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Page 4

by Elaine Levine

  “They have tassels. You make the whole thing bounce around when you walk,” Ace said, having come around to see what they’d settled on.

  “And then you walk like this,” Fee said, standing up to do a sexy strut across the room that had all the girls laughing.

  “All right,” Addy said. “That’s just outrageous enough. Order me one. Size eight.” She sent Selena an apologetic glance. “I hope this won’t be career ending if the guys do open your mail.”

  Selena gave her a feral grin. “Won’t be my career that ends.”

  Addy laughed. “So how do I do this, then? What are the logistics?”

  “I think you should tease him at a dinner,” Mandy said. “See if you can get him to break in front of us.”

  Selena saw the fear that flashed across Addy’s face, and wondered—not for the first time—what terrible things Edwards had subjected her to. “I’m not wearing this in front of everyone.”

  “Of course not! That’s not what I meant.” Mandy giggled. “That would just be weird. Wear one of your lovely outfits with it on underneath.”

  Ivy added, “Pay extra attention to Owen. It won’t take him long to get the message. Then follow the script of one of those videos we just watched.”

  “Just let us know which night you’re doing it so we can take care of the boys,” Wynn said. “We gotcha covered.”

  Selena went behind the bar when the party started to break up. What an intense evening it had been. Her body was on fire. She was inches away from driving over to Winchester’s to find a hookup.

  Don’t do it, a throaty whisper floated through her mind, startling her enough that she dropped a whiskey glass she’d just picked up from the sink.


  How did he know her thoughts? How was that possible? Why did he think she would or wouldn’t do whatever it was she wanted, simply to please him?

  It isn’t a stranger you crave.

  Ignoring him, she continued cleaning up. The door to the game room had been opened and the women were pairing up with their men. Selena wiped the granite counter of the bar. God, she was tired of being alone.

  You aren’t alone.

  Still she ignored that voice. In every way that mattered, she was indeed alone. She had no man to turn to, not a single friend that was hers and only hers.

  You have me.

  She squeezed her eyes shut, fighting tears. Yeah, she had Bastion, a figment of her own mind.

  You’ve seen me, touched me. I am real.

  Ivy commented to Kelan that he was a lucky man. The look he sent Fiona should have incinerated her. He pulled her close and kissed her.

  “Yes, I am.” His growly answer came long after Ivy had already left. He wrapped an arm around Fee.

  “You sure I can’t help, Sel?” Fee asked.

  “Nope. Got it under control.” She forced a smile. “Go show Kelan what you learned tonight.”

  He frowned. “What did you learn?”

  Fee giggled and took his hand, leading him from the room.

  Show me what you learned tonight.

  Selena gritted her teeth. Ignoring Bastion was becoming increasingly difficult. She yearned to cave and give herself over to him. She was desperate enough to do it, too.

  She loaded the dishwasher with the dishes the women had brought over to the bar.

  Come upstairs.

  That stole her breath. Was Bastion here?

  I will be with you in the way that I can. I will not leave you alone when you are in need.

  Selena’s heart began to beat hard. She swept the room with a glance, looking for something that needed straightening, something—anything—that would let her delay the inevitable, but there was nothing more to do.

  She closed her eyes and instantly Bastion was there, his hand on her cheek, his lips hovering near hers. The memory of his seductive scent slipped through her mind.

  She crossed the room and switched the lights off as she left. She touched her chest, feeling her heart pounding, hungering for what she knew was coming. It was almost as if her feet were floating—she wasn’t very aware of the long trek down the hall and up the backstairs to her room. She stepped inside and locked her door. The lamp on her bedside table switched on by itself. She walked deeper into her room, searching for her secret visitor.

  “Bastion? Are you here?” she asked, seeing no one in her room.

  I’m with you. Heavy arms encircled her. But she was alone, so it was only the impression of him there, holding her. How could that be? She opened her eyes and looked around her, flooded by a sense of emptiness when she realized this was all in her head. All of it. The crushing sense of aloneness made her want to vomit. She covered her mouth and headed toward her bathroom.


  As if she hit a wall, she was absolutely blocked from moving forward.

  You are not alone.

  A hand under her chin turned her face toward the floor-length mirror that leaned against the wall. He was there, behind her. Nude, though her body blocked her full vision of him.

  You are my woman, and I will not leave you in need. Give yourself to me and I will give myself to you.

  He was gorgeous. Wild. Tall and broad-shouldered. His thick brown hair was in that man-bun he favored. He moved his arm around her waist and nuzzled her neck. Shivers rippled over her skin like an electrical frisson.

  She stared at her reflection as she touched his forearm. She could even feel the coarse, dark hair under her palm as she stroked him. But all of that disappeared when she looked down at herself and saw her hand hovering over empty air.

  Her gaze cut to his reflection. He closed his eyes as he pressed his face to the side of hers. He was a beautiful man, in the same way that a craggy cliff is beautiful, and he wasn’t in any way real.

  I am not beautiful, he said—to her ears or through her mind, it was all blending now.

  You are to my soul, she answered. Truth, those words, but how had she found them? Something about Bastion stripped her to her essence.

