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A Beautiful Purpose

Page 10

by Alicia Rae


  I forced myself to count to ten, hoping to calm my raging temper, before I stormed after the frustrating, stubborn-as-hell green-eyed beauty who had just walked away from me—again.

  I wanted nothing more than to race up to Audrey, throw her over one of my shoulders, and take her somewhere we could talk without any interruptions. That way, I could make her answer my questions and talk to me about what in the hell was going on in her life.

  Once I caught up to Audrey, she had already passed the large white exit gate of the fairgrounds. I slowed to a pace alongside her, gauging the unreadable expression on her blank face. She tapped away on the touchscreen of her cell phone with her fingers.

  “What are you doing?” I asked evenly, approaching her side.

  Audrey’s gaze flickered up to mine, briefly widening. “I’m searching for the number of the cab company I have been using. I have the phone number in here somewhere.” She went back to looking at her screen. Then, she smiled. “Oh! I found it!”

  I softly set my hand on top of hers to keep her from making a call, and when she glanced up at me, her expression appeared worried.

  There was no way in hell I was letting her call a cab, especially when I’d brought her here. I was quickly distracted by wanting to know why she had been taking cabs. “Why are you using a cab company? Shouldn’t your car be fixed by now?”

  Audrey stepped toward me as a large group of teenagers barreled past us in a hurry. “I took it to someone locally, but when I picked my car up from the garage, it was still overheating.” She shrugged. “I haven’t found a mechanic I trust yet, so I’ve been using a cab service until I’m ready.”

  I had grown up in the garage with my dad and brothers, so I was pretty decent under the hood of a motor. “I’ll look at it when we get back to your place.” I ran my palm down her arm to gently clasp her hand. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

  I went to move forward, but Audrey kept her feet glued in place. “Thank you for offering to look at my car, but I’ll be okay on my own.” Her eyes were kind of glaring at me.

  I bit my lip to keep from smiling because the sassy spark in her eyes made her look strong and independent. It made me want to back her up against my truck and kiss her.

  “You also don’t need to leave the carnival, Blake. I’m capable of finding my own ride home.”

  I perked a brow. “And stay at the carnival all by my lonesome?” I gave her a grin, one full of mischief. “Nah, I’d rather keep you company.”

  Her jaw lowered at my candor. She quickly recovered, and her hands came to her hips. “I don’t need you to drive me home, and I definitely don’t need you to keep me—”

  “Audrey, don’t be unreasonable,” I cut in, slowly stepping into her personal space, making her really gape at me. She kissed me today, damn it. Therefore, I deserved the right to be up in her business.

  Plus, this debate was not going as I expected.

  Oh, this sexy, sweet woman was persistent, and it was about time for Audrey to meet her match. Before she could retort another sassy comeback, I continued, “You’re going to get in my truck, Audrey”—standing directly in front of her, I lifted my hand and ran my knuckles down her cheek—“or I’ll pick you up and put you in it myself.”

  I watched her internal struggle, and for the first time in forever, I truly felt alive. Whatever she sparked to life inside of me had me acting boldly. With one fluid movement, I swooped her up into my arms.

  Audrey let out a loud squeal followed by a laugh as her hands clung to my neck. “You didn’t even give me time to respond!” she exclaimed, feigning a feeble anger that I was not buying.

  I tilted my head from side to side, giving her a smirk. “You took too long to answer, so I overruled you,” I teased, effortlessly striding onward in route of my black Ford that I was almost positive I’d parked in the third row of the parking lot.

  “Or you’re just impatient,” she retorted.

  I acknowledged the curve in her lips that she was unable to hide. “I might have been told that once before,” I admitted. My heart seemed to be picking up its speed at seeing the smile on her face. It should be there all the time, not the constant back-and-forth I had been witnessing. “At any rate, it gave me a chance to hold you in my arms.”

