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Page 21

by Dana Archer

  Xander moved behind her, blocking her retreat. He slipped an arm around her waist and rested his chin on her mate bite. The pressure on the sensitive mark whipped energy through her body. Her skin tingled, and her lower belly warmed. The instantaneous reactions left her shaken. Xander owned her body, and if the moment back on the plane when Vlad had touched her mate bite was any indication, he did too.

  “So why are you trying to run?” The brush of Xander’s lips against her neck intensified the sensations spreading through her. She shivered and leaned against his chest. He tightened his hold on her. “You have the other male our goddess has chosen for you spread out before you.”

  No, she wasn’t bringing up her hurt over Vlad’s actions. Doing so would make her sound childish. With two seven-hundred-year-old males as her true mates, she couldn’t acknowledge the immature reaction. Already they thought her weak.

  She turned her head to meet Xander’s gaze, not Vlad’s. At the moment, she didn’t want to look at him. It was too easy to think about Lena having Vlad in this position and what she’d likely done to him. “If I’m to believe you, why did she? You didn’t explain your theory.”

  Xander held her gaze for a long moment. One corner of his mouth quivered slightly as if he were fighting a grin. At what, she didn’t know. She hadn’t thought she’d said anything funny. “I’m a dominant in bed, my mate. I warned you of this. Didn’t I?”

  Their encounter on the plane replayed through her mind. He’d pleasured her and left her with a warning. If she ever felt overwhelmed or he did something she didn’t like, she was supposed to tell him. “Yes.”

  “Vlad is too, but he’ll also give you the chance to be in charge. You need that. The goddess understands this. Now so do I. Your confidence is beautiful. Stimulating.” Xander curled his fingers around her throat. “Satisfying.”

  “And you’ll never allow me to control you. Is that what you’re saying?”

  Xander’s breathing deepened. The brown in his eyes spread, overtaking the white. “I’m not perfect, my mate. Neither is Vlad. We’re both stubborn pricks who’ve hurt you. And each other.”

  Not an answer to her question, but the honesty to Xander’s confession stopped her from pushing the issue. She wasn’t perfect either.

  “Together, we’ll find a way to satisfy our needs, while erasing our past mistakes.” Vlad caressed her thigh, drawing her gaze to him. He’d propped himself on his elbow. The shirt covering his torso stretched over his pecs, teasing her with glimpses of the body she’d yet to explore. “And it starts here. Now.”

  “With you finishing what you started,” Xander added.

  “And that is?”

  Xander gripped her chin and turned her to face him. “Tonight you will learn how to pleasure your mates. One, then the other.”

  Her gaze slid to Xander’s lips. She wanted them on her. “But how? I’ve never done this before. I don’t want to ruin this by doing the wrong thing.”

  “You won’t. Trust yourself.” Xander traced her jaw with his lips, then took her mouth, loving her until she was crazed with need.

  Once she was panting and eager for more, he turned her head toward Vlad. The look in his eyes tore a gasp from her throat, but when Vlad reached for her, she went to him. Touched him, following his lead until her confidence built. And when she held a hand out for Xander, he drew her close.

  Gwen savored every whimper, every new experience, every glimpse of the heaven they would share, but just as ecstasy found them, the door to the bedroom opened, ending this once in a lifetime moment.

  “So the rumor is true.” The woman’s sharp tone cut through the room. She slammed the door behind her and planted a hand on her cocked hip. “I hope it’s worth risking the Shifter Council’s wrath.”

  Chapter 26

  The scent of Gwen’s embarrassment and her startled gasp stirred Xander’s protective instincts, along with his regret. His mate’s first contact with the top dominant female of his pack would leave a lasting impression on Corey and set the tone for their future interactions. Unfortunately, there was little to be done about it.

  His mate had reacted as a human would to Corey’s intrusion. Not as the mate of an alpha. Gwen would learn to curb her emotions, though. She had to.

  Trusting in Vlad to ensure Gwen’s mate bite remained hidden and to comfort her, Xander climbed off the bed. Their angry pack mate needed to be dealt with before she looked at either Gwen or Vlad with animosity in her eyes. Female or not, Corey would regret doing so. There were many ways she could be punished without laying a single finger on her.

