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Falling Together (The Omega Haven Book 1)

Page 17

by Claire Cullen

  Will leaned closer, resting a hand on Jake’s knee. “Hey, I’m sorry, I’m sure you don’t want to be reminded of that.”

  Jake gave him a weak smile. “It’s not like I have a choice.” He gestured to his stomach. “Kind of have a constant reminder, one that’s not going away anytime soon.”

  Will could see the Omega was conflicted when it came to the pregnancy. There was no doubt Jake wanted to protect the baby growing inside him but he also saw it as a burden, not just on him, but on Will, too. How would the Alpha convince him otherwise?

  Reaching out, he grasped Jake’s legs and tugged him down until he lay flat on the bed. Jake’s eyes were questioning, but he didn’t voice his confusion, instead letting Will maneuver him around like a puppet.

  He inched down the loose shorts Jake wore to just below his waist and pushed up his shirt, exposing Jake’s gently sloped stomach to the air. Jake’s hands crossed, hiding his belly from Will’s eyes. Will lifted his head, making steady eye contact with Jake as he took the Omega’s wrists in hand and carefully laid his arms by his side, baring his abdomen once more.

  “You’re mine now,” he said, leaning in to lick the skin around Jake’s navel, watching Jake’s eyes slide closed at the sensation.

  “Every inch of you belongs to me, not just outside but inside as well.”

  Jake’s skin was warm beneath his mouth as he peppered kisses on the lower part of his belly, following the curve of his hip. “This baby you’re carrying is ours now, yours and mine. It doesn’t matter how, it doesn’t matter why.”

  He nuzzled his nose against the skin, feeling the flutter of movement inside as the baby shifted. Jake’s hands found his head, fingers tangling in his hair.

  “I want to believe that, I do. But what if things change? It’s all been so quick.”

  Lifting his head, he held Jake’s gaze again, seeing the muddy mix of hope and doubt within them.

  “I promise to keep proving it to you, every day. You’ll learn, as we get to know each other, as we build trust between us.”

  And he knew just how to build that trust. Actions, not words.

  He kissed the soft skin beneath Jake’s navel again, the sucked hard at the skin, hearing Jake’s gasp, his hands tightening on his hair. Using both hands, he tugged Jake’s shorts down, past his hips to his thighs.

  Glancing up, he found Jake watching him intently, his face flushed, his lips parted. Grinning, he slid lower, turning his attention to what lay between Jake’s legs. He had promised to return the favor, many times over.

  He had his first taste of the Omega, rewarded by Jake’s sharp intake of breath followed by a low moan. The rest of the day might be a trial to get through, but at least they could start it off right.

  They set up the dining room, moving the tables so they’d be sitting around in a circle instead of the small groups the staff usual ate in. Jake wondered aloud why they weren’t using the main room beside the stage, which had more space.

  “Let’s put it this way. I’d rather we talked near to the kitchen than to the bar.”

  Jake got it. Will would prefer his family dug into the food they’d ordered in and not the alcohol.

  Will’s half—sister, Zara, arrived first. Jake watched Will greet her with much less hesitation than he’d greeted his mother.

  “Zara, it’s good to see you.”

  “William.” She threw her arms around his neck, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek. “Handsome as always. Your mother called me yesterday. Something about you dating some gutter rat…”

  Jake flushed, feeling the urge to dive for cover behind Dave or retreat to their bedroom and take shelter beneath the duvet.

  “Zara.” Will’s voice was sharp, Jake tensing at the sound.

  His sister continued as if Will hadn’t spoken.

  “But your mother has always had a flair for the dramatic. You didn’t really get him pregnant, did you?”

  “Zara!” Will sounded pissed.

  “I know, I know. But you’re always so careful. This isn’t the Will I know. He’d have to be really something for you to…” She trailed off as she caught sight of Jake, hanging back next to Dave.

  “Oh, my. Your mom didn’t say he was beautiful.”

  Jake was getting tired of being judged by how he looked. But, then again, that was part and parcel of being an Omega. He should have been used to it.

