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Hell, In a Troy (Lopez Time Book 2)

Page 19

by Phillip S. Power

  What they had in the room, was fascinating, given the small scale of what he was trying to do. On the nice side, the catering company that had been the first one in the phone book for Lincoln, Clara’s Catering, was ready for the numbers they had. On short notice, as well.

  When he’d called the evening before, the woman he talked to, Clara, the owner, he suspected, had gotten right to the heart of the matter. She’d listened to his requests, and took his joke about vampires needing blood and shifters needing whatever they ate, in stride. Perfectly.

  They had a buffet table set up, that included a blood station, where bottles of human or cow blood would be warmed up for the person, as they requested. They also had food for fifty people, even though he’d mentioned that only ten or so would probably come at all. That was not the case. The room was filled with bodies.

  Including ones that he wouldn’t have even dreamed about coming.

  For instance, Tor Baker had shown up. From a different reality, to help them out with a picnic.

  He wasn’t the only person with that going on in the room, either. There were people from the IPB world who had come to aid them as well. Chefs and cooks, mainly. Ones that could, in a pinch, take out small armies, all by themselves. Some of them might even pull it off unarmed. That world was interesting that way. They had actual costumed super heroes and things like that.

  Which was freaking awesome.

  There were also more boring people, like Morgan Bauer, who was sitting not too far away from a pale blond boy, who was, interestingly enough, sitting directly next to Avery Rome.

  Troy smiled. There were people all around that he didn’t know at all but in a way, he had a clue as to what was going to be needed. The first thing was to get a pen and paper, then find a seat. It took a bit to get the large legal thing and a black ball point but as soon as he got into place, everyone settled, and looked at him, as if his place along the side of the long thing was the new head of the table. Most of them smiled.

  Troy got it. For some strange reason, probably the fact that he’d gotten everyone to come in, they thought he was in charge or something silly like that. He smiled, nearly meaning it. After all, he was, more than technically, in over his head on the project.

  “Hi, everyone. Thanks for coming. Just to clarify this one, we’re all here to work on the community picnic? That’s a party, with music, food and things like that. Just for regular people…” He glanced at Tor Baker, and then the IPB people, just in case they were just there to visit or something along those lines. It would be totally fair, after all.

  In fact, that they’d be doing anything else didn’t make sense at all. Instead of wisely screaming no and jumping up to excuse themselves, there was a series of nods. No one spoke, as if that might be interrupting.

  “Nifty. Thanks, everyone. This is really nice of you.”

  Troy waved at Darla, who was sitting near Detective Tran. Directly next to, which probably meant that Denise was foolishly putting her body between the greater demon and everyone else. That should be fine for the day, as long as no one started a fist fight with her. Anyone doing that… Well, they probably wouldn’t get that the pretty ex-cheerleader who still looked like she belonged on a television program about teens that were a bit too pretty for their own good, was anything except that. Meaning that he could let Tran slap them around if they tried anything that way.

  “Avery Rome is paying for the food. I don’t know how that works with the individual sections. We have the mages doing drinks. Are we going to get competitive about that or just mix in and have everyone helping out in a few stations? One for food, one for drinks… I don’t know what would work best for that? Any ideas? Anyone. I don’t care who has the good idea that we steal.” He tried to seem extra pleasant.

  Interestingly, half the people there had pads out, like he did. Including Eve, Molly and Morgan. The last one actually didn’t make sense to him but he nodded at the kid anyway. He was clearly trying to look the part of being competent, if nothing else.

  The first person to speak was dressed all in white and working with the food at a long table near the back. Troy had just said anyone, after all.

  “Do you have a venue as of yet, sir? That will make a large difference as to what can be done. What should be, as well.”

  The person speaking looked down, humbly. He was a heavyset man, though more solid than fat. His fingers absolutely flew as he worked on putting sandwiches together. One of the caterers, it seemed.

  The Technician beamed at him.

  “I managed to free up Cortechs Stadium for it. That way we’ll have a stage and can use the concessions stations for the food and drink. We’ll have real bathrooms but I hired twenty temporary bathroom stations just in case. I heard that we had a few bands coming to play? Living Proof, opening for Cortechs Rocks?” She was clearly teasing on that one. Troy might not have been an event organizer but one of those was a headlining band that still got radio play, with a new album coming out in the fall. The other was a cover band made up of part time musicians that did eighties tunes.

  Interestingly, one of the IPB guys raised his hand. Like they were in school. It was adorable.

  Troy smiled at him.

  “Um, Mark Steinberg, isn’t it?”

  “That’s me. I was talking to Tobin Peterson… He’s a singer from my reality. He offered to come and perform, with his backup group, if you’d like? I think the plan is to get Living Proof to come to our world at some point? Kind of an exchange thing?”

  Tyler, who was next to the bone white Manthori vampire, Rebekah and Scotty Laird, beamed like someone had offered to blow him.

  “That would be great. I… He’s good?”

  Mark nodded.

  “Oh, sure. He’s had a couple of number one hit songs, actually. He said that he understood that you wouldn’t know who he was, so is willing to open.”