  Once I pulled into Audrey’s driveway, I slowly slipped my truck into park and shut off the ignition. Unmistakable anxiety and unease rolled off her shoulders. I was amazed at the astonishing shift in her since we had left the fair. The only way I could describe the change was to compare it to the difference in night and day. The unsettling difference had my blood pumping ferociously.

  I let out a silent breath, knowing I would more than likely chase Audrey away if I voiced my concern. It wasn’t my place to invade her personal life. We needed time. I could only pray that I was strong enough to give it to her. So, against my better judgment, I forced myself to calm down.

  When I rotated to face Audrey, she was staring down at her hands, appearing to be lost in deep thought. Wanting to give her a few more moments of privacy, I opened my door and came around to her side of the vehicle. When I opened it for her, she turned her body to face me, yet she made no attempt to hop down just yet. Instead, her vulnerable eyes landed on mine. That look hit something deep within me. In fact, it stripped me to the bone.

  “If you stay to look at my car”—she momentarily broke off—“you have to promise me something first.”

  I gripped the doorframe with one hand and the leather cushion beside her leg with the opposing one. “Anything,” I answered without hesitation.

  “I have to check on my mom to make sure she is okay first. Then, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  Audrey briefly pressed her full lips together, as though contemplating her next words. It made my stomach sink, and I had a serious feeling my word of choice was about to bite me in the ass.

  “You can’t go inside the house. You have to stay here until I get back,” she informed me softly, never wavering her eyes from mine.

  I was left speechless. Shit, I suddenly felt like a teenager, sneaking around my parents’ house even though I knew that wasn’t the reason for keeping me outside.

  The look that passed between Audrey and me told me that we both already knew why she was making that a stipulation. It was because I had heard her father raising his voice to Audrey more than once. It had my jaw clenching so tight that I feared I might crack one of my teeth straight down the middle.

  I lifted my hand from the doorframe and methodically ran it back and forth across my jaw. I would be setting myself up for failure if I agreed to her condition, but if I didn’t agree, she probably wouldn’t let me stay.

  I was a military man. It was not in me to walk away…or to break a promise.

  But how could I keep my promise if I heard her dad yelling at her?

  Fuck that.

  I’d be barging through that door without even turning the handle, and then nothing would stop me from throwing her curvy, delectable ass over my shoulder for a second time today and carrying her out to my truck.

  She knew my reasons for reacting this way, so I didn’t think she needed me to lay them out on the table for her. We had only known each other for a short time, yet it was strange how we could already read one another.

  “That’s a steep promise, Audrey, and you know it,” I replied after a short pause.

  “It is,” she agreed thoughtfully, pinching her brows together in exasperation. Then, she lifted her chin fractionally. “But it doesn’t change anything, Blake. Take it or leave it.”

  Oh, did her sweet challenge rev my adrenaline. I was just going to have to wing it if need be. “Fine,” I sighed reluctantly, specifically not using the word promise in case I needed an excuse to fall back on. There was no fucking way I’d tolerate her father yelling at her again.

  “Okay. Thank you.” Audrey exhaled in relief and checked her watch. She let her backside slide down the seat until she stood in
front of me, staring up at me. “I’m going to head inside and make sure Mom’s okay since she still has thirty-five minutes before her meds. Then, I’ll be back with my car keys.” She tipped her head toward the road. A black Dodge Charger was parked along the curb of her street. “That’s my car over there.”

  I sized up the old classic sports car, and my mind ran wild with images of what she looked like in the driver’s seat. “Please tell me it’s a manual transmission,” I spoke aloud.

  Audrey grinned as my eyes went back to hers. “Of course. What good is a classic without a stick shift?” Concern filled her expression. “Is that okay? Can you still work on a six-speed?”

  Damn, I thought, returning her grin with my own. More images filled my mind—this time, erotic ones. I didn’t know what it was about women and cars, but the thoughts made all my blood rush south. “Hell yes, it’s okay.”

  “Good.” She chuckled softly, earning my appreciative stare. “I’ll be right back then. Wait here.”

