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Sun Kissed (The Guardian Angel Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Madi, Skyla


  The old man took a few steps toward us. They said he was addicted to vampire bites but he looked normal to me. I pictured him skinny with wrinkly, sun-deprived skin. I imagined him all hunched and sickly, like the woman in my cell when I first arrived at Sage Sanctum.

  “Your prolonged absence means you forfeited that right a long time ago,” Eli stated.

  My eyes didn’t stray from the man that looked too much like me. Our facial structure was the same, from the high cheek bones and blue eyes down to the full lips and long legs. Mithras’s long dark hair was tied into a ponytail at the base of his neck.

  “Ahh, little Eli. You’re all grown up, I see.”

  They knew each other? How did Eli know my father when I’d never even met him?

  “Perhaps you could give my daughter and I some privacy?”

  “Not going to happen,” Eli growled defensively.

  “If you have to say something to me, then you can say it in front of my guardian angel.”

  “Oh goody,” he mumbled sarcastically. “Lucian wants me to train you on how to control your sun power.”

  Eli’s jaw clenched. He didn’t like that idea any more than I did.

  “No thanks. I’d much rather fight a vampire with my bare hands or use my elements.”

  Mithras chuckled. “Stubborn, just like your mother.”

  He took a few steps closer and Eli stood slightly in front of me, shielding me from the stranger that was my father.

  Ugh. What did my mother see in him? I’d known him barely five minutes and I could already say he was ignorant, cocky, and bossy.

  “I don’t think it wise to come between me and my daughter, Mr De Luca.”

  “He’s already told you that you forfeited any parenting rights a long time ago,” I stated dully.

  His hands began to glow. What was he up to? He pushed his hands towards Eli and a blinding light shot out from his palms. I felt Eli tense as he braced himself for the impact. I didn’t know what would happen to Eli but I wasn’t going to risk it. I dove in front of him and the light hit me instead. At first it burned and a scream tore free, but when the initial burn was over, my body welcomed the rest, absorbing it like a plant absorbs water.


  Blinking, I focused on Eli’s face. He was leaning toward me, his hands gripping my shoulders

  “Are you okay?”

  “I — I’m fine.”

  My eyes flicked over to where Mithras had been standing. He was gone. Slowly my vision began to falter. The sharp lines of the world began to blur.

  “What’s happening?” I groaned.

  Two strong arms wrapped around me but it wasn’t enough to pull me away from the approaching darkness.

  Possessive and Jealous

  My head was pounding hard against my skull before I even opened my eyes. When I did, shapes and colors blurred around me. I squinted and slowly things became clearer. I was in a strange room. My eyes focused on a big painting. Immediately I recognized it as one of the Latvian ones Eli had in the living room of his house at Sage. The only place I had seen those types of paintings here was in the sitting room.

  “Where am I?” I moaned.

  “Wakey, wakey. You’re in the sitting room.” The cold, empty voice flowed through me, chilling my spine and sending a shiver down it.

  “Ruby, are you all right?”

  A blurry face loomed over me. I blinked a few times and the blurry lines became visible. Dirty blonde hair dangled just above my face. It was the witch girl.

  “I- I think so,” I mumbled, sitting up. Her hand rested on my shoulder, preventing me from sitting up fully.

  “You need to lie down.”

  “Where’s Eli?” I asked.

  “He’s upstairs. I heard that you met your father. He’s something else, isn’t he?” Lucian laughed.

  “He’s out of control! He tried to hurt Eli but I stopped him.”

  “You could have gotten yourself killed, or worse, you could have ruined the plans I had for you, and over a silly guardian angel.”

  “You talk as if they’re worth nothing.”

  Lucian smiled at me, exposing the very tips of his fangs.

  “That’s a whole new topic you aren’t going to want to get into right now.”

  Slowly I sat up.

  “Anna, give us a moment.”

  Without hesitating she walked out the door, closing it behind her. I didn’t like being alone with Lucian. I could tell he was frustrated with me. He adjusted his long black robe and sat beside me. Subtly, I hugged myself.

