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Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 18

by Rainey Daye

  “Uh, that’s all right, really,” Maggie hesitantly assured him, her body tightly wired even though their mutual sexual regard made her a bit nervous at this moment.

  They both slowly withdrew their touch and then lay down on chaise lounges on either side of her. She glanced from one to the other and couldn’t help but notice that both men were aroused. “Really,” she said as she started to rise. “I don’t mean to interfere with your date.”

  “Please don’t leave,” Alex said softly as he turned his head to gaze at her, causing her to hesitate before she slowly sank back down on her chaise. “Thank you.”

  “So,” Maggie said, clearing her throat. “What did you two do today?”

  The men proceeded to tell her about their activities, and Maggie slowly relaxed as normalcy returned. She removed her iPod and placed it on the small metal-and-glass table next to her chaise where her iced tea sat so that she could give them her full attention.

  “We were talking earlier, and we both decided that we owed you an apology for our behavior yesterday,” Jess finally said after the silence between them had stretched out.

  “Apologize?” Maggie stammered.

  “We both overdid our first dates with you. Alex had already worn you out yesterday, and then I kept you out so late that you fell asleep on me twice.”

  She looked at Alex worriedly to see if he had broken their don’t-kiss-and-tell rule and was rewarded by a smile and a very slight head shake from him. Turning to Jess she said, “I fell asleep on you twice?”

  “Yeah, once while we were stargazing, and that’s when I decided we should call it a night, and then in the car on the ride home. I had to carry you upstairs and tuck you into bed,” he said.

  “Oh, Jess, I’m sorry I fell asleep on you.”

  “Don’t be. We just overdid it after the show, that’s all.” He gifted her with a genuine smile.

  “So, neither of you are having second thoughts about our dating arrangement?” Maggie wanted to know.

  Both men suddenly stiffened, looking wary and concerned. Jess immediately moved off his chaise and sat on the end of hers while Alex sat up and swung his legs to the side so he could sit up facing her.

  “Are you?” Alex asked.

  “Well,” Maggie began hesitantly, unsure how to voice her concerns to them.

  “Shit!” Jess cursed. “What did we do wrong? Tell us so we can fix it. Give us a second chance.”

  “Neither of you did anything wrong,” Maggie hastened to reassure them. “It’s just that I realized when I woke up that everything had now changed. Instead of just talking about it and throwing around ideas, we had actually taken action yesterday, and we’re now actively dating each other.”

  “And the reality didn’t live up to the fantasy?” Jess wanted to know, a crestfallen expression on his face.

  “Oh, no. That’s not it at all. I had a lot of fun at the stable and at the dinner theater yesterday. The dates were fantastic.”

  “Then what’s the problem?” Jess asked, sounding confused.

  “Well, there were some serious moments on both our dates that got me to thinking that the dynamic between us was changing. And I couldn’t help wondering if we are ready for these changes.”

  “What type of changes are you talking about?” Alex asked carefully.

  “Well,” Maggie said slowly. “It was all nice and romantic having make-out sessions with both of you on the couch this past week. And I enjoyed the way you would each kiss me good-bye in front of each other in the morning and greet me with a kiss when we got home. But in a way, that was nice and innocent. High school stuff. First crush stuff with the heavy petting and necking. Or Beaver Cleaver with the kiss in the morning and the evening. Pretty tame. But now that we’re going to be going out on real dates, well…”

  “It won’t stay soft and romantic like an adolescent’s dreams,” Alex said thoughtfully. “It will eventually become hard-core reality.”

  “Exactly,” she said, nodding her head vigorously in agreement. “And when things get serious, well, eventually there are going to be fights and disagreements,”

  “Like the fight we had in the car yesterday,” Alex said thoughtfully.

  “What fight?” Jess asked curiously as Maggie was nodding her head at Alex.

  “What?” Alex said, jerking his head toward Jess. “Oh, it was just a matter of us getting our wires crossed, and we resolved it almost as soon as it started.”


