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Falling Together (The Omega Haven Book 1)

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by Claire Cullen

  The wolf pressed the box into Jake’s hand, before turning his attention to his own. He pulled the plastic fork from the top of the box and dug in. After a pause, Jake did likewise. The first mouthful was heavenly, the second even more so.

  He didn’t blink an eye when there was a pop next to him, but he did look over to see the kind stranger guzzling a can of soda.

  The shifter caught his glance, reaching into his jacket and pulling out a second can.

  “Nothing like a soda to wash down all this junky goodness.”

  Jake drank half the can in one go, relishing the cool sweetness.

  “I’m Lee by the way.”

  “Jake. Thanks for the food.”

  “No problem. You look hungry. I’m guessing you’re new to the city?”

  He nodded around a mouthful of fries, chewing and swallowing.

  “How did you know?”

  “You have that look. I’ve seen it so many times before. Let me guess, no one wants to hire you, because a wolf, especially an Omega, means trouble.”

  “That’s what everyone keeps saying. I can’t catch a break.”

  “I was the same. Couldn’t put a roof over my head, was stuck between soup kitchens and dumpsters trying to scrounge enough food to survive. But one day, I met another Omega, and he helped get me on my feet. So, I’m gonna pay it forward and help you.”

  He rummaged in his pockets before pulling out a pen and scribbling an address on the packaging of the food, leaning on the Styrofoam.

  “Forbidden Fruit. It’s an upmarket club, run by shifters, for shifters. They’re always looking for wait staff. You start off at the bottom, clearing tables, mopping floors. But the pay is fair, and they’ll be able to help you out with somewhere to stay. Ask for Antoine, tell him I sent you.”

  He tore off the scrap of paper and handed it over. Jake read it quickly before slipping it into his pocket.

  “Thanks, that’s… thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” The rain had finally petered off. “I’d better get going before it starts up again. Come on, I’ll walk you part way. It’s about a half hour from here.”

  They chatted as they walked, Lee pointing out places of interest and notoriety.

  “This is where we part ways. Forbidden Fruit is three blocks that way, then left, follow the signs for Grey Street and it’s the red building on the right. You can’t miss it.” He shook hands with Jake, his grip warm and firm. “See you around, Jake.”

  “Bye, Lee. Thanks again.”

  Scarcely able to believe his good fortune, and with a full stomach for the first time in a week, he took off down the street, a spring in his step. Finally, a stroke of luck.

  Chapter Three

  Forbidden Fruit lived up to its name, the building giving a sense of enticement. Here lies fun, at your own risk. He knocked on the door marked ‘Staff Only’, as Lee had told him to.

  A tall Alpha opened it, an ear piece in his ear and a radio strapped to his waist.

  “Yeah, what do you want?”

  “I…” He swallowed hard, finding his mouth dry in the presence of the Alpha’s intimidating stare. “My name is Jake. I’m looking for Antoine. Lee sent me.”

  The security guard looked him up and down before stepping back and gesturing him inside. He stepped through the door and passed the guard, jumping a moment later when the door shut heavily behind him, throwing the corridor into semi-darkness.

  “This way.” The guard’s hand landed on his shoulder and propelled him forward as his eyes adjusted rapidly to the change in light. The corridor opened out into a room, with other corridors leading off it.

  “Wait here,” the guard said, gesturing to a couch sitting against one wall. Jake took a seat, perched on the edge of the couch, and listened carefully. The club was quiet, probably not unsurprising given it was only late afternoon. There was a door marked Stores and corridors leading towards the front of the club and deeper into the building. The guard had disappeared down the latter.

  He heard footsteps a few minutes later before the guard came back into view.

  “Mr. Antoine will see you now. Red door with a gold apple at the end of the corridor. Knock first. I’ll take your bag, you’ll get it back when you’re finished.”

  Jake slipped it off his shoulder and handed it over. Then the guard was gone, back down towards the staff entrance, Jake’s bag swinging in his grasp.

