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Omega House Books 1-5: Alpha Omega MPreg Romance Box Set

Page 35

by Grace, Aria

  I rub the tears on my cheeks into his silky blond hair and kiss his head. "I'm so sorry that happened. It shouldn't have, and I promise no one will ever hurt you like that again."

  “You don’t have to say that. I’m damaged goods…” He pulls away from me and looks at me through the tears in his eyes. “I’m sure you’re ready for me to get out of your life now that you know the truth.”

  A lump forms in my throat at his words. I swallow hard, reaching for my beer to take another sip, trying to clear away the emotions that are preventing me from speaking. “Nathan, you are not damaged in any way… Except here.” I gently place my hand on the center of his chest. “But if you’ll let me, I’ll make sure no one does any more damage to you ever again. I want to help you mend.”

  Tears are falling steadily down his face as he pulls back and looks into my eyes. “How can you even want me?”

  The amount of pain this man has gone through terrifies me, but he doesn’t realize how strong he is for coming through it all. After years of abuse by his brother, it’s understandable that he would feel small and weak. So many of us knew that Joseph Greenly was a Grade A asshole, but I had no clue about the depths to which his evil soul would tread just to satisfy his own needs. Even if that meant stripping his brother of the dignity and love he should have had when he was growing up.

  “Nathan.” I say his name softly, placing my fingers on his chin and tilting his head up so he has to look at me. “You are the most wonderful man I’ve ever known. You’re smart, funny, and amazingly sexy. Any man would be lucky to have you in his life… I just hope I get the chance to be that man. But if I have to settle for being your friend, I’ll be just as happy having you in my life…” I pause and give him a playful wink. “Even if I don’t get the benefit of enjoying your company in bed.” The last bit is meant to ease some of the tension he’s feeling.

  When Nathan gives me a slight grin, I know my mission has been accomplished.

  “But you’re so amazing and good-looking…and your body…” Nathan lets his eyes rove up and down my body. “You could have anyone you wanted. Why settle for me?”

  “Because being with you wouldn’t be settling… It would be hitting the motherfucking jackpot.” I can’t hold back my grin. “I know you don’t see it, but you are truly amazing. I’m sorry about what your brother did to you. And I’m sorry your mom didn’t do anything to stop it. But I can see the man you’ve become. You’re strong…stronger than you think you are. You don’t see it in yourself, but I do, and something tells me your friends back home see it too.”

  Nathan’s eyes mist again at my words. “Thanks.”

  “And you deserve every bit of love and happiness in life you can get. I promise you that.”

  Nathan wipes at his face, erasing the tear streaks that are beginning to dry. “You’re a pretty great guy, you know that?”

  I pull him back into my chest, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tighter than I ever have before. “Thank you for telling me your story. I know it must have been difficult. And again, I’m sorry for what he did to you.”

  Nathan nuzzles closer into me, allowing my body to swallow his in a protective shell. God forbid I see that fucker Joseph again. It will be more than a piece of my mind I share with him. I’ll have the sole of my boot shoved so far up his ass, he’ll wish he were dead.

  But that’s not what I want to focus on right now. I tuck my anger aside as I sway to the silent music playing in my head while I hold this wonderful man.



  “You didn’t have to treat me to dinner.” I take a sip of wine from the glass in front of me and admire the sharp outfit Dodge is wearing. He’s matched a simple blue button-down with a solid brown sports coat and jeans. The way his shirt stretches across the muscles of his chest has me blushing at the thoughts coming to my mind. I have to focus on something else to keep my natural instincts to lubricate around him at bay.

  Dodge gives me the sexy smile I’ve loved right from the start. “Getting to spend a quiet evening with you is more of a treat for me. Besides, I’ve been working a lot lately, so I wanted to spend more than a few seconds with you before we had to say goodnight.”

  “I like the saying goodnight part too.” I waggle my eyebrows. And getting to stare at your gorgeous body. But I don’t verbalize the last part. “How is work? Still winning awards and knocking the pants off people?”

