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Legend of the Murfs

Page 10

by Mark Omodia

  Chapter 10

  The Little Black Pill

  The next morning, Cylas was strolling with Ozin and his comrades in his courtyard. Just then, Lya came to meet them.

  'Ah', Cylas exclaimed. 'My lovely daughter is up.'

  'Good morning father', Lya greeted.

  'Good morning my little sunshine', Cylas replied.

  'You must have met these Morflon yesterday didn't you', he asked Lya referring to Ozin and his comrades. 'Meet your uncle Ozin, your mother's elder brother.'

  Lya bowed as she greeted him. Ozin and Cylas laughed much to the bewilderment of Lya who didn't know why they laughed.

  'She is the son you never had', Ozin said.

  'Lya', Cylas said. 'You are a female are you not? Greet him as a female would.'

  Lya felt uncomfortable as she curtsied.

  'That is more like it', Cylas said.

  'I see you are a feisty one', Ozin said.

  'Tough as nails', Cylas said.

  'That's good to know', Ozin said. 'How has my lovely niece been doing?'

  'Very well thank you', she replied.

  They continued to talk as they got acquainted with each other. Ozin introduced his comrades to Lya. When he introduced Gaiel, their eyes met and stayed that way for a while.

  Even when they were at lunch, Gaiel and Lya stole glances of each other as they ate, each one looking away when the other looks on. They were the only Morflon at the table in their age group. In fact, they were the only ones in Cylas' household within their age group. Cylas cracked jokes which left the room abuzz with roars of laughter. They had a good time as they talked about old times.

  After lunch, Lya was restless. She seemed to be looking for something. She entered her father's study and began to ransack the place. She had not gone far when she heard footsteps coming towards the study. She immediately hid under the table. Gaiel walked in. He was looking for a place to hide as he looked around. He heard footsteps and voices coming towards the study. He immediately ran under the same table. Gaiel and Lya stared at each other.

  'What are you doing here?' Lya asked.

  'I met you here', Gaiel said. 'What are you doing here?'

  Two Morflon walked in as they were arguing, thus Gaiel and Nyra became silent. The Morflon who entered were Cylas and Ozin. They were already discussing on their way in.

  'You cannot be serious', Cylas commented. 'I know you were a warrior, but this is plain foolishness.'

  'Once a warrior, always a warrior', Ozin replied. 'A true warrior never backs down from a challenge. Besides, there is no other way. Morriah would die in their hands if we do nothing.'

  'You know this is suicide do you not?' Cylas asked him.

  'Look at this' Ozin said referring to the scar on his chest. '...Cycle 2213, during the first Red clan invasion. Those vagabonds dug their serrated blades deep in my chest, ripping out some flesh. They wanted me to die slowly, that was why they did not aim for my heart. They just drew the blade closer to my heart and stopped right here, right next to it. He dug the blade again, doing the same thing. I was supposed to bleed to death that day, but I survived... Don't worry about me. I have seen worse.'

  'I know you love Morriah', Cylas continued. 'He is the brother you never had... What I do not understand is why you do not know when to quit.'

  'It is never over until it is actually over', Ozin replied.

  'This is actually over', Cylas retorted. 'Why can you not see it? The walls are impregnable, a metre thick and as high as the skies, not to mention it is made of stone and the numerous soldiers always on patrol... even if you enter, how long will you stay before you are caught?'

  'That is why I came to meet you', Ozin said. 'You know the way in. You can help me undertake this task successfully.'

  '...At the risk of your life?' Cylas asked. 'I don't even know why you love that rascal so much?

  'Morriah has changed', Ozin said. 'He is not the Morflon you used to know.'

  Cylas was surprised to hear that. He paused briefly, as if he was processing what he just heard.

  'I thought it was already established that I have seen worse', Ozin said. 'This is nothing; this is child's play... Cycle 2224... The great battle of the north... In chilling temperature and high altitude, we chased down the hounds and smoked them out of their caves. That was a battle...'

  'Think of your children', Cylas continued. 'I know they are all grown and married, but they still need their patriarch.'

  'I have thought about it...' Ozin said, obviously bothered by what Cylas just said. 'Please do not try to discourage me.'

  'I have lost my wife', Cylas said. 'I do not want lose my in-law.'

  'Are you saying you will not help me?' Ozin asked.

  There was silence in the room. Ozin looked at Cylas desperately expecting a reply.

  'Please brother', Ozin continued.

  'I am sorry', Cylas managed to say.

  Ozin was disappointed. He walked out of the room. Cylas stood still, staring at the empty space.

  Gaiel and Lya ran out of the room immediately after Cylas left and went their separate ways. Lya later saw Gaiel standing on a balcony of the house, deep in thought.

  'I am sorry about your father', Lya said. 'It is too bad my father would not help.'

  'Every time I close my eyes I see him', Gaiel said. 'I feel his pain. I feel every torture he is given.'

  'I know it must be hard for you', Lya said. 'I know what it's like to lose a parent. My mother died two cycles ago. I was devastated... for a while I hated everything... I blamed nature for the death of my mother, but at the end of the day, I realized that I had to let go. I had to let go and fine my inner peace; at least that is what my mother would have wanted... I think your father would want the same.'

