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Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Rainey Daye

  “So what do you suggest we do? Because I am seriously craving pussy right now.”

  “Well, I don’t know about you, bro, but I’m gonna take a cold shower in order to rid myself of my remaining boner so I can start thinking straight again.”

  “You want a hand with that?” Jess offered halfheartedly.

  Alex shook his head. “Right now I’m so angry with myself that I’m not in the mood anymore.”

  “I hear you,” Jess muttered under his breath while Alex stalked to the bathroom, and Jess felt himself return to a flaccid state.

  * * * *

  Maggie locked her bedroom door and turned her back to it before sinking to the floor and drawing her knees up to her bare chest and wrapping her arms around her legs as she rocked back and forth with her face buried on her knees as she shook from shame and lust.

  What the fuck just happened? She’d had a fucking orgasm just from having her breasts sucked. That had never happened to her before! And the fact that said orgasm had been administered by two gay men made it even worse.

  “They were probably just remembering their high school pasts, when they still liked girls.” She tried to rationalize their actions. Maybe a bit of nostalgic experimentation on their part, and it hadn’t really meant anything to them and had absolutely nothing to do with her in particular.

  But day-um! If Maggie were to ever contemplate having a ménage à trois in real life, it would definitely be with them! Who cared that threesomes were traditionally two women and one guy? She would much prefer having two men administering to her instead.

  With a half-hysterical laugh, Maggie raised her head and looked around her bedroom. Situated at the front of the house on the second floor, it was the largest bedroom next to theirs and abutted theirs along the back, although Alex had helpfully pointed out to her when she picked it out for her own that they both had walk-in closets and bathrooms separating the walls between them so that she would never have to worry about overhearing the two of them going at it.

  “I’m going to miss this place,” Maggie whispered sadly. But how could she stay? She was sure that the guys were just as mortified and confused as she was over what had just happened. They would probably be showing up any minute now to apologize to her and assure her it would never happen again. Hence the closed, not to mention locked, door in case they decided to ignore their one rule for this situation.

  I never should have pretended to have nightmares. She rose from the floor and moved to the window seat that looked out over the quiet and affluent neighborhood they lived in. That was stupid and adolescent of me, wanting to be held all night in the arms of two of the hottest guys I have ever met in the flesh before. But she hadn’t had sex since she had broken up with Troy after her first year in college, and she had been masturbating with her vibrator to fantasy images of her two roommates ever since she had moved in. And since she wanted to add more dimension to her fantasies, she had decided to find out what it would really feel like to be held by them, thus the pretend nightmares.

  That was Jess’s fault, really. He had suggested renting a horror flick one night, and she had jokingly asked him, “Are you trying to give me nightmares?”

  When he had seriously offered to let her sleep with them if she did, the plan had formed full-blown in her head. She had almost chickened out that first night when she stepped into their bedroom and saw their bare torsos dappled by the moonlight streaming in their window. But before she could, Jess had noticed her standing there and had held out his hand to her in silent invitation for her to join them. As if in a trance, she had taken his proffered hand and allowed him to situate her between them in bed. He had then wrapped his arms tightly around her and whispered, “It’s okay baby. You’re safe here with us.”

  But she was no longer safe. Her masturbation fantasies of them had changed from hardcore, designed to get her off quickly, to soft and romantic ever since that first night that she had crawled into bed with them. Her fantasies even started to follow her into her regular dreams until she was forced to bury her vibrator deep inside her closet in a futile effort to excise them from her mind.

  But after today, she knew she never could. She had never been so excited or wet in her life as she was while they had massaged her.

  She wanted to wail as she fully understood the deep sense of loss she was experiencing. She couldn’t stay here and pretend that this had never happened. And the guys were so damn decent that she just knew that they wouldn’t blithely act as if it had never happened. Oh, no. Not them. They would be repeatedly offering abject apologies to her every time they saw her now, wanting her forgiveness and absolution.

  Her comfortable existence here, where she could indulge in harmless fantasies about them, was over. She felt the walls closing in and burying her in her hopelessness and knew that she could never go back to pretending that she was unaffected by them as long as she continued to live under the same roof as them.

  Giving into her tears over what she had lost, Maggie sobbed loudly while she curled up in her window seat and prayed that she could rewind this day.

  No more being a voyeur as she surreptitiously watched their make-out sessions on the couch while she pretended to be reading or watching TV. No more looking longingly after them as they excused themselves and retired to their bedroom, wishing she had the guts to ask if she could join them. No more watching them walk around shirtless while her mouth watered at the thought of licking the line of crisp hair that ran from their navels to what she was convinced had to be truly impressive cocks.

  Wiping angrily at her wet cheeks, Maggie wondered what she should do. She had come to this college from out of state, so she couldn’t simply run home. The spring term would be over in a month. She could go back home for the summer and either transfer to a college near there or ask her parents if they could help her afford to rent her own place next fall.

  But that still left her with a month of uncertainty. She was a full-time college student. She didn’t have a part-time job. The monthly dorm and food allowance from her parents was used to contribute to Alex’s house bills, which her parents had given their blessing to when she told them she had moved in with the two sweetest gay men.

