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The Harper's Island Duet

Page 8

by Zane Morrow

  My blood boiled and my hands fisted at my sides. The man knew what he was doing. Years of practice had taught him how to get under my skin. The calculating boy had grown into a manipulative man. I closed my eyes and blew out a breath. A moment later, a hand wrapped around the back of my neck and my eyes flew open to find her nearly pressed against me. I started to speak, but the grim look on her face had my jaw snapping shut.

  “Blake and I have some important matters to discuss, Trent. It was nice running into you, but if you could excuse us…” Her voice trailed off as she dismissed him without so much as a glance in his direction.

  Using my peripheral vision, I could see Trent stiffen. “Of course.” He bowed slightly and backed away, but I could feel him seething in anger.

  We didn’t even acknowledge him. Instead, my eyes were fixed on her. “Grace.” I whispered her name. I didn’t trust my voice to not crack if I spoke any louder. In my newest act of bravery, my hands found her tiny waist. I swear my fingers could nearly circle her. “Damn, you’re petite.” My fingers dug into her more than I intended and I saw her wince. “Sorry.” I could feel my ears turn pink.

  Her head tilted as she studied me. “What’s going on with you? Are you okay?” Grace drew her hand away from my neck and now laid the back of it on my forehead before she brushed against my cheek.

  Again, I found my lids lowering to savor her touch. This woman. What was I going to do? I needed to find a way to win her, to help her agree to be with me. Grabbing her hand, I dragged it to my mouth where I grazed her knuckles and pressed them against my lips. “What brings you out here, Princess?”

  Her face softened. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she actually enjoyed my little nickname for her. “You bastard,” she grumbled. “I almost forgot I was mad at you.”

  My brow furrowed and I feigned innocence. “You’re mad at me? How could you ever be angry with me?” I playfully flashed a smile. I’d been told it not only transformed my face, but had melted some panties a time or two. For Grace, I hoped to hear ovaries exploding. God, I wanted her.

  “I’m furious.” She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes.

  I shrugged. “Sorry. I just don’t see it. Is that your angry face?” In my chest, I could feel my heart begin to beat erratically.

  “You can’t tell?” Her brow shot up.

  Frowning, I leaned in, hands poised inches from her face. “May I?”

  She stepped back. “May you what?”

  “Just let me…” I reached out and started to play at molding her face. “There hold it like that.” I pushed her brows lower. “Now lips like this.” I modeled with my own while trying to force hers to purse. She held the pose while I stepped back to study my masterpiece. “Yes! Now that’s a much better furious face.” I grinned as a smile spread. “Still furious?”

  “Terribly.” Grace sighed and walked into my arms.

  The moment she laid her head against my chest, I could feel the tension melt away. “Never leave angry again, Princess.”

  Her head leaned back and she pressed her chin into my ribs. “Is that an order?”

  I winced and shook my head. “More of a suggestion, really.”

  “Well, here’s my suggestion.” She straightened and stepped back.

  I braced. I couldn’t help it. I knew her enough to suspect where this was going. Grace didn’t disappoint.

  Her finger shot out and she poked me in the sternum. “Next time you give a girl some property, make sure you own it first.”

  Nodding numbly, I bit my cheek. “You got it, Princess,” I mumbled. Then I sagged against the railing. She sure knew how to take a lot out of a guy in and out of bed.

  “Good.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “So what do you think is going to happen on Monday?” Grace glanced up at me and I could read the concern in her eyes. Maybe we had more in common than I thought. Maybe she hid her fear behind a mask of anger like I did.

  My brows knit as I struggled to find an answer to her question. Those pleading eyes had bored straight through my soul. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to lie to her. It wasn’t my way. I knew too well the damage they caused and I refused to ever harm anyone I cared about in such a shallow manner. I gestured toward the bench on the other side of the bridge. “Care to sit for a moment while we talk?”

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she glared at me. “We’re not talking. I just asked you a question.”

  “Right.” I chuckled. “And if I answer and you have a new question…at some point this is going to pass through that gray area straight into a concrete acceptance. Admit it. This is a conversation.” I sighed. “Come. Sit with me, Grace.” I offered a lopsided smile. Many women had found this boyish look rather disarming. I hoped the one in front of me would feel the same.

  She exhaled. “I don’t want to give you the wrong idea.”

  “That we’re talking? You’re just bordering on ridiculous now.” I held up my hands in surrender while I walked over and collapsed onto the bench leaving her plenty of room. “Look, you don’t even need to touch me.” I measured with my hands. “Look. This much room.” I held them up, they were a good three feet apart. “And I know from experience, you only take up this much room.” I measured my pelvis, this time palms up, half cupped, much like they were the other night when I held her ass as she rode me. Apparently, she knew what I was recalling. Her cheeks turned a flaming red as she fumed.

  “You wonder why I don’t want to sit near you?” She huffed.

  I shook my head. “Not at all. Mostly, I wonder what I’m going to have to do to get you to straddle me. I need a repeat of the other night.” I winked at her.

  Grace glared at me. “There will be no repeats,” she growled.

  My brows rose. “Ever?”

