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Somebody Else's Husband

Page 9

by Patti Doss

  Maybe everything would be okay, and I would bounce back, but what about my children? Would they be okay? Would they be able to bounce back?

  Mike had not ever been out of their lives for more than three days.

  Again my eyes filled with tears but this time I didn’t stop the tears. I didn’t stop the tears because this time I was crying for my children, not for me. I guess my tears must have fell on Jamal’s hand because he turned me around to face him.

  He wiped my eyes. Then he kissed me and hugged me.

  I had cried more that day than I’d cried that entire year. I was tired of crying, and it was time to let go.

  I wiped my eyes and made up in my mind that I was done crying.

  “Tammie, I don’t want you to feel as if we have to have sex tonight. I know you are hurting, and nothing I do or say will probably change that. I don’t want you to feel like I’m trying to take advantage of you because that isn’t the case. Like I said earlier, we can just sit and talk, if that’s what you want to do. Whatever you want to do, that’s what we can do, but I still want you to stay with me. At least let me try to make you smile again.”

  I replied, “Okay, Jamal. I don’t want to have sex because that’s only going to make things worse right now, but I don’t want to be alone tonight either.”

  “That’s fine, Tammie. Whatever makes you comfortable. Just sit down and relax. Take off your shoes, and I’ll run you a nice hot bath so you can have some time to yourself,” he said.

  Jamal left and went into the tub area. My thoughts were beginning to shift from Mike and my kids to Jamal. Jamal was so sweet and thoughtful and such a gentlemen. I kept waiting for his demeanor to change, but it hadn’t yet. To find a guy like Jamal, in Atlanta of all places, was like finding a needle in a haystack. Although I’m not going to blame the lack of good men on the demographics, it does play a big role. In Atlanta, it’s like five or six women to every heterosexual man. To make matters worse, most women were aware of those statistics, so they would do whatever was necessary to keep that man. I think that’s why men had such a hard time being faithful.

  Just as my mind started racing, Jamal told me the bath was ready. Jamal exited the bath area and went into the living area. I went into the bath, undressed, and got into the tub. Jamal had dimmed the lights and lit a couple of candles. The water was just right, not too hot or too cold, just perfect. Tiny specks of lights were bouncing off some of the big soap bubbles in the water and creating tiny rainbows.

  This was truly a transcendental moment.

  I cleared my mind as best as I could and embraced this moment of peace and tranquility. After almost an hour in the tub, the water started to chill, so I got out, dried off, and wrapped a towel around me. When I walked into the bedroom area, I saw that Jamal had ordered room service, a bottle of champagne that remained unopened on ice and what appeared to be tea or coffee. The food trays were covered so I couldn’t see what he had ordered.

  “Feeling better?” he asked.

  “Yes, I feel great. Thank you for that,” I replied.

  “Would you mind if I gave you a massage and oiled your body?”

  Who could say no to that? “No, I wouldn’t mind, Jamal.”

  Jamal laid a towel on the bed and said, “Ok, thank you, baby. Lay on your stomach and remove the towel you have on.”

  I gave him a look that said don’t try anything crazy. Jamal saw that look and said, “I promise; I won’t do anything that you don’t want me to do.”

  I gave in and laid on the bed. That bed was so soft and comfortable that I could have just drifted into La La land.

  Jamal drizzled some oil on me from my back to my calves. The oil was warm and felt so good on my skin. Jamal began rubbing the oil in from my calves down to my feet. Then he started massaging the oil into my upper body. My body started craving his touch. It was as if he knew my body and the parts that needed to be touched. For some reason, my mind fell on Persia. I realized that I forgot to call her and let her know I was okay.

  I stopped Jamal, saying, “I need to make a phone call.”

  I got up, wrapped the towel around me again and went into the entertainment area to get my phone out of my purse.

  I had three missed calls from Persia, two from Mike and a couple of text messages that I didn’t bother to read.

  Persia answered on the second ring. “Girl, I have been calling you all night!”

