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Destroyed: Falcon Brothers (Steel Country Book 2)

Page 24

by Mj Fields

  “About what, baby?” I ask, kissing her neck.

  “What I asked for,” she whispers like it’s fucking wrong.

  I look up at her and shake my head. “Nothing between you and me is embarrassing, you got it?”

  She nods.

  “Climb off.”

  “But, you haven’t—”

  “I will,” I say, helping her off my cock.

  I climb down and hold out my arms. “Come on.”

  “Where are we going?” she asks as she falls into my arms.

  “I have a need to tend to,” I tell her, wrapping her legs around me and gripping her ass.

  “The moment has...” She stops when I rub her juices from her pussy to her asshole and apply some pressure.

  “Your eyes made me want to know you. Your lips made me want to stay, even if all we ever did was kiss. Your tits...fuck, baby, so hot. That ass, I’ve wanted inside it since day fucking one. Never wanted to hurt you. Never. But Juliana, I want to fuck that ass. You want to let me, I’m going as deep as you allow, hoping for balls deep.”

  I push my finger in a little farther, and her eyes widen. “Tell me no, tell me not now, tell me never, I’ll listen. Change your mind in a week, a year, a decade, I’m gonna do whatever the hell you want. Tell me what you want.”

  I open the door to the cabin and walk inside.

  “Make it go away,” she whispers. “Make it yours—ours.”

  I set her on the bed then head to the kitchen where I open the cupboard and grab the coconut oil, a spoon, and a cup.

  I want to take it away, make it feel good, but I won’t tear her apart.

  When I walk into the bedroom, she is sitting on the bed.

  “Change your mind anytime,” I say, scooping out some of the coconut oil with my fingers and rubbing it up and down my cock. “Come here, baby.”

  She moves to the end of the bed, and I pull the dress over her head as she unhooks her bra.

  “So fucking beautiful, Juliana.” I kiss her, moving forward slowly so she lies back.

  I look at her body laid out before me. Yellow bruises, a fucking cast, and still she looks at me like I’m going to help heal her, and I am. Whatever it fucking takes.

  I kiss down her body. Hip to hip, I lick her back and forth and back down again.

  She sighs and closes her eyes.

  I grab my phone and hit my music, “Stripe It Down” by Luke Bryant, then toss the phone aside as I take off my pants.

  I rub my cock up and down her body before pushing in nice and slow as I pull her legs up and rest them against my body. Then I reach down and scoop out more of the coconut oil for lube and rub it up and down her ass before slowly pushing a finger into her.

  “Eyes open, Juliana.” My voice is deeper than expected. Her eyes open. “Feel okay?”

  She looks at me like she is regretful when she answers, “Yes.”

  “Good, I wanna make you feel nothing but fucking good.”

  I slowly rub another finger up and down, lubing it up before pushing it slowly inside her.

  I watch her eyes roll slightly, and her nipples ball up nice and tight.

  “Fuck,” I groan as I move my fingers in deeper while pulling my cock out slowly. “Talk to me.”

  “Full.” She arches. “So full.”

  “More?” I ask, clenching my teeth, trying to hold back from just taking it.

  She nods. “Uh-huh.”

  I pull out and line up my cock. “Talk to me.”

  “I’m good, Garrett. Just do it, please,” she begs.

  I rub her clit with my palm as I fuck her pussy with my finger, slowly moving into her ass farther.

  “Deep breath,” I grit out as my balls tighten up so fucking far I swear they are in my throat.

  When she breathes in, I push in until I’m halfway inside her tight as fuck ass.


  “Good. Feels good,” she pants.

  I rock in and out slowly, never deeper than halfway, and when she starts moving with me, her eyes open.

  “Good?” I ask through my teeth.

  “Yes,” she moans. “Everything with you is good.”

  “Gonna need to come soon,” I warn her.

  “Fuck me, then. Fuck me like you want this, too. Please, Garrett.”

  “I fucking want,” I assure her as I move a little faster, sinking a little deeper and listening to her breath catch before a moan, a whimper, all sounds of pleasure. All fucking good.