  He covered her eyes with his big hand, blocking her vision. Don’t look too close. You’ll see knots of scars and the terrible things I’ve done that make me me.

  I have those scars too.

  He kissed her temple. I know. But yours make you strong.

  She pulled his phantom hand from her face. Bastion, what are we doing? She kissed his palm. His skin was warm against her lips. Her body quivered. How she needed him.

  I will give you release. His hand trailed down her neck, down her chest to the buttons on her shirt. One opened, then the next.

  She pulled her eyes from the image of him standing behind her in the mirror and watched as the third button released itself.

  It was a cruel reminder that he wasn’t really there with her. She jerked herself away from him, backing up to the wall. Her eyes darted around the room, madly searching for him. How was this happening? How could she feel him if he wasn’t physically there?

  She looked into the mirror, but it was now empty. She covered her eyes and slumped to the floor. What was she doing, indulging in this? Letting this being in to her mind was potentially dangerous. What if he took over? What if he said and did everything he needed to in order to gain control over her?

  What if he used her against the team?

  She could feel Bastion’s soft efforts to reach her, but she blocked him from her mind. She couldn’t continue with this. She knew nothing about him.

  And there it was, yet another reality-defying thought.

  He wasn’t anything. He didn’t exist. He really was a figment of her imagination. Maybe she never did really see or touch him in the gym after Max’s wedding. Kelan and Greer never found evidence of him when they searched the house that night.

  But if that was true, how had he turned on her light or unbuttoned her shirt? She hadn’t touched those things. How was any of this happening? And why her? Was she the weakest link on the team? Had her loneliness been an open invitation to him?

nbsp; She fisted her hands and squeezed her head, reminding herself that he wasn’t real. None of this was really happening. Someone was slipping her psychedelics. That had to be the answer. But who? The Omnis had used them on both Fee and Addy. Maybe Ace too.

  But no Omnis were in the house.

  Had she consumed something no one else had? She’d run errands today with Mandy. They’d stopped for lunch at Ivy’s diner. Maybe someone there had slipped her something. Maybe there were Omnis all over town.

  God, she was so fucking paranoid. But why was she the only one this was happening to? Had to be because she was the weak link.

  The Omnis had somehow hacked her.

  She was so fucked.


  Kit woke when Ivy got out of bed for the third time that night. She had to be exhausted, running to the bathroom all night. He looked at the clock, realizing it was more morning than night, but you’d never know it from how dark it still was. When she got back under the covers, he pulled her close, spooning up against her back.

  “You doin’ all right, babe?” he asked.

  “I am. Didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “No worries. How about I get up with Case and you sleep in?”

  “Is it that time?”


  She yawned. “I wish I could, but not today. It’s Casey’s first day back to school.” She ran her hand over his, already spread wide on her belly. “I haven’t been nearly as sick with this one as I was with Casey.”

  Kit nuzzled his face against her hair. “I wish I’d been there for you.”

  She turned to her back and caught his face. “You’ve been amazing with this one.”

  “I’m trying.”

  “Mandy said Rocco was terrified of having a girl.”

  “I wondered why they hadn’t said anything. So they don’t know what they’re having either?”


  Kit chuckled. “Rocco’s a great dad to Zavi. He’ll be great no matter what they have.”

  “I’ve been thinking that maybe we should find out what we’re having.”

  “You want to?”

  “Yeah. Would help us get ready.”

  “You gonna tell Mandy?”

  Ivy laughed. “I’m going to tell everyone.” She drew his face close for a kiss, sleepy and gentle. She was already bed-warm again, and he was instantly burning for her.

  He sighed.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing. Go back to sleep.”

  She rolled to her side, holding his arm around her belly. “You okay no matter what we’re having?”

  He kept himself from laughing. Not like he could turn that train around, even if he wanted to, which he didn’t. “I just want a healthy baby. And a healthy mom for both of our kids.” They were both silent for a long moment. “You sleeping?”


  “I’ll see Casey off to school.”

  “No. No, I’m good.”

  “So what’s up with her, anyway?” Kit asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “She’s been moping around something fierce the last few weeks.”

  Ivy turned on her back and stared up at him. There wasn’t much light in the room, but Kit could make out her face.

  “Are you serious?” Ivy asked.

  “Yes. I’m serious. Haven’t you noticed?”

  “She has a crush on Lion and is brokenhearted that he’s leaving for school.” Ivy gasped, then struggled to sit up. Kit helped her. “Oh, man. Even more reason to see her off today. Lion’s also starting to move in to Fiona and Kelan’s place today.”

  “Ivy, Lion’s an adult. Case is a kid. What the hell is she thinking?”

  “I’ve already talked to her. Our hormones get so far ahead of our bodies, you know that.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means just that. Your daughter is crushing pretty hard. She’s convinced he’s the one for her.”

  “Fuck. I thought I already squashed that.”

  “With Lion, maybe—not that I think for even a second that he had any interest, since she’s still a baby. However, you didn’t squash it with your daughter. Don’t worry. I’ve had a talk with her. Something may come of her crush in time, but it may not. She figured out Lion would be about my age when she was twenty-one. That hit home. She called me old.”