  He chuckles as he tears a piece of bread and dips it into the olive oil mixture between us. “Not any awards that I know of… And the only person I want to knock the pants off is you.”

  Warm heat flushes across my upper torso, so I grab the glass of water next to my wineglass and take a quick drink. “I’d say you’re doing a pretty good job.”

  Dodge’s sexy smirk is even more of a turn-on when his eyes twinkle with it. “Hopefully I’ll be doing an even better job a little later.”

  “I’d say that’s a good possibility.” My reply is just as flirty as his, and we both know another round of hot sex is due. But I don’t want to flood my basement right here in the restaurant, so I try to change the subject. “Any big projects?”

  “Not really. Just a few buildings I’m working to put in bids for. What about you? How are things going with your mom’s estate?”

  I chew the bread in my mouth for a minute as I think through my response. “It’s tough. You know, on one hand, I’m looking through all these memories of my family’s life. It’s kinda fun to see pictures of when I was a kid…and happy. But some of it just makes me feel as though I’m sorting through stuff for strangers.”

  “I know it must be hard, but I’m proud of you for sticking with it. Just be thankful Joseph hasn’t been poking around while you’re sorting through things.”

  I nod and take a sip of my wine, agreeing wholeheartedly. “I think he’s still pissed about the will.”

  Dodge rolls his eyes. “I don’t know what he expected. Every parent leaves their estate to their living children. That’s not unusual.”

  I chuckle. “Well, he probably hoped he was the only living child. I’m sure me popping up at the last minute put a kink in his plans.”

  “Probably, but that’s too damn bad.” Dodge leans back in his chair.

  “I know. He’s already stolen too much of my life. He’ll just have to deal with this as I take what’s rightfully mine.”

  “Good for you,” Dodge says, tilting his glass toward mine and toasting to my newfound bravery. “You deserve every bit of it. Fuck him.”

  “Yeah.” I clink his glass with a grin. “Fuck him.”

  Chitchat over dinner covers a world of topics, including several we’ve already discussed. But Dodge and I eat quickly, each ready to get back to his place for the dessert portion of our meal. By the time he’s paid the check and we’re both in his car, it’s not just the car’s engine that is revved up. My body is aching for Dodge’s touch, and based on the way he’s racing down the backroads to his house, I’m guessing he wants me just as badly.

  The door to Dodge’s place is barely open before he sweeps me into his arms and begins to kiss me as we cross the threshold. His body is taut and pulsing with excitement as he drags me through the hallway and to the couch.

  “No bed?” I ask between kisses.

  “I can’t wait,” he replies as he uses his lips to kiss a trail of heat down my face and across my neck. He pulls my shirt off before peeling off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt. When he reveals the smooth muscle underneath, my heart picks up a few beats. His pecs are firm, and his stomach is chiseled. He’s definitely my wet dream.

  Dodge pops the button on his slacks and pushes them down, revealing a rock-hard, thick shaft that’s begging for attention. When he stands in an attempt to bring me up so that he can pull my pants down, I take advantage of the moment and slide my lips over his shaft.

  He growls as I lick up and down his cock, giving every inch of his circumference attention. Thick veins pulse as I
suck forward and then cover his dick with spit on my way down. Using my left hand, I place it at the base of his shaft and work in tandem with my lips. Dodge shivers as I move faster, stroking and sucking on his cock.

  I don’t think he was prepared for what I was doing because before either of us realizes what’s happening, Dodge lets out an intense cry, and the first burst of come erupts from his cock and hits the back of my throat. Looking up and meeting his gaze, I release his cock but keep my mouth wrapped around the tip. Wave after wave of thick, creamy seed fills my mouth and dribbles from the edge before I swallow his load down.

  When I pull fully away, I jut out my tongue, making sure to collect every drop Dodge gave. Taking care of Dodge is something I love doing, and I already want to do it again.

  “Damn,” he says. “You’re fucking good at that.”