  “Good?” I growl now.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” she cries out. “I’m gonna...I’m gonna...Oh, God.”

  “Fuuuuucccckkkk,” I hiss as I fuck her faster until I can’t fucking hold back anymore. “Yeeeeesssss.”

  Afterward, we lay in bed, holding each other, rubbing, petting, kissing. I have never felt closer to her than right now.

  “Thank you,” she whispers.

  “Thank you,” I tell her, looking her in the eyes. “God, Juliana, thank you for giving me a second chance at life, everything.”

  “I feel the same,” she tells me.

  “Gonna love you forever.”

  Her smile, her eyes, they tell me she’s going to do the same.



  The night before our nuptials, I get two calls. One from DeAngelo, telling me the DA is charging Peter with attempted murder, as opposed to assault. I nearly fucking flipped when that was what they were going to call it. Fucking assault my ass. But, things worked out, and I’m glad that weasel is sitting behind bars and not getting out anytime soon.

  Juliana smiled and closed her eyes. I’m pretty sure she was thanking God.

  When he does get out, I don’t give a fuck if I’m ninety, that bastard will pay for what he did to her.

  The other call was the local hospital where Juliana applied for a position in labor and delivery. She wants to be a nurse, busted her ass and got the degree. I’m proud of her. So damn proud. However, I want her to be home with me, with Brand, and with the baby growing in her.

  She was adamant that she wants to help provide for our family, that she can get health insurance, retirement, and a pay check, something she hadn’t had since she was eighteen. I understand her need, and again, I’m fucking proud of her, but we have all that and more.

  I decide to keep that to myself. She wants it, she gets it.

  After a three-hour discussion, we came to an agreement that part-time would work out best for us all.

  Then she fucked me. I let her fuck me. And fuck me, she did. Confidence is sexy as hell on her.

  Now, the yard is an actual yard, filled with rows of bales of hay, with boards covered in burlap over them. What was supposed to be just family ended up being just like the Fourth of July.

  I’m standing on a small stage in front of old, wooden barn doors as a back drop. To my left are my groomsmen. To my right is a minister from a church in town we take Brand to on Sundays.

  Neither of us grew up in a church, but we can’t deny God’s existence after all we have been through. Juliana wanted to take Brand and, well, Brand has become friends with some of the kids who attend. It’s good for him to have friends. From what I understand, he didn’t have any until this summer when he hung out with the Steel kids. I want him to have that. I want him to have normal. Whatever normal is.

  Juliana has friends now, too. Phoenix, Kat, Carly Steel, and Mandee, the bar owner’s daughter, are her bridesmaids. She spent the past month on Facetime calls with them, planning the perfect country wedding.

  She’s as happy as I have ever seen her. Hell, happier. She’s found herself with love and someone who she knows will never leave her...again.

  Gage, Gray, Jase, and Ricco are by my side. I have gotten closer to them, as well. How fucked up is that? I have known Jase for years, Ricco did my first tattoo, and all of a sudden, some fucked up situations threw us together. From Kat being a first-class bitch and me wanting to rip her lips off so she couldn’t talk shit about my
girl, to her becoming one of her closest friends because Juliana put her in her place, to Carly having a baby in the tub in Brand’s room.

  Phoenix and Juliana are like sisters, and Mandee has handled everything to do with the reception. She’s like a walking Disney movie. That girl loves love.

  Her boyfriend is cool, I suppose. His old man owns the marina, and he’s always around. He’s like a puppy dog. Adores that girl. From what Juliana says, nothing but a kiss has happened between them. Not going to say shit, but to me, that’s a fucking pussy. Yet again, I was like that when I was first with Juliana, but I was a seventeen-year-old fucked-up addict who cared more about some pills or a bump than pussy. Until her.

  The place isn’t finished. Juliana laughs at me when I add more and more I want to do to it. It’s not a cabin anymore; it’s a four-bedroom home. I plan to add up next. Sick of filling the property with square footage. Soon, I will have to give up the idea of a garage, and that’s not happening.

  Been working with Gage, too. Feels good to be part of Falcon Construction and not having to be in that fucking city. Also, feels damn good to leave the account alone and make money to pay for my home.

