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Bite of the Moon: Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance Boxed Set

Page 15

by Michelle Fox

  Kane was who she was supposed to be with. Her nose had been trying to tell her all along, but she'd been too hurt to listen.

  Kane flicked the sensitive bud at her core with his tongue and slipped his fingers inside her. Charlotte threw her head back as her hips writhed on the counter, not caring that she was covering the granite with her juices. She would clean it up later. After Kane was done fucking her senseless.

  Reaching for his head, she held tight to his hair, urging him to go harder and faster. Her body pulsed and quivered as pleasure gained momentum. Before she knew it, she was keening and shuddering into Kane as an orgasm hit her so hard it left her stunned and barely able to breathe.

  "Kane, Kane," she whispered, struggling to find air and the ability to think.

  "That's right, baby. Say my name." He helped her off the counter, catching her when she stumbled, her legs numb and leaden. Sweeping her up into his arms as if she weighed nothing, he headed upstairs.

  She pointed to her bedroom door. "There."

  He shouldered the door open and tossed her onto the bed. She watched as he shucked his pants and boxers, enjoying the view of his sculpted physique. Most hard things hurt when you ran into them, but when she'd slammed into Kane that day on Main Street, the feel of being pushed up against him had made her body sing. And tonight, she would take all the hardness he had to give.

  Naked, Kane jumped on top of her, covering her curves with his lean strength. He kissed her, and she tasted her essence mixed with his. She gripped his shoulders and deepened their kiss, wanting more. Their tongues tangled and they nipped at each other's bottom lips.

  Giving her lip one last hard bite that left her gasping, Kane moved down her body, gathering her breasts in his hands. Sucking her nipples in turn, he didn't stop until they were hard, aching points.

  "Spread your legs," he said, his hand going to her thighs, seeking the heat at her core.

  She let her knees fall open, sighing as his hard length slid inside her. He was so big she felt her body stretch to fit him.

  His head fell back and his eyes closed as he sank all the way into her. "You're so tight and wet, Char. I need you."

  "Yes, Kane," she hissed, hands reaching for his shoulders and pulling him close. "I need you, too," she whispered in his ear.

  He went for her breasts, pulling the nipple almost savagely with his lips. Charlotte gasped in surprise and then moaned as the momentary discomfort melted into pleasure. Kane thrust into her as he played with her breasts, pulling on the sensitive tips and then biting them until Charlotte thought she would burst into flames.

  She'd never had a rough lover before, but she liked what Kane did. Maybe it's the wolf in me. Her wolf ran close to the surface, drawn by the frantic tangling of their bodies and the pleasure that pounded through her heart.

  She had the urge to sink her teeth into Kane, to plant herself in his flesh and taste his blood. That definitely has to be my wolf. But she didn't fight it. Instead she reached down and yanked Kane up by the hair, covering his mouth with hers. Their kiss this time was hungry and fierce, full of hard edges that fought for dominance.

  He pushed his hands under her back, lifting her upright into a crushing embrace. The change in position allowed him even deeper inside her, and Charlotte moaned as he made the darkness within her come to life. Pleasure sparked all over her body, zooming through her system faster and faster. She undulated her hips against him, struggling to take more of Kane.

  They clung together, rocking and thrusting as one until she cried out. The orgasm rocked her, stealing her breath. Her core fluttered around Kane until he succumbed to his own climax with a harsh yell. They didn't stop though, the need to be one was too great. They held onto each other, their bodies shaking with the power of their coupling.

  Charlotte rested her head on Kane's shoulder, breathing in his scent. "Wow."

  "Yeah. That was amazing."

  She turned her head and looked up at him. "You sound surprised."

  He was silent for a moment, his gaze searching her face. "It's never been that good, Charlotte."

  She couldn't keep from smiling, pleased she'd outdone all his previous lady friends. Point for the curvy girl. "Same here. What do you think that means?"