  With a rough tug, Xander yanked up his pants and advanced on Corey. “You dare disturb me while I’m in bed with a lover?”

  Shaking her head, Corey snorted. Her thick, purple-dyed hair swayed with the move. Naturally pure white, Corey’s hair mirrored that of her strongest wolf, an Arctic whose brutality was well-known among their species and feared by those shifters weaker than her.

  “I waited until you were done. I had no interest in getting pulled into the sex.” She held up a fine-boned hand that matched the rest of her tall, delicate frame. Her wolves lent her strength, not the model-worthy body human males salivated over. “Don’t get me wrong. Sex with the two of you always left me satisfied, but I have more important things to discuss than how long you’re going to make me beg before allowing me to climax.”

  While Corey’s statement would likely bother Gwen as it painted a picture of his and Vlad’s past sexual encounters, it comforted Xander. Corey was here on pack business, not for pleasure. That distinction kept Gwen out of the picture a little while longer. It would give him and Vlad more time to prep her for her position as alpha female and the pack to accept her.

  “Then why are you here?” Xander closed the distance between him and Corey. “And you better have a good reason.” While his door was always open, he demanded the same respect he gave his pack mates, and he’d never barge into their bedrooms without purpose. Xander took another step, invading her personal space and forcing her to look up to meet his gaze. “Because Vlad and I have finally found a reason to reconnect, and your presence here is ruining our reunion.”

  Brows furrowed and lips thinned, Corey met his gaze with a look of defiance on her face. Had she not been the top dominant female of the pack, Xander wouldn’t have allowed her direct stare. Being the shifter who ran interference and settled disagreements with the other females in the pack granted Corey certain rights, however.

  “Vlad’s return is the reason I’m here. He’s a wanted man, and once the Shifter Council learns of his return, they’ll send their enforcers here to collect him.” Corey stood on her tiptoes and got up in Xander’s face. Fire burned in her pale blue eyes. “And do I have to remind you—”

  “Why is Vlad a wanted man?” Gwen asked, interrupting Corey and stirring Xander’s wolves. The trio of dominant animals who shared Xander’s body and soul looked at their mate not with protectiveness but respect. Xander felt the same wave of pride. Here was the strength of will he’d caught glimpses of since reconnecting with his true mate in this lifetime. It had only taken a threat to one of her true mates to bring it forth.

  Corey whipped her head in Gwen’s direction and growled. “Being in my alpha’s bed doesn’t give you the right to interrupt me, little girl. I’ve spent many nights there and could be sharing it permanently if I wanted to be Xander’s mate.”

  Gwen cocked her head slightly to the side. “For one, Xander would never allow anyone to decide who will be his mate for him. For another, I have every right to interrupt you.”

  “Yeah?” Corey laughed. “Why is that?”

  “I’m Vlad’s beloved human.” Gwen spoke before Xander could prevent her from revealing something damning. “That’s a powerful bond that goes both ways, and if he’s threatened, I’ll do what I can to protect him.”

  A small smile flitted across Corey’s face. She chuckled. “That’s very sweet of you, but there’s nothing a human can do in t
his case.”

  “Maybe not, but I have contacts in Shifter Affairs. If Vlad is being threatened on unfounded claims, the Shifter Council is violating the terms of their agreement with the human government.” Gwen leaned forward, a serious expression on her face. “I guarantee you the higher-ups in Shifter Affairs will want that information.”

  Corey’s amused grin faded. She straightened her spine, then assessed Gwen with calculating eyes. “Unfortunately, Vlad is not being threatened on unfounded claims, and it’s actually Shifter Affairs who reported him.”

  “What?” Gwen’s eyes widened. “Why would they do that?”

  Corey shook her head, her purple hair swaying. “I don’t think this is a discussion we should be having in front of a human.” Corey turned toward the door. “I’ll go put on a pot of coffee, and—”

  “Stop.” Vlad’s order boomed through the room, halting Corey mid-step. She glanced over her shoulder and raised a pale brow. “Anything concerning me can be discussed here.”