  “Did you know that I was married a long time ago?”

  I kept my eyes on the floor. I tried to imagine him happy and in love but I couldn’t. When I looked at his face I couldn’t see that. Whatever humanity he had was gone.

  “But she was taken from me …”

  “By a vampire?”

  It just doesn’t make sense, why would he become a vampire if his wife was killed by one?

  “No. By a guardian angel.” His black eyes glazed over like he was reliving some sick past memory.

  “Guardian angels don’t kill goddesses,” I stated.

  “No, they don’t. She wasn’t killed, she fell in love.”

  I swallowed hard. His wife fell in love with a guardian angel and left him. The pieces of the puzzle I’d been trying to complete since I first arrived at Sage were slowly being pieced together.

  “That’s why you made goddess and guardian angel relationships forbidden,” I whispered to myself.

  “Well, I can be a very possessive and jealous man.”

  I ignored the fact that his statement sounded like a threat.

  “What happened to them?” I asked hesitantly.

  “I was turned into a vampire and I hunted them.” He smiled to himself, like he was proud. “Now ask yourself, is it worth it?”

  I pondered whether to choose my next words carefully or to just say what I feel.

  “I think you can’t choose who you love. I also think there’s nothing wrong with loving someone who isn’t the same as you.”

  “You’re brave,” a voice behind us scoffed. It was a familiar voice, even though it was decidedly cold. I ignored it.

  “I also think it would be foolish for one man to think he has control over something so big.”

  Lucian’s cocky smile straightened into an impassive line. He closed the distance between us before I could blink. He wrapped his long cold fingers around my throat and I gasped for air. Hunter dashed over to us and tried to pull Lucian off me but Lucian shoved him across the room and into the wall. Hunter growled loudly and Lucian hissed back before setting his sights back on me.

  “Just because I’m using you doesn’t mean you’re my only option. You’re plan A. If this fails I have a plan B, C, D, E, and I’m sure you know how the rest of the alphabet goes.”

  A coughed spluttered out of my throat and he let me go. Lucian rose from his seat and walked over to Hunter.

  “If you so much as raise an eyebrow at me again I will end you as quickly as I created you. Do you understand?”

  Hunter nodded sheepishly and Lucian exited the room. Hunter zipped over to me, his cool fingers nipped my skin as he tucked a dark lock of hair out of my face. I was too dazed to recoil from his touch.

  “Can I take you to your room?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t want to go to my room. I need air, I need to breathe. I feel so imprisoned here.”

  “I know just the place.”

  Hunter took me by my wrist. I tried hard to picture him as the boy I cared about before his changes but it wasn’t working. Gently I pulled from his grasp.

  “I’ll come with you but please don’t push anything. I’m not ready to reconnect with you on the level we used to share.”

  His lips twitched into a smile. “I’m happy with that.”

  In the moonlight I could see the red tinge of the maple trees that lined the walkway by the eastern garden. By n
ow all warmth had left the air, leaving nothing but a cool chill behind. When the wind blew, a few leaves glided down onto the grass like drops of blood. How could a place that was supposed to be so terrible be so serene? This place is meant to be hell on earth, isn’t it?

  A cold breeze brushed gently against the tress, making the leaves shiver under the glowing moon. I resisted the urge to hug myself in fear of it making me appear weak.

  “Look, Ruby, I never intended on this happening. I —”

  “I know,” I interrupted. “It isn’t your fault. It’s just a shock to my system, you know… I thought you were dead but here you are, still technically dead but at least you’re okay.”

  He smiled and leaned against a slightly rotten fence post.

  “A smart girl once said, what’s wrong with caring for someone who isn’t the same as you?”

  For a moment I didn’t recognize my own words, they sounded foreign to me.

  “Yeah… bu — I —” I exhaled in defeat.

  I did truly believe we don’t get to choose who we love, our heart chooses for us. Why has mine chosen two? That isn’t fair for anyone.

