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Smut for Chocoholics

Page 15

by Victoria Blisse

  “Sweet isn’t it?”

  The voice came from behind her and she immediately turned around.

  He was only slightly taller than her, this stranger in a charcoal gray suit. His skin as smooth and brown as the fondue and hair cut low. He was clean shaven, too, and smelled like heaven.

  Juanita only then remembered that he had asked her a question. “The fondue? Yes, it is. But with chocolate I suppose that’s to be expected.”

  “No, I meant the kiss.”

  He had seen it, too. And he had watched her, watching them. She felt all of a sudden embarrassed, desperate, like she needed to peep in on other people to get her rocks off.

  But Juanita didn’t call any more attention to that than was necessary.

  She simply agreed. “Yes, it was definitely sweet. I adore newlyweds.”

  Now Juanita was thinking of a whole other kind of sweet. It was the sweetness that was coming from him. It was direct and distinct, but it wasn’t cologne. It was something much vaguer, innocent. She eased closer to him.

  Juanita shook her mind free of careless, whirlwind thoughts. She was here for a wedding and that was all.

  “You should taste the fondue, though. It’s like heaven.”

  And with those words, Juanita had planned to walk away, but he was still talking and coming closer to her.

  “You should feed it to me,” he said.

  He was bold. Juanita liked bold.

  Juanita chose a pretzel stick and dipped it in the hot chocolate. She waited a few seconds for it to cool, and then she brought the sweet tip to the stranger’s lips.

  Watching him clamp down on the chocolate covered pretzel, Juanita found that she was drawn to those lips immediately. An unexplainable force brought her closer to him, brought her face close to his so that she could feel his small breaths on her nose.

  Sure he looks good, and he smells sweet, but can he kiss?

  And she was probably jumping the gun wondering such a thing. They had just met and what they were doing could only be considered mild flirting at best.

  Kissing him? She may not ever get the opportunity.

  But now the man was offering her something. He took a card out of the pocket of his suit.

  “I’d like to see you again. You should come to my showing,” he said.

  Juanita glanced down at the card, made mental note that the handsome stranger’s name was Joshua and without a moment’s hesitation, nodded yes.


  Juanita noticed him even with his back turned to her. He was talking to a woman who was pointing to one of his sculptures. She felt jealous and she didn’t know why. She didn’t even know this man, had only talked to him once and here she was, envious.

  Maybe the invitation meant nothing at all. Perhaps he was only being nice. It was in her mind to just turn and leave, return the fitted red dress to its place in her closet and act like she had never come.

  But then Joshua turned around.

  And he smiled and walked over to her, leaving the woman idle, still observing his art.


  “What?” Juanita asked, confused.

  Joshua repeated, “You look like a cherry in that dress, one I’d like to dip in that chocolate fondue you shared with me the other evening.”

  Juanita’s light brown cheeks were set ablaze.

  “Don’t dip me just yet,” she said. “You can introduce me to some of your work first.”

  She slipped her hand through his and let him lead her around his exhibit, keeping all thoughts of being dipped, licked and eaten, out of her head...for the moment.


  Maybe Juanita was a voyeur, the way she was nearly salivating sitting on an overstuffed chair across the room. She was watching Joshua work with his shirt off, his hefty arms hands and chest getting messy with him seeming not to notice.

  He was sculpting, molding a figure with clay the slightest shade of tan. She was sipping from a glass of red wine and thinking how she never knew art could be so sexy.

  She just knew she loved to watch him work, even while laying across the bed naked after they had just made love she would keep her eyes on him. She loved that he still had the energy to work on a piece when she could barely walk to the kitchen to get a drink of water when they were done.

  He did take a break to lean in for a kiss. And as she had learned to do over the last two months, Juanita turned her face slightly to the left so that his lips landed just on the side of her mouth and mostly on her cheek.

  Then she distracted him with the slow tracing of her finger on his hairy chest.

  She wished she had known in the beginning that he wasn’t a skilled kisser, but that wasn’t something you would normally ask someone outright. It was something you found out by chance, after that first date, when a kiss was confirmation of how well the night had gone.

  Juanita had pondered this right away, watching his mouth form words that barely touched her ears because she was so distracted by his perfectly pink and full set of lips.

  She had simply assumed as much. He was so good at everything else. He had a way with words, a way with his hands. But he was completely clumsy with his mouth.

  It didn’t help that that he possessed perfectly suckable lips, that she immediately imagined spending hours with hers pressed against them, kissing until their mouths were sore. It seemed the thing was, he didn’t know what to do with those all.

  Normally, she didn’t even pay attention to lips. Maybe it was the way he talked, in slow and even syllables. It seemed like he focused on every word, therefore she focused on every word, thus, focusing on his lips.

  At the end of their first date, she had silenced him, stopped him in the middle of whatever it was he was saying and pressed herself against him.

  Joshua took the hint, leaning down to meet her halfway.

  His mouth, larger and wider, covered hers.