  She spoke through her teeth. “Ever ever.”

  “How can you be so certain?” I ran my fingers through my hair. “I was always taught the only certainties in life were death and taxes.” I shrugged. “And yet you seem convinced we’ll never make love again.”

  “Make love?” She practically spat the words. “Is that what you’re calling it?” This time she didn’t simply roll her eyes. No, Grace in one of her more dramatic moves somehow managed to roll her entire head. She was like some damn bobble head doll.

  “That’s not a good look for you,” I warned. “And what would you prefer I call it?” I frowned, but inside my heart froze in fear.

  “Call it was it was. I was just another fuck to you.” Grace stared at me. I swear she wanted a reaction, but the shock had left me without words. Before I could recover, I noticed the tears in her eyes.

  “Oh, Princess.” I hoped my pet name would appropriately soothe her. Instead, she stiffened more, sniffled quickly and bolted down the path. She seemed to be blinded by tears, stumbling some. I couldn’t leave her to her own devices, especially not when she’d proven herself to be so vulnerable. Case in point, Trent appeared and she not only ran into him, but somehow managed to wind up in his arms.

  “Grace, darling. What’s wrong?” Trent cradled her against his chest.

  She shook her head. “Something in my eye,” she lied.

  Okay, it wasn’t a complete lie. There were those tears I’d noted moments before. “I can take it from here, thanks.” I reached for her, but that rat bastard turned her away from me.

  “Did Blake say something to upset you? You can tell me,” he cooed.

  In that instant, it took everything in me to not slam my fist into his mouth. I stepped closer. “I’ve got her,” I gritted out. My nostrils were flaring and Trent responded with a smirk.

  “I think we should let Grace decide.” He tucked his finger under her chin and forced her to look at him. Then when he had her attention, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. “Dry those tears, love. Whatever the problem, I’m sure we can solve it.”

  “I’m sure you can’t.” I scowled at him.

  “The camp.” She managed in between sniffles.

  “Did Blake say something about the camp?” He frowned down at her intentionally ignoring me and trying to make me out to be the bad guy.

  Grace shook her head. “I’m just feeling emotional about the camp.” She dabbed at her eyes and met my stare. I marveled at her. Though she’d been presented with the perfect opportunity to throw me under the bus, make me out to be the villain, she hadn’t.

  My heart swelled then filled with fear. If I wasn’t careful, I’d fall for the woman. I stood there rubbing my temples. I needed more alcohol to deal with this, or maybe some ibuprofen. At the rate things were going, I’d be on blood pressure meds within a week.

  “There’s an emergency board meeting on Monday. I’ll take care of everything. I promise.” Trent smiled down at her, but I swear she shuddered in response.

  Hope flared inside me. Maybe Grace wasn’t so taken with him after all.


  “Come inside,” Brooke urged. She grabbed Grace’s wrist with one hand then caught mine with the other. “It’s nearly time for dinner. You’ve all but missed the appetizers.”

  “I’m not hungry,” Grace murmured. She laid a hand on her stomach and I swear I heard it growl despite her objections.

  With a sigh, I pulled away from my new sister-in-law and scooped Grace up in my arms. “Let’s go, Princess. We can’t have you passing out and ruining the wedding now, can we?” I winked at her and was pleased to see her soften some.

  “I’d ask you to put me down, but honestly, I’m feeling rather weak at the moment.” She laid her head on my shoulder and nuzzled into my neck.

  I swallowed hard and wished we were somewhere private because I’d give anything to get under this gown. I swear she knew it too. Before long, she was teasing my ear with her tongue and I was shaking as I tried to control my natural urges. “You’re a cold, cruel woman,” I grumbled under my breath. In response, I was rewarded with a snicker. The little vixen knew precisely what she was doing. “I’ll remember this. Turnabout is fair play…”

  She paused for a moment. “I have no idea what that means.” Grace shrugged and resumed her sexy ministrations on my lobe.

  “You’ll see. I don’t know how. I don’t know when, but I assure you, I’ll get you for this.” I could barely speak. My breath came in pants. Shivers ran down my spine and all the blood in me ran straight to my groin. My only hope to not utterly humiliate myself in a minute was to let my mind wander. Only, the one thought I focused on was whether or not there had ever been another woman who’d elicited such a reaction from me. There had to be. No way was I peaking with Grace. I started mumbling names as I compared. “Taylor. Emme. Shayne.”

  “One more,” she warned. “Say one more chick’s name while I’m in your arms and see what happens to you.”

  “Behave, you two,” Brooke warned. “We’re at the steps. Anyone glancing outside can see us. If the doors are open or anyone is around, the rumors will fly.” She gave us an exaggerated wink.

  “What was that?” I frowned, feeling utterly confused.

  Grace giggled then wriggled out of my arms until I gently set her on the cobblestone path. “Brooke wants us married. Everyone should be as happy as she and your brother are. Right?” She sighed at her friend.

  “Listen, for two people who hate each other, you sure don’t act like it.” Brooke lifted the front of her gown and prepared to mount the first step. “Help,” she hissed at her maid of honor.

  “You got it.” Grace gathered up the back of the gown and dutifully followed her friend up the stairs.