  "That you're mine." He dipped his head and bit her shoulder. She startled, surprised by the bite, but then gave into her earlier urge and sank her teeth into the meat of his shoulder. It felt almost as good as sex, scratching some instinctive itch only her wolf understood.

  They collapsed side-by-side onto the bed after that, chests heaving, completely and utterly spent.

  "So now what?" she asked, staring at the ceiling.

  Kane reached for her hand. "I have no idea, but I know one thing."

  "What?" She looked at him, curious.

  "Once you've been bitten, you can never go back." And then he was kissing her, claiming her as his once again.


  They gathered at the new pack clearing at the next full moon, intent on christening the space. The mortgage had come through, and it was time to celebrate a new beginning. Overhead, the moon cast a luminous, magical glow over the world and stars twinkled in the distant sky. Fall had passed into early winter, the temperature dropping with the last of the leaves.

  Leo breathed in the cold air, feeling at ease for the first time in weeks. He and Kai had been living in a tiny apartment in Glen Vine for the last several months, the press of the human world around them feeling a lot like having their fur rubbed the wrong way. With the pack land officially theirs now, they would be able to build a cabin out here and finally have some peace. He couldn't wait to just roll out of bed, shift and go for a morning run. Speed cleared his head and kept his wolf content. He needed to run like he needed to breathe.

  Audrey and Tao stood at the center of the clearing, welcoming people as they crunched through the first snowfall of the season. The couple stayed close to each other, constantly reaching out and touching one another, the love between them obvious.

  They weren't the only love birds. Charlotte and Kane were just as bad as his brother and his mate. They passed through the threshold of pine and birch trees ringing the clearing and, with a nod to everyone, went to stand off to the side, opposite Leo. They didn't stop touching each other, either. If one stepped away, the other followed, as if unable to bear being apart.

  Leo looked away. He was happy for them, but it made his life here in Michigan feel empty. The new pack wasn't home. Not yet. And he was alone, even among his brothers. Tao was too busy with Audrey and their upcoming wedding to go for runs these days. And Kai was ruled by his magic. As for the humans newly made into werewolves, they seemed uneasy around Leo, and he didn't like to bother them unless he had to.

  He missed having a place and people that he not only called his own, but who claimed him in turn. Yeah, their home pack hadn't exactly embraced them with open arms, but they'd belonged. Here, no one really wanted them.

  Not that Leo blamed them. He and his brothers had been wolf born, which had been hard enough, and he could only imagine how difficult it was to go from human to not human in the snap of a jaw. The fact it had been his own brother who had bitten everyone and turned them made it all worse.

  Leo could see it in their eyes sometimes, knew they thought 'Here is a brother of the wolf who attacked me.' And it stung because he'd done nothing wrong.

  He took a breath, savoring the pine scented air and gave himself a little shake. Tonight was going to be a new start. Kai had said it earlier and it seemed to Leo that he could sense whatever it was in the air that told his brother these things. The cold breeze filling the clearing seemed to sweep away emotions, giving everyone a clean slate. Despite his gloomy thoughts, hope stirred inside him.

  The pack land had potential. Maybe it didn't feel like home yet, but he had no place else to go. He would just have to make the best of things and hope that someday, he would find his other half, just like Tao and Kane had.

  A hand lan
ding on his shoulder made him jump. "Have faith, brother," came Kai's voice, low and solemn. Kai squeezed Leo's shoulder before letting him go.

  "Faith in what?" Leo asked.

  "That the winds that move our lives know what we need. That the moon will light our way." Kai lifted a hand to the silver orb in the sky, almost saluting the celestial body.

  Leo rolled his eyes. "Yeah, okay. Sure." He knew the power Kai's magic held, but the cryptic way his brother wielded it made it hard to take him seriously sometimes. Looking closer at Kai, he said, "Are those rocks in your hair?"

  Kai lifted a strand, showing off a smooth round stone tied to one end. "Yes. The lake gave them to me. We are anchored here, Leo. Tied to this pack for the rest of our lives."