  “Jake, this is my sister, Zara. Zara, this is Jake, my mate.”

  She stepped forward with confidence and Jake held his ground, unwilling to be cowed by her. When she leaned in, she scented him lightly before pressing a kiss to his cheek.

  “Hello, Jake. You’ve got Lorraine all riled up, so you must be doing something right.”

  Her eyes were sparkling with mirth as she stepped back. “I’m going to go freshen up. Call me when the others get here.”

  She sauntered from the room, leaving Jake to wonder what had just happened.

  “Zara was six when Dad took my Mom as a mate. They’ve always had a love-hate relationship and Zara knows just how to wind her up. But they’re thick as thieves when it suits them.”

  Jake sighed, stepping forward quickly when Will held a hand out, and leaning against the Alpha as Will wrapped an arm around him. He wasn’t sure he wanted to meet the rest of Will’s relatives. They seemed so… volatile.

  Three of Will’s cousins arrived together half an hour later.

  “Hey guys.” Will got to his feet, expression eager as he approached them. There was a round of greetings, with hugs and backslaps before they disentangled.

  “Guys, this is Jake. Jake, these are my cousins: Brian, Nate, and Mitch.” He pointed to each shifter in turn. Brian was the smallest, blond-haired and grinning. Nate was the tallest of the three, but only by a smidgen. It was Mitch who really drew Jake’s attention, piercing green eyes, dark hair and a calculating expression that told Jake he was taking everything in.

  “It’s about time,” Brian said. “I thought you were never going to get over what’s-his-name.”

  Nate elbowed him and Brian shut his mouth.

  “Who else are we waiting for?” Mitch asked.

  “Fred, Alec and Teresa.”

  Mitch nodded. “Is your mother joining us?”

  “Hell, no.”

  That brought a grin to Mitch’s face. “Music to my ears.” His eyes found Jake’s, reading his curious expression with ease. “Lorraine is not my biggest fan. Thinks I’m competition.”

  Jake smiled back at him. “She doesn’t like me either, thinks I’m a gold-digger.”

  “Got any food?” Nate asked. “A guy could starve hanging around here.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Will replied. “Let’s go rustle something up.”

  He moved, catching hold of Jake’s arm as he did, turning them both in tandem before settling his arm around Jake’s waist. It was possessive but Jake liked it.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  It was lunchtime by the time the rest arrived and the group sat around the dining table, talking and eating. Jake sat to his left and Mitch to his right. The choice was deliberate, and he knew it wasn’t lost on Mitch.

  Will was content to let them eat their fill before bringing the meeting to order, but Zara lost patience with the exchange of stories.

  “So, are we going to get to the point of this, or do I have to listen to yet another of Fred’s encounters with the famous or Brian’s drinking escapades?”

  Her voice carried and the rest of the chatter died.

  “You’ve always known how to command a room, Zara,” Fred said, sounding bored.

  “We do have a lot to get through,” Will added, all eyes turning to him, “but I wanted to give everyone the chance to eat and get the small talk out of the way.”

  “Consider it 'out of the way',” Zara replied. “And ask what it was you brought us here to ask.”

  He set down his cup with care. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jake had gone still. He knew his Omega was curious
about what he’d planned. Will had kept it vague, afraid to build his own expectations, let alone Jake’s.

  “I brought you here for Eden. It’s no secret that Stephen was not good for the city.”

  Nate snorted, Fred shook his head, and Zara crossed her arms.

  “And I think it's more than fair to say that I haven’t done any better.”

  That raised eyebrows. He glanced at Mitch next to him and the other man nodded, his expression revealing nothing.

  “I was in a bad place, even before Stephen died. And after…”

  “You were in no fit state to take over,” Teresa said, her mate Alec nodding along with her.

  “But you were the next in line,” Zara pointed out.

  “Plenty of Packs ignore that these days,” Nate said.

  “But by that point, Stephen had forced you all from the city. There was no one there to make that decision.”