  “But my point is, as in any serious relationship, there are bound to be disagreements and times that we are so mad that we just want to spit and even refuse to talk to the other person for days,” Maggie said. “So how will that affect the other one who isn’t involved in the fight? What do you do when you and Alex fight? Do you go sleep on the couch or one of the other bedrooms? Will you be coming into my room to sleep instead? And if I’m there to provide a distraction to your fight, then how will you ever resolve it?”

  “Those are some good points, Maggie, and I’m sure you mean that the reverse corollary is true, and there are times when we’ll be angry with you and vice versa. But I really think that since we made an intelligent decision to embark on this relationship together, then we can be levelheaded enough to work out any differences that may arise,” Alex stated.

  “Alex, we need to take a good, hard look at ourselves. You and Jess have proven that you have what it takes to keep a relationship between yourselves thriving. I don’t want to be the one who ruins it for you, for whatever reason. You both told me you wanted to embark upon a serious relationship with me as your girlfriend, but every time I turn around, you are both pawing at me. And before you refute what I’m saying, may I point out that you did just that the moment you came out here on the pool deck. So how do we know that it’s not just lust that we’re feeling for each other?”

  “Do you like us, Mags?” Alex wanted to know. “Were we your friends before we decided to date?”

  “Well, yeah, but I was secretly lusting after both of you the entire time!”

  “Exactly. While you were lusting after us, we were both lusting after you. Yet we managed to control our hormones and become friends after all, with no uncomfortable sexual tension, innuendoes, or undertones. So why do you think that would change just because we are loosening the reins on said hormones?”

  Maggie paused as she thought about that.

  “Every relationship grows and evolves,” Jess added quietly. “There are times when the relationship consists of unbridled passion and times when it is simple companionship and comfort that is craved. But as long as those elements are there, along with friendship and mutual respect, then it can endure. We’re simply in the grip of the lust phase with you right now, but I assure you the other aspects are still there.”

  “Damn, and I thought I was the one who took psych classes for fun. How did you get so smart?” she asked with a teasing smile.

  “By observing a very loving relationship between my parents, who shared their secret to lasting happiness with me when I came of age. They told me to go ahead and sow my wild oats but to keep an eye out for the one who makes me both laugh and cry, who makes me so frustrated I want to pull my hair out while counting the minutes until we are together again. Who is both my friend and my lover. The one whose face is the last one I want to see before I shut my eyes at night and whose face I want to see upon awakening in the morning.”

  “You’re talking about Alex, aren’t you?” she said with a smile, truly touched at the depth of their feelings for each other.

  “Yes, I am. But then your face began to creep into those thoughts. I saw both of you side by side in my mind’s eye and I realized that I need both of you if I’m ever to be truly complete,” he said sincerely as he reached out and took both their hands in his.

  Maggie felt tears slide down her cheeks as Alex leaned over and kissed Jess very softly. “I love you, Jess,” he breathed as he cupped his face in his hand.

  “I love you
, too,” Jess breathed back. And then he turned to Maggie. “And I love you, too, Maggie. And I’m not talking friendship love here. I’ve fallen in love with you, and that’s why I’ve been an ass and have scared you. I’m still in the first stage of love with you, where it’s all about physical proximity and constant touching, mixed with desire. It’ll pass and grow even deeper, I promise you. It took Alex and me about a year before we could stop pawing at each other long enough to actually be in each other’s presence without it always turning sexual. So if you can bear with us, I promise our libidos will eventually come back under our control when we are with you.”

  Maggie couldn’t breathe. “You love me?” she whispered, awestruck.

  “We’ve both fallen in love with you, Maggie,” Alex replied. “It’s probably why we can’t control ourselves around you. We’ve both been celibate in regards to other women ever since you came here, and now that you’ve indicated your interest in us, well, our cocks are doing a happy dance whenever we’re around you, and it takes us a while to wrest them back under control.”

