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Skin Deep

Page 1

by Sarah Makela


  ~ Acclaim for Sarah Mäkelä ~

  Copyright Warning

  ~ Dedication ~


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  ~ More Paranormal Romance ~

  ~ Acclaim for Sarah Mäkelä ~

  “Techno Crazed is a fantastic beginning to the series. The story is full of diverse, engaging characters and fun twists along the way...I can't wait to read more about Hannah and Ian.”

  —Kinley Baker, Author of Ruined

  “[Jungle Fire] is a fast-paced story that is filled with a sexual tension between Kyle and Rubia that you can almost feel and a lot of action.”

  —Janie Esparza, The Romance Studio

  “Jungle Heat was like a quick escape to a secret world. It was exciting and a little different from the typical shifter story. The sexy weretiger was a nice change... there really should be more tiger shifters in the paranormal world, they have a lot of love to give.”

  —The Romance Reviews

  Skin Deep

  Feral Ink Book One

  Sarah Mäkelä

  Copyright Warning

  EBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared, or given away. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is a crime punishable by law. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to or downloaded from file sharing sites, or distributed in any other way via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000 (

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Published By

  Etopia Press

  1643 Warwick Ave., #124

  Warwick, RI 02889

  Skin Deep

  Copyright © 2012 by Sarah Mäkelä

  ISBN: 978-1-939194-25-1

  Edited by Rachel Firasek

  Cover by Valerie Tibbs

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Etopia Press electronic publication: November 2012

  ~ Dedication ~

  I’d like to say thank you to my wonderful husband for being so supportive. Kinley Baker, you’re the best critique partner and friend ever. Rachel Firasek, my awesome editor, thank you for putting so much thought and care into my work. Mom, you’ve always believed that I can accomplish my dreams. Also to my cats, you all have given me a lot of my inspiration for Kira.


  “Your time is running out. While our preference is for you to find a true mate, I’m not above assigning someone.”

  Connor O’Reilly gritted his teeth and kept his gaze lowered out of respect for his Alpha. His chest tightened with barely constrained anger, but he’d expected this threat. The powers that be had been after him to settle down for a while now, but the only woman he’d ever wanted had dumped him and then run away.

  He caught a glimpse of movement to his side. Monica, the woman he’d attempted to mate in a stupid moment of weakness shifted into view. He hadn’t had the stomach to go through with it. And even though she was beautiful in every way a wolf mate should be, she couldn’t fit the mold of the one he desperately wanted.

  “Lowell, Your Majesty.” Monica bowed her petite frame in submission to the Pack’s leader. “I’m more than willing to take on that role for Connor.”

  A growl bubbled up in Connor’s throat, but the wolf-amber gleam in his Alpha’s eyes stopped him. He glanced over his shoulder and grumbled, “This conversation doesn’t involve you, Monica.”

  “Yes, it does. We—”

  Connor spun toward Monica, and before he could control himself, he clenched her wrist in his fist. “We are not mates. If you didn’t try so hard to convince yourself—”

  “Enough!” Lowell’s commanding voice boomed, silencing their bickering. If someone had dropped a pin in the palatial office, they all would’ve heard it. Before Connor could react, Lowell stood before Monica. He narrowed his eyes at Connor’s harsh grip on her, while his hand stroked her sleek blonde hair. A shiver coursed through her as she leaned into Lowell’s touch. “Why couldn’t you make it work with Monica?”

  Threads of feral power oozed from Lowell, making their close proximity uncomfortable. Connor released Monica’s wrist. He didn’t know how to explain his reluctance or how to gage Lowell’s reaction. And he didn’t want to hurt Monica’s feelings, but… “Someone else has already staked a claim on my heart. I need to make things right with her.”

  A hot wave of tension stung his side nearest Monica, and he clenched his hands into fists against the pain. She’d taken his news as well as he’d expected, but at least it was finally out in the air.

  Connor slightly raised his eyes at the tall, dark-haired Alpha reclining on the edge of his massive oak desk. His lips pursed as he leveled his gaze at Connor. “This female wants you, yet you want someone who possibly does not?” He shook his head. “There’s no guarantee that this other woman will have you as a mate. I don’t think you should concern yourself with—”

  “Unacceptable.” Connor drew himself up to his full height, no longer hunching his shoulders and acting the submissive. “I will leave the Pack if I’m not allowed the possibility.”

  “Suit yourself.” Lowell straightened, squared his shoulders, and used his extra height and broadness to counter Connor’s physical assertiveness. Anger darkened Lowell’s face, and he stared down his nose at him. “One year. That’s all you’ll get. After that, you’ll face my wrath.”

  Connor bowed his head. While the verdict pleased him, he could feel bile rising in his throat. He had to find Angelique and win her back. If that meant tracking her down, tying her up, and kissing her until she agreed, he would.

