bowl slightly wet. With her attention away from the bowl she shifted her hand, instantly Robert looked away from the camera his face etched with lust his eyes burning.

  Confused as to what had caused him to be drawn away from his work she looked down realising that she had missed the tray totally and had somehow managed to spill some of the chocolate onto the gingham dress. The dark liquid had already begun to sink into the fabric.

  Looking up she opened her mouth to apologise then stopped. Robert was stood stock still his mouth parted eyes glued upon the stain but her own eyes were drawn down to his very obvious bulge. Pausing she took stock of the situation and quickly came to the conclusion she wanted to see where it would all go.

  With a grin the mischievous side of her kicked in and she tipped the bowl sending a trickle of warm chocolate rolling down her dress. The action was greeted by a moan from Robert and an intense longing look.

  “Please...don’t stop.” Was all he could say. She was surprised at the intensity of his gaze but couldn’t deny how much it turned her on. Her stomach fluttered, her nipples hardened brushing against the fabric that now felt tight and restrictive taking a deep breath she struggled to breath heat rushing through her as the clothes began to feel claustrophobic.

  She stared at Robert running her tongue slowly over her lips clutching the bowl of chocolate. Stars began to float in front of her eyes. She knew if she didn’t something she would pass out, something that would definitely kill the mood.

  With only a few options she ripped open the bodice releasing her breasts and took a deep pain free breath. Robert’s eyes bulged and he groaned his hands clutching the camera as if it was the only thing he could do.

  Teasingly she ran a hand over her breasts then poured a trickle of chocolate over them. She looked down briefly to enjoy how they looked and with her hand smeared the chocolate over them enjoying the warming sensation of the chocolate and the way it made her breasts tingle turning her on far more than she had expected.

  Looking back to Robert she saw he wasn’t just holding the camera anymore one of his hands was now stroking his freed cock. She licked her lips eyes locking on it wanting to desperately feel it inside her.

  Moving around the counter she stood in front of him, giving caution to the wind she tugged off the dress, standing in front of him with nothing but her bra and knickers.

  There was a deep groan from his throat as he continued to stroke his cock that bobbed a little to his touch. Rachel held the remains of the chocolate up letting it run down her arms and splash onto her belly sighing in pleasure as the warm liquid ran downwards caressing her pussy through her knickers.

  Turning to Robert she put the bowl down and ran her tongue over her lips. Squeezing her chocolate covered breasts she pulled at her nipples pulling them into sharp points. She took a step forward which was all the encouragement Robert needed.

  He dropped the camera to one side and closed the distance between them. In less than a heartbeat his mouth was on her breasts lapping at the chocolate. His tongue rough against her skin, lapping at her as if he hadn’t eaten for months. Hands pulled her close and all Rachel could do was moan in pleasure as her body came alive with sensations she hadn’t felt for a long time. His teeth grazed against her nipple sending shivers through her. Before she could stop herself she grabbed hold of the back of his head and pushed herself forwards forcing him to take her nipple in his mouth which he did willingly squeezin
g her ass at the same time.

  His tongue was all over her, lapping and sucking at the chocolate until Rachel lost his exact position giving in instead to the emotions washing over her. She didn’t resist when he picked her up and laid her down on the floor. She was briefly aware of the amount of chocolate that had dripped down onto the floor and that they were now spreading around, but she didn’t care. Chocolate seemed to have turned into a fuel for the lust she felt for Robert and she wasn’t about to let it go just yet.

  He wandered further down her body following the original trail of chocolate tugging at her knickers. Rachel wriggled letting him take them off and had a moment’s pause to be able to look at him. His face was etched with desire his whole body looked tense but hunger bored out of his eyes making him look half starved. Chocolate covered his clothing; he had dark stains in the shape of her body where she had been pressed against him. His cock bobbed hard and erect and she just had chance to wonder how it would feel in her hand, to feel it’s warm weight before she was plunged into a dizzy blur of pleasure as he pulled open her legs and started to follow the chocolate down to her pussy.

  His warm breath prickled against her skin sending shivers through her as his tongue began to lap rapidly; she wriggled moaning in pleasure unable to stay still. As she arched her back and shifted her hips he placed a hand flat on her stomach pinning her down in place. The message was clear he was in control and he wasn’t going to let go until he himself was satisfied.

  A shiver of thrill went through her and she let herself relax giving in totally. She was sure he must have run out of chocolate to lap at by now but that didn’t seem to matter as his tongue continued darting forward plunging into her causing her to cry out in delight. He seemed relentless and it wasn’t long before she felt a familiar knot forming. Her breathing became ragged and she only had a moment to breath before her world exploded around her and she floated off in a sea of stars.

  When she came she found herself wrapped in Robert’s arms his loving gaze upon her. She could feel how turned on he still was, his cock pulsed against her ass pressing down between her legs. Pushing back a little she wriggled so that it moved between her legs. There she held it for a moment as he kissed her neck running a hand down her stomach.


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