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  “Your turn.” Dodge tries to reach for my cock, but I push his hand away, which garners me a frown.

  “Let’s wait.”

  “For what?” Dodge looks disappointed as I deny him the chance to pleasure me. But he doesn’t know that I really want to try edging. And taking his load had me near the brink.

  I shrug. “For a few hours…” When I’ll be ready to really blast a load.

  “Okay, if that’s what you want.” His eyes seem to understand what I’m asking for. “I’m going to shower off. Care to join me?”

  “Actually, I want to grab something from my mom’s that I think you’ll find interesting. It’s her journal from when I was a kid. You go hop in the shower, and I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll see you in a minute, then.” Dodge leans in and kisses me hard on the mouth, tasting himself on my lips. He pulls back with a smile. “Salty.”

  “Delicious,” I reply with a smirk.

  As Dodge heads upstairs, I walk outside and cross the street to the house that now technically belongs to my brother and me. Dusk is beginning to settle, making the old house seem mysterious and a bit creepy. After I unlock the door, I step into the front room and turn on a lamp. Everything is where I’ve left it, but for the life of me, I can’t remember where I put Mom’s journal.

  I walk around the room, mentally retracing my steps. Her bedroom is the last place I remember having it before I left earlier, so I walk up the stairs and start looking around. The room is weird without her here, leaving me feeling cold and isolated. As I make a path from the dresser to her closet, stacks of papers and small boxes of trinkets I’ve managed to sort through cover the area. But her journal doesn’t appear to be anywhere.

  Her bed is made, so I know it’s not tucked into the covers, but perhaps it fell on the floor, and I wonder if I kicked it under by accident.

  Dropping to my knees, I lift the rose-printed bed skirt and glance around. It’s hard to see underneath, so I pull out my phone and use the flashlight app to illuminate the area. Her journal doesn’t appear to be there, but I see something else.

  A red pill on one of the floorboards catches my eye. Dammit. Another loose pill that I’m sure my mother dropped when she was having to care for herself. The fact that Joseph pretended to help her but never really afforded her any true assistance makes me even more pissed off at him.

  The red capsule is probably one of many my mom was taking. I look at the table at her bedside, wondering which of the ten bottles scattered across the top holds the same pills as the one I’m holding. I examine each bottle, looking at the shapes on the label, none of which appears to match the one I’m holding.

  The pill is big and would need to be in a larger container, so I check the biggest bottle first. What I find inside are several small, round pills scored down the center. They look a lot like baby aspirin, which is odd since the medication inside should be for her cancer treatment. I shake a few pills into my hand when a sound behind me stops me instantly.

  Turning slowly to look over my shoulder, I see Joseph standing in the entryway of our mother’s room. His eyes are bloodshot, which means he’s been drinking, and the scowl on his face confirms he’s pissed.



  My warm shower was absolutely perfect after the release Nathan provided. Now I’m completely relaxed but still excited for our second round. Tousling my hair with a towel again in an attempt to get the last drops of water that are clinging to the strands, I head into my room.

  “Nathan, are you back with the journal?” Silence greets me as I zip up a pair of jeans and grab a T-shirt from the closet. Assuming he can’t hear me from downstairs, I move toward the stairs, calling for him as I descend.

  “Hey, Nathan. Did you find it?”


  He should be back by now unless he couldn’t find what he was looking for. I look out the front window, hoping to see him on his way back across the street. An upstairs light is on as well as the light in the living room.

  That’s when I notice Joseph’s ride parked out front. The noise from my shower must have blocked me from hearing his loud engine as he pulled in. Annoyed at myself for leaving Nathan in a vulnerable situation, I slip on some shoes and quickly head for the Greenly house.

  The front door isn’t fully shut, so I walk inside unannounced. There are muffled voices coming from upstairs, so I head up before Joseph’s voice stops me. The words are sharp but don’t seem threatening, so I listen without making my presence known.

  Something about what he’s saying tells me I don’t want to interrupt…yet.