  “Hey, Persia. I am so sorry that I forgot to call you. I kind of lost track of time, but I’m okay. I’ll be home in the morning.”

  “Okay, are you still with Jamal?”

  “Yea. We’re staying at the Ritz in Buckhead.”

  “Okay, girl. Be safe. Love you, and I’ll see you in the morning,” she said.

  “I love you too and I will,” I promised before hanging up the phone.

  I didn’t bother checking those text messages. Most of them were from Mike. I didn’t feel like being bothered with him. I turned off my phone and walked back into the bedroom area. Jamal was sitting on the bed, looking out of the window.

  I walked over to him, stopped in front of him and dropped my towel. “You ready to finish my massage?”

  Jamal was speechless, but he managed to say, “Sure.”

  I laid in the middle of the bed on my back. Jamal came and drizzled oil all over my neck and chest. He then soothingly massaged the oil into my skin. He started at my shoulders and massaged all the way down to my navel. Then he put some oil in his hand and started massaging my hips and my legs, avoiding my sex.

  “You can massage me all over, Jamal,” I encouraged him.

  Jamal massaged his way back up to my opening and poured some oil on my lower stomach. Then he massaged from my lower stomach down to my wetness. The warm oil and the warmth from my pussy were creating a spark that neither one of us could ignore.

  “Can I taste you?” Jamal breathed.

  I pulled him up to me, kissed him so passionate and whispered, “Yes.”

  Jamal kissed me from my neck all the way down to my center. Then he started planting small kisses all around my opening. He French kissed my clit like it could kiss back. Part of me wanted to stop him, to get up, grab my things and go home, go home to my husband, but then I thought about my husband, Rachel, and the unknown woman that he had shown up at the gala. I got angry all over again.

  I pulled Jamal back up to me and kissed him so passionately that I think I even got caught up in the moment. When I finally let him go, he just stared at me. I motioned for him to lay on his back. When he did, I climbed on top of him and kissed him from his neck to his lower stomach. Then I started planting small kisses on his inner thighs and up and down his long, thick erection.

  Then I just let go completely and took him in my mouth. The rage, hurt, anger, and passion in my lips were mixing with his soft moans and sounds of pleasure, creating music so sweet that even a dove would be jealous. Mike was never really vocal during sex. I guess he thought it was unmanly, but I was simply enjoying how Jamal reciprocated to my actions and how he would always ask my permission for something before doing it instead of just doing it.

  Mike and Jamal was like day and night, complete opposites. Mike was my night, and Jamal was my day. The more time I spend with Jamal, the more I wanted for it to be day forever.

  Jamal wanted to come, but I wouldn’t let him. I didn’t want him to come just yet, so I slowly pulled my lips off of him until the tip of his sex met the tip of my tongue. I just held my tongue there to withhold his orgasm. Then I turned my back to him, straddled him and rode him backwards. At first, I started going really slow and passionate, but thoughts of Michael kept popping in my head feeling me with rage. I started going faster and faster until Jamal was shouting. “I’m cumming, baby!”

  I hopped up so that I could take him in my mouth again. With my ass towards him in the air, I started sucking on Jamal, pushing his orgasm back with every stroke of my tongue. While I was kissing, licking and sucking on him, Jamal pulled my ass
up to his mouth. He started kissing my clit, kissing deeper and deeper with each lick, just as I was doing to him. Finally, his body started to signal that he was about to come and by that time, I had lost count of how many times my body had seizures. Jamal tried to move so that he didn’t spread his sweet juices all over my face. As much as I wanted to taste him, I moved out of his way, and he released on the sheets.

  I went into the back room, came back with a hot wash cloth, and washed the stickiness off of him. I don’t even know why I did that because I couldn’t ever remember a time when I did that for Mike. Hell, I didn’t even wash the stickiness off myself first. My first concern was him, and I could not even think why.

  Nevertheless, Jamal just smiled at me and thanked me for doing that saying that I didn’t have to, and I told him that I wanted to. Jamal went and got in the shower.