  She had waited for it to happen. The melting, the stars and rockets, but there were none.

  Joshua was clumsy with them really. His lips were all over hers when they kissed. Her cheeks were wet and her tongue was sore from the wrestling with his.

  It would become so frustrating that finally Juanita would have to distract him by putting her hand on his cock, massaging it until it came to life. Then he would forget all about his lips and hers, he would forget all about the kiss.

  Juanita still missed the kissing, though, missed getting lost in someone’s mouth. She missed closing her eyes, standing up on her toes, attached to each other by each other’s tongues.

  What was wrong with her? She wasn’t a teenager.

  They were adults, both thirty-two, and adults just didn’t give up a relationship over kisses. And besides, there were so many other things that were good about him.

  Like the fact that for no reason at all, he would surprise her with flowers or some little trinket she had doted on in a store window. And when he wasn’t working nor had a show, he was at her place, in bed with her, making her feel all kinds of wonderful. That was what matter and what counted.

  Maybe people, maybe she put too much emphasis on the kiss, when really, it was the togetherness, it was Joshua gathering her in his arms and causing her to be weak at the knees that really counted.


  Normally, Juanita didn’t have much of a sweet tooth, but she recognized a grand gesture when she saw one, so she happily accepted it when Joshua showed up at her door with an arm full of tulips, and a small bag of Hershey’s kisses.

  “They have almonds inside them, and I know you like those. And the chocolate just reminded me of when I first saw you, and you were standing beside the fondue fountain.”

  It was too sweet, the words, the gestures. She could hardly stand it. Juanita nodded and smiled. T
hen she stood up on her toes and, deliberately missing his lips, planted a quick, solid kiss on his cheek.

  “Thank you,” she said, “that’s very...sweet... of you.”

  She put the tulips in a vase on the kitchen table. They were her favorite flower and she didn’t even realize he had known this. The chocolates, she took in the bedroom and placed on her nightstand.

  She’d have them for later, when she needed something to do with her mouth, when she was craving an actual kiss from her lover. She’d think of him while she let the dark chocolate dissolve in her mouth. She would stir her tongue around the cave of her mouth as if his lips were pressed against hers and he was doing everything right.

  And everything would feel right.

  Juanita was so deep in thought about her future self-pleasure that she didn’t notice that Joshua had walked up behind her. He stood right there, their bodies touching, him never laying a hand on her.

  See, Joshua knew that he didn’t need to. He knew she could feel his heat and that she would want for more. Juanita would lose control of herself and reach for him instead, bringing him to her, pressing him hard against her.

  She turned around and grabbed onto him, bringing Joshua to her. When he went for the kiss, she gave him her neck. He was satisfied with that. He sucked gently for a bit.

  This was what Joshua was good at, placing his lips on wider flatter, sturdier spaces. His mouth felt especially wonderful on her throat.

  Juanita lowered herself onto the bed, bringing Joshua with her. They tore each other’s clothes away mid-grope.

  When she was down to her bra and panties, and Joshua was down to his boxer briefs, Juanita slipped her hand inside the opening and began to massage his cock. It grew like magic against the fabric of his underwear.

  She didn’t like stripping him naked right away. She liked to leave something there, just a bit, so she could lament in the mystery of what was hidden behind the material.

  Juanita was so hot and ready that she didn’t notice Joshua had reached over her and picked up a chocolate kiss from the nightstand. He undid the foil wrapping and held it to her mouth.

  “Um, Josh,” she said. “I’m not really craving the chocolate right now. What I’m craving is your co--”

  Joshua shushed her.

  “No, it’s not about craving the chocolate,” he said. “It’s not about the chocolate at all. I just want to feed you, see your lips pucker hungrily.”

  Yes, Joshua was absolutely a fan of her lips, especially when they were planted firmly around his cocoa colored cock.

  He would keep his eyes right on her as she was giving him head. And she would keep her eyes on him. It turned them both on, the intensity, the watching for each other’s reactions.

  Right now, Juanita took the small piece of chocolate she was offered. When it was in her mouth, Joshua’s fingered lingered there as well, so that she had to suck on it a bit to get the chocolate completely away from him.

  “Um,” he moaned.

  Juanita cocked her head. “Oh, you like that, do you?”

  “I do, indeed,” Joshua said. “It’s like watching you suck a miniature cock. And you know how I love to see you kiss a cock.”

  The word kiss made her cringe. She wanted one so bad, but she didn’t want his futile attempt to ruin what they had going here.

  “You know, Joshua,” Juanita said. “I’m a fan of lip action, myself.”

  “Are you now?” Joshua had a wicked look in his eyes. “You should have told me. You know I don’t mind pleasing you.”

  He had his hand between her legs, playing with her pussy now.

  “No, that’s not what I meant, though, that’s great, too.”

  Juanita pointed to her moistened lips. “Here is what I’m talking about. On the lips.”

  She took his finger and pulled it inside her mouth.