  Maggie burst out laughing at his description of their libidos. “That sounds like something Jess would say,” she said.

  “He did say it. When I told him how sexually frustrated I was several months ago in regards to you, he told me that if I remained patient, my cock would eventually be doing a happy dance.”

  Maggie laughed again. Clutching her sides, she eyed both their groins and saw their cocks jerk in response to her gaze upon them. “I’m sorry. I’m just trying to visualize exactly what such a happy dance would look like,” Maggie gasped out between her laughter.

  * * * *

  Jess grinned at her. “We’d be happy to show you our happy dance if you want us to,” he said as he waggled his eyebrows at her, his heart near bursting with happiness at this moment. She hadn’t run screaming at their declaration of love! She hadn’t made a like declaration, granted, but she was smiling and laughing with them, and the tenseness had drained from her body. They were making progress.

  “I would gladly take you up on that offer if I thought you were serious, but if you did, then I’m afraid things might get out of hand,” Maggie replied.

  “Nah, we’d make sure you kept us firmly in hand,” Jess teased her.

  “Exactly.” Maggie nodded, serious. “I have little to no control of myself when I’m with the two of you. I want and desire you both so much, but I’m really not ready to engage in group sex with the two of you.”

  “Massages notwithstanding,” Alex murmured with a smile.

  “I wasn’t actively participating during the massages. I was simply on the receiving end of mind-blowing pleasure. An actual threesome between us, involving ‘penetration,’ as you termed it, would require my active participation, and I’m not quite there yet.”

  “If ever,” Jess replied. “We understand, and we told you that a threesome between us was not a requirement to being our girlfriend.”

  “I know. But that’s just it. I think I really, really want to experience that with the two of you, but right now, this soon, I’m afraid that I’ll suffer from performance anxiety or something,” she confessed.

  “So, then, we wait. If it happens, great. If it never does, that’s okay, too,” Alex said philosophically.

  “How come you two are at the point that you’re okay with having a threesome with me when you’ve never had one together before?” Maggie wanted to know, truly curious.

  “We’ve never even discussed having a three-way in the past,” Jess admitted. “But I think it’s because we’ve never before desired the same woman before.”

  “I think it’s also because Jess and I offer each other something that we don’t desire from you, so there’s no fear of jealousy that he’ll prefer being with you over me and vice versa. Rather, you offer us something that we both mutually desire while we offer each other the other thing we crave.”

  Maggie’s brow furrowed in confusion, and Alex sighed. “Do I have to be blunt again, Mags?”

  “I think you do,” she said.

  “Very well. We both crave your pussy and your tits, but we also want each other’s cocks in our mouths and in our asses.”

  Maggie flinched at the crude words before reminding herself that their graphic nature left little to no room to doubt what they wanted.

  “You know,” she said, considering. “Neither of you has ever told me exactly what your sexual relationship with each other is like. And since you two will probably engage in sex with each other while having sex with me during a three-way, I really want to know what to expect.”

  “That’s right,” Jess piped up. “You wanted to know who was on top, if I recall, and we never really answered that question, did we?”

  “No, you didn’t,” Maggie said, blushing.

  “Don’t blush, Mags,” Alex said, “or I won’t be able to resist kissing you.”

  Maggie blushed harder, and he groaned.

  “Maybe it would be better if we gave you a visual demonstration,” Jess said thoughtfully. “That way we’ll be fully engaged with each other and won’t be sidetracked by those adorable blushes of yours.”

  “You’d be okay having sex in front of an audience?” Maggie gasped, amazed.

  “Only if the audience were you,” Jess replied.

  “Uh, I don’t know. Do you think if I turn away so you can’t see me blush, you can give me some idea of what you’re like together without having to demonstrate?”

  “I don’t know,” Jess said thoughtfully as he eyed Alex. “Demonstrating might be more titillating.”

