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The Great Silence: Britain from the Shadow of the First World War to the Dawn of the Jazz Age

Page 35

by Juliet Nicolson

  Chaplin, Charlie, 8, 85, 205

  Chapman, Thomas, 114

  Charteris, Ivo, 113

  Chase, Harry, 115, 117, 119

  Chatsworth House, Derbyshire: conservatory demolished, 223–5, 229, 231-2

  childbirth, 124

  children: independence, 214

  Chinese workers: clear battlefields, 101

  Christian Science, 240

  Christianity: decline in popularity and observance, 96

  Christmas (1919), 176–82

  Church of England: Conference (1920), 239-40

  Churchill, Clementine (Lady): and daughter Marigold, 92;

  interest in buying Peelings (house), 222;

  marriage, 228

  Churchill, Lady Randolph (née Jenny Jerome), 189

  Churchill, (Sir) Winston: attacked by suffragette, 2;

  hastens demobilisation, 76–7;

  and daughter Marigold, 92;

  presents prize money to Alcock and Brown, 106;

  and T. E. Lawrence’s arrogance, 116;

  sees Lowell Thomas’s T. E. Lawrence show, 119;

  welcomes Prince of Wales back from overseas tour, 162;

  opposes women in Parliament, 170

  cinema: as entertainment, 151, 205–6

  cinemas: as refuges, 94

  Clarke Hall, Denis, 244-8

  Clarke Hall, Edna (née Waugh), 58, 240-8;

  ‘Peace Night’ (poem), 41

  Clarke Hall, Justin, 244–5, 247

  Clarke Hall, William, 241-4, 246, 248

  class (social): and effect of war, 2–3, 9

  Clemenceau, Georges, 106–7

  Cliveden, Berkshire, 46, 167, 185

  coal miners: disaffection, 77–80

  Coalition Government: returned (December 1918), 75

  Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, 80

  Cobb, Professor (of Leeds), 78

  Cocteau, Jean, 217

  Cohen, Stanley, 63

  Collins, Michael, 75, 130

  Communism: in Germany, 83;

  seen as threat, 86;

  demonstrations in Europe, 106

  conscription (wartime), 13

  Constructive Birth Control Society, 173

  contraception, 124–5, 161, 173

  Cooper, Lady Diana (earlier Manners): on reaction to war horrors, 20;

  studies under Tonks, 58;

  marriage, 111–14;

  and peace celebrations, 111;

  social life, 111–12, 152;

  accident and temporary disablement, 113, 134–5,: 4–8;

  at Victory Day Ball, 133;

  takes drugs, 134–6, 251;

  concern for looks, 251

  Cooper, Duff: returns from France at war’s end, 31;

  marriage, 111–14;

  warservice, 113;

  and Diana’s drug-taking, 135–6;

  driving, 135;

  wheels invalid Diana, 136–7;

  on lark song on Western Front, 147;

  at Victory Ball, 148;

  Lloyd George confides in, 149

  Cooper, Gladys, 35, 45, 193

  cosmetic surgery see plastic surgery

  cost of living: rise, 77

  Cottingly fairies, 250

  country life, 131–2

  Courtaulds (company), 178

  Cox, General Charles (‘Fighting Charlie’), 119

  Craddock, Harry, 185

  Craiglockhart War Hospital, near Edinburgh, 66–7

  Cremation Society of England, 6

  crime: among returned soldiers, 67–8

  Crystal Palace, London, 225

  Cunard, Sir Bache, 152

  Cunard, Emerald, Lady, 152, 216

  Curie, Marie, 28

  Curzon, Lady Cynthia (‘Cimmie’), 35, 228

  Curzon, George Nathaniel, Marquess, 116, 162, 258

  D×il Éireann: established, 77

  Daily Herald, 73

  Daily Mail: sends Christmas puddings to troops, 15;

  censorship, 20;

  on dances, 154;

  on jazz bands, 158;

  Ideal Home Exhibition (1920), 206;

  sponsors wireless broadcasting, 214

  Daily Mail Cookbook, 207

  Daily Telegraph: on Devonshire House ball, 227

  Dalton’s (club), Leicester Square, 160

  dancing: popularity, 151–8

  Dancing Times (magazine), 154

  Davidson, Emily, 2

  Davies, George Llewellyn, 264

  Day Lewis, Cecil see Lewis, Cecil Day

  death: Collins on nature of, 8

  debutantes, 104

  Del Cot (London store), 176

  demobilisation, 69, 70, 73–4, 76–7, 188

  Desborough, Ethel Anne Priscilla (Ettie), Lady: loses sons in war, 5, 14;

  and Armistice, 37;

  congratulates Violet Elliot (Astor) on remarriage, 46

  de Veulle, Mr (dressmaker and actor), 133-4

  Devonshire, Evelyn Emily Mary, Duchess of, 7, 46, 221

  Devonshire, Victor Christian William Cavendish, 9th Duke of: property and estates, 221-9