  “In front of a human?” Corey glanced from Vlad to Xander and back. Her brows pinched. “Since when did a lover you’re willing to share hold such a valued role?”

  Vlad climbed off the bed, putting himself between Corey and Gwen. “Since she managed the impossible and mended my strained friendship with Xander. She and I will now be staying on Winchester pack lands permanently.”

  “Really?” Corey slowly turned her head and met Xander’s eyes. “And where will they be building a home? I didn’t think there was any land left for Vlad to purchase. Or are we redrawing property lines?”

  “There will be no redrawing of territories. They’ll be sleeping under my roof.” Xander lowered his voice to a growl. “In my bed.”

  “Following in our neighbor’s footsteps, huh?” Corey wrinkled her nose. “You seriously want the Shifter Council to come down on us, don’t you?”

  Xander let a snarl slip free and leaned close to Corey, allowing her to see his displeasure in his expression. “Think carefully about what you’re accusing me of.”

  “I’m sorry.” She averted her eyes. “But this needs to be addressed. You don’t know everything.”

  “I think I should leave.” Gwen draped a blanket over her shoulders and hurried to the door. “This is pack business, and I’m not a pack member.”

  Xander snagged Gwen’s arm before she could escape. She jerked her head toward him. Anxiety flashed in her eyes. It was the same look that had dominated her features at the gas station when he’d been arguing with Vlad.

  Was she frightened of him? He hadn’t laid a hand on Corey. Wouldn’t either. This wasn’t the time to uncover the reasoning behind Gwen’s fear, however. The situation would spiral out of control, more than it already had.

  “You will stay here, in my bedroom where you belong.” Xander brushed his thumb over the softness of her skin. A wave of contentment flowed through him. It wasn’t the right time or place, but he was grateful for the effect it had on him. Corey’s attitude had stirred his darker instincts that wanted to threaten Corey through intimidation for her disruption. “Corey, Vlad, and I will discuss this downstairs so as not to disturb your rest.”

  Gwen gave a sharp nod, then escaped into the bathroom.

  “Who is she?” Corey asked the moment the door banged shut behind Gwen.

  “Lena’s sister, Gwen, and our beloved human.” Vlad supplied the basic information anyone would be able to easily gather. It wasn’t enough, though.

  Xander stared at the closed bathroom door and made a decision. Gwen had shown signs of her strength tonight, demanding answers from Corey. His earlier assessment of his mate was correct. She was his perfect complement and the right female to lead the pack at his side. It would simply take time to build her confidence. In the meantime, he’d shelter her from any negativity that might damage her transformation into an alpha female.

  Dragging his gaze to Corey, he delivered his first pack command in months. “Gwen is also the female I’m going to soul-bond with. She will be treasured and respected by our pack. Any who treat her as less than my equal will answer to me.”

  Chapter 27

  With one command, Xander set their path. Vlad fought the smile at the victory. He’d thought it would’ve taken longer for his friend to reach this conclusion. The sooner the pack knew of Gwen’s importance, the better.

  Wide-eyed and openmouthed, Corey stared at Xander. She snapped her jaw closed. “Soul-bonding? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “No joke. She’s my true mate.” Xander glanced past Corey’s tall body to where Vlad stood near the bed. “She’s also Vlad’s. If we can work out the details of our unusual bond, he’ll mate her too.”

  Vlad inclined his head. The grin he’d been fighting spread. “We’ll work it out. The prize awaiting us is too sweet.”

  “Agreed.” Xander dragged the tip of his tongue along his lower lip as if remembering the taste of their female. Her flavor was a treat Vlad couldn’t wait to enjoy too.

  “Ahh…” Corey nodded. “I understand now. The human brought you back together. That’s a remarkable feat, as you said, but it’s not enough to slap some mystical label on it.” An amused smile spread over her face. “You’re both in lust. Give it a few weeks. The newness will wear off.”

  “No.” Vlad moved to stand by Xander. “It won’t. Gwen is our gift from our pack’s goddess.”