  “You’re a vampire, Eli is a guardian angel … I’ll be forever alone.”

  “I know Eli would give everything up to be with you and so would I.”

  I remembered the night Eli told me he wouldn’t run away with me, for my own safety.

  “I don’t want to have this conversation right now,” I groaned, my head pounding hard against the back of my skull. “A relationship with anyone is the last thing on my mind right now …”

  Hunter took a few steps toward me; I felt my muscles tense instantly.

  “Your heart is racing, it’s slightly distracting.”

  I rubbed the whistle around my neck with my thumb, ready to blow it at any second.

  “Relax. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “Surely you can smell me.”

  “Oh, I can smell you; it’s the sweetest, most delicious scent I’ve ever smelled in my life, but I won’t hurt you.” He brushed an index finger along my arm. “Don’t be scared. You can trust me.”

  I hope so. I wanted to head back to the house now. I wasn’t even a full vampire and I had craved Eli’s and Tay’s blood. I couldn’t imagine what my blood was doing to Hunter. Every time he swallowed hard or bit his lip it put me on edge. Who knew when he was going to snap?

  “Can I ask you a question?”


  “The night I saw you, after an animal jumped out in front of the car … Your skin was normal. I know that means you killed a goddess or god.”

  “I did.”

  I flinched at his words.

  “But they were elderly, one was in a coma.”

  “That doesn’t make it okay…”

  “I know.” A sadness filled Hunter’s eyes. “Lucian made me do it, he said it was the only shot I had at making you comfortable enough to talk to me.”

  It was obviously less scary talking to a pale Hunter with black eyes than it would be talking to his real self … with the translucent skin and pulsating veins. Hank’s face flashed through my mind and my spine rattled in fear. At least he was gone now.

  “Can we head back?”


  We strolled back through the garden and into the house. Immediately, I locked eyes with Eli, who was leaning against a wall with a drink in hand as Liam stood in front of him, chatting and laughing away. Eli walked away from Liam, his intense eyes burning into mine. He definitely wasn’t happy with me.

  “Ruby, can I speak to you for a minute, please?”

  Hunter winked at me and disappeared into thin air.

  “Are you crazy?” His voice was low and stern.

  “What are you talking about? You told me to be more of a friend to him.”

  “Yes, I did, but I didn’t expect you to run off into the darkness with him.”

  “I didn’t run off. I needed to get some air.”

  “What you did was stup —” His words caught in his throat as his eyes fell onto my neck.

  “Did he do that to you?”

  “Do what?” I asked, rubbing my neck.

  I couldn’t feel any kind of bite. I winced in pain; it felt like I had a bruise.

  “What happened to your neck?”

  “It’s no big deal.”

  “Did Hunter do that to you?”

  I shook my head.

  “Tell me who did it, Ruby. Who are you trying to protect?”

  “I’m trying to protect you. Lucian did this …”

  Eli turned abruptly and I grabbed at his arm desperately until he turned to face me. “Let it go, we’ll deal with it later.”

  Eli ran his fingers through his hair in exasperation.

  “Why are you so on edge?” I asked.

  “C’mon.” Eli pulled me back out into the garden.

  A sinking sensation filled my stomach. It had to be something bad if it had Eli so on edge.

  “Are you okay?” I asked him. I don’t think I’d ever had the chance to ask him that before. It was always the other way round.

  “Aleksandrov is going to help us.”

  “What? When? How?”

  “When we leave for our first assignment at Gerald Harbor in three weeks… Aleksandrov, other wizards, and half of the school’s guardians will be there.”

  Hope, excitement and happiness filled my stomach.

  “He’s doubled up on charms to protect the school. If we can make it back there, we’ll be safe. However, we can’t risk it. We need to draw Lucian away from his minions. We need to kill him, just to be safe.”

  I was worried that if I spoke, it would be in a high pitched excited squeal, so instead I nodded.

  “There’s something we need from you as well.”