  While he was showering, I took the sheets off the bed and called the front desk for more linen and towels. The maid brought the towels and linens, and I quickly fixed the bed. Then I tip-toed into the bathroom and got into the shower with Jamal. As soon as I stepped in the shower, Jamal dropped the soap and his towel, grabbed me and started kissing me. He kissed me so softly with a hint of aggression, and I returned the favor. We kissed for what seemed like five maybe ten minutes. Then Jamal picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. The chill of the wall sent chills down my spine as he placed me against it. Yet between the hot water and the passionate kisses, my body was on fire, and my pussy was reaching out to him. His dick inside of me was like lighting a roman candle on the fourth of July, it was just so beautiful. The way he stroked me so sensual and passionate, all while being careful not to slip in the tub, was just astronomical. I was on cloud nineteen, forget cloud nine.

  When my body started convulsing again, he pulled out just in time to prevent injecting me with his children, but just as he pulled out he lost his balance, and we both were falling.

  Thank goodness we didn’t have any head trauma. We both just laughed about it as Jamal turned off the water. For a minute, we just laid in that waterless tub and kissed, until we both started shivering and eventually we got out.

  We both started drying off. The water seemed to be glistening on Jamal’s skin. I don’t know why but I just wanted to feel him inside me once more. I called him over to me and pushed him onto the toilet. As he sat down, I straddled him and started kissing on his neck and chest. Then I put him inside of me. I rode Jamal like I was a jockey at the Kentucky Derby, going harder and harder with each stroke. Jamal’s moans were getting louder and louder until he was about to cum. I immediately got up and dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth until he exploded. I tasted every drop of his sweet nectar, and it was as sweet as a Georgia peach.

  Then I got up and rinsed my mouth out. Just as I finished, Jamal spun me around and picked me up. As he carried me into the bedroom, he began kissing me. I was disappointed that he was ending the kiss as he laid me on the edge of the bed.

  When he told me, “Wrap your legs around my neck,” I looked at him like he was crazy.

  He gave me that adorable yet mischievous grin. “Trust me, baby.”

  I relaxed and gave in. I don’t how Jamal did it, but the next thing I knew, Jamal had picked me up and was having an all you can eat buffet at my expense.

  At first, I was nervous that he would drop me or something, but he put my back up against a wall and began savoring me like he was on death row enjoying his last meal. The seizures were back in full force. Jamal still did not stop no matter how much I screamed, moaned and called on God.

  Jamal finally put me down and walked me over to the bed. His voice was full of so much lust as he told me, “Bend over and touch your toes.”

  Chills ran down my spine as Jamal entered me. It felt so good. All I could do was sing a song that would upset any bird. Jamal came quicker than he had earlier. He spread his juices all over my lower back like he was pouring warm massage oil or something.

  After wiping it off with a towel, we lay down, and he just held me. My heart was beating so hard. Jamal was making me feel so good, and I was full of anxiety and excitement. My body was embracing him and maybe, just maybe, my heart was mending just a stitch.

  I fell asleep in Jamal’s arm. For once, I didn’t have a dream about the events of my life. I was able to fully rest from the events of the last couple of days. For once in my adult life, I was no longer trying to rationalize the decisions I’ve made. For once in life, my decision was not made based on what my husband said, what others would think. Tonight, at this very moment, nothing and nobody mattered but Tammie, and it felt good to finally listen to and tend to Tammie’s needs.

  Chapter 19


  I had been calling and texting Tammie all night, and she still was not answering me. At seven in the morning, I called the house phone and all I got was the voicemail that she and I created when we first moved in our house. “You have reached the Dawson’s. Sorry, we can’t answer your call. Please leave your name and number, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you and have a great day.”

  I must have called the house like twenty times, just to hear that voicemail, just to hear Tammie’s voice. My thoughts were taking over me and causing pain in my chest that felt like a heart attack. I knew where she was, and I knew who she was with. No matter how hard I tried to block out the visuals, I couldn’t.