  Kit laughed. “I don’t feel old. And if I’m not, you aren’t. And nothing better fucking happen between them before they’re both old, if at all. Maybe I’ll have another word with Lion before he leaves.”

  “Just let it be. He’s going off to college. All kinds of new experiences will happen to him and Hawk. Let’s not make a big deal about this. We’ve seen what happens when parents blow things out of proportion.” She reached for his hands. “Your daughter is hurting, though.”

  Kit sighed. “I hate that I can’t fix this one. I can’t do a damned thing.”

  “And that, my love, is the terrible wonder of being a parent.”

  “You know what I said before about not caring if we’re having a boy or a girl? Well, I take that back. Boys are a lot easier. Let’s have one of those.”

  The cubs were lined up in two rows in front of the house, backpacks filled with the supplies they’d need at school. Each wore clothes from mainstream society, with warm coats, hats, and gloves. They weren’t even all matching. Lion checked them over, regretting their time as wild children was over—for him and Hawk as well.

  He hated to be leaving them, but these boys were strong and fearless. They weren’t without family—they were brothers to each other. And they had the families here.

  They’d toured the school and its grounds last week over the winter holiday, but none of them quite knew what to expect. This week would be full of assessments, then they’d each be placed into the appropriate classes.

  Lion knew he had the same catch-up ahead of him. He hoped they were ready for what was coming. Maybe they’d never be ready; maybe they just had to jump in and swim. He’d had that talk with them. He and Hawk had delayed their departure by a couple of days so that he could help the kids transition into their new lives.

  Casey came outside, with Troy, Addy, and Owen following behind. Lion knew Kit and Ivy were watching from the windows flanking the front door. Casey had begged them not to come outside. Beetle was already in the lineup. Troy hadn’t been to a public school yet. And Casey had had to sit out several months. All of these kids had their own hurdles to overcome—at least they had that to pull them together.

  A big school bus pulled onto the property and turned around in front of Blade’s house. There were a few other kids onboard, all of whom moved over to look at the house and kids from that side of the bus.

  Lion stood near the open doors and nodded at each of the boys as they boarded. Casey was the last to get on the bus. She smiled at him, but her eyes seemed sad. Maybe she felt the end of their old lives, like he did. As soon as she was on the bus, several of her friends screamed her name. Lion stepped away from the bus, watching as her friends hugged her. The bus driver ordered them to settle down.

  He waved as the bus pulled away. When he turned around, everyone looked a little stricken. Wynn and Mandy stood there with Zavi. Mandy wrapped an arm around her large belly and said, “I have an overwhelming need to follow them to school and make sure they’re okay.”

  Lion nodded and watched as the bus drove off the property. “I know what you mean.”

  “Can we follow them?” Addy asked.

  “It’s hard letting go,” Wynn said. “And I’ve only been caring for them for a few weeks.”

  Owen wrapped his arm around Addy’s shoulders and led her back inside.

  “Where’s Hawk?” Mandy asked Lion.

  “He’s getting a few last things together. We’re going to take some stuff down to the apartment with Fee. I wanted to be here for the cubs as long as possible. We can use the next few days to get moved in while they’re at school. Then Sunday, afte
r the wedding, we’ll head out for the week.”

  Zavi sniffled and wiped his nose on the back of his hand.

  Mandy held his shoulder. “What’s the matter, sweetheart?”

  “Why can’t I go with them? Troy did.”

  Mandy knelt down and took his hands. “We talked about this. You have to get a little bigger. He’s a little older than you.”

  “But the house is too quiet without everyone there.” More tears rolled down his cheeks.

  “They’ve only just left. You don’t know how quiet it is.”

  “It was quiet before they ever got here. At least I had Casey before. But now I don’t.”

  Mandy looked up at Wynn and winked. “Well then, I guess we’ll have to make some noise.” Using his shoulder for leverage, she hoisted herself to her feet. “I love you, Zavi!” she shouted, throwing her hands out wide.

  “I love you, Mom!” Zavi answered at the top of his lungs. “I love you too, Miss Wynn!”

  Wynn responded, “I love you both! I love this house! I love my job! I love shouting!”

  Lion smiled as the women roared their way into the house with Zavi. Hawk came out carrying several bags. Lion met his serious gaze. He looked as tense as the cubs. Maybe they should do some shouting too.

  Lion popped the back hatch to his SUV and tossed one of the bags in. Fee’s apartment was fully furnished, so they just needed to bring down their personal items.

  Lion punched Hawk’s arm. “I think it’s appropriate to say, ‘Chill-out.’ We’re good. We’re moving on to the next thing.”

  “What if I liked the last thing better?” Hawk asked.

  Lion shrugged. “There’s plenty of forest to be wild in, and the woods will be waiting for us if this doesn’t work out.”

  “They call to me.”

  “Yeah, me too. But we owe it to Owen and the team to make a go of this.”

  Hawk nodded. “I know.”

  Fiona came out, dragging two suitcases. Kelan followed her with two more. Fee looked happy. Kelan didn’t. Lion and Hawk grabbed her stuff and started loading it, rearranging what was already there.

  Kelan pulled her close. “Call me when you get there.”


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