  Juliana handed Gage the check for the house when it sold. He turned around and put it in Brand’s trust fund. For two seconds I was pissed. Then I realized that was a dick thing to be. I’m far from perfect, but each day, I want to be more so. For my brothers, my kids, for her and me.

  Gray starts playing “Bless the Broken Road,” and the girls start walking out from the new front entrance onto the also new porch, a place Juliana and I sit every damn night and watch the sun set, most of the time with our boy.

  I smile when I see Mandee walk out, revealing the top-secret dresses. The dress is short and black with a red and black flannel shirt tied up at the waist, and black cowboy boots.

  “Explains these fucking ties.” Gage snickers.

  “They look good,” I say, my eyes never leaving the porch.

  “Like little ladies,” he jokes. Then Phoenix walks out. “Jesus Christ,” he mutters.

  I look over to see he’s adjusting himself. Then I look back at Phoenix, who is smiling at him and giving him a sassy, little wink.

  “Tearing that up later,” he says.

  I can’t help laughing.

  Jase’s youngest girl walks out, dropping rose petals on the burlap aisle runner, smiling from ear-to-ear.

  I see Brand step out in his black tux, and he looks back, smiling.

  Then Juliana walks out and takes a deep breath. I see her smile. It’s forced. Then I see a tear falling down her cheek.

  Her hair is in soft curls, hair half-up, half-down. Her makeup is done up. She looks like a fucking runway model.

  “What do you think?” Gage asks.

  I shake my head. “Think I’m one lucky son of a bitch to have her, you, Brand, our family.” I stop talking and clear my throat.

  He grips my shoulder, and I let out a slow breath as I watch my girl, who looks like a fucking supermodel, in a white satin dress with my fucking flannel shirt tied up below her tits. She has on one white cowboy boot and a new white walking cast on the other foot. She’s using one crutch, and Brand is holding her opposite hand.

  “Can you do the who gives this woman away part from up there?” I point to where they are coming toward us and look at the minister.

  “Of course.” He nods toward them.

  I walk up and meet them halfway, stopping in front of her.

  The minister looks at Brand. “Who gives this woman to marry this man?”

  Brand smiles and points his thumb to himself. “Me and God do.”

  Everyone laughs, including the minister.

  “You wanna hold your mom’s crutch?” I ask Brand.

  “Sure do.” He looks at the flowers then at me.

  “Give me just a minute, bud.” I wink at him, and he blinks back. Then I lift her up so we are eye to eye and pull her tightly against me. I use one hand to wipe away her tears.

  “No more tears for you, little lady.”

  She smiles and whispers, “They’re happy ones.”

  “Nothing but from here on out,” I tell her, starting to lean in to steal a kiss.

  “Dad, you can’t.” Brand pushes the flowers up, blocking my attempt.

  Everyone laughs again.

  “Fine, but after this, I’m gonna be kissing your mom whenever I feel like it.”

  He laughs. “You already do.”

  “Well, more often, then.” I take the flowers and look down. “Come stand by me?”

  “I’m supposed to sit,” he whispers.

  “You can if you want, or you can come up front and center with your mom and I. Up to you.”

  I walk up to the front and place her in her spot. Brand hands her the crutch, and she puts it under her arm then takes the flowers from me. Brand then stands right in front of me, and I look down at him.

  “You ready to do this?”

  “Been waiting all day,” he answers.

  I look in the front row where Mom and Dad sit. Then I look over my shoulder at my brothers, before looking up at the sky as the sun sets in the late August sky and silently thank God for giving me a second chance to do it right.



  “Gonna have the bride come to the center of the dance floor,” the DJ Mandee hired says.

  I stand up and look at my husband. God, it’s weird to say, even weirder is the feeling that nothing in the world could ever take him away.

  “You coming?”

  “Nope.” He sits back in his chair and smiles.

  “Okay,” I say, wondering what on earth this is.

  We have tossed the garter and the bouquet, the toasts are done, and we did the first dance. Everything on Mandee’s very long lists of musts for a wedding has been checked off.