  “You need to be able to use all of your elements and your sun power. You’re our secret weapon, Ruby.”

  I nodded again.

  “Let’s go back to the party.”

  Ugh. Another party. Was it going to be like this every night? I didn’t go to my room to put on a dress; I didn’t have to energy to. Instead I joined Eli and Lucian at the dinner table and we ate the exact same way we did the first night. When it was over, I crawled back to my room and climbed into bed, still in the pyjamas I wore last night and trained in today. Oh well, dirty or not, I still happily welcomed sleep.


  Here I was again, watching red and white rose petals float down from the twilight sky. I glanced down and I was wearing a long, white gown, a wedding dress. My gaze met smiling faces as they watched me in awe.

  The walls of bright green mossy trees that surrounded us were so surreal, so beautiful. In the branches nestled a dozen scarlet tanagers, their deep red feathers standing out against the vibrant green moss. For every two scarlet tanagers, there was one white dove perched perfectly in between them.

  “Are you ready, dear?” an old man in a white robe asked.

  I glanced beside me and met Eli’s handsome face. I smiled at him. He was so perfect. Now he was going to be my husband.


  The robed man began to speak. His mouth moved but no words came out. I strained my ears, I could hear the birds flutter their feathers and guests shuffle in their chair but I couldn’t hear the priest.

  “I can’t hear you,” I said but he made no sign that he could hear me, either.

  The distinct sound of sticks snapping and leaves hitting skin filled my ears. I crouched down, holding my ears. Why was the sound so deafening?

  “I object,” an emotionless voice called.

  It seemed like I was the only one to hear it. I searched the surrounding bushes but I couldn’t see anyone.

  Then they stepped out from nature’s cloak, it was Lucian and Hunter. They both stared at me, crazy-eyed. No one else could hear or see them, only me. One by one, they tore the throats from my unknown guests before dashing up the aisle to the altar where
Eli, the priest, and I were standing.

  “Eli!” I screamed, but he couldn’t hear me.

  He turned and smiled down at me. ‘I love you,’ he mouthed before Lucian broke his neck and he fell into a lifeless heap. Hunter was feeding on the priest and I was left curling into myself. My dress was splattered with blood and dirt. Through my tears I looked at the trees. Crows were devouring my beautiful birds.

  “I told you I was a possessive man, Ruby.” Lucian chuckled.

  “He’s my creator, I don’t have a choice,” Hunter begged.

  I lay on the ground, crying up to the sky. Lucian towered over me. “See you when you wake up.” His muddy boot came down on my face and I was knocked out.

  My eyes shot open and I was breathing rapidly. Sweat beads ran down my face and my hands twitched. I looked around the room, wide-eyed, making sure I was in my room. My alarm clocked blared, sending me a meter into the air. I slammed my palm down hard on top of it.

  Why was the dream freaking me out so much? It was, in fact, only a dream. My body ached as I climbed out of bed. My muscles screamed, informing me they didn’t want to exercise today. I convinced myself a hot shower would help loosen some of the tension, and it did, whilst I was in the shower at least.

  I rummaged through my boxes and found a pair of track pants and a pink tank top. Good enough.

  “Right on time,” I mumbled to myself when Eli knocked on my door.

  I opened the door and a smile broke over his face.

  “You’re a fast learner.”

  “Kill or be killed.” I shrugged.

  Eli’s smile faltered.

  “I’m not scared anymore.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Training was harder than yesterday. We warmed up with stretches and a jog, and then moved straight on to weights. When that was done, we practiced defensive fighting. My muscles were threatening to seize up but I fought against their threats. I needed to be in prime condition, I couldn’t let anyone down. Our lives depended on it.

  “Okay,” Eli began. “I’m going to teach you some basic defense. If we were under normal circumstances I’d tell you to defuse the situation, the last thing you want is a fight. However, we aren’t under normal circumstances and there’s no way you’re going to be able to talk a vampire into backing off. So first, before the situation escalates, you must pick the right places to hit before the attacker gains full control.”


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