Trial By Fire (Rainbow Cove Book 1)

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Trial By Fire (Rainbow Cove Book 1) Page 13

by Jet MacLeod

  “Dinner’s ready,” Reagan called from the kitchen.

  Grace gathered herself up and made her way into the kitchen. She looked at the table and couldn’t believe the feast before her. Grace could only wonder how long Reagan had been preparing the meal. She felt bad. Grace decided that she would have to take Reagan out or make her dinner soon to pay her back for tonight’s dinner.

  “Looks great,” Grace said, taking a seat at the table.

  “Thanks. It was nothing. I didn’t know what you liked so I just thought chicken. You can’t really go wrong with chicken,” Reagan stated.

  “I am a meat and potatoes kinda girl. But, this looks wonderful. What is this?” Grace asked.

  “It is a recipe that I got from a friend. This is homemade balsamic vinaigrette on the salad. The chicken is in a light wine and cream sauce, served on orzo pasta, and plenty of mushrooms,” Reagan answered.

  “That isn’t rice? It’s so small. I thought it was rice,” Grace stated.

  “Nope, that’s the orzo. It is a small almost rice sized pasta. I hope you like it,” Reagan said, serving up the salads, “Oh, I almost forgot. What do you want to drink?”

  “What do you have?” Grace inquired.

  “What do you want?”

  “Doesn’t matter to me. I usually have water or wine with my meals. Water will be fine,” Grace said.

  “Sure you don’t want some wine. I have a bottle of white wine that’ll be perfect with dinner. I could get you a glass,” Reagan told her.

  “If you are having a glass, then yes, I’ll have one, too.”

  “Alright then,” Reagan said, standing.

  Reagan went back into the main part of the kitchen and retrieved two wine flutes. She grabbed the bottle of wine and an ice bucket to keep it chilled. She poured Grace’s glass and handed it to her. She then poured her own and placed it before her plate. She put the bottle of wine in the ice bucket on the table and then sat down.

  “Help you self to the chicken,” Reagan said.

  “Thank you, I will,” Grace said.

  Dinner was over and Grace made Reagan allow her to help with the dishes. It was the only way that Grace could think of paying Reagan back for the simple gourmet dinner. The whole time she was smiling and thinking about how much Reagan had changed and surprised her at every turn. Grace made Reagan allow her to wash the dishes while Reagan dried them.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” Reagan said, as they finished the dishes.

  “It is the least that I could do for that feast. I feel like I should have paid for the meal at a restaurant or something. It was very good. I mean it,” Grace replied.

  “Thanks, I mean it. I like to cook but don’t do it very often. I don’t have anyone to cook for, you know,” Reagan said, putting the towel that she had in her hands back on the front of the oven.

  “I know. I don’t mind cooking. I just don’t see the point in cooking for one. Like breakfast the other day, I wouldn’t have done that if you weren’t there. I usually stick to cereal if it is just me in the morning. Last time I made eggs and French toast was at my parents, years ago. I just don’t feel the need,” Grace stated.

  “I totally understand. What do you want to do now? Watch TV?” Reagan asked.

  “If you want, little bit,” Grace answered.

  Grace knew what she wanted to do, but she knew that she wasn’t going to do it. No matter how much she wanted to take Reagan to her own bed and make love to her, Grace couldn’t help but feel it was more lust than love. She didn’t want to hurt Reagan and she was afraid that she would if she pushed Reagan into bed with her.

  She smiled at Reagan, who took the liberty of taking Grace’s hand and led them into the living room. She sat down on the couch beside Reagan. Reagan scooted closer to Grace, so that she could feel the warmth emanating from Grace’s body on her own. Grace didn’t mind the closeness. She actually enjoyed it. Grace was beginning to doubt her own sanity when it came to Reagan. She was starting to wonder if she could go a day without seeing the woman, now. It made Grace think about the amazing kiss. The kiss that started their new relationship, together.

  “What are you thinking about?” Reagan asked, as she handed the remote to Grace.

  “Just about that kiss,” Grace answered.

  “What kiss?”