  “So what are we doing back?” Fred asked, sounding genuinely curious.

  Will sat up straighter, looking around at them all. “We’re doing what we should have done when Stephen died. Deciding on the leadership of the city.”

  “A little late, isn’t it?” Brian muttered at the same time as Nate said, “You don’t want to be Eden's Alpha, do you?”

  He let out a slow breath, trying to center himself, feeling Jake’s hand wrap around his arm, his mate's touch steadying him.

  “It was never my ambition to lead. Stephen wasn’t right for the job, but he wanted it and succession favored him. I haven’t been leader of this city, just a glorified placeholder. I can’t be what this city needs.”

  “And you want one of us to step up to the plate,” Nate said.

  “Either that, or we find someone else who will.”

  Silence fell over the room, glances being shared but no words spoken.

  Only two people, apart from Jake, hadn’t joined in the conversation so far. Alec sat forward, hands pressed together, speaking with an insight Will had often envied.

  “I’m guessing maybe there’s a reason Mitch is sitting by your right hand.”

  Brian laughed, a hollow sound. “I’m more interested in the stranger to his left and why someone none of us knows is sitting in on this family meeting.”

  Jake’s hand left his arm, the Omega withdrawing, curling in on himself.

  “Jake is my mate,” he said, and to leave no doubt as to what he meant, he added, “and he’s carrying our child.”

  Zara’s lips twitched up into a smile. “Naturally, Lorraine is ecstatic with this development.” At least someone was getting some amusement out of the whole sorry situation.

  But his words had a positive effect on Jake, who pressed closer, slipping his hand into Will’s.

  “I also heard a rumor,” Zara continued, “that you have rejoined that team you used to work with.”

  “You’re back to working shifter crimes?” Nate asked. There was disquiet at that.

  “That’s the plan. They gave me two months grace to get my house in order.”

  “So you brought us here to dump your problem on us,” Zara said.

  “It wasn’t Will’s fault,” Jake spoke up from beside him. “Chris helped him rescue me after I was taken from the safe house Will sent me to. In return, Will agreed to be a cop again.”

  A voice that hadn’t yet contributed spoke up, no less powerful for being quiet.

  “That’s a story I’d like to hear, if there’s time later.”

  All eyes turned to Mitch.

  “When Stephen died, leaving Will with responsibility for the city when he was in no shape to carry it, we had a duty to step in and we didn’t. I don’t blame him for wanting out. And I want in. But I won’t do this alone.”

  He turned to Nate and Brian. “I need a second and third, someone to watch my back.”

  “Always, brother,” Nate replied, placing a hand on Mitch’s shoulder as Brian added his voice. “Whatever you need, Mitch.”

  “I need someone to handle the accounts. Who knows what mess Stephen left them in?”

  “They’re not in as bad a shape as all that,” Will said. “It’s one thing I have been keeping on top of.”

  “Alec and I can step back into our roles as financial officers. We did it right up until Stephen decided he didn’t want to be reasonable.”

  “Thank you, I know I can count on you.”

  Mitch looked over to Zara. “I'll need you on my side, Zara, to get the contrary in line.”

  She scoffed at that, but Will could see she was pleased with being asked and she nodded her acceptance.

  “I’m going to need a level-headed adviser. Jeff?”

  Jeff sat back, crossing his arms. “I’m not the man of leisure I was back when Stephen was here. I have bigger things.” He glanced up at the ceiling as if mentally checking his calendar. “I guess I’ll make the time. Can’t turn my back on family now, can I?”

  Mitch turned to him last. “Will, don’t think I’m letting you off the hook. I'll be keeping you busy. You know this city better than anyone.”

  Will nodded. “It won't be easy putting order back into chaos. Not after so long. People will be resistant.”

  “As they always are to change,” Mitch said, glancing past Will to Jake. He could see his cousin was curious about Jake and not altogether buying what he’d heard so far. Will knew he could trust Mitch. If it came to it, he’d tell him the truth.