  She was just beginning to realize the true hopelessness of her situation when there was a knock on her bedroom door. Startled at the sound since it was in direct violation of their privacy rule, Maggie could only stare at it mutely.

  “Maggie? We need to talk.” Alex’s muffled voice came from the other side of the door.

  “There’s no need to apologize, so go away,” Maggie called back.

  “I have no intention of apologizing,” Alex replied in that deep baritone of his.

  Intrigued by his words, Maggie found herself crossing the room and unlocking the door. As soon as she had, Alex pushed it open and stepped fully inside her room when he caught sight of her.

  “Oh, Mags,” he breathed as he saw the tearstains on her face. “I am so fucking sorry.” He pulled her tenderly into his arms.

  “I thought you didn’t come here to apologize for what happened?” Maggie asked, her voice muffled by his broad chest while he held her tightly to him.

  “I still don’t,” Alex said as he leaned his upper torso slightly away from her so he could cup her face in one of his large hands. “But you deserve an apology for making you cry,” he continued as he stroked his thumb gently along her cheekbone.

  “So, why are you crying, Mags?” He whispered his question to her. “I thought it was good for you.”

  “Huh?” Maggie asked, confused by his words.

  “Well, unless we are seriously out of practice, we were pretty sure that we made you come. You did come, didn’t you?” he asked worriedly.

  “Yes,” Maggie found herself saying before she could stop herself, and her face bloomed with color.

  “That’s a relief,” he breathed. “But you still haven’t told me why you were crying.”

  “Because I have to move out, now,” Magg
ie wailed forlornly before bursting into fresh tears. Alex quickly pulled her back into his steely embrace and rocked her comfortingly while stroking her back as her tears wet his T-shirt.

  “Why would you think that?” he whispered against her hair.

  “Why?” Maggie cried out. “Why do you think? You were there. I know you were there!” An angry note had crept into her tone at how dense he was being.

  “Yes, I was there. Believe me, the memory of that is branded into my mind for all time. But it doesn’t explain why you think you have to move out.”

  “Move out?” Jess gasped from the open doorway. “Oh, hell no! You are not moving out on us, Mags. We won’t let you. Besides, you don’t have anywhere else to go.”

  “I know that!” she cried, pushing out of Alex’s arms and brushing angrily at her tears. “Why do you think I’m crying? I have to move out of here, and I don’t want to!”

  “Nor do we want you to,” Alex stated reasonably.

  “How can I stay? Do you really expect the three of us to develop amnesia and just continue on as if nothing has happened?”

  Alex and Jess both shook their heads at her. “I told you that memory was branded in my memory for all time. And frankly, I never want to lose it,” he revealed.

  Maggie gaped at him in shock.

  “But the current situation is no longer working for us ,” Jess piped in.

  “We’ve fucked up with you since the very beginning, and we’ve decided it’s time to come clean and share some ‘true confessions’ with you.”

  Maggie was truly confused by all this. “I don’t understand,” she said as she looked back and forth between them, trying to get a feel for what they were talking about. “You say you fucked up. What did you fuck up? Oh, wait. I remember now. You both sucked on my breasts and gave me a mind-blowing orgasm. You’re right. You really did fuck up there.” She felt anger replace her shame. And then she truly wanted to hit them both when she saw their chests puff up in a display of masculine pride.

  “I lost you at ‘mind-blowing orgasm,’ didn’t I?” she remarked in disgust.

  “Well, it does assuage us to know that we haven’t lost our skills in that department,” Alex admitted. “After all, I haven’t sucked on a woman’s breasts since last fall. I’m glad to know that I haven’t forgotten how.”

  “What?” she cried in shock, taking a step away from them.

  Alex and Jess both took a step forward and, shoulder to shoulder, they backed her up until her knees connected with the end of her bed, and she sat down abruptly. Alex immediately sank down on the bed next to her and tentatively placed his arm around her bare shoulder.

  “True confession time,” he reminded her. “The two of us fucked up in the beginning by not telling you the full truth about us.”

  “The full truth?” she echoed.

  Jess sank down at her feet and clasped her hands in his while he gave her an apologetic look. “The truth that, although Alex and I are lovers, we both fully desire women as well.”

  “We should have told you the truth from the very beginning, but we both wanted you to move in here with us so badly and were afraid that you would refuse if you knew we were bi.”

  “You’re bi, as in bisexual?” Maggie gasped.

  “Yes, we’re bi, as in bisexual,” Jess confirmed.

  “And you thought I would be afraid that you would hit on me and wouldn’t feel comfortable living here with you?”

  They exchanged a sheepish look with each other before Jess continued with their confession. “No, Maggie,” he said seriously as he raised her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers while looking up at her through hooded eyes. “We both fully intended on hitting on you from the very beginning.”

  “What?” she gasped, yanking her hand away while scooting away from Alex, who was still sitting on the bed beside her.

  Jess sank back onto his flanks, looking truly miserable, like he didn’t know how to proceed.

  Alex took up the slack and tried to explain to her. “In the gay sense of the word, Jess and I have only been with each other. We’ve told you that, right?”