  Devonshire House, Piccadilly, 195, 221–2, 227–9, 231

  Diaghilev, Serge, 34, 36, 215–17

  Dickens & Jones (London department store), 177

  Didion, Joan, 4

  Dinham, Sergeant Jack, 22

  disablement: pensions, 47;

  treatment and compensation, 47–8

  disfigurement (ex-soldiers): repair and concealment, 48-56; see also faces

  disillusionment, 129

  dissatisfaction, 123–8

  divorce: rise in, 44

  Dormeuil, Edmée, 149

  Dowson, Ernest, 241

  Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 33, 97, 250–1

  Doyle, Kingsley, 97

  Doyle, Louisa, 97

  dress: among poor, 132, 207;

  informality, 158-9

  Dreyfus, Alfred, 220

  drinking, 49, 184–5

  drugs (recreational), 133–6, 160

  Drummond, Canon, 158

  Drusilla’s (tea shop and zoo), East Sussex, 200-1

  Dudley Ward, Freda, 164, 181

  Duff Gordon, Lucy, 30, 123, 184

  Durham, Bishop of see Moule, Handley Carr Glyn

  Earle, Lionel, 231

  Education Act (1918), 201

  Edward VII, King, 7

  Edward, Prince of Wales: watches erotic performance in Calais, 24;

  friendship with Gladys Cooper, 45;

  meets resentful returned troops, 72;

  on murder of Russian royal family, 82;

  role and activities, 128–9;

  on Queen Alexandra’s unpunctuality, 141;

  visit to USA and Canada, 145, 162–4;

  dancing, 153;

  and Freda Dudley Ward, 164, 181;

  women friends, 164;

  public commitments, 166;

  on Christmas, 180;

  proposed tour of Australia, 181;

  returns from overseas tour (October 1920), 258

  Edwards, John, 59

  electorate (parliamentary): increased, 74

  electricity: in home, 206

  Eliot, Thomas Stearns, 127-8, 179, 189, 218, 236-7;

  The Waste Land, 128, 218, 265

  Eliot, Vivien, 127, 218, 236

  Ellieson Carrier Electric Invalid’s Carriage, 47

  Elliot (under-keeper at Beeley), 225

  Endurance (ship), 150–1

  Ennever, William Joseph, 98

  Eton College: war casualties, 15

  Evening Standard, 190

  Everest, Elizabeth (Churchill’s nanny), 222

  Ewart, William, 100

  Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society, 67

  faces: and masks for disfigured soldiers, 52-5;

  repaired by plastic surgery, 56-63

  Fairbanks, Douglas, 228

  Farr, Mrs (of Somerset), 19

  Fascist Party: formed in Italy, 106

  fashion (women’
s), 173–6

  Feisal, Emir, 114

  films (movies), 8; see also cinema

  Fingall, Elizabeth Mary, Countess of, 37

  Finnigan, Alfred, 21

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 163, 186;

  This Side of Paradise, 187

  Fitzgerald, Zelda, 187

  Fitzhardinge, Charles Paget Fitzhardinge, 3rd Baron, 20

  Fitzmaurice, Charles, 7

  Fitzpatrick, Sir Percy, 140–1

  flying and aircraft, 9, 105, 150

  Foch, Marshal Ferdinand, 252

  Follis (Scarborough hairdresser), 192–3

  food and eating, 185-6, 202-4, 206, 211

  Fortnum & Mason (shop), 192

  France: and German war reparations, 107

  Freedman, Henry, 209

  Freud, Sigmund, 63;

  Mourning and Melancholia, 5

  Frohman, Charles, 186

  Fry, Roger, 36

  Fulham Chronicle, 155

  Gance, Abel, 219–20

  Garnett, David, 36–7, 132

  Garsington Manor, Oxfordshire, 34, 137, 233-8, 249

  gas (poison), 18

  General Election: December 1918 (’Coupon Election’), 44, 74–5

  George V, King: accession, 2;

  friendship with de Soveral, 11;

  on homosexuality in war, 24;

  attends Hyde Park assembly of returned soldiers, 72;

  shame and guilt over foreign relatives, 82;

  adopts surname Windsor, 83;

  anti-German sentiments, 83;

  beard turns white, 87;

  and wife’s dress, 88;

  and signing of Versailles Treaty, 108; and Peace Parade, 110; T. E. Lawrence offends, 116; invitation to Lowell Thomas, 118;

  sees Lowell Thomas’s film on T. E. Lawrence, 120;

  and role for Prince of Wales, 128;

  hopes for memories of war to recede, 139;

  and act of remembrance, 141;

  attends Original Dixieland Jazz Band performance, 156–7;

  welcomes Prince of Wales back from overseas tour, 162–3;

  and burial of unknown soldier, 266–7, 269, 271, 273;

  lays wreath at Cenotaph, 272

  Germany: defeat (1918), 28, 30;

