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Dead Men

Page 15

by Derek Haines

  Steve kept walking. He walked out the door without looking back. Within two days he’d walked out on the woman he loved and the job he’d worked so hard to attain. He was walking out on the new life he had so painstakingly built for himself. In his own mind the world had given up on him. In reality he had given up on himself. The only place he was heading for was the Steven of old. He had balanced himself since he moved to Sydney. Now he’d lost his balance and perspective. His problems weren’t insurmountable. For most people his problems were minor, and easily handled. For Steven, they were just more than he could manage. Everyone has their limits. He’d rebuild his life on dedication and hard work. This was self contained and self controlled. The arrival of outside forces on his life was what he hadn’t learned to accept. He begrudged the one hundred and fifty dollars a week he had to provide to the woman in Perth. A woman he hardly knew. For a daughter he didn’t know, and obviously didn’t want to know him. He was angry at Beth for giving up on him simply because of money. The money he had wasted on legal fees fighting the two other frivolous claims was just that. A waste.

  ‘They’re all money hungry sluts,’ Steve thought to himself as he drove away from his office. ‘Now they get nothing. Nothing at all. Not one cent. Not one fucking cent.’

  Steven’s attitude to women had been changed for a short while by Beth. She’d been the only woman in Steve’s life who had meant anything to him. Her apparent discarding of him because of money bought back his original attitude. He had never felt any respect for his mother. She was just a drunk. What he knew of his sisters left him with the impression that they were just money hungry sluts like all the other sluts he knew. What he could remember of his father was simply that he hated his mother. Steven’s lack of adult role models in his childhood and youth gave him no foundation to work from. He could only frame his attitudes from his own experiences. These past months had reinforced and rekindled his old attitudes. Women were to be used and discarded. They were his playthings. Merely toys for his own enjoyment. And to toss them away when he was bored. His attitude would be easily empathised with by Tony and David. Their anger, hurt, and loss would be a fertile breeding ground for their own retribution upon women. Steven would be their conduit to satisfying a simplistic need for vengeance.

  ‘Why did you chuck in your job Steve?’ Tony asked. He was concerned for his friend. He’d only known Steve as a quiet and responsible young man. This was a new Steve developing before his eyes over the past few weeks.

  ‘They’re not going to get a cent from me,’ Steve said bluntly. ‘Why the fuck should I work my heart out? Just to line the pockets of sluts and lawyers. No way. There’s absolutely no point in doing that. After I pay the child support each week, and then have my tax taken out, I only have one hundred and fifty bucks left. So I might as well be on the dole. What’s the point of working? I get the same amount doing nothing. The benefit is, they get fuck all. Simple Tony.’

  Tony thought for a moment before he answered. He was having trouble finding an argument to Steve’s point of view. Tony’s mind started to calculate his own situation. With four children, he could be left in the same situation.

  ‘But surely you don’t want to throw away all the hard work you’ve done Steve? In three or four years it’d all be over.’ Tony tried to be positive for Steve.

  ‘You’re a great one to lecture me Tony. Where did all this hard work get you huh? You’ve slaved your guts out all your life providing for your wife and children. Where did it get you? Right here with David and me. Right here in a shitty little flat. Your slut wife’s happily living in the house you worked for. She’s having a great time being fucked by some young arse hole who’s enjoying the fruits of your labour. Probably sitting in you favourite arm chair, drinking beer from your fridge. Yeah Tony. I’ll keep working hard. Hard enough to make a comfortable life for some fucking slut to steal. You’re a great role model for me to follow.’

  Tony held his mouth tightly shut. He couldn’t argue with Steve. He was right, and yet he was wrong. Tony himself was now confused as to what was right and what was wrong.

  ‘So what’re you going to do Mr Hard Working Tony?’ Steve continued bitterly. ‘Are you going to work your guts out to pay for your wife and children while they live in luxury. And you get left with one hundred and fifty measly fucking bucks a week to scratch out an existence. If the two of us pitiful excuses for men pool our incomes after paying bitches, we wouldn’t have enough left over to rent a crappy flat. Let alone live and eat. Yeah Tony, I’ll go back to my job and slave away for shit. Like hell I will.’