  "So we're stuck here?" His wolf jolted to attention at the idea and a sudden urge to roam made his legs ache. He pushed his animal back and sucked in more cold air. The scent of summer carried a ripeness that stirred his blood, but winter soothed and calmed sometimes to the point where his wolf almost hibernated inside him. It often annoyed him, because he loved to run on four paws, but just then, he was grateful.

  "Sometimes it is good to be stuck, brother." Kai nodded to Tao.

  Watching Tao sweep Audrey up in a kiss and hearing her giggle of delight, Leo thought with all his heart, 'I want that, too.'

  "Run with the wind and you will arrive at the right place," Kai said, seeming to read his brother's mind. He clapped Leo on the shoulder again and ambled off to greet the pack. After a moment's hesitation, Leo followed suit.

  Tao opened a bottle of champagne and Audrey passed out glasses. Leo took one and stood with the rest of his pack, waiting for the toast.

  "To our new pack clearing and the wolves who will call this place home." Tao held his glass high as his bass voice boomed loud in the night.

  Leo clinked his glass with the rest of the pack and then downed the champagne in one gulp. People were already shedding their clothes, preparing to shift. Leo returned his glass to the tray Audrey had left for that purpose and quickly shucked off his clothing. The shift washed over him, reforming his bones and easing the aches that came with carrying human burdens.

  With a long howl at the moon, he bounded off into the darkness around the clearing, chasing after the rest of his pack. A sharp wind came up on his back and he smiled as it pushed him forward. He would throw himself to the wind and trust it to take him where he was supposed to go.

  ~The End~

  Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed Moon's Law. If you haven't read First Moon (which was a bestseller with more than 50,000 copies sold) yet, I strongly encourage you to pick that up next. (Oh, and don't forget to join my newsletter. I have a free read for you!)

  First it all started!

  BLURB: Audrey Levine thinks being bitten by a wolf is just another day on the job. She couldn’t be more wrong.

  A wildlife rehabilitation specialist, Audrey usually does all the rescuing, but now she's the one who needs help. In ten days, she’ll be covered in fur and howling at the moon while the wolf who bit her is out there, waiting to claim her as his own…whether she wants to be his or not.

  The biggest problem? The curvy beauty doesn’t know any of this.

  Werewolf Tao Black is the strong, silent type, which is an asset in his role as pack enforcer. Hot on the trail of a wolf gone bad, he runs into trouble and is saved by Audrey. Realizing her situation, he vows to protect Audrey from the wolf who bit her, no matter what it takes.

  But that means going against his alpha’s orders…which might get them both killed.




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  First Moon: 195+ Reviews. 4.5 star review average. Top 100 bestseller !

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  About Michelle Fox

  NY Times and USA Today Bestselling author Michelle Fox lives in the Midwest with her husband, kids, the occasional exchange student, and two sweetly disobedient dogs. She loves fantasy and romance, which makes writing paranormal romance a natural fit. Occasionally, she goes through a maverick phase and writes contemporary romance. In her spare time, she's been known to shake her bon-bon at Zumba, make spectacular cheesecakes, hoard vintage costume jewelry, and eat way too much ice cream (Ben and Jerry’s Karamel Sutra for the win!).

  Between Two Wolves

  A BBW Werewolf Ménage Paranormal Shifter Romance

  Catherine Vale

  Chapter One

  Sweat dripped in my eyes, but I knew if I used the half-second that it would take to brush it away, Jack would be on my ass. So I kept up my rhythm, feet moving between punches, hips and legs limber, my fists slamming the big bag as hard as I possibly could. From behind the bag, I heard Jack grunt, but I didn't lose focus. He was almost as big as the bag, and I knew the grunt was one of disapproval, not from the force of my punch. I didn't think anything I threw could possibly rattle him, but I still tried. He'd been an amateur boxer since before I was born, a light heavyweight with a face that bore the scars of years in the ring.