  British hostility to, 83–5;

  Communism and unrest in, 83, 106, 219;

  post-war conditions, 83–4, 108, 219;

  and Versailles Treaty, 107–8;

  war reparations, 107

  Gertler, Mark, 34, 234, 237, 250

  Gibbs, Philip, 4, 16, 19-20, 67, 83, 127;

  Realities of War, 127

  Gillies, (Sir) Harold Delf: plastic surgery, 55–63, 252–3;

  Prince of Wales visits, 128;

  leaves Sidcup, 252;

  Plastic Surgery of the Face, 254

  Gillies, Kathleen, Lady, 252

  Giordaneo, Arturo (Arthur), 186

  Gish, Lillian, 205-6

  Glasgow: shipyard strike and unrest (1919), 78–9;

  housing shortage, 80

  Glorious Adventure, The (film), 251

  Gomme, Lionel (‘Tiger’), 238–40, 249

  Goodbye Winter, Welcome Summer (Houdini’s show), 187

  Gordon, Jackson, 187

  Grace, Dr W G., 105

  Grafton Galleries, Piccadilly, 153

  Grant, Duncan, 36

  Graves, Robert: on delousing, 21;

  suffers traumas of war, 63–5;

  demobilised, 93;

  on T. E. Lawrence, 116;

  on co-habitation, 161;

  and T. E. Lawrence’s writing, 165;

  marriage, 172;

  at Oxford, 256, 262;

  meets Hardy, 256;

  poetry, 261

  Great Ormond Street Hospital: nurses die in influenza epidemic, 93

  Great Purifier, The (film), 6

  Great War (1914-18): and national unity, 2;

  dead not returned to England, 5;

  casualties, 13, 16, 25;

  conditions and life on Western Front, 13, 15, 17-23;

  and military service, 13–14;

  reporting, 19–20;

  ends, 25–34;

  battlefield tours and visits, 99–101;

  battlefields cleared, 101;

  name, 127

  Grenfell, Billy, 6, 113

  Grenfell, Julian, 5-6, 14, 113

  Grenfell, Monica, 37

  Grey, Sir Edward (later Viscount Grey of Fallodon), 25

  grief: in post-war world, 4–6

  Griffith, D. W, 205-6, 220

  Gunter’s (confectioner), 153

  Haggard, Sir H. Rider, 98

  Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl, 252, 271

  Hall, Mrs S. C., 224

  Hammersmith Palais, 153, 157

  Hardy, Thomas, 17, 41, 256, 270

  Harrington, Dudley Stanhope, 9th Earl of, 252

  Harrison, Ethel, 2

  Hartley, L. P., 165

  Head, Henry, 245

  Henson, Ellen, 68

  Hitler, Adolf: at war’s end, 28;

  early political activities, 219

  Hobson, Harold, 132

  holidays, 133

  Holland, Henry Scott, Canon of St Paul’s, 7

  Holland Hannen & Cubitt (company), 227

  Holtby, Winifred, 254-7, 259-61, 274

  Home and County (WI’s magazine), 175

  homosexuality, 24–5, 161

  Honey, Edward, 138, 140

  Home, Emma (‘Aunt Em’), 195

  Horne, Eric, 190–1, 194–7

  Horne, Frank, 196

  Horner, Edward, 113

  Houdini, Harry, 97, 187

  House, Brigade Major Wilfred, 28

  housing: shortage, 80–1

  Housing and Town Planning Act (1919), 81

  Houston, Dr W. R., 64

  Howard, Donald, 140

  Hudson, W. H., 81

  Hughes, Private Eric, 131

  Humbert, Mr (friend of Parish family), 213

  Hunstone (Buckmaster’s manservant), 193

  Huntingdon, Henry E., 221

  Hurley, Frank, 151

  Hutchinson, Jeremy Nicolas (later Baron), 39

  Huxley, Aldous, 238

  Hyde Park, London: disabled soldiers’ demonstration, 71–2

  illegitimacy, 124

  Illustrated London News, 47, 63, 152, 160, 171, 217, 258

  Imperial War Graves Commission, 5

  Imperial War Museum, 252

  India: deaths from influenza epidemic, 95

  industrial unrest, 77–80, 129, 137

  influenza epidemic (‘Spanish flu’), 3, 38, 90-5

  Iolaire, HMS, 70-1

  Ireland: claims independence, 75, 130;