  Tony looked at Steven. He looked him squarely in the eye and said, ‘Steve. I’m sorry you feel that way. And I’m sorry that I can’t give you a single reason why you’re wrong. I wish I could. It just seems so wrong after all the years of hard work you took to get yourself off the floor and make something of your life. You have my admiration for what you did. It took guts and determination. I’m just sorry that you’ve had your motivation destroyed.’

  ‘Tony, I know how to survive. It’s you that’ll have a life of misery. I don’t feel sorry for myself. In some ways I feel relieved. The pressure’s off me. I tried. I did the best I could. Well, if my best isn’t good enough, fuck the world. But for you Tony, you haven’t known anything else except for hard work being rewarded. How’re you going to handle hard work with the knowledge that you’ll be penalised for it? Look at what you have now. Remember I know you financial position probably better than you do. And you know what Tony? You’re fucked. Officially fucked. All you’ve slaved for’ll be sold off, and when all the debts are paid and you’ve paid out your wife, you’ll have two tenths of five eighths of fuck all left. While your business was running it earned you an income. Even with the debts it carried. But now, it’s just disappeared. All your years of hard work for nothing. Triple T was worth what it owed. Poof, gone. As if it never existed. Now what do you do Tony? Go and drive a truck for sixty hours a week to net one hundred and fifty dollars? What did you think you would do?’

  Tony sat stunned. He hadn’t had his position so clearly laid out for him. He knew everything Steve had just told him, but delivered so bitterly and in one dose bought the situation into clear focus for Tony.

  ‘Steve, I’ve worked all my life. I can’t remember not working. I worked in my father’s fish and chip shop as a child from dawn to late at night. But working has always had a purpose. Even when I started at Simpson’s Transport as a teenager, I swept up sheep shit, happily, knowing I was working for my own security in life. To have my future laid out in front of me as you’ve just done leaves me cold. You don’t leave me much room for hope, do you?’

  ‘I’m sorry Tony. Guess I just let it all blurt out.’

  The door of the flat opened and David walked in. ‘Shit, you two look serious. Are you discussing foreign debt in third world countries or the price of rice in Japan?’

  ‘No Dave. We’re discussing how men get fucked by women.’ Tony said with a half smile. ‘Steve’s been giving me a lecture on the pointlessness of our male existence.’

  ‘Well, can I join in. Are we verbally bashing women here? Do I meet the criteria to be able to join this elite forum? Or do I need a lecture as well?’

  ‘Steve’s chucked in his job. He’s explaining to me the financial benefits of his action.’ Tony said sarcastically.

  ‘Shit Steve. What did you do that for?’

  ‘Do I have to start all over again? Let’s just say that I’m better off. I’m just pissed off with working to pay lazy fucking women.’

  ‘Ok, ok Steve, I get your drift,’ David said. ‘I know a few friends paying out child support. I’ve heard their tales of woe. I think I have a fair idea where you’re at. And, if it’s any consolation, I don’t blame you at all. It’s just a shame to waste all the effort you’ve made.’

  ‘Aren’t all three of us just a shame? Just a waste?’ Steve asked. ‘Where’s the future for anyone of us. You have the best wicket Dave. At le
ast you’ll be stripped just once. You won’t have to keep on paying.’

  ‘But I am already. I’m still paying my monthly maintenance payments to my first wife. I still have a few years to go yet. We’ve all become free rides for females.’ Dave said with a tinge of anger. ‘I’ve been cleaned out twice now.’

  ‘And are you blameless in two failed marriages?’ Steve asked, becoming serious in his questioning of David.

  ‘Honestly Steve. No. I certainly had my faults. Still have them. Sure, I was no husband or father of the year. I could find a thousand things I did wrong. I was an arse hole on many occasions. I could write a book on my failings, but, it wasn’t all one sided. My two wives weren’t angelic fucking nuns. They were like all women. Capable of being warm and kind one minute and then real fucking bitches the next. And that’s normal isn’t it? But my only gripe is that I paid for my mistakes. Heavily. Personally, emotionally and financially. What did they pay? My first wife has a house I worked to pay for. She still lives in it. It was worth just twenty thousand dollars when I handed it over. Now it’s worth well over one hundred and fifty. Work that out. She’s been paid by the government for fourteen years or so. Paid by me for the same amount of time. She’s accumulated nearly ten thousand dollars a year in the value of her house. Fuck me. What did I get out of her mistakes? She made plenty of mileage on mine.’