  “The kiss you gave me in my front yard a couple weeks ago. The one you gave me after we fought about you using my front porch to watch the sun go down. Remember? You kissed me and then I got called to the station,” Grace stated.

  “Yeah, so what about it?” Reagan inquired.

  “I was just thinking.”

  “About that kiss, why?”

  “I was just remembering how much I enjoyed it. It was the kiss that brought us together. That was the day that everything changed between us, again,” Grace replied.

  “No, the day that changed everything between us was the night that you got plastered at my bar, did a little strip tease on the bar, and then I had to take you home,” Reagan teased.

  “Well, I guess so. You are never going to let me live that down, are you? I guess I wouldn’t let you live it down either,” Grace said, still ashamed at her behavior.

  “Like you said, it’s in the past. It doesn’t matter, now. Now is the only thing that needs to matter to either of us,” Reagan stated.

  “I guess you’re right, there,” Grace said.

  “You know I am,” Reagan said.

  Grace hugged Reagan closer to her on the couch. She flipped through the channels not finding anything that caught her attention more than the woman next to her. She felt Reagan snuggle into her. Reagan’s head lay in the area between Grace’s shoulder and her breast. It was too close and not close enough for Grace. Grace’s temperature began to rise. She honestly didn’t know how she was going to make it all evening sitting next to Reagan without making a fool of herself.

  Reagan was just glad she was with Grace. She knew that she was bothering Grace with her closeness but she didn’t care. She wanted Grace to suffer. She wanted to get Grace back for all the times that Reagan had sleepless nights in high school.

  Reagan totally believed in fair play and she was taking Leigh’s advice at being hard to get and making Grace want more. She would give into Grace just enough to keep her coming back for more. The only problem was Reagan didn’t know how long she would be able to continue doing it before she wanted more herself. And, sitting next to and snuggled up to Grace on her own couch wasn’t helping Reagan.

  “Something wrong, dear?” Grace asked, feeling the tension build in Reagan’s body.

  “No, not really. I am just thinking about the nightmares that I have been having lately. I am sorry. I shouldn’t have such bad thoughts when you are beside me,” Reagan said.

  “No worries. Reagan, have you gone to anyone about this, yet?”

  “Yeah, my shrink, she says that it’ll pass. I just have to give it time. I have to do things differently but continue on with my life and not let that night control me, anymore.”

  “I told you that I would go with you to get a security system, if you want,” Grace offered.

  “I know. It is just that I am not sure that will help me. I don’t sleep well. I hear things in the night and I think that whoever was trying to get me that night is back. I slept better in you guest room the other night than I have in months,” Reagan said honestly.

  “Oh, baby, why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I didn’t want to bother you,” Reagan said.

  “Bother me? You aren’t sleeping and you are worried about me? Reagan, go get a bag and pack it. You are coming home with me, tonight. I told you that you were welcome there anytime. Do I have to give you a key to make you understand that? I will, you know. I’ll give you a key, so you can come over anytime you want,” Grace stated.

  “Grace, I don’t want to impose,” Reagan started and Grace cut her off.

  “It wouldn’t be an imposition. It would be you getting sleep. It doe
sn’t do you any good to not be sleeping. You’ll turn into a zombie and that is not healthy, by any stretch of the imagination. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me sooner,” Grace said.

  “I am not going to get better if I keep staying at your house. It will become a crutch. I don’t want that. I am going to have to get over this sometime, sooner or later. I might as well learn to buck up and deal with it in my own house. Or, I am never going to be independent, again.”

  “Reagan,” Grace pleaded, the unsaid words heard by them both.

  “I know, Gracie, but I can’t. Don’t you see? I have made myself and now, I am going to let one single little scare tear that apart. I can’t. I won’t begin to rely on everyone else. I am not a child. I am a grown adult and I have done well for myself,” Reagan said.

  “I never said that you hadn’t. I just want you to know that it is okay to rely on others. No one is going to think that you are weak. Besides, I would think that you staying with me wasn’t out of fear but want,” Grace said.

  “Oh, Gracie…It’s just that…I don’t know what to do,” Reagan stammered.