  “We can set up the video camera for her,” Alex said, considering.

  “Ohh, we’ve never filmed ourselves before,” Jess breathed.

  “Cause we didn’t want to risk the tape getting out somehow,” Alex pointed out.

  “Oh, yeah. I forgot. Okay, then. No camera. When do you want to have this discussion, Mags?”

  “No time like the present?” The two men looked at each other and sighed. Then Alex stood up and turned his chaise so that it was at an angle to Maggie’s.

  Maggie sat up, curious and strangely excited, while Alex sat back down and patted the area next to him so that Jess could move over to sit beside him. Biting her lip, she waited with baited breath as she prepared to have her curiosity finally satisfied.

  * * * *

  Alex took Jess’s hand in his and looked deep into his eyes. He let his love for his partner shine on his face as he raised their clasped hands and kissed the back of Jess’s.

  Speaking directly to Jess, he proceeded to tell Jess in graphic detail just exactly what he would like to do to him, step by step, both of them growing more aroused the more he spoke.

  “I want to take you in my arms and kiss you senseless. And then I want to lick my way down your chest until I reach your beautiful cock. I will whirl my tongue around it from tip to base before I suck it deep into my mouth. When you are on the verge of coming, I will move my mouth to your balls, which I will suckle into my mouth as my hand strokes your hard length. Then I’ll slip my hands under you and raise your ass up so I can stab my tongue inside it after I lick all around it. I’ll then replace my tongue with my finger before I slowly move back up your body, licking a path back up to your glorious mouth where I will kiss you deeply. And all the while, I will continue to finger you until you are begging me to fill you with my cock.”

  Jess’s breathing quickened, and he leaned toward Alex and kissed him passionately, before saying, “And while you are doing that, I will be stroking every inch of your body that I can reach. I will flip you over and turn you around so that I can suck on your own cock while you are sucking on mine. I will spread those tight cheeks of yours and plunge my own finger deep inside you until you are begging me for mercy. I will torment you until you release in my mouth, and then I will place you on your knees and lube you up so that I can drive myself deep inside as I slowly thrust, driving you wild with desire as I reach around you and stroke you
r hard cock with my hand.”

  “I will roll over,” Alex continued, “and flip you onto your back. I will then wrap your legs around my waist and enter you while staring deep into your eyes and exchange slow, deep kisses with you as I rock myself inside you.”

  “I’ll be begging you for more by that point,” Jess breathed. “And once you come, I will sit up and turn you around and sit you on my lap while I drive myself back inside you with my hands tightly gripping your hips. I’ll wrap my arms around you and hold you close and turn your face toward mine so that I can kiss you some more.”

  “I’ll be massaging and stroking my own cock the entire time,” Alex said, “while I urge you on, wanting it faster and harder.”

  And now the two men were touching each other, dragging their hands over each other’s bare chests before Alex leaned down and licked Jess’s hardened nipple while Jess cradled his head in his hands. Alex turned Jess to his side and pushed him backward on the chaise. He then kissed Jesse passionately while Jesse wrapped his arms around Alex and hugged him tight before running his hands along the thick muscles along his back. Alex then leaned down and licked a wicked path around Jess’s nipple before dragging his tongue down his stomach and twirling his tongue around his naval and the golden line of hair that disappeared under his waistband. He raised his head and lightly stroked his fingers along his abdomen before he squeezed him gently through his trunks.

  Jess shuddered and raised his hips, allowing Alex to tug down his trunks and take his fully engorged cock in hand. He gave it his full attention as he petted and stroked it. His tongue then darted out and licked the slit before swirling around the head of his penis. He then sucked the very head into his mouth while he took Jess’s cock in a two-handed grip and began stroking him off in different directions. Jess squirmed and cried out before Alex finally moved one hand farther down and cupped his balls. Jess began hoarsely demanding that Alex turn around, and Maggie watched in openmouthed fascination as the two men began to perform oral sex on each other.


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