  Getting to his feet, he followed the corridor further into the building. It was long, twisting and turning a few times, giving the impression of a snake which, he thought wryly, might have been the point. The doors were all different colors; blues and purples, reds and oranges. There were no names or numbers, only silver and gold fruit adorning each one. Here and there, other corridors split off and Jake got a sense the building was much larger than it looked from the front.

  The red door he was looking for was almost at the end of the corridor. He stood in front of it for a full minute considering. But what did he have to lose? He was already homeless and starving. If this Antoine could help him get some work clearing tables, he’d take it with both hands.

  Knocking firmly, he took a half-step back and waited.

  At length, the door opened, revealing a handsome Alpha with alabaster skin, blue eyes, and blond hair down to his shoulders.

  “And you must be Jake. Come in.” He stepped back and Jake crossed the threshold, ignoring the tremble that coursed through his body. It was okay to be nervous, the whole building was a little intimidating, and the Alpha no less so.

  “Lee called and told me you’d be stopping by.”

  The Alpha’s voice was smooth and lilting. Jake could have listened to it all day. His scent was almost a disappointment, hitting too many high notes, and Jake clamped down on the urge to twitch his nose.

  “And my oh my, what has he sent me this time? You are quite the beauty.”

  The words didn’t make him uncomfortable. That was the first thing most Alphas noticed about an Omega, after their scent.

  “You’re a little on the slim side. Lee said you’ve been in the city a few weeks?”

  “That’s right. Almost three.”

  “Life in the city is hard, for Omega especially. There’s such prejudice among the humans, not to mention your own kind. Come, sit down.”

  Antoine took a seat on a couch of white leather and Jake sat next to him.

  “I won’t ask the kind of questions I know you’re expecting. The past is the past, you’re here now. Lee said you needed work?”

  Jake nodded eagerly. “I have some accounting and IT experience, but I’m happy to do anything; cleaning, waiting tables.”

  “Good,” Antoine said. “We appreciate hard workers here in Forbidden Fruit. And we like our staff to have a certain look, I think you’ll fit that nicely.”

  Jake relaxed at that. It seemed like Lee had been right about this place.

  “And, if I understood Lee correctly, you’re alone in the city, no Alpha sweetheart?”

  Jake felt himself flush as he shook his head. “No, there isn’t, there’s never been…”

  Antoine’s smile grew wider, his eyes sparkling. “There’s no shame in that. The city isn't like the Pack you were raised in. And it’s not like the old days when Omega were mated off as soon as they came of age. How old are you, Jake?”


  “And you’ve been a Pack Omega all your life?”

  “Until… until I came here.”

  “It’s an adjustment, there’s no denying that. But plenty have done it before you. We’ll get you set up with some work, and we’ll provide accommodation and meals here on site until you get on your feet. How does that sound?”

  “That sounds amazing.”

  “We take care of our staff, Jake, because we know the city won’t.”

  Antoine rested a hand on his shoulder, warm and comforting.

  “Thank you,” he offered, smiling up at the Alpha.

  “With a smile like
that, you’re going to fit right in.”

  Antoine stood. “Let’s go find you a room, get you settled, and we’ll get a work schedule set up for you. We’ll give you today to acclimatize, get a few good meals into you, and you can start work tomorrow.”

  Jake stood and followed Antoine from the room.

  They moved back towards the front of the building before taking a side corridor. The rooms here were different, adorned with numbers this time. Antoine stopped in front of one, blocking Jake’s view as he opened it.

  “Go on in, get settled. Someone will be by later with food. Welcome home, Jake. We’re so happy to have you.”

  He stepped into the warmly lit room, spying a bed, dressing table, desk, and a door leading to what looked like a bathroom. It was so far removed from the dingy room in the boarding house, that he was momentarily speechless, feeling tears of gratitude spring to his eyes. He spun around, ready to thank Antoine all over again, only to see the door swing shut, followed by the scrape of a key in a lock.