  ‘Boy David, that got you started didn’t it?’ Tony laughed. ‘Wanna have a go at your second bitch now?’

  ‘Maybe I’ll leave that excitement for another day huh?’ David smiled, realising he’d lost his cool.

  ‘Well, if you’d’ve shot ‘em, you’d have got three free meals a day for the rest of your life as a reward,’ Steve joked.

  ‘Now that’s a positive spin on life imprisonment Steve,’ David responded.

  ‘Would they let me make number plates?’ Tony joked.

  ‘You can’t help yourself can you Tony,’ Steve replied. ‘You always want to work for your supper.’

  ‘Old habits die hard Steve,’ Tony laughed and the other two joined him.

  ‘Aren’t we supposed to meet those four moles tonight?’ David asked Steve.

  ‘No, tomorrow night.’

  ‘Well, why don’t we go looking for some new ones tonight?’ David asked with a glint of a naughty boy in his eyes.

  ‘So you enjoyed the slut party huh Dave?’ Steve asked.

  ‘I’m not sure Steve. Maybe I need a couple of more tries at it before I know whether I enjoy it or not.’ David said with a smile, looking at Tony as he answered. ‘What about you Tony?’

  ‘Are we turning into the three musketeers?’

  ‘I think Tony’s trying to say yes he’d like to try it again Dave.’

  ‘I think he’s saying he didn’t mind playing one for all and all for one Steve.’

  Tony just smiled and said, ‘Well I think we’re all in the shit together. Might as well take in a little entertainment on our slide to oblivion.’

  ‘Always the optimist huh Tony?’ Steve smiled.

  ‘Have we finished our bitching?’ Tony asked.

  ‘Yup. I’ve had enough for today Tony,’ Steve said. ‘But I reserve the right to have another tantrum in a day or so.’

  ‘Me too.’ David said.

  ‘Ok. Bring on the naked women,’ Tony said. ‘Any chance of some good looking ones though?’

  ‘Not a hope Tony. They all turn ugly pretty quickly,’ Steve quipped.

  ‘I agree with that,’ David said.

  ‘Oh well. Bring on the ugly ones then!’

  Steven’s uncanny ability with women had David and Tony in awe. They couldn’t believe his nonchalance and arrogance and even rudeness to women. It was harder to believe that they responded to it. That evening they went for a meal at an RSL club. Both David and Tony thought they would try the Drover’s Dog later in the evening, but before they’d finished their meals, Steve had himself in conversation with three women at the table next to them. He was working his unique charm on them, and they were responding.

  Tony whispered quietly to David, ‘This guy is not safe to take anywhere. He could probably seduce a nun.’

  ‘Shit Tony,’ David whispered back, ‘Don’t let him hear you. He might think we’re setting him a challenge.’

  Before long Steve had the three women from the table next to them, at their own table enjoying drinks and conversation. They all worked together in a local bank. Two were in their mid twenties and single. The other was a married woman in her mid thirties. From David and Tony’s viewpoint they were very attractive and well mannered. A far cry from the sluts they had played with the night before. They both expected a pleasant evening with them at the club and that would be it. From Steve’s viewpoint he wasn’t worried what they looked like, or how nice they seemed. He’d made up his mind that he wanted to fuck the married one.

  Steve and David went to the bar to buy a round of drinks.

  ‘I’m gonna fuck that married one Dave. You and Tony can play with the young ones.’

  ‘You’re joking Steve. She won’t be in that. You haven’t got a hope.’

  ‘Watch and learn Dave.’

  ‘I still reckon you haven’t got a hope.’

  ‘Wanna small wager Dave? Twenty bucks says I’ll have her parading her fanny around our flat within two hours.’

  ‘Steve. I’ll give you two to one odds.’

  ‘Done. Get your forty bucks ready my friend.’

  The women were being primed by Steve, He had them titillated. David and Tony found it a little easier this time to join in the banter. After a little while Tony rose to buy another round of drinks. Steve went with him to help him carry them back. When they returned, he leant over to David and said, ‘I have Tony for thirty bucks at two to one,’ and laughed.

  ‘You’re setting yourself a challenge aren’t you my friend?’

  Steve scanned the table and said, ‘Ok, let’s get out of here before we die of boredom. Let’s start a party.’

