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Legend of the Murfs

Page 6

by Mark Omodia

  Chapter 6

  King Sett's Demand

  Ozin and Azadus travelled before dawn the next day accompanied by two other Morflon. They reached the fortress after several days of trekking. They requested to see the king and they were brought before the king and his court. Everyone in the room was shocked at their braveness. However, the Morrs were condescending.

  'To what do I owe this august visit?' King Sett asked.

  'King Sett...' Ozin tried to say before he was rudely interrupted by Egon.

  'You shall not refer to his majesty the king in such manner!' he howled, scowling. 'You shall address him as "his highness" and extend every form of courtesy!'

  The Morflon reluctantly genuflected and remained in that position as they addressed the king.

  'Your highness' Ozin began again. 'Some days ago, our brother was captured. We have reason to believe that he was captured by your... troops.'

  'Really?' King Sett asked sarcastically. 'What would make you think that?'

  'Your highness' Azadus spoke. 'Some of us saw them.'

  'Is that so?' King Sett asked.

  'Yes your highness', they replied.

  'Hmmn...'King Sett sighed, thinking aloud. 'That must be the one that was brought here days ago; the one who killed my brother.'

  Turning to the Morflon he asked; 'So, what do you want? You surely did not brave the perils of the forest to just admire the Morr magnificence. You must have a request.'

  'Your highness', Azadus spoke. 'We wish that you temper justice with mercy... I mean consider the factors that resulted in his actions.'

  'Meaning?'King Sett asked.

  'We wish that you forgive our brother and set him free', they said.

  The courtiers murmured amongst themselves. Many gasped in shock.

  'Impossible!' Egon bellowed, getting up from his seat in rage. 'How dare you make such a demand?'

  'Calm down Egon', King Sett said. He was surprisingly calm.

  'I admire your "fraternal" love', he said to the Morflon. 'I mean you must really love your "brother" to even risk coming into this fortress. I admire that. But you see; your brother killed mine. And like you I loved my brother so very much.'

  'Your highness' Ozin said. 'Taking one life would not bring back another...'

  'This is not about vengeance', King Sett retorted. 'Lord Boas, my brother - the Morr your brother killed; was the second most powerful creature in the forest, beloved of the king. Surely you cannot say that his killer would not be punished. Murder is a crime. Murder of a royal Morr is even graver. Such a crime must not and cannot go unpunished.'

  'We agree', Azadus said. 'But you could at least reduce his punishment. You could whip him or make him do manual labour... we could even offer you anything you ask for, anything you want, but let us take him home. Please!'

  'Yes your highness' Ozin added. 'Besides, you have to understand the circumstances behind his murder. Your brother killed two Morflon. Morriah only acted in defense. Lord Boas was a lunatic...'

  'How dare you?' King Sett snapped. 'He may have been a lunatic, but he meant more to me than your entire Morflon race! Depart from my presence if you have nothing better to say.'

  'Please your highness!' the Morflon begged.

  'You heard the king!' Egon yelled. 'Flee before you lose your heads!'

  Just as they got up to go, King Sett called them back.

  'Today is your lucky day', he said. 'I am in the mood to negotiate. You see, word has it that a certain alien dwells among you. I want that creature. Bring the creature to me and I just might give you your brother back.'

  There were murmurs.

  'Your highness, you would have to request something else', Ozin said. 'I am sorry but we cannot do that...'

  'We would think about it your highness!' Azadus quickly interrupted Ozin.

  'What do you mean by that?' Ozin asked Azadus. 'Eric is also our brother. We cannot trade one brother for another.'

  'Please your highness!' Azadus said. 'Give us some time to think about this. I am sure my brother here would reconsider. I mean... I will personally bring him to you.'

  'You know...' King Sett said. '... I am the king of the Morrs and by implication the most powerful creature in the forest. I do not negotiate. I give orders. What I want I get. And let me remind you that I have little patience for your kind. Thus, make up your mind quickly before I chop off your brother's head. Now leave!'

  The Morflon left. Anger was written all over Ozin while Azadus was excited.

  Egon and some courtiers were surprised that the king would make such an offer.

  'How could you father?' Egon asked. He was furious.

  'We could get the alien anytime we want to, yet you are willing to release Lord Boas' murderer for him? I do not even know what you see in this creature. The spies have said that so far the alien is harmless and stranded here.'