  Interestingly, or perhaps due to innate vampire bossiness, Eve rolled her eyes.

  “Not to slam Cortechs Rocks but they should get the opening set. It’s still a big deal for them, since the other acts are high level pros. Then we can have Tobin, he really is good… I’ve heard his stuff a few times, and follow with the famous band from here. Trust me though, you guys will want to collaborate with him. He’s incredibly good looking as well.” She looked directly at Troy and grinned hugely, for some reason.

  The other IPB guy, who was also a cook, made a sound that was clearly a smothered laugh, though it was a bit odd, as mannerisms went.

  “Tease. Tobin is you, Mr. Lopez.”

  That didn’t even get a blink in response, just a nod.

  “Perfect! Please tell him that we’d love to have him. We can make those arrangements. Um… We aren’t paying anyone, is that all right? We can give him a lot of community brownie points, if that will sweeten the pot?” The words came out instantly but he stopped, not certain if it would translate.

  Mark just nodded though.

  “That’s the point, isn’t it? Harder to redeem, being in a different world like this but still, worth it.” He stopped and then shrugged. “The Infected have to work this kind of thing out, too. Your picnic here? We… Well, it’s not something anyone has managed yet, so we’re hoping that we can copy you, if it works.”

  Molly, who was just as long faced and slightly too wrinkled for her years as she had been before, seemed puzzled. At the same time, it managed to seem sweet and nearly kind. Gentle, in the real sense of the word.

  “Sorry… Um, other realities?”

  That got Troy to nod.

  “Oh, right. There are infinite realities, we have line walkers that can go from here to there and back again under their own power, so we have friends from other places here to help out. They volunteered. Mark and his friend, sorry, I didn’t get your name yet?” Troy felt awkward about that but Eve had his back.

  “Warren. He’s a television star over there. A super chef.”

  Troy smiled at the man.

  “Great! W
e also have Tor Baker. He has a bakery, I think?”

  The huge, incredibly good-looking man, who had half the people starring at him anyway, spoke. This time he nearly didn’t have an accent, compared to the last time.

  “That’s right. My brothers, several of them, and little sister Taman, have offered to come and help with your event as well, if that serves? We can bring in some food units, if needed?”

  Eve shook her head then, actually getting what that was, at a guess.

  “Only you, Tor.” She looked at everyone else, and made a face. “He’s basically bringing in a quarter of the rulers of his Earth for this, to work concessions and offered to bring in magical food devices that can turn dirt and rocks into anything you can imagine, food wise. They’re incredible but I think the idea is for burger stands and some too sweet drinks? Avery is putting forward all the money… Um, coin, for it? One of our friends volunteered her for that part.”

  The very tall man, who was the largest person in the whole place by nearly a foot, smiled at the words.

  “That is the tradition, where I come from. Though… Normally I end up being picked for that part, for some reason.”

  After that, things moved along pretty quickly, as far as organizing went. Troy had figured that he’d end up flipping all the burgers for the vampires himself but they actually had two nifty mage girls and a human high school boy who were there, tucked into the back, who thought they were supposed to be doing that. Along with a whole Molly, who organized them directly, once she worked out who they were.

  It was, in many ways, interesting to see how things developed. Lunch was served but people kept working the whole time. The kids were mainly quiet, except for Vincent, who was a mage from out of state. He might have been about seventeen but the kid wasn’t at all shy about sitting with world leaders and aliens from other dimensions, or however that was thought about.

  “Would it be possible to arrange passage, as far as line walking? I know that isn’t cost effective, as far as moving from state to state but Lisa ended up having to go and settle a dispute, in Canada, so…” He was looked sidelong at Avery, who stiffened a bit. The reason why was, naturally, not about the funds needed for that kind of thing at all. Even less than he was, Avery Rome was unconcerned about money. It was simply a matter of time.

  “I might be able to but… I kind of have plans. I’m working at a store, here in town. I told my friends that I’d put in some shifts there on Friday nights. That’s Saturday but…”

  Troy got that one. If she over committed, then people would end up late or even stuck, waiting on her. When he was actively line walking, Troy used to have to live on Lopez Time, himself. All the line walkers ended up doing that sort of thing. Different worlds had, not only differing clocks and schedules but time itself could flow differently. In some places, you went for a few minutes an hour, or even days might pass back home. Making you late for everything you did, no matter how fast you tried to work.

  Raising a finger, he nodded.

  “I can do that? I’m not allowed to line walk right now. It’s for the current project I’m assigned to, really but I have orders. I can open a bridge? That’s…”

  Avery grinned.

  “It’s incredible. I managed it a few times myself but Its harder for me, for some reason. It connects to places, directly. Then you can just walk back and forth, even with thousands of miles between places. Like crossing a room. Easier in some cases. It won’t be too much work for you? I know that you’re very busy.” She glanced at him, then stared at the table, like it was a big imposition.

  That or her suggesting that he might not have time was putting him out. Interestingly Tor looked away as well, with a similar look on his face.