  I nodded in acknowledgment before pointing at the garage. “Does your dad have any tools if I need to borrow them?”

  “Uh…I’m not sure what my father has, but I don’t think so. The garage is pretty empty…” She trailed off and then shrugged. “I can ask him anyway though.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  Audrey nodded and gave me a thankful smile before running off toward the house. I stared after her until she climbed the patio steps and closed the front door.

  I glanced between her car and the porch, trying to find a way to compromise. I settled on the idea of taking a quick peek at the car. If I heard her father raise his voice from there, then game over, and nothing would stop me from going inside.

  As I neared the Charger, I could tell the body was in pristine condition. There was not a scratch anywhere. The inside was a dark cloth, also appearing to be well maintained. I found myself anxious to take a look under the hood.

  I waited for Audrey to return. I was lost in deep thought over the confusion I felt in regard to her family. She had talked about her father in a detached tone, and it pissed me off to recall the way he had treated her the few times I had been around. There was no reason for a father to speak to his daughter like he had—period.

  Audrey is a grown woman, so why would she tolerate it? She surely had no problem standing up to me. It didn’t make sense.

  I didn’t know how sick her mom was, but the look in Audrey’s eyes earlier had told me it was bad. From just being in her presence, I could feel the pain radiating off her.

  Is that why Audrey stays and puts up with her father? But why would a husband neglect his wife? Does Audrey’s mother treat her well? What about any extended family involvement in helping to care for her mother?

  I just couldn’t wrap my mind around everything on her plate. It seemed to be too much for one person to deal with on her own.

  I rotated my head when I heard the front door open, and I redirected my attention to Audrey. She stepped out, followed by her father. He was a typical middle-aged man with military-cut dark hair. His movements were stiff and measured.

  Audrey and her father entered the garage. I watched as he reached into a small toolbox and handed her a few tools. Without saying a word, he turned his back and hopped into a metallic blue Chevy Silverado.

  I started to walk toward my truck, planning to move it out of the driveway to make more room. Before I could do so, her father drove around my Ford, going a few feet into the grass, practically forcing me to stop in my tracks so that the guy wouldn’t run me over.

  My eyes shifted back to Audrey, completely ignoring the jackass as he left in a hurry. With every additional yard her father took in the opposite direction, she appeared to inflate, like a balloon gaining air it desperately needed, and life reentered her eyes.

  I came to her and stopped.

  Concern was etched in her features as her eyes traveled the length of me. “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yes.” I set my hand on her hip, needing to feel her as well as hear her answer. “Are you okay?”

  “Of course.” She put a broad smile on her face and raised her hand, showing the tools.

  I didn’t buy the fake smile even though I admired her strength.

  “Thank you for looking at my car,” she said, extending her other hand with the keys to her Charger.

  “You’re welcome.” I grabbed a hold of them, holding her gaze. “Audrey…” I trailed off, hoping she would explain this to me, to help me understand this complex part of her life.

  She shook her head with small, rapid movements. “Don’t,” she whispered with pleading eyes, making my gut clench.

  Something told me to back off for what felt like the umpteenth time. I would give her this today, and that would be it. Then, I was going to get my answers.

  Audrey must have noticed that I’d decided to let it go because she said, “My father said there isn’t much in the garage besides a few basics.” She put a socket wrench and a few other tools in my hand. “Will these be of any help?” she asked in a hopeful tone.

  “A socket wrench isn’t much when working on a car, but it might come in handy. Thank you.”

  Audrey glanced over at her car while rocking forward on her feet. The uneasiness visibly returned in her demeanor. “I really have to go back to my mother now and fix her a bite to eat. I’ll return soon though.”

  “It’s okay, Audrey,” I said in a low voice, stepping forward to drop my free hand against her lower back. It was only a small window of opportunity to touch her, but I would take it.

  She tilted her face up at me, silently gauging me with those green eyes of hers.