  He had to.

  Chapter One

  Eleven months later

  Angelique Trinette sat on her bed with her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs. The small box on the nightstand had arrived in the mail a few days ago. Connor. Heaven knew she wanted him, but it was her birthday. After the way they’d parted last year, she couldn’t imagine why he’d still keep contacting her.

  The things she’d said to him…

  A swish of fur brushed against her lower back, pulling her back to her bedroom and away from the memories of the tears that flowed after they’d broken up. Kira’s soft feline growl reverberated against her skin. The pinprick of claws bit gently into her flesh. The black panther’s energy buzzed along her body in angry vibrations.

  “It’s okay, Kira. I’m fine.”

  Kira, Angelique’s inked-on familiar, reacted to her emotions. Since they shared flesh, Angelique had to always be in control, which was one reason why she’d made the choice to leave Connor.

  The black panther slid up from its usual spot on her lower back and nuzzled Angelique’s neck. Kira rumbled, almost like a purr, and slid her sleek body against Angelique’s shoulder. The tattoo was a piece of her—a warm, living, breathing thing. The one difference between her familiar and an ordinary cat was the prickle of
magical energy she exuded.

  Angelique closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against her knees. Connor still cared enough to get in touch, even after all this time, but she had to trust her instincts. Her decision to leave was for his protection too. The weighty pressure of Kira growing and stretching her skin shot a well-known pain through her. She bit her lower lip to hold back her cries. Letting Kira out and into the world made her feel not so alone.

  A buzzing from the nightstand snapped her from her melancholy mood, and she jerked her head up to watch her cell phone dance across the cherry wood surface. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and forced her familiar back into her skin. Having Kira out when she was on the phone never went well. The swishing of the mouthy big cat’s tail spoke of her agitation.

  Angelique grabbed the phone and nearly dropped it when she looked at the caller ID. Kira huffed and retreated to Angelique’s lower back where she curled up. Vibes of edgy energy from Angelique’s familiar told her that Kira thought she was acting cowardly. Maybe she was, but she couldn’t face hearing his voice. She wouldn’t answer it.

  Instead, she set the phone back on the nightstand and stared at it. She thrummed her hands on her knees, tapping a nervous beat. “Go to voicemail,” she whispered. The phone stopped vibrating. From the lack of a follow-up chime, she knew Connor didn’t leave a message. Disappointment flickered within her.

  Angelique sucked in a shaky breath and stood, stretching her arms over her head. The tattoo of her familiar was now just a normal carving of ink and flesh. Angelique ached with loneliness. She could awaken her familiar, but it would only irritate Kira.

  Part of her wanted to double-check the phone, but no, she wouldn’t do that to herself. Staring at it, she clenched her hands into a fist. This was ridiculous. She headed toward the living room, needing distance from the cell. Her stomach growled as she passed the kitchen. She hadn’t eaten dinner. With providing energy for both her and Kira, food was important. Yet bed called to her, and she’d gladly forgo a meal to sleep. Birthdays always seemed to depress her.

  The doorbell rang, and she spun toward the sound, yipping and grabbing her chest. Magical energy rumbled from her familiar. “Easy girl. Back to sleep for you.”

  Angelique took a deep breath and strode to the door. She glanced through the peephole and bit her lip hard, holding back a gasp. Her heart leapt into her throat. She’d moved, changed her phone number, and done everything she could to try to prove to him that they couldn’t be together, but he’d remained persistent. Part of her admired that about him. Then again, after how she’d left things, maybe he had a right to an explanation.

  She scurried to the window framing the door and pushed back the curtain. Connor glanced her way. His intense gaze locked with hers, and a frown curved his full lips down before they straightened into a thin line. He wore a sleek business suit, as if he’d just gotten off work. In one arm, he carried a large, brown paper bag. If she blocked out the last eleven months, he looked so normal. So many of their happy evenings had started this way.

  She let the curtains fall from her fingertips and stepped away from the window. Of all the days for him to find her, it would have to be today.

  He knocked on the door this time. “Come on, Angel. Open up.”

  She squeezed her hands into fists. Only he called her Angel.

  “What do you want?” She glanced up at the ceiling, whispering a prayer.

  “I want to talk to you.”

  This was proving to be yet another birthday disaster. Although she’d recognized his right to an explanation, she didn’t want to be face-to-face like this with him. Not today.

  Her shoulders sagged. Maybe if they talked, she’d finally make him see reason. He’d get it through his thick skull that her problems were the reason they couldn’t be together.

  She flipped the deadbolt before opening the door a crack. “Then talk.” Her chances of him being fine with talking on her doorstep were next to none, but she had to try. Connor O’Reilly was too tempting a man to let inside.