  Maggie nodded slowly.

  “Well, at first neither one of us wanted to be ‘gay,’ so we both continued to chase and score tail. And after a while, we both realized that we truly enjoyed all the pussy we were able to get,” he said bluntly.

  “But we also really enjoyed being with each other,” Jess added helpfully.

  “So it took us a while, but we both finally realized that we weren’t gay men trying to be straight, we were really two bisexual men.”

  “So you find other men attractive, also?”

  “You would think so, wouldn’t you,” Alex said, “but strangely enough, no. We’ve only been turned on by each other, not any other men.”

  “Although we both continued to still be turned on by many different women.”

  “How many women?” Maggie couldn’t stop herself from asking, wondering at the flare of jealousy that rose up inside her.

  “Too many to count,” Alex admitted with a tired sigh. “When it comes to women, we were true horndogs.”

  “It helped that Alex and I were never attracted to the same type of woman before. It kept us from becoming jealous whenever the other scored, and it kept the competition between us to a minimum.”

  “Oh,” Maggie breathed, wondering why she suddenly felt crushed.

  “But we’ve recently grown tired of all those one-night stands,” Alex admitted.

  “How recently?” She wanted to know, while wondering just how many women they had been with since she had moved in.

  “The last time I was with a woman was about a month before you moved in,” Alex said.

  “It was somewhere around that time for me, too,” Jess said.

  “If you like women so much, then why has it been so long?”

  The two men exchanged another long look before Alex softly confessed, “Because of you.”

  Maggie felt her breath catch in her throat and her heart stutter at that softly spoken confession as she wondered crazily if she had cried herself to sleep in her window seat and was now dreaming.

  “Because of me?” she croaked.

  Jess took her hand in his again and gently squeezed it. “I developed a major crash on you the first time I saw you in class. It’s why I put together our study group. I wanted to spend more time with you,” he confessed to her.

  “Why not just ask me out?”

  “Because Alex and I don’t date women. We just troll the college bars for one-night stands.”

  “Why don’t you date?” she wanted to know, not understanding.

  “Because when all is said and done,” Alex explained, “the fact remains that Jess and I are a couple, and neither of us thought a girlfriend would be understanding and okay with that.”

  “Even if she didn’t think we were freaks, she would still be too freaked over the idea of AIDS or something,” Jess added.

  “But you two always use condoms and get tested twice a year.”

  “Doesn’t change the fact that a girl would go dry over the fact that I thoroughly enjoying sucking my boyfriend’s dick,” Alex pointed out bluntly.

  “Okay,” Maggie said slowly as she considered that. “But all this still doesn’t explain why you didn’t even try for a one-night stand with me, Jess.”

  “Because you’re the type of woman a man keeps, not a one-night-stand type of woman. I liked and respected you way too much to reduce you to that level,” he replied matter-of-factly.

  “So when you found out about my dorm situation and invited me to move in here, what? Was that because you liked and respected me and had given up on the crush you had on me?” she asked, more confused than ever.

  “No. By the time I brought you home with me that night, I was totally jonesing to have you as my girlfriend but wasn’t sure how to go about approaching you. I even kept asking Alex for his advice,” he admitted.

  “Really?” Maggie breathed
, feeling flattered.

  “Really.” Jess nodded while Alex stated drily, “You were all Jess could talk about. It was quite irritating, actually. I was really getting tired of hearing him rave on and on about the ‘Great and Wonderful Maggie.’”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Maggie whispered lamely.

  Alex laughed and placed his arm back around her shoulder. “Don’t be,” he assured her. “It’s what actually got us to thinking. If you really were as great as Jesse claimed, then surely there must be a woman out there for us.”

  “So you decided to start looking seriously for your own girlfriend?” she asked, wondering why she was feeling strangely disappointed.

  But Alex was already shaking his head. “No, we finally decided what we both wanted and had found missing in our lives was a girlfriend. The same girlfriend. One who knew all about us and could accept us and love us that way.”

  “I started trying to lay the groundwork with you because I wanted you so damn much, and Alex said that if you really were as great as I claimed you were, then you sounded perfect for him, too, and he wanted to meet you for himself. So I tried to feel you out to see if you would be open to a relationship with us. ”

  Maggie nodded slowly as she remembered some of the highly personal questions Jesse had started bombarding her with. Unsure of why he was asking such outrageous things, she had laughed them off and refused to answer.

  “When Jess brought you home that first night, I was instantly smitten. You were even more beautiful in person than in the pictures Jesse had snapped of you with his cell phone,” Alex confessed to her.

  “Are you out of your mind? I looked a mess that night, all rumpled and sleep deprived from all those hours I had spent hiding out in the library.” She couldn’t help but remind him of her sorry appearance the first time she had met him.

  “Your lips were swollen, your eyes were hooded, and your hair was tousled,” Alex stated. “Very hot.”

  “Men find that attractive?” she asked in disbelief. “My makeup was smeared, and my clothes were wrinkled.”

  “Which made you look as if you had either just engaged in some head-banging sex or had been caught in the middle of some serious foreplay. Which leads a guy to have some serious fantasies,” Jess said.


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