  sets up separate parliament (Dáil), 77;

  troubles, 228

  Irish Republican Army, 130, 228

  Isham, Ralph, 120

  Italy: Fascism in, 106

  J’Accuse (film), 219–20

  jazz, 8, 155-7

  Jekyll, Agnes, 203

  Jerome, Jerome K., 98

  John, Prince (son of George V and Mary): death, 88-90

  John, Augustus, 58, 235, 241-2

  John, Gwen, 58, 242

  Johnson, Captain C. D., 82

  Johnson, William, 100

  Jones, Susannah, 91

  Joplin, Scott, 155

  Karsavina, Tamara, 216–17

  Kendall, James, 62

  Kennedy, Daisy, 56

  Kennington, Eric, 119

  Keogh, Sir Alfred, 57

  Keppel, Alice, 20

  Keppel, Violet see Trefusis, Violet

  Keynes, John Maynard (later Baron), 36, 108

  Khokhlova, Olga, 216

  Kine Weekly, 219

  Kipling, John, 4

  Kipling, Rudyard: and loss of son in war, 4, 273;

  on war dead, 5;

  on war cemeteries, 265;

  hymn for war dead, 273;

  ‘Mary Postgate’, 85

  Kitchener, Horatio H
erbert, 1st Earl, 189

  Labour Party: in 1918 election, 74–5;

  programme, 75

  Ladd, Anna Coleman, 52, 54–5

  Lady (magazine), 171, 177, 179, 190

  Lamb, Henry, 240

  Lambourne, Amelius Mark Richard Lockwood, 1st Baron, 187

  Lane, Archie, 59, 62

  Lane, Sir William Arbuthnot, 56-7, 136, 160

  Lansdowne, Maud Evelyn Hamilton, Marchioness of, 7

  La Rocca, Nick, 156, 251

  Lavery, Sir John, 111, 136

  Law, Andrew Bonar, 75, 146, 162

  Lawrence, D. H.: on battlefield illumination, 16;

  and Armistice celebrations, 36-7;

  at Garsington, 249–50;

  Women in Love, 250

  Lawrence, Frieda, 36, 249

  Lawrence, Thomas Edward (Lawrence of Arabia): fame and cult, 114–22;

  hatred of the physical, 120;

  writes account of war, 164;

  loses manuscript, 165;

  motorcycle-riding, 165–6

  Lax, Revd William, Mayor of Poplar, 122

  Leak (Lewis’s dress buyer), 208

  Leicester, Thomas William Coke, 3rd Earl of, 231

  Leigh Pemberton, John, 51

  Leighton, Roland, 32, 261

  Lenglen, Suzanne, 105, 249

  lesbianism, 161

  Lewis, Cecil Day, 100

  Lewis, Isle of, 70–1

  Liberal Party: and ‘Coupon Election’ (1918), 74

  Life Without Servants (by ‘A Survivor’), 207

  limblessness: compensation for, 47–8

  Lindsay, Norah, 251

  Liverpool: housing shortage, 80;

  unrest in, 130

  Lloyd George, David (later 1st Earl): on ‘war to end all wars’, 9;

  predicts imminent end to war, 17;

  and Armistice (1918), 29;

  Armistice Day speech at Guildhall, 40;

  promises ‘Land fit for Heroes’, 44, 69, 71;

  and ‘Coupon Election’ (1918), 74–5;

  and delays to demobilisation, 76;

  and industrial unrest, 79–80, 137, 257;

  proposes trying Kaiser, 83;

  disparages Germans, 85;

  and Paris Peace Conference, 107;

  and Peace Parade, 108, 121;

  and Lutyens’

  design for Cenotaph, 109;

  attends Lowell Thomas’s talk and show on Allenby and Lawrence, 118;

  proposes role for Prince of Wales, 128;

  and act of remembrance (two-minute silence), 140–1, 147, 149;

  welcomes Prince of Wales back from overseas tour, 162;

  and Nancy Astor’s entering Parliament, 171;

  approves unknown soldier grave, 266–7

  Lloyd, Stuart, 12, 49-50

  Lockers Park school, Hemel Hempstead, 38

  London: bombed in Great War, 31, 121–2;

  housing shortage, 80

  Londonderry, Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquis of, 126

  Londonderry, Edith, Marchioness of, 152, 190

  Longford Hall, 231

  Lopokova, Lydia, 36, 216


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