  “Don’t worry about how long it takes. Just go help your mom,” I added reassuringly.

  She nodded and then briefly tugged on her bottom lip.

  “What?” I inquired, wanting to know what was on her mind.

  “Ar-are you sure you know what you’re doing?” she asked. I could feel her nerves flaring around in that head of hers. “If not, I can just take it to another mechanic in town.”

  I took another step closer, letting my hand slide around her back, and I glided it a few inches up and down her back in a soothing rhythm. To further ease her worries, I playfully raised a brow as I looked down at her. “You gave me a socket wrench and a few other tools.” I grinned devilishly and raised the tools in my hand. “There isn’t much damage I can do with these.”

  Audrey noticeably relaxed beneath my touch. I could even feel the deep breath she released at my proximity. I couldn’t think of any explanation of what it felt like when we touched, but it was something powerful.

  Then, she shocked the hell out of me by giving me her own sexy smirk. “Okay…if you say so.”

  Damn, does she look gorgeous with that smirk on her face—at her parents’ house nonetheless! I felt myself gravitating closer to her mouth and those full lips.

  Right before we touched, she slipped out of my hold, her eyes looking more mischievous with each backward step. “I’ll be back soon.”

  I resisted the urge to pull her back into my arms and taste her honey-sweet lips.

  “All right,” I murmured, smiling as she walked off across the front lawn toward the door.

  I got to work after she’d left, assessing the Dodge Charger and testing out several possibilities. I wasn’t a mechanic by any means, but after years of growing up in the garage with my dad and brothers, I could be quite handy even if given only a few basic tools.

  In what must have been an hour or so, Audrey reappeared. My eyes followed each sway of her hips as she neared.

  “So, any verdict on what the problem might be?” Audrey asked, referencing her car, as she sauntered up to me. She offered me a cold bottle of water.

  I reached for the bottle, twisted off the cap, and took a drink before looking back at her. “Yep,” I answered, keeping my voice even.

  Audrey leaned her hip against the front fender of her car. “Oh?”

�You blew the motor.”

  Her mouth popped open in shock, and I was pretty sure she was waiting for me to say, I’m kidding. I wished I had better news.

  “I did not,” she retorted in disbelief.

  “Yes, I’m afraid you did.”

  “How?” Audrey squeaked.

  “You ran out of oil,” I replied, lifting the oil dipstick in my opposing hand. “It’s dry as a bone, and your motor is fried. It’s a good possibility that you had a leak somewhere, causing the underlying problem.”

  “Oh…” Audrey trailed off. Her eyes now looked perturbed as she laced her fingers together. “Is that fixable?” she asked with a hopeful expression.

  I had a good hunch she already knew the answer.

  “Unfortunately not.” I deliberated over the easiest route to fix her car and a realistic time frame. I would have to check around with my brothers and Kyle to see if they had the necessary tools and a motor lift. “But we can order a new motor online, and it would probably arrive within a few business days. Then, if all goes well, it will take another couple of days to swap out the engines.”

  Her eyes broadened as if she were taking in everything I’d said and trying to wrap her head around it. “How much does that cost?”

  “For your car”—I tried to ponder a good estimate—“about three to four thousand, if we get lucky. It’s a classic, and repairs usually cost more.”

  Audrey briefly appeared to be in shock before quickly rattling off something about Betsy being a classic pain in the ass and that she should have just bought something newer when she had the chance.

  I bit my lip to keep from laughing—not over the car trouble she was having, but from seeing this side of her.

  “Who’s Betsy?” I couldn’t help but ask teasingly even though I had an excellent hunch.

  Audrey blushed the most stunning shade of pink. “My car.”

  “You named your car?” I continued, hoping to distract her and lighten her spirits.

  She still looked to be in shock over the cost to repair her car, so I stepped forward and drew her into my arms, trying to comfort her. Surprisingly, she came without any hesitation. I smiled inwardly.


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