  “Don’t worry about it. Stay with me tonight. If you don’t want to stay there tomorrow, no big deal. But, you’ll make me feel better if you come home with me tonight,” Grace said.

  “Just tonight?” Reagan asked.

  “If that is all you want, then yes,” Grace answered.

  Reagan turned her face up to Grace and read the feelings in Gracie’s eyes. She knew that Grace cared for her immensely. She just wasn’t sure how much Grace actually cared for her. She knew that she cared for, maybe even loved Grace, but Grace never said anything except calling Reagan “baby” to make Reagan think that Grace had feelings for her. Well, the kisses said a lot, but that could be just lust, Reagan thought.

  Grace was giving Reagan her hand. She was offering Reagan whatever Reagan desired, nothing more, nothing less. But, yet, Reagan was afraid to take it. Grace knew that she had to be content to take whatever Reagan was willing to give her and not push Reagan into something that Reagan didn’t want. Grace knew that Reagan had suffered enough when they were younger, she didn’t want Reagan to suffer, now, again, or anymore.

  “How about you stay here?” Reagan suggested.

  “Would that make you feel better?”

  “Yes,” Reagan stated.

  “Then, come home with me. I’ll get a bag packed and come back over. I’ll stay with you tonight. I don’t want to push you. If it will make you feel better if I stay with you here, then I’ll stay here with you tonight,” Grace answered.

  “Thank you. You don’t know what this means to me, Grace. I appreciate it,” Reagan said, standing and smiling at Grace.

  “No prob,” Grace said.

  Grace stood beside her. She looked into the frightened hazel eyes and knew that she would do anything for Reagan. She tried to calm Reagan with her own eyes, but it didn’t seem to be enough for Grace. Reagan still held her hand and the heat from Reagan’s hand was burning Grace’s soul. Grace searched Reagan’s face for some sort of feeling. Grace couldn’t describe it. She didn’t know what she was looking for there, but she knew that she would see it when it was there.

  Reagan could see the puzzlement on Grace’s face. She didn’t know what was bothering Grace but she was happy that Grace could see her point. She hated that she was even asking Grace to stay with her. She was just glad that Grace was willing to do things her way. She knew that Grace was a dominant personality and she was scared that Grace was going to have a fit. It totally threw Reagan off guard that Grace was being so nice about it.

  Grace was tired of wrestling with her emotions when it came to Reagan. She didn’t care what anyone thought. She was starting to love Reagan and she didn’t care what she had to do to prove it to Reagan or anyone. If she had to concede control of her “perfectly” structured life, then she would do without any reservation or after thought. She stopped fighting her mind and heart and began to listen to equal parts of them both.

  Grace smiled at Reagan. She was still holding her hand. She looked into Reagan’s eyes. She saw the fear there, but it was the fear of a relationship with Grace and the fear from the break in. She was scared and it hurt Grace to see her that way. Grace slowly pulled Reagan into her for a hug. She held her, tightly. She was trying to convey so much to Reagan because she didn’t have the words to tell her.

  Reagan pulled slightly away from the hug and looked up into Grace’s cool blue eyes. All Reagan saw was love. She smiled up at Grace. Grace smiled back. Grace, then, leaned down and kissed Reagan sweetly. She just brushed her lips over Reagan’s. It wasn’t a chaste kiss, but it didn’t have the raw power and need that Reagan had felt before Grace. Somewhere in the back of Reagan’s mind, she wondered if having Grace stay with her was a good idea. Reagan was starting to feel something for Grace, and while that scared her to no end, she was glad that she had someone like Grace in her life.