  Standing in the middle of the floor, I look around as Grayson walks out with his guitar. He takes the mic from the DJ and sits down.

  I look at Garrett, who crosses his arms over his chest. That cocky grin that I haven’t seen in way too long spreads across his face.

  “Can I get the females in the wedding party up here?”

  I cock my head to the side, and he does the same as they all start to walk onto the dance floor and Grayson starts playing his guitar.

  “God, he’s freaking hot,” Mandee groans in my ear.

  “You have a boyfriend,” I remind her.

  “Who is perfect for me. That one”—she nods toward Gray—”That one comes in here twice a week, and I swear he leaves with a different skank each time. He’s sinful and naughty, which makes him even hotter. Hell, if I were drunk, I’d give him my born-again hymen.”

  “Mandee.” Phoenix laughs. “You stay away from the bad boys. They’ll break that sweet, little heart, right along with your revirginated hymen.”

  “Seems to have worked out just fine for you,” she says, and then hiccups.

  I laugh. “Wait till you hear him sing.”

  “He’s gonna sing?” she asks. “Lord in Heaven, please let him suck,” she prays, hands folded, looking up.

  “This one’s from your husband, Mrs. Falcon,” Grayson says then stands up and walks toward us.

  “Sweet Jesus, he’s coming over here,” Mandee whispers.

  “And your very sweet boyfriend is watching you swoon.” Phoenix laughs.

  “I’m not married; I can look.” She hiccups again.

  Gray starts singing to me, but his focus quickly moves to Mandee. “Dang girl, look at you, stopping me in my boots. What’s a country boy to do, but say, uh-uh.” He grabs his junk and looks her up and down. “Stop beating my chest up. You’re downright dangerous. That shake got me giddy up. Got my eyes on what…”

  I look at her, and she grins as she begins to dance with Phoenix and the other girls, while I do my best.

  I feel hands around my waist, then Garrett pulls me back against him. “This song gets me hard, wife.”

Is that so?” I laugh, leaning back against him.

  “Think of fucking you every time it comes on.” He kisses my neck as he sways us back and forth. “How about we get out of here?”

  “Sounds like a plan. Let’s say goodbye to Brandon.”

  We spot him in the corner. He looks exhausted. He’s going back to the house with Garrett’s parents. We are only going away for two nights. When I get this cast off, Garrett’s taking me away and won’t tell me where.

  “You tired, Brand?” Garretts asks, bending down when we reach him.

  He crosses his arms over his chest. “I wanna go home.”

  “What’s wrong, Brandon?” I ask.

  He runs his hand over his little Mohawk that thankfully is growing out.

  “Bell Steel gave her little sister the necklace I gave her.”

  “Oh, wow. Well, maybe she wanted to borrow it?” I suggest.

  “No, Bell said Kiki and I are closer in age, so we’d be friends longer.” He swings his little foot as if he’s kicking the air. “I told her I don’t want to be her friend, and that I’m gonna marry her someday.”

  Garrett and I look at each other.

  “She told me it was adorable. I’m not adorable! I’m a cowboy, and I told her that.”

  “And what did she say?” I ask.

  “She kissed my cheek and told me I was even more adorable.” He rolls his eyes.

  “You’re looking at this all wrong, Brand,” Garrett says, tipping up his chin. “She kissed you, bud. You should be grinning like a fool.”

  “Maybe.” He shakes his head. “But then Kiki came up and kissed me square on the lips.”

  “Two kisses in one night?” Garrett asks.

  “So then Bell looks at her and I, and smiles and says, ‘Oooo, I think this is the start of something.’ It’s gross, Dad. Kiki is a baby.”

  “Everything okay?” Gail asks from behind us.

  “I’m tired, Grandma. I wanna go home.”

  “Do you want us to stay home, Brandon. If—”

  “No way. I’ll be fine.” He stands up and looks at Gail. “I need to leave here now, Grandma.”

  She waves to her husband. “Of course. Let’s go.”

  “You and Grandpa stay at the door. I’ll be right back.” He looks at us and gives us each a hug. “Have a good time.”


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