  'My father is not dead!' Gaiel snapped. He then left a speechless Lya on the balcony as he stormed away.

  Ozin had gone to visit his ill comrade in the inn. He watched as his comrade frolicked on the ground like a baby. He was even sucking his thumb. That was when Cylas came in with a jar of wine and two cups.

  'The early stages of treatment', he said as he stood beside Ozin. 'It's like you are growing up all over again... Sometimes I wish I could be a child again, free from responsibility with imaginations running wild... I wish I could relive those moments, even for a day.'

  'Don't we all?' Ozin said.

  Cylas offered Ozin wine. Ozin obliged. They were silent as Cylas handed Ozin a chalice and poured some wine into it. Ozin fixed his gaze on his recovering comrade all the while. Cylas soon did the same.

  'I know you are still embarking on the journey with or without my help', Cylas said.

  Ozin remained silent, sipping his wine.

  'Typical Ozin', Cylas continued. Even when you know you are heading for doom, you still move on... it is against my better judgment, but I am going to aid you as best I can.'

  Ozin sipped his wine.

  'I was only being protective. But I know you have made up your mind. Even if I do not help you, you will still go so, against my better judgment, I will aid you. Meet me when you are ready. Cheers!' Cylas said before taking his leave.

  Cylas' home was not the only place in a somber mood. The Morrs also had their fair share of melancholy. One night, at King's King Sett's palace, queen Nyra was on her way to her room when she saw Egon lying on the floor in one of the rooms. She ran towards him and she helped him up. He was sobbing and he smelt of booze. He was slightly drunk and he clenched a cup in one hand and a jar in the other.

  'Pull yourself together', she told him as she snatched the items from him.

  'So what the maids say is true', she continued. 'You get drunk and roam around the palace in tears... What is the matter? What is wrong with you?'

  'What does he see in you?' Egon asked accompanying his slur with hiccups. 'Why does he not see you for the gold digger you are?'

  'What is that supposed to mean?' Nyra asked.

  'Why are you here?' Egon slurred.

nbsp; 'I saw you on the floor and I...' she said before she was rudely interrupted.

  'I am an adult!' Egon snapped. 'I do not need your help!'

  He then reached out for his wine but Nyra stopped him.

  'Look, female!' he snarled. 'You better let me have that!'

  'You have had enough for one night', Nyra said.

  Egon reached out for his wine again and Nyra stopped him. They began to struggle over the wine. Eventually, Egon sent Nyra to the floor and took his jar of wine. He was furious as he began to pour the wine on Nyra who was in tears.

  'Stay away from me!' he yelled. 'You are not my mother!'

  Fortunately for Nyra, Oldric came in and knocked Egon down by pounding his fist on the back of Egon's head. Egon reeled in pain while Oldric helped his sister up. He got up and tried to attack, but Oldric stood in front of Nyra, ready to fight if Egon took any further step.

  'You both should pray to die before my father', Egon said, holding the back of his head in pain. 'You wouldn't wish to see the day I ascend the throne.'

  Seeing that there was nothing more he could do, he walked out of the room. When he was gone, Oldric checked to see if Nyra was alright.

  Back in the Rho tribe, a party was organized in Cylas' courtyard. A bonfire was lit and Morflon frolicked around the fire, dancing to the rhythm of the drums which put everyone in high spirits. There was plenty of wine to go around. Gaiel sat with his comrade who accompanied Ozin on the journey. He had his eyes fixed on Lya who was one of the Morflon beating the drums. She really seemed to be having fun. From time to time she would leave the drums to dance with her friends. Gaiel just stared at her the whole time. He felt bad that he yelled at her, but he did not have the guts to face her again. He just stared at her, hoping that fate would make a way.

  His thoughts were interrupted when his comrade spoke to him.

  'You could always walk up to her you know', he said.

  Gaiel was startled. He quickly looked at his comrade who continued, saying; 'You have been staring at her all night.'

  Gaiel blushed.

  'I do not know...' Gaiel said. 'We met earlier today... we were discussing when she said something that got on my nerves... I... I yelled... I know now that I overreacted.'

  'So you messed up and you do not know how to fix things', Gaiel's comrade said.

  Gaiel was silent.

  'Remember that it is much harder to build a relationship than to destroy one', his comrade continued. 'Think about that when next you want to throw a tantrum.'

  'What do I do now?' Gaiel asked

  'Just summon the courage and walk up to her', his comrade replied. 'What is the worst she could do?'

  He encouraged Gaiel to walk up to her. By then she was sitting down and fiddling with a flower which she had plucked. Gaiel walked up to her and sat beside her. Before he could say a word, she got up and left him. He sat there in shock while Lya went to dance with her friends.

  Meanwhile, Cylas took Ozin to his study.

  'I do not want Gaiel to come with us', Ozin said as they walked in. 'I sent him back before and he was abducted by the Red clan. Thus I brought him here... he does not know it yet, but I do not want him to follow me.'

  'You have nothing to worry about', Cylas said. 'I would make sure that child doesn't set foot outside this tribe until you return.'