  'What if that is what he wants us to believe?' King Sett asked. 'I mean, it has never been heard before that a strange creature just appeared in the forest, and you are not the least bit curious. Then you are more ignorant than the Morflon.'

  'But there were other ways to get the alien', the elders said.

  'Do not let sentiment cloud your sense of reasoning', King Sett said with a smirk. 'I know exactly what I am doing.'

  These were the same words Azadus told Ozin as they went home. He spent the entire trip trying to convince Ozin to give me up. By the time they arrived home, they were not on speaking terms.

  I was watering the corn I had planted at the backyard when I heard Azadus' voice. He had come to speak with Euphina. I went to eavesdrop. Euphina was eager to hear from Azadus who in turn was anxious to tell her what he considered good news.

  'We got back yester night', he said. 'How have you been?'

  'Nature has been kind', Euphina replied as she offered Azadus a seat.

  'The children?' Azadus asked.

  'They are fine', she replied. 'How was your trip?'

  'Fine', Azadus replied. 'Please sit.'

  Azadus was anxious to tell her what he considered as good news so he sat her down and began to speak.

  'I have good news for you', he said. 'King Sett has had a change of heart. He has offered to release Morriah in exchange for Eric.'

  Euphina's smile quickly faded. Her countenance changed.

  'What is the matter?' Azadus asked. 'Aren't you happy that your husband will be released to you soon?'

  'Morriah would never agree to that', Euphina said. 'Eric is one of us now. We cannot just trade him.'

  'This is your husband we are talking about', Azadus said.

  'Someone I love dearly', Euphina added. 'But I know him all too well. He would rather die than have an innocent creature take his place.'

  'Well then', Azadus said. 'It is a good thing he is not here to make that decision. Think about your family. Your children need a father. You need your husband. Even if Morriah would refuse, you should know better.'

  'I am sorry', Euphina whimpered with tears in her eyes. 'I would not give Eric up.'

  'This is your only chance to see your husband again', Azadus said. 'He killed the king's brother. We are even lucky that he is making us an offer. If you refuse this offer, then you will never see Morriah again. Do you understand how serious this is? Your husband's blood would be on your head.'

  Euphina shook her head, tears trickling down her face. When Azadus noticed Euphina was not going to give me up, he decided to forcefully snatch me from the house. Euphina tried to stop him, but he overpowered her. She wailed, begging him to stop but he would not budge.

  'I am disappointed', Azadus yelled. 'I can see you lack the guts to do what is right... You would thank me for this later.'

  'Cease this foolishness at once!' Ozin roared as he stormed into the house with Gaiel and two other elders.

  Azadus stopped struggling with Euphina and they both faced Ozin and the others.

  'What is it that you see in this human?' Azadus asked. 'What spell has
he cast over you? Morriah is in the dungeons and you are acting as though you do not understand the urgency of the situation.'

  'We are as concerned as you are', Ozin said.

  'I am disappointed in you Ozin', Azadus said. 'You call Morriah your friend yet you leave him to languish in the dungeons while the human still roams free in our tribe, such treachery!'

  'You are the treacherous one', Ozin retorted. 'You know what Morriah stands for, what we all stand for and yet you choose to dishonor our name with this contradiction.'

  'I am his patriarch', Azadus said. 'It is my job to do what is right even if he doesn't see it like that... Why are you even here? Leave us alone. This is a family affair.'

  'Not when it concerns Eric', one of the elders spoke.

  'How are we even sure King Sett would keep his promise?' Ozin asked. 'There is no need taking this risk. You know the Morrs cannot be trusted...'

  Just then I came out. Everyone was silent. All eyes were fixed on me as I walked towards them.

  'I will go with Azadus', I said to the utter shock of everyone, including Azadus.

  'Why', Ozin asked.

  'Morriah is my friend', I said. 'A Morflon I have grown to respect even more. He saved my life and took me in as part of his household. He defended me before the council of elders... I guess it is only fair if I return the favour.'

  'You do not have to do this', Euphina said. 'You do not owe him anything.'

  'But I want to', I said.

  'Do you know what you are getting yourself into', Ozin asked.

  'No... but I guess it is worth the risk...' I replied. 'Please do not try to stop me... He saved my life once. Let me do this... If this is the only way to get Morriah back then I want to do it.'

  Everyone was silent.

  'Since it is your decision, who are we to refuse?' Ozin asked.


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