  “A… Antoine?” He stepped forward and tried the handle but it didn’t budge. He pushed and pulled but nothing.

  Knocking hard on the door, he called out. “Antoine, I think the doors stuck. I can’t open it.” He could hear the faint sound of Antoine’s footsteps fading away.

  “Antoine?” he shouted. “Anybody? Let me out!” He banged hard on the door with his fists. He was trapped.

  It was no use. He’d examined the door carefully before coming to the conclusion that not only was it reinforced steel to stop him breaking it, there was also soundproofing. He doubted his shouts and yells were even being heard. There was an odd panel in the center of the door, but he couldn’t work out if it meant anything. He checked the rest of the room carefully, and the en suite bathroom, but other than a few small air vents, there were no other doors or windows.

  The locking of the door had shocked him from the buzz of finally having a job. At first, he tried to dismiss it as an accident. Maybe the door had locked accidentally when it shut and Antoine didn’t realize? If that was the case, someone would be along shortly with some food and would let him out. But there was a small voice inside that taunted his naivety.

  He sat near the door, his eyes closed, his ears alert for any sound of someone approaching. Finally, he heard muffled footsteps and stood quickly, approaching the door in anticipation of it opening. There was the sound of a key turning but the door didn’t budge. Instead, the panel in the upper half of the door popped out, and he found himself face to face with another security guard, his expression blank. He pushed a tray through the hatch.

  “For you.”

  “I want to come out. I want to talk to Antoine.”

  The guard’s mouth twisted in amusement. “Antoine is busy. He’ll see you later.”

  “No, there’s been some sort of mistake. Unlock the door, please.”

  The guard’s smile grew. “No mistake. Job, room, and board, as promised. Take the tray.”

  When Jake didn’t move, he grew impatient. “You don’t want me coming in there. If I have to come in there, I won’t be happy and neither will Mr. Antoine. Be a good boy; take your tray and eat your meal. Mr. Antoine will talk to you later.”

  Feeling numb, he stepped forward, grasping the edge of the plastic tray and carrying it into the room. The guard shut the hatch with a bang, leaving Jake trapped and alone again.

  Stepping back into the room, he set the covered tray down on the desk before taking a seat in the chair next to it. Not an accident, though he’d known that from the moment the lock turned. He’d been a stupid, naïve fool. He didn’t know what it was they wanted him for, but he doubted it was anything good.

  Jake pulled the cloth off the tray, revealing an assortment of food. Under a clear plastic cover was a hot dinner; roast beef, potatoes, veg, and gravy. There was a bowl of fruit next to it. And a bowl of pudding. On a plastic-wrapped plate was a BLT sandwich. There was a jug of water, another of juice, and a can of soda. Everything a growing wolf needed.

  He covered it back over, despite how his mouth watered. There was no way he was going to take a single thing these bastards offered. He wanted out.

  The time ticked away slowly. He had no way of knowing how much time passed without a clock or his cell phone, which was tucked away in his backpack. Would he get that back if he asked? And if he did, who could he call for help? Caleb wasn’t likely to come looking for him. He’d agreed to get him to the city, but no further.

  It got warm in the room. None of the vents were helping with the heat. He took off his jacket and set in on the bed, then stretched out, trying to cool off. But the room only seemed to continue heating up. Grumbling, he tried the bathroom, running the faucet to splash his face with water. A few drops came out before nothing. The shower was the same. Great, they’d trapped him in a room with a broken AC and no water. Very soon, that wasn’t going to be pleasant.

  He felt it must be nearing night time and lay back down on the bed, willing something to happen; Antoine to return, the AC to switch on. To wake from this terrible nightmare…

  He woke sometime later, his body bathed in sweat, his mouth dry. He sat up, eyeing the tray on the table. It was just water. They couldn’t charge him for drinking their water. Pouring himself a glass, he drank it down in two gulps. He immediately poured a second, taking this one slower, savoring how it quenched his thirst. He lifted the soda can, still marginally cooler than the rest of the room, not drinking it but running it across his face and arms.