  He went into his drawer and brought out a satchel. He put his fingers into the satchel and brought out a little black pill. He gave Ozin the pill and urged him to swallow it. Ozin obliged and soon felt tingly all over. Cylas then took him to a mirror. Ozin was stunned as he saw his reflection. Cylas quickly calmed him down before he could overreact.

  'How is this possible?' Ozin asked, feeling his face with his palms.

  'It is the pill', Cylas replied. 'It is a little something I got from the Far East. It is called the Disfrazer.'

  'I look just like you...' Ozin said. 'I even sound like you.'

  'That is the way the disfrazer works', Cylas said. 'Once you swallow it, you transform into the very creature you were thinking of at that moment.'

  'I wasn't exactly thinking of you', Ozin said.

  'It doesn't work for plants and inanimate objects', Cylas said. 'It is the superior living creature on your mind at the moment you swallow the pill that counts. You could also look at a sculpting or a painting of a creature and still turn into the creature.'

  'I thought you said it doesn't work for inanimate objects?' Ozin asked.

  'You would transform to a living form of the painted or sculpted creature, even if it is fictional', Cylas said.

  'This is ... amazing', Ozin said, still examining himself.

  'The pill lasts for about an hour', Cylas said. 'You just wait here so you do not cause a scene. Besides we still have a lot to discuss. Have a seat.'

  Ozin sat down while Cylas went back to his drawer and brought out a map. He spread the map on the table in front of Ozin and sat beside him to explain.

  'The fortress is impregnable', he began. 'The fence surrounding the fortress is made of stone, a metre thick and it is so high some say it goes beyond the clouds. The gate is also made of stone and is just as thick and as high as the fence. In fact, many cannot tell were the gate is because it is so similar to the fence. As if they were not fortified enough, battalions are sent on patrol every six hours. The soldiers patrol round the fence, both inside and outside. They are an elite force; specially trained... In essence, what I am trying to say is, there is no way you can just break in. You have to be extremely subtle and discreet... You see, the fortress may be impregnable, but the system is not. Like every civilization of institution, perfection is an illusion. There are always loop holes.'

  Ozin sat up. He paid full attention to Cylas who continued, saying; 'The Morrs pride themselves as a superior, self-sufficient nation; whereas they could not be more wrong. There are several creatures dwelling in the fortress besides the Morrs.'

  Ozin expressed surprise.

  'Yes', Cylas continued. 'There are Morflon, Rhines, Wolves... you name it... They live, work and even raise families there. Some are slaves but most are not. They dwell in the slums on the outskirts of the main city. Most times, they put on disguises so as to avoid being caught. The disfrazer is one of such means.'

  'Is the king not aware?' Ozin asked.

  'He is', Cylas replied. 'But you see his courtiers are corrupt. So from time to time some are caught and killed, deported or imprisoned. Most times they just turn a blind eye towards the issue.'

  'How did they get in?' Ozin asked.

  'The system', Cylas replied with a grin on his face. 'They knew how to ride the tide... I for one would never go there or advice any one to go there, but there are some who see greener pastures behind the confines of the fortress... Like I just said, the King's courtiers are corrupt and they hold sensitive positions in the fortress. They are the captains of industry. But they are the ones who encourage smuggling. You see, they know they cannot get everything they want in the fortress so they smuggle what they need in. There is no law as to whether this is illegal. That is where we come in. We and others like us do business with them. The gates open every six hours and only then do they open. They are only open for an emergency which rarely happens. So as the soldiers march in and out for their shifts, they bring along wagons. Most of the smuggled items abound there.'

  'Are they not checked?' Ozin asked.

  'The order is from above', Cylas replied. 'They do not check the wagons unless mandated to do so by the authorities. Thus, the gate is thick, but it is more porous than a basket. Everything and anything gets in. In fact, one wonders why they even bothered building the fence at all. The getting in is the easy part. Getting Morriah is the hard part. Since he is a Morflon and he murdered the King's brother, he is definitely in the hole.'

  'The hole?' Ozin asked.

  Cylas pointed to its location on the map and said; 'Some call it the pit of agony. This is the Morr's dungeon, located around the western wing of the fort
ress. It is the second most guarded place after the fence. The pit is cylindrical and it goes underground. Because they can fly, they did not build stairs. So they chain the wings of their prisoners. The hole consists of five levels. Your level of depth depends on the gravity of your sentence. Since Morriah is an enemy of the state he is definitely on the fifth level. Many say it is hard to breath down there and it is perpetually dark and hot. Prisoners on that level are the most neglected.'

  Cylas stopped when he noticed Ozin was staring at him as though he had something to say.

  'How do you know all this?' Ozin asked.

  'I have my ways', Cylas said with a smirk. 'Any way, you cannot rescue Morriah because you cannot fly, so you cannot get to any level let alone the fifth.'

  'But how are you sure he is in there?' Ozin asked.

  'Trust me', Cylas said. 'It is either that or he is dead... you would take the disfrazer with you so you can disguise as one of the soldiers. That way you could get as far as the dungeons, but I cannot teach you how to fly so you are going to have to figure that one out... Like I said, it's against my better judgment but you have made up your mind so... good luck... I guess.'


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