  And he was a total hard ass.

  “Less power, Red. Breathe...and stop staring at the damn bag. You’re not focusing.”

  I absolutely hated being called Red; only Jack could get away with calling me that. My name is Risha Reynolds. Being a redhead meant that for most of my life, people went for the easy jab of Risha Red. Yeah, I also got hit with the typical ginger you-don’t-have-a-soul comments, but that shit didn’t bother me. Being called Red however, made my fists clench, and my blood boil. I’m not sure why the knee-jerk reaction to hearing that, but it just bothers the hell out of me.

  Like I said, Jack was the only one who could get away with calling me that.

  I punched again, landing a hit that sent the bag quivering like it was having a seizure. It felt good. Really good. Some of the anxiety that had been swirling around in my chest faded, that itchy feeling at the base of my spine that had been plaguing me since... Since that fucker Harrison left me.

  I stayed light on my feet, in an easy bounce, and then imagined it was Harrison, the asshole, in front of me, instead of the bag. Harrison, the jerk that had left me for a college room mate. Bounce again, hit again. Harrison was on his knees now. Left, right combination, and Harrison was begging for a second chance.

  The bag was suddenly coming at me. I took a startled step backward, dropping my hands. Jack reached around the bag, slapping his hand against the side of my head. It stung, but I was more embarrassed than hurt. Jack scowled at me from behind the bag.

  “Whatever you're thinking about, it isn’t this.”

  I stared at Jack. “What did you do that for?”

  “Because you're wasting my time, and yours. If you want to pay me while you daydream, find someone else. I want to train, not stand here watching you fuck around.”

  “Okay. Okay.” I threw my hands up. “Sorry. It's just...”

  “I don't care what it is. Here...” He reached for my hand, big fingers working quickly over the laces. “I'm paid to be your personal trainer, not your personal therapist.” The glove hit the floor. I held up my other hand, and he went to work on that one.

  “I'm sorry. You're right. I'm a little out of it today.” A little was an understatement. “It won't happen again.”

  “Damn straight.” He dropped the second glove, reached out and tapped a stubby forefinger against my forehead. “Whatever is up here, Red, leave it out there. You got about a quarter of an hour. Use it if you want, or hit the locker room. But I'm still charging you for it.”
/>   I watched him walk away. He was right; he was always right. I'd known Jack for a little over six months, and even though he was a hard-ass, and more often than not treated me like one of the guys, he'd given me the best advice about Harrison, by not saying a damn thing. And usually, like today, that advice had been a slap alongside the head, and a refusal to let me wallow in self-pity. Or at least not wallow on his time, even if it was my dime.

  The day was a wash, as far as training went. I scooped up the gloves, and my water bottle, and headed to the locker room. From across the ring that dominated the center of the room, I caught Jack's eye, and the slow shake of his head. I could read him from here: wasting time again.

  So I detoured, dropped the gloves and bottle, and climbed onto the treadmill. I'd walk out the last of my session here, maybe redeem myself a little. I punched in a short program, and started walking.

  But this was worse than the bag. There was nothing to distract me from myself. I tried watching the guys in the ring, and focusing on their motions. The cute guy with the black hair was sparring with someone new, and for a minute I watched them circle and dance, jab and weave. But even that wasn't enough to hold my attention. It drifted again. Back to Harrison.

  You need to get your head on straight, Risha.

  Jack was right. To let what happened with Harrison still bother me after all these months was crazy. But he'd been the guy I thought was the love of my life, my soul mate, the man I was going to marry. And I thought he felt the same way about me. That is until he told me he thought we should see other people. And then topped that off by casually mentioning he was dating my old college roommate. I called it quits.

  The timer buzzed on the treadmill, and I stepped off. The cute guy was gone from the ring, and Jack had already started training with his next client. Everyone was busy, getting on with their lives. I gathered up my gear and headed to the locker room. Jack was right: I needed to move on already.


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