  With a long sigh, he lay back down on the bed, watching the ceiling. As he did, he noticed a black spot in a corner. Was that a camera? He stood up, intent on investigating further, but his head swam. Lightheaded, he sank back down onto the bed, gripping the edges with his hands and taking slow breaths. He tried to stand again, but the dizziness was worse. His gaze fell on the desk, the tray, and the half-empty water jug. Shit. They couldn’t have…

  But, whatever it was they’d drugged him with was kicking in rapidly. Trying to stand again, his legs went from under him, and he thumped to the floor, falling sideways to lie on the carpet. Up. He needed to get up. But his arms and legs were weak and didn’t seem to want to do what he asked. He sank back to the soft floor, watching the room as it spun around him. His eyes were still open when the door unlocked, two pairs of legs stepping inside, swirling around in his vision like a spinning top. Arms slipped under him, lifting his powerless body, and carrying him from the room.

  Chapter Four

  Dave was hanging around outside his office when he jogged down the corridor.

  “What? Tell me there isn’t another Omega arrival so soon?”

  “No,” Dave replied, his hands in his pockets, looking disconcerted.

  “Then what?”

  There were voices down the other end of the corridor. Dave glanced at them, then back at Will.

  “Can we talk inside?”


  Dave followed him into the office, leaning against his desk as Will put away the receipts he was carrying.

  “It’s that Omega from a few weeks ago.”

  “Jake?” The name rolled off his tongue, reminding him of the wolf’s enticing scent. “What about him?”

  “I’ve had people keeping an eye out. He was having a rough time of it, looked like he was close to taking off back to wherever he came from. Then he was seen yesterday talking to Lee, that unofficial Omega recruiter for Forbidden Fruit. And, after that, someone saw him outside the club.”

  “Did he go in?”


  And there was no way in hell he’d come back out again.

  “We warned him. The city is no place for lone Omega.”

  “I know. It's just… he didn’t seem the type.”

  Will gave him a sharp look and Dave held up his hands.

  “You know what I mean. Some of them come here for the clubs like Fruits, they think they pay well, that they’ll be well cared for, and they can pick and choose
who they sleep with. That’s a lot more than some old school Packs offer. When you’re a red-blooded Omega and your Pack is trading you off to an Alpha twice your age with two mates already, you can see the appeal of a different life.”

  “Jake didn’t seem to be looking for that.” The clothes were wrong, and he hadn’t tried to come on to Will or Dave.

  “Seems he spent two weeks handing out CVs and chasing up job offers.”

  “But he hit a brick wall because the humans don’t hire Omega, unless they don’t know what they are,” Will guessed.

  “Looks like it. And you've heard the rumors about what Antoine pays guys like Lee for sending Omega his way.”

  “Stephen turned a blind eye.”

  “Yeah, well, you aren’t your brother. Besides, it seemed as though you liked him, the Omega.”

  Will narrowed his eyes at Dave, but Dave acted like he didn’t notice the glare aimed his way.

  “You know my feelings on that.”

  “I know your thoughts and I know how stubborn you are. I’d say your feelings, if you weren’t always battening them down so hard, would tell a different story.”

  “You think I should act on this?”

  “I think, if they’re taking Omega off the street and holding them against their will, sooner or later that’s going to bring trouble down on us. Can you imagine if it had been that kid from a few weeks back? Underage, powerful family. It would have been enough to start a war. And that’s the last thing this city needs right now.”

  “My policy, since I wound up in this position, is that I’m just the gatekeeper. Even if I sent all the Omega who turned up here back where they came from, people like Antoine would still find a way to get them in. Doing more than that creates a false expectation that this city isn’t the lawless mess we know it is.”

  “Yeah, and we have your brother to thank for that.”

  “So many things to thank him for, if he’d stuck around long enough.”

  If he went in after that Omega, where would it stop?


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