  “What are you doing in here, Nathan?” There’s obvious anger in his voice, but they both have been on an emotional roller coaster where their mom is concerned.

  “What’s going on, Joseph? What is this, and why is this medicine bottle filled with baby aspirin?”

  Nathan’s words surprise me. What is going on?

  “Why are you going through Mom’s things? You think you can just come in here and do what you want?”

  “The things in this house belong to both of us, or do I need to remind you of that? The will left half of everything to me too.”

  “No, you don’t need to remind me. You don’t deserve any of it. You haven’t even been around, and then you show up here and try to take what’s mine.”

  Nathan blows out an exasperated sigh. “You’ve been drinking.”

  “That’s none of your business either.” Joseph’s slurred words are confirmation enough that Nathan’s correct.

  “What are these, Joseph?”

  “You are such a fucking tease…my little omega.”

  “I’m not yours, Joseph. Don’t call me that.” Nathan sounds angry, not scared. Good boy.

  I swell with pride as Nathan stands up for himself, but as the situation continues to build, I quietly move up the stairs, getting closer in case I need to intervene.

  “Answer me. What is going on?”

  Joseph takes a moment to answer, but his words are unmistakable. “I should have been a little more careful I guess. Although, I don’t know where you found that red one. I thought I counted those…”

  “More careful?” Nathan sounds as confused as I am.

  I never trusted Joseph, but as he continues to speak, all the air in my lungs seems to be sucked out.

  “Yeah. I forgot I was holding two of those babies in my pocket. I guess one slipped out. But that doesn’t matter, the other one did its job.”

  “What the hell are you talking about. What job?”

  Joseph ignores Nathan, oblivious to the question being asked as he continues with the story at his own pace. “Those little aspirins helped make sure she wasn’t getting any better. The damn bitch owed me, and I couldn’t have her recovering again, could I?”

  I listen in shocked silence at the realization of what Joseph is saying.

  “For years, I had to play the dutiful son, taking her to doctor appointments and nursing her back to health. If only she would have just let go the first time, I could have avoided all this.”

  “All of what? What did yo
u do, Joseph?” Nathan is trying to hold it together, but the quiver in his voice is so heart-wrenching, I’m not sure how much longer I can stay hidden. I ease closer, not wanting to alert Joseph or cause him to stop confessing his sins, but I can’t stay away.

  “But no…you had to come along. After all these years, you had to traipse back into her life. Just when she’d lost all hope of ever seeing you again. Once you were here, she had a reason to get better. And I couldn’t have that. Not after dealing with this bullshit for the past three years.”

  “Joseph, I can’t believe you would be capable…”

  He scoffs, and I hear his heavy footsteps move deeper into the room. “Of killing our mother?”

  “Yes.” Nathan’s voice cracks.

  “She would have died on her own, eventually. Honestly, it’s not like I murdered her. I put her out of her misery. It was a mercy killing, really.”

  “With the red pill?”

  Joseph’s laugh is more like an evil chuckle. “The doctor said the poison would only take twenty-four hours. Hell, I saved you months of playing nurse too. You should be thanking me.”

  “Thanking you?” Nathan is pissed again, so I exhale and lean against the railing at the top of the stairs. “You’re a monster. You always have been.”

  “You loved it, little omega.” Joseph’s voice is more of a singsong. “You loved it then, and you’re gonna love it again.”

  “Mom loved you…and me. She wouldn’t want you to hurt me.” Nathan’s voice is still shaking.

  Joseph’s tone becomes spiteful. “She loved herself. If she loved me, she would have been there. And we both know she didn’t give a shit about you. I laughed for a week when I heard what she said to you. She might as well have given me a written invitation to be your alpha.”

  “She didn’t understand. She always had to work…to take care of us.”

  “Please.” Joseph’s slurred voice raises in pitch before returning to its normal, anger-filled vibrato. “That bitch didn’t take care of us. I took care of us… I took care of you.”


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