  “Not a problem at all. I can probably do… Call it three, early on that day? If we can collect people up in one place that can be for as many as show up. It won’t work between realities. Or…” He shrugged. “It might but I can’t do that right now, by the rules the Vampire Council suggested. I think the plan is for me to learn to do things in different ways. That or they don’t want to push me around. Great people, in many ways.” It was kind of true.

  Most vampires were kind of pricks. The Council had their moments and could be harsh if you messed up too much but they didn’t generally try to run all over people. Even ones that weren’t important and didn’t have much power were treated well. The important thing to most of them was that you tried hard and did what you promised, to the best of your ability.

  That they might even be looking out for him and attempting to make sure that Troy had a chance to find what he wanted out of the world was a possibility. It sounded off, since half the time they ended up ordering people and vampires to their deaths but that was because, as mentioned, vampires tended to be hard to work with. If you made it easy for them, they tended to respond pretty politely.

  The mage kid, Vince, from their embassy at Westfield, smiled then.

  “Thank you, Line Walker Lopez. We don’t really have a budget for this. Would there be something we can provide in trade for the work? I don’t know…”

  Troy was fine with the whole thing but lit up.

  “It’s free but I have some people, mages, staying there at my house in town. Would you be all right with getting with them and introducing yourself? Make sure they have what they need and all that? I’m trying but you know, I’m all scary, being so good looking.” He grinned. “Not that it will be easier for you. We can’t help how we were born though.” He preened a bit, putting on a show. Not too much of one he hoped.

  About half the table seemed to get it. Everyone from the other worlds smiled, at least. A few of the ladies actually smiled too and Avery looked at the table again but nodded.

  “That’s true. They’d still be more comfortable with you, Vince. Being one of their people, as you are. We can both go, after this?”

  That took some planning but they seemed willing to work it out.

  Glen, the caterer, got them back to planning. The man was clearly good at the whole thing. It was tempting to hire him for the whole thing but they didn't have that kind of a budget. He knew that for a fact, since the lunch, a hastily put together thing, was costing him about five thousand dollars. It was good but the much larger event would be more than their projected food budget, if they didn’t step up and do the work themselves.

  Still, they had people there with real skills, and by three they had real plans made to order everything they’d need for the event. Food, drinks, treats and knickknacks. They also had information tables being set up, as well as speakers.

  That meant Troy was going to have to do some work, coming up with something to say. Again, for some reason, everyone figured that he should be the one put on the spot that way. Especially Eve.

  “This sounds like a plan, then. We should have at least, oh, what do you think Glen, five hundred people out for it?”

  Morgan the bat kid rolled his eyes.

  “Um… We have at least a hundred shifters coming, confirmed. Calley is sending out a training group, so that we’ll be represented. Not all of us are out but some have agreed to wear matching t-shirts.”

  Ava, the smaller mage girl, who still looked a bit like a skinny, slightly pale, elf, nodded along with that.

  “We, the mages in the area? That’s our thing, too. Not everyone is going to mark themselves but a few are going to risk it. We have… Twenty-five or so coming, for certain? Maybe more. You have Living Proof playing. Half my high school was saying they’d come just for that. It’s summer but this is also free. People will show up.”

  Tor smiled at the younger girl, who blushed at the attention. He was the best-looking person in the room, hands down. If they wanted to stop that from happening, they needed to import an Alede or two.

  “This lady is correct. At least that’s how it works back home. It would be better to be prepared for many, than to short those who come, being unready for the battle of the day.”

  Glen, who had been
asked about it in the first place waved at the man.

  “That’s the right mindset. Really, you should see if you can have it televised. Not everyone will be able to simply attend. I know that I’d love to be there. Is that…” The man looked at Troy, as if he was the one in control of such things.

  “Everyone is welcome. I hear the greater demons might even be setting up an info table. Gregor is in charge of North America. This area belongs to The Technician, for their people.”

  Darla stuck her tongue out.

  “See, and I was doing so well, seeming like a regular woman. I think we have five confirmed. The Mistress of Souls lived in the area for a few years, and attended school here in Lincoln. I’ll be there, as well as The Line Walker. The Rotted, of course, since she’s Troy’s mentor and my father, The Mind Taker. That’s a good turnout for our people. There are only a little over five hundred of us in the whole world, so it’s nearly a full percent. You really can’t ask for a lot more than that.” She gave them all a mild look.

  Half of the people looked a bit freaked but Tor seemed puzzled and said something to Eve, in a different language.

  She answered in English.

  “Oh, right! Greater demons… Basically… Ancients? Very old people with great powers.”

  The man smiled then.

  “I understand! We have a few of those still around. Most died, in the last decades. There was a great war, and they sacrificed themselves to save the rest of us. We would be honored if your people could come, Ancient.” He bowed, still sitting, toward Darla. She did the same thing back.

  “See, this is how we should be treated. With polite bows and pleasure that we’d bother to show up. Now, info table? That sounds… fascinating. I’ll set Zack to doing it. Are the local police going to have one as well? Cortechs should. We can always use more good people.”

  Chief Benson, who’d been fairly quiet to that point, letting Troy do the speaking for them, made a note on his own pad.


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