  His hot stare met hers before sliding over her body from her tank top on down to her bare feet. Heat ignited her from the tips of her toes to the top of her head, and a blush warmed her cheeks. Her body hadn’t burned this way since her last birthday when they’d parted. Those green eyes always stirred up desire within her.

  “We should take this inside.” He placed his hand on the door, but he didn’t try to force his way. “Let me in, beautiful.”

  Her resolve shattered at the husky masculinity of his voice. Damn it. She opened the door a little wider and stepped away, keeping out of arm’s reach. “What do you want?”

  “It’s your birthday. I’ve tried calling you—”

  “How did you even get my number? Or find out where I live?” Conflicting emotions rose within her. That he’d searched for and found her pleased her, yet her nerves frazzled that he’d been able to. Her heartbeat quickened, and she let out a long breath. Angelique didn’t want Kira to wake. When he’d been around, the big cat had been edgy and hostile. Not that they’d met face-to-face, which was another problem she had with getting into a relationship with a normal guy.

  No one could know about the power she possessed. The family friend who had inked Kira had warned her about the danger of getting too close to others. She’d ceremonially unleashed the magic bred into Angelique’s veins. While there were those who preyed on her people, nothing had happened for a long time, but she wouldn’t take any chances.

  She leaned her shoulder against the wall, waiting to see Connor’s next move. He shut the door and locked it. She rushed toward her kitchen, the island would make a great barrier between them, but she heard his footsteps tap across the white tile floor behind her.

  He circled her, forcing her to stare at his broad chest. “Angel…”

  Her attention remained on his scarlet silk tie. She didn’t want to forget about everything but the fact that he was here with her. He couldn’t take her pain away that easily. The pain served its purpose. It protected both of them. She ran a hand through her hair. “What do you want from me?”

  He hooked a finger beneath her chin and raised it until their eyes met. “What do I want from you? I want an explanation of why you left. I want another chance, damn it!” Scalding energy emanated from his touch, and she jerked away. With his free arm, he caught her and pulled her close. “I want you to have a good birthday since I know they’re dreadful for you.” He gave a hard, humorless laugh. “At least your last one was…because of me.”

  Angelique frowned and rested her forehead against Connor’s muscular chest. The warmth of his touch soothed a part of her she’d almost forgotten existed. Warning bells rang through her head, stirring up the need to fight this feeling. She couldn’t do this. Couldn’t beg him to stay.

  Connor’s hand tentatively rested on the small of her back. She was wary of that gentle gesture. He had worked out all of his adult life and had the muscles to prove it. If he wanted, he’d try to keep her in his arms, and that would be bad for him. Kira wouldn’t take well to the possessive nature in his touch. Angelique leaned away, needing a distraction.

  The scent of freshly baked bread teased her nose, and her stomach rumbled again. “What’s in the bag?”

  Connor laughed the full, vibrant laugh she remembered. She enjoyed the sound, even if it hurt knowing she’d never hear it again. She couldn’t keep him in her life. But…maybe, just maybe, she could accept dinner between old friends. She’d let him have this moment, and steal some of it for herself too.

  “The makings of dinner. I tried to call earlier to let you know I was coming, but of course, you didn’t answer your phone.” He sighed. “You never do.”

  “That’s because you’re not supposed to have my number.” She shot him a pointed glare and pulled away.

  He didn’t stop her. Hurrying into the kitchen, she put a few feet between them. She’d let him make dinner, and then she’d get him out of her house before she asked h
im to stay…forever.

  The brush of a furry tail caressed her lower back, and a small wave of energy stroked across her skin. All the emotions coursing through Angelique had roused the sleeping cat. She cursed herself for being so out of control. Kira slinked up her back toward her neck.

  Angelique muttered a warning, “Stop it.”

  Connor’s hands settled on her hip and pulled her back into him. “I’m sorry?” His breath brushed her neck. He stood way too close to her.

  She hadn’t heard him move up behind her until it was too late. And if she didn’t get away from him, he’d end up feeling the bite of Kira’s claws. “Nothing.” She shook her head and curled her fingers into fists, fighting Kira’s irritation.

  Kira wasn’t happy with being cautioned. Like any cat, she didn’t like being warned. Angelique couldn’t have Kira making herself known. Not with Connor around. She’d gone through too much pain to make sure he never found out. He wouldn’t understand.

  A low growl rumbled, and a sharp claw swiped across her upper back. She winced. Damn it, Kira. When Connor’s warm hand descended on her shoulder, she jerked away before the panther had a chance to lash out at him too.

  “What’s wrong, Angel?”

  “I guess I’m just hungry. Why don’t you get started, and I’ll be right back,” she said, heading toward her bedroom. She glanced back to make sure he stayed put.

  His lips tightened in a pale pink line, but he shook his head and walked into the kitchen. “Fine.”


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