  The two single girls were eager. The married one was a little hesitant.

  ‘Come on. Let your hair down for once,’ she was encouraged by her friends. ‘Don’t be a party pooper.’

  She looked at her friend’s enthusiasm, and with the assistance of a few more glasses of wine than she was used to, and her hidden attraction to Steve, she finally relented.

  ‘Well, as long as it’s not too late,’ she said trying to keep her decorum.

  Arriving back at the flat, and watching Steven prepare his toys for the evening, David wondered to himself whether Steve had moved in with Tony and himself. Or if he was just passing through. Steve was just there now. There had been no discussion other than, ‘Can I borrow a sofa?’ Tony and he had discussed their situation, albeit briefly before Tony moved in. But maybe the three of them had just merged in their shared time of crisis. David watched interestedly but not intently as one of the younger women started to entertain the rest of them by trying her hand at being a seductive stripper. She was being encouraged by her friend and Steven. Her married friend seemed to be mesmerised. David watched her as she obviously became excited by what she was watching. In fact the young woman trying to bare herself seductively was being rather clumsy in her efforts. David wondered if this was her first ever attempt. Finally she managed to get all her clothes off and parade herself in front of her audience. She seemed to be enjoying the attention. Steven applauded her. He took her hand and sat her down between himself and Tony.

  ‘Well done. You were terrific. Now you can choose who’s next.’ he said to her playfully.

  ‘Anyone?’ she said.

  ‘Yep. Anyone,’ Steve replied.

  David and Tony expected her to pick Steven. But they were surprised when she pointed at her married friend.

  ‘Oh I couldn’t,’ she blushed. ‘No. I don’t think I could.’

  ‘C’mon now,’ Steven encouraged. ‘Your friend picked you. You watched her. It’s only fair huh? C’mon, don’t be shy now.’

>   David and Tony were thinking about their bets with Steve. ‘That little shit,’ David thought. ‘He’s gonna win his bet. I’ll never doubt him again if she gets her gear off.’

  Tony leaned over to Steve and chuckled, ‘My money’s still safe.’

  ‘Not for long Tony,’ Steve smiled.

  With a little more persuading from her dressed and naked friends, she finally stood up and started to move a little with the music. After taking her skirt and blouse off, she seemed to begin to have second thoughts. Steve sensed she was getting cold feet. He whispered into the ear of the naked young woman next to him, and she responded. She winked at her half dressed friend standing almost motionless in front of her small audience, and then knelt in front of Steven. He undid his fly and released himself into her mouth. Steve winked at the half dressed woman, smiled and said, ‘Your pick next honey.’

  With that she finished what she’d started.

  Tony saw how demeaning this was. He couldn’t help thinking of this woman’s husband, children and family. What was she doing here? But he was enjoying it. ‘What sort of fucked up people are we?’ he thought. Part of him wanted to just stand up and leave. But another part of him was quite pleased to be part of humiliating these women. ‘Is this what ending a marriage means? Do we all take our revenge in some way? Is this any different from finding a woman who’d ripped off her husband’s money and living off her in return for what my wife has taken from me?’

  Tony’s thoughts continued as Steve teased the last dressed woman. She wanted to strip, but he wouldn’t let her. He was teasing her. He was toying with her. ‘This guy has a real anger towards women,’ Tony concluded. ‘David and I don’t mind some fun, but to Steve it seems important to totally humiliate them.’

  David had lost his thoughts about other matters. He was occupied screwing the younger woman. Tony watched as Steve relented and let the last girl strip for him. When she’d finished, Steve had already started fucking the married woman on the floor. Tony took the now lonely looking naked young lady to his bedroom. He closed the door and then simply and mechanically fucked her. Shortly after he’d finished, his bedroom door opened. It was Steve with the married woman. He said to Tony, ‘Try this one. She’s not bad!’ and with that deposited the married woman in Tony’s bed and took the young one away to play with. When the door had closed, he said to the woman. ‘Go to sleep. You’ve had enough excitement for one night.’ Tony felt sorry for her. His sorrow for her vanished when she moved down the bed and started to suck him off. She wasn’t sorry for herself. All Tony could think of was his wife. ‘This’s what she did to the fucking gardener. Are all women sluts when they get the opportunity?’


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