  “Pretend this is your tongue. And here is what I’d like for you to do with it.”

  Juanita swirled Joshua’s thick index finger inside her mouth, simulating a French kiss.

  “Like that,” she said.

  Joshua was into it, very into it.

  He picked up another piece of chocolate and opened it, then fed it to her and when she took it from his finger, he let it linger there, swirled it gently around her mouth, just like she had showed him.

  “Just like that,” Juanita said.

  Between her legs were drenched from the excitement.

  She was finally going to get a proper kiss, and it had been as simple as showing her lover what to do.

  Joshua brought his face down to hers. He let his full, soft lips rest on her own. He coaxed her mouth open gently.

  And then came his tongue...

  ...swirling much too quickly and much too roughly around her mouth. He was moving it too aggressively.

  “Not like that!” Juanita shouted before she could catch herself.

  She sat up and wiped the excess wetness from her mouth.

  “That’s not how I showed you.”

  Joshua got up and out of bed. His nakedness illuminated by the moonlight that peeked just inside her bedroom curtains.

  “Well, I’m sorry I’m such a horrible student,” Joshua said, and began reaching for his clothes.

  Juanita wanted to stop him. She wanted to apologize for being so harsh. She wanted to call him back to bed, but she knew she had gone too far now, and there would be no turning back.

  She kept her eyes on him until he was fully dressed. Then she watched him walk out the door.


  Artists could be sensitive, about everything, and Juanita had known that from the start. She stood on the other side of the sliding doors of her top floor apartment and started down into the parking lot.

  She hadn’t seen or heard from Joshua in three days.

  He was ignoring her calls, and wouldn’t return any messages.

  She should have never said anything, or at least, she should have found a better way to say it.

  That was the price she paid, she supposed, for wanting to have it all.

  She let the blinds fall back into place and walked to her kitchen. She cooked dinner for one, fumbled with the television and then staggered to her bedroom, removing her favorite vibrator from her nightstand.

  Spreading her legs apart on top of the covers it occurred to her that here she was, again, going it alone.


  He was back at her apartment, on a cloudy Saturday afternoon, armed with more candy. They were little balls wrapped in colorful foil. When she looked closer, she noticed they were assorted truffles.

  She didn’t even like truffles. Didn’t he know her at all?

  In any case, she had done nothing to deserve it. In fact, it was she who should have given him something. But she didn’t have anything to give. She did offer something, however.

  She crept up behind him, where he was sitting on the sofa. She began massaging his shoulders through his thin t-shirt.

  His muscles were tense. He was resisting her touch.

  She sighed.

  “Look, I’m sorry,” she said. “Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “You said what was on your mind.”

  It was in his tone, the defensiveness, the coolness. He was putting up a wall.

  He tore open the bag of candy. The gesture was overtly symbolic.

  “I thought those were for me.” She followed it up with a laugh that came from pure nervousness.

  Joshua, however, wasn’t laughing at all.

  “I never said that. Besides, you don’t like truffles. Of course, I wasn’t supposed to remember that.”

  He bit into one of them with the fierceness of an angered lion. Creamy white chocolate spilled onto his thick, pink lips.
Joshua was licking the mess away now, off his fingers and chin, away from his lips. Then he cracked into another one.

  Juanita was finding it hard to identity the feeling that was coming over her. She had become entranced with watching him consume the candy.

  Was it good?

  Was it as sweet as it looked?

  Was he going to continue to lick away the white chocolate mess that was on his chin?

  Juanita could no longer stand it, sitting on the opposite end of the sofa watching him devour truffle after truffle.

  It was a simple act, nothing special, and she wasn’t even sure he knew she was looking. She was mesmerized at the way the solid white chocolate shell cracked and the center was so soft and creamy.

  Juanita suddenly felt an urge so foreign it was almost unfamiliar to her. She felt magnetic like attraction to his lips, but not brave enough yet, she settled for his chin instead.

  She kissed away the rich white cream from his chin. Her tongue lingered in his small cleft.

  Joshua didn’t pull away as Juanita suspected he would. Instead, he sat completely still while her tongue tidied him up.

  On his face was a mixture of shock and excitement. He ran his own tongue across his bottom lip, clearing away the remainder of the truffle.

  To Juanita, it was the equivalent of watching him touch himself, which was her second favorite thing for him to do. The other being having him deep inside her, which she was longing for now, with the need of a woman starving.

  Juanita reached into the bag herself, and pulled out another truffle. This one she placed in her own mouth, holding it carefully between her teeth, a portion of it resting n her lips.

  She spent little time contemplating her next move, or she knew she would back down.

  Juanita brought her face toward Joshua’s and he met her halfway, latching onto the other side of the truffle with his mouth.

  They sank their teeth down simultaneously, breaking the truffle perfectly in half. The creamy center spilled onto their partially closed mouths, dripping onto their lips and chin.

  Juanita and Joshua chewed. Their lips met and they licked each other’s mouths free of the cream.


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