  They hashed out a plan. There’d need to be a formal handover of power, an announcement to the city. But only after they had everything in place. They had to be ready, everything squared away, before the city knew what was happening.

  After bouncing ideas back and forth, they settled on a six-week timetable. The official handover of power would be a few weeks after that. By that point, his family would be back in the city and he'd be a cop again. And Jake? He could see Jake, while interested, was at a loss as to where he fit in to all this. That was something else he’d been giving thought to, though he wasn’t sure what Jake would make of his ideas.

  It was approaching two in the morning when they finally finished up. Will offered beds to anyone who wanted to crash in Snakes and saw the rest to the door. They’d broken out the alcohol, to celebrate coming to an agreement, and he was pleasantly buzzed. Jake, who’d declined anything stronger than soda, walked with him back to their bedroom. Jake was exhausted, struggling to walk in a straight line despite being far more sober than Will.

  “Come on, we can sleep in tomorrow. Dave will handle whatever comes up.”

  They took turns in the bathroom before settling into bed.

  “That went well,” Jake commented, the end of his sentence lost in a yawn.

  “Better than I’d expected,” Will said.

  “I can’t believe Mitch was ready to take over, just like that.”

  Will chuckled. “It may have been something to do with my calling him last week and telling him the city was his if he wanted it. He’s always had the ability but not the blind ambition Stephen did. I think he’ll do a good job.”

  “So you planned that?”

  “I planted the seed, gave him time to think. Mitch doesn’t act on impulse. He weighs up options, makes sound decisions. If I sprung it on him today with no warning, we’d have ended up with nothing. This way, we have consensus. Eden will be run by the family again, like it should be.”

  “Smart,” Jake murmured, rolling over to lie against him. “I like Mitch.”

  “Me, too,” he replied, closing his eyes and letting sleep take hold. “Me too.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  They surfaced mid-morning, having a late breakfast with Dave and Jeff.

  Jake opted for oatmeal over the offered bacon, feeling the need for something hearty.

  “I’m taking Jake across the road this morning, are you guys okay to manage the deliveries?” Will asked. Both men agreed, seeming unsurprised by the request. Jake was in the dark. What was across the road? Except for an old, disused hotel Micah
had pointed out to him, there wasn’t much else in the immediate surroundings. Will and Stephen’s family used to run it, in the days before the human population of the city became aware that shifters were a reality and not just fiction.

  He contemplated asking Will, but the Alpha didn’t seem in a forthcoming mood, quiet and grumpy. Hung over, maybe.

  Jake showered and dressed while Will was dealing with a phone call from a supplier. He waited for Will to finish the call before he stepped into the office. Will slipped his phone into his pocket, smiling.

  “There’s a city-wide shortage of that Slovakian craft beer.”

  Jake grinned back at him. “Don’t worry, the trend will move on to something else in a week or two.”

  “Any idea what that might be so we could get ahead of it?”

  Jake shrugged one shoulder. He was far from an expert. “I’ll keep an eye out on the blogs, see if something starts trending.”

  Will nodded. “Are you good to go?”

  “Sure. Will this take long?”

  “I guess that depends on you,” the Alpha said cryptically. Jake followed him from the room, assuming they were heading for the back exit. Instead, Will walked towards the stock room.

  There was a door at the back, Jake had assumed it was for cleaning supplies at first, but it was always locked and Micah had told him they never used it. Will made a beeline for it, Jake trailing in his wake.

  The Alpha pulled out a ring of keys, selecting one and unlocking the door. Pulling it open, he stepped back, gesturing Jake ahead of him as he pulled out a flashlight.

  “Where are we going?” Jake asked, stepping closer and peering into the dark, his eyes adjusting rapidly. He could make out a set of stairs leading downward.

  “It’s an old passageway, it leads across the road. Take the flashlight for a minute.”

  Jake did, switching it on and crossing the threshold. Will followed right behind him, closing over the door but not locking it.

  “Here, switch places, I’ll go first,” Will said, taking the flashlight from him.


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