  Grace broke the kiss and looked down into Reagan’s smiling hazel eyes. She cocked a grin and pulled Reagan out the back door. Grace walked the entire way back to her house with Reagan’s hand firmly in hers. She wasn’t about to let Reagan get away from her, not now. They were meant to be together and Grace knew it, now. She wasn’t going to do anything that would jeopardize that in any way. Grace left Reagan standing in her living room, while she ran upstairs and packed her bag to spend the night at Reagan’s house. She was unsure of what she wanted to take with her so she grabbed her boxers and wife beater. She usually slept naked, but that was when she was alone, she would have to wear something to accommodate Reagan. She threw some clothes in the bag for her to change into tomorrow and headed back downstairs. She found Reagan fast asleep on the couch, a smile on her face. Grace picked Reagan up and headed up the stairs to the guest room, too afraid to wake her. She lay down with her on the bed.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Grace woke to the sound of her cell phone buzzing across the bed side table. She forgot that she’d put it there the night before. She was glad it was on vibrate because she didn’t want to wake Reagan, who was sleeping beside her. She glanced at the caller id on the front part of the phone before she flipped it open to answer it.

  “What is it, Cap?” Grace whispered into the phone.

  “I need you to do me a favor, Grace. I am going out of town for a week and I need someone to watch my dogs. I know you have one so, I was wondering if you would watch them for me. I would really appreciate it,” Danica told her.

  “You called me at seven am on my day off to ask me to watch your dogs?” Grace asked, quietly.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “I can’t believe this. Yeah, I can watch your dogs. It is no problem. When did you need to bring them over?” she asked Danica.

  “How about later this morning?”

  “Like when?”

  “Say around ten? Is that okay with you? I really need to be on the road before noon,” Danica told her.

  “You know how to get to my place, right?”

  “Yeah,” Danica answered.

  “Then come on over. I’ll be waiting for you in the back yard. I hope that your dogs can deal with being outside for a good part of the day or crated,” Grace said.

  “Yeah, they can. They’re used to it with me. They should be no problem for you at all,” Danica told her.

  “I’ll see you when you get here, then,” Grace answered.

  She rolled off the bed, careful not to wake Reagan. Gracie smiled at the sight of Reagan sleeping, peacefully. She thought that Reagan looked more relaxed sleeping there in the guest room, then she ever did awake. She didn’t want to disturb that. She especially didn’t because Reagan had slept through the night without one nightmare.

  She walked down the hall to her own room. She fished through her clothes before she grabbed a NYPD shirt and a pair of grey sweats. Once she was dressed, she headed down stairs after making sure that Reagan was still asleep. She ran into the kitchen and made herself a bowl of
cereal. She scarfed that down and threw that bowl in the sink. She let Max out of his crate and both of them headed into the back yard.

  They weren’t out there very long before Danica came up with her two dogs. Max was being unusually quiet. He didn’t even care about them at all. Grace looked at him and wondered why she thought he was such a good little guard Chihuahua. She watched as Max sniffed at the big dog, but he seemed to more interested in the little dog that Danica brought over with her.

  “Morning,” Danica said, ascending the stairs to Grace’s deck and taking a seat on one of the deck chairs.

  “Morning, Cap,” Grace said.

  “Thank you for doing this for me. I didn’t know who else to call, especially on such short notice. I am just glad that I remembered that you had a dog,” Danica said.

  “Like I said before, no prob, Cap,” Grace said.

  “Why were you being so quiet on the phone?”

  “Um, that could be a long story and I believe that you said you had to go,” Grace said.

  “Oh, no, I can wait for this one. Make it quick, short and sweet. It just doesn’t seem like you. You’ve cussed me out in the mornings for calling you early and today you were polite but quiet. What gives?” Danica asked.

  “Well,” Grace started and then paused.

  “Yes,” Danica pushed.

  “Okay, fine, it goes like this. Reagan spent the night last night in my guest room. She hasn’t slept well in weeks and she slept through the night. I didn’t want to wake her.”

  “So, you’re turning all noble on me?” Danica questioned.

  “I guess you could say that,” Grace answered.

  “I am not going to push you any further. Your personal life is yours and none of my business. Is there anything else you want to tell me?” Danica asked.

  “Nope, nothing that I can think of,” Gracie stated.

  “Okay, well, Buddy, there, the big dog, gets two cups of food twice a day, and Mischa, the little one, gets one cup, twice a day. I brought food. I’ll leave it by the garage. Here is a list of numbers in case something happens, but of course, you can always reach me on my cell,” Danica said, handing Grace a list, “I don’t think there is anything else that you need, is there?”


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