  My marriage was over, and I had no one to blame but myself. If I had any chance to get Tammie back that chance died when Rachel told me that she was pregnant. How in the hell was I going to tell Tammie that?

  I’d always considered myself a strong man, but I think I cried more in the last three days than I had in my whole entire life. Just the thought of having to tell Tammie what I’ve done was restarting the water works.

  I shouldn’t have given Rachel my new number. Now, she was texting me and calling me just as much as I was calling and texting Tammie. Like Tammie, I didn’t answer. Rachel was the last person I wanted to see or talk to right now. I wanted to get up, drive home, tell Tammie everything and hope that we could work things out. I know that was wishful thinking, though. Tammie was a very nice person with a lot of self-control, but driving over there to tell her that I got her best friend pregnant was definitely suicide. Tammie would kill me before I could get the words out.

  When I called the house again, surprisingly Persia answered.


  “Hey, Mike.”

  “Where is Tammie? Is she home?”

  “I’m not getting into the middle of things. If you want to know where Tammie is, call Tammie.” Then she hung up.

  As much as I wanted to be mad at Persia, she was right. I called Tammie again. As expected, I got the voicemail. I sent her a text asking her to call me or meet me for lunch so we could talk. She didn’t respond to the text either.

  Just as I was hanging up the phone, there was a knock at the door. I opened the door and came face to face with my biggest demon ... RACHEL!

  “What are you doing here, Rachel?” I asked as I turned away from the door.

  “I needed to see you. I really need to talk to you.”

  Her timing couldn’t be worse, but I knew she was going to bug me until I talked to her. With a sigh, I asked, “What do you want to talk about?”

  She came in and sat on the bed. She took off her shades. She had obviously been crying all night. Part of me felt sorry for her. I wanted to go over and comfort her but inside, I was still trying to comfort myself.

  “What’s wrong, Rachel? Why have you been crying?”

  More tears started to fall down her face, but she didn’t respond.

  I asked her again, “What’s wrong, Rachel?”

  The tears started coming harder and faster. Finally, she said, “My life is a mess!”

  I asked her,” What do you mean?”

  “I’ve hurt the most important people in my life and now I have no one! Tammie hates me. Sharon and Persia a
re avoiding me. No one wants to be around me. I feel so alone, isolated, and trapped in a bad dream.”

  “Well, you brought this on yourself, Rachel.” When I said that, she just looked at me and cried even harder.

  Again, I felt sorry for her because all of this was not her fault. It was as much my fault as it was hers. I walked over and sat beside Rachel on the bed. I hugged her and told her everything was going to be okay. She laid her head on my chest and just cried. After a while, the tears stopped flowing, and Rachel started kissing me on my chest.

  This time, I didn’t even bother to stop her. I just let it happen. She kissed me slowly and sensually from my chest up to my neck, lips and back around to my ears and down to my chest again. I knew that fucking her again was only making matters worse. But I felt just as alone as she did. I pulled her face towards mine and kissed her. The look on her face reminded me of my first kiss with Tammie. That thought brought tears to my eyes. I held back my tears and pushed memories of Tammie out of my mind. I started nibbling on her neck and chest while undressing her at the same time. Before long we were both naked and in the position of the Cancer horoscope sign; sixty-nine. Rachel was giving just as good as she was getting and vice versa.

  I don’t remember whose moans and groans were the loudest, mines or hers. After we both exhaled, Rachel straddled me and rode me backwards. Good thing she did, because I didn’t want her to see how she was making me feel.

  Just as I was about to announce my orgasm to the world, there was a knock at my door. Rachel jumped. I told her to go ahead and finish. Rachel rode me faster and harder. Then I exploded like a firecracker on New Year’s Eve.

  There was another knock at the door. Rachel got up and ran into the bathroom. I got up and slipped on my pants and went to the door. I opened the door and came face to face with TAMMIE.

  Oh shit!

  The worst possible thing in the world that could happen was actually happening. I wasn’t prepared for the natural disaster that was about to take place in my hotel room.


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