  Corey made a disgusted sound. “Despite what many believe, the idea of true mates is a romanticized myth.” She glanced between them, an almost frantic look in her eyes. “Mating across species is unnatural.” She shook her head violently, sending her hair whipping around her. “It’s just plain wrong.”

  “It’s not wrong.” Vlad softened his tone. He didn’t know where Corey’s irrational response came from, but the compulsion to soothe his pack mate’s fears, even if she would never admit to them, compelled him. “Look at our pack’s longtime friends. Rafe, Devin, and Mira all found their true mates among the humans.”

  “No. Our goddess would never shame Xander with such a weak…” Corey’s words trailed off at Xander’s guttural growl.

  Elongated, sharpened nails extended from Xander’s fingers, and fangs filled his mouth. The look of calmness that had slipped over his features after touching Gwen, gone. Rage replaced it. He turned his head and focused on Corey, staring at her until she sighed in defeat.

  “I apologize, but you had to have expected this reaction. This female—” Corey motioned to the bathroom.

  “Gwen,” Xander corrected her.

  “Gwen is a human who feels as if she should be some kid’s nanny or an old person’s personal nurse.” Corey tipped her head slightly, an imploring look in her eyes. “Gwen doesn’t feel as if she’s alpha material. That’s not meant to be cruel. Just a fact. If I sense that after being in her presence for less than five minutes, I can assure you others will come to the same conclusion.”

  Xander didn’t react to Corey’s assessment. He stared at the bathroom door Gwen had escaped behind. Vlad turned his attention to it also. Although the sound of running water came from inside the room, suggesting Gwen was in the shower, there was no guarantee she wouldn’t overhear their conversation.

  “Maybe we should…”

  “…take this discussion downstairs.” Xander finished Vlad’s thought.

  Corey glanced from Xander to Vlad and finally to the bathroom door. Her features tightened. “Sounds good to me. I could use a stiff drink.”

  “Me too.” Xander turned for the door, and they slipped from the room.

  Vlad banged on the bathroom door. “Gwen?”

  The water cut off. “Yes.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I’m fine.”

  Clear and calm, her voice reflected her reply. He breathed a sigh. She hadn’t overheard their conversation. There was no reason to worry she’d be hurt by what Corey had said. “I’m going downstairs with Xander and Corey. I don’t know how long we’ll be, but we’ll return to you.

  “Don’t rush. I’m going to sleep. I’m exhausted.”

  Vlad pressed his palm to the door. He wanted to go to her. Hold her. He dropped his hand. “We’ll be quiet, then, so as not to wake you.”


  No enthusiasm brightened her voice, only acceptance. He inhaled, breathing in the scents in the room. The rich scent of her arousal lingered in the air. She’d been accepting of their touch a few minutes ago. More importantly, she’d put aside her uncertainties revolving around their three-way bond and his commitment to her. And only her.

  Lust had driven her. Maybe curiosity. He knew her touch had little to do with love. Scratch that. The encounter they’d shared had nothing to do with love, at least on her part. How could she love a male she’d met only a few days ago? Or one who’d chosen her sister over her?

  The wolves who shared his body and soul lowered their heads and backed away, slinking deeper into his psyche. They’d failed their true mate as much as he had. Although they’d urged him to go to her, they hadn’t forced his hand, compelling him to love her. They’d just wanted to watch her, to be close to her, to experience…to experience the quietness being around Gwen brought.

  His wolves didn’t fight each other in Gwen’s presence. They never had.

  Dammit! Why hadn’t he realized what that meant sooner?

  He scrubbed a hand over his face. The churning emotions building within him knotted him up. If only she’d responded to him or shown some interest in him… He slammed a door against the regret. If his wolves had coerced him to love her, she would’ve missed out on Xander, and she needed him.

  “We need to talk, Gwen.”

  “I know. I have to tell you about Killer, but not now. Not without Xander. He needs to hear this. Maybe we can talk over breakfast, because I think I’m going to crash as soon as my head hits the pillow, and this is too important. Cereal’s okay, right? Or…um…I can cook something. Maybe… Omelets! Yes.” She exhaled loudly as if in relief. “I can make omelets for us. Everyone says mine are unforgettable.”


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