  I stood there admiring the sway of her hips as she moved when a hand landed on my shoulder. I stared at it disdainfully. Sure enough, it belonged to Trent. In business, we’re trained that he who speaks first loses, so I simply pasted a serene look on my face while I waited. The asshole didn’t disappoint.

  “Don’t get too attached,” he sneered. “Grace will be mine.”

  “Will she now?’ I crossed my arms over my chest and sucked on my cheeks as I rolled my eyes.

  “Absolutely.” He removed his hand from my shoulder and stuffed it in his pocket while he rocked on his feet. Trent seemed so self-assured. Little did he know I’d already spent the night with Grace.

  Then I frowned. Clearly, however, I hadn’t sealed the deal, so to speak. The little princess was angry with me, for reasons I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around. I tugged at my chin. “Just what makes you think so?”

  He chuckled. “I’m generous. We both love Camp Hope. It’s a solid foundation for a relationship.” Trent had been ticking reasons off on his fingers.

  “That’s it?” I laughed and held my stomach as if it hurt. “That’s what you’ve got?” I shook my head and started to turn and mount the steps.

  He spluttered a minute. “What makes you think she’d choose you?”

  I paused on the first riser, collected my emotions, and lazily moved to respond. I shrugged as I looked him in the eyes. “What makes you think I want her?” I watched his reaction. The light went out in his eyes. His shoulders sagged. Just as I suspected, he was only interested in Grace because of me. My heart ached as I imagined her as a pawn on some human chess board. How could this man be so cruel? People weren’t property. I stepped down and closed the distance between us while maintaining eye contact. I could see him second-guessing everything. He glanced about nervously a sweat had broken out across his brow.

  “You don’t want her?” He licked his lips and squinted at me.

  This was my chance to save her. One lie could take her off the board. “Of course not.” I shook my head vehemently. “Why would I want someone like her?”

  The frown on his face morphed. His cheeks turned pink and he seemed positively delighted. I froze. A chill ran down my spine as I swiveled and moved to make my way into the club. As I glanced up, I realized Grace stood two steps above me. At the sight of her, my tension melted away. I wanted nothing more to pick her up in my arms and run away with her, but instead of receiving me a with a playful smile or even a witty remark, her cheeks were pink and her nostrils were flaring. “Princess?” My brow arched. I hoped teasing her would lighten the mood. In her hands, she held two flutes of champagne. I started to reach for one, but she drew back.

  “I brought this to you. Open bar.” She blinked back tears and I tilted my head in confusion. “Thought you might be thirsty. Heat,” she mumbled.

  “Are you okay?” My brow furrowed as I held out my open arms.

  Grace shook her head and took a step back. “Don’t.” She blew out a breath and I watched her heel catch on the hem of her gown.

  “Careful.” I caught her elbow and tried to help her find her footing.

  She shook her head and yanked out of my grasp. Somehow she managed to stumble up the next few steps to the landing. “Don’t touch me,” she hissed.

  “Grace, let me help you?” Trent glided up the stairs toward her.

  I watched as she looked back and forth between us. At the moment, it seemed she didn’t trust either of us. She shook her head and bolted in the opposite direction. When Grace had disappeared inside the building, Trent laughed. “What?” I scowled.

  He shook his head and grinned. “I hope you meant it when you said you didn’t want her?”

  I stiffened. “Oh, and why is that?” I tried to paste a bored look on my face.

  “Because she heard every word. And now she hates you.” Then Trent positively danced up the rest of the steps and entered the building behind the one woman who’d ever been able to get under my skin, while I was left along feeling like I’d been punched in the gut.

  Historically speaking, this was about right. For a moment, I stood frozen, staring down at my shoes while I contemplated my next move. I wanted to go rescue Grace. If I could simply explain things weren’t as she’d heard. Only…for now, they had to be. Through the years, I’d discovered how poisonous Trent could be, the damage he could do, the havoc he could wreak. I refused to put Grace in harm’s way.

sp; Instead, I walked it off. I wandered through the gardens at a brisk pace. It felt more like doing laps in a tux and dress shoes. My socks were soaked, blisters were forming, the heat had dried my mouth to the extent I couldn’t have spoken had my life depended on it. Still, by the time I made my way to join the reception, I felt no better.

  Brett saw me first. “Take a seat,” he muttered under his breath.

  “I see you’ve been misinformed. Again.” I sighed as I pulled out my chair and took my place to his right.

  “Depends on who you ask,” he grumbled. Brett seemed intent on cutting his prime rib, but finally, he gave up, set his silverware down on the rim of his plate and glared at me. “It’s my wedding day.”

  I took a sip of my water before responding. I swallowed hard. “I know,” I replied blandly. “I was there.”

  “Stop. Just stop.” He rolled his eyes. “I don’t know what happened to you, to us.” Brett shifted in his chair and inched closer to me, while I shrank in mine.

  I knew. The camp changed everything. I draped the napkin across my lap. “The prime rib seems to be cooked to perfection.”

  “Trying to deflect? Really?” He rubbed his forehead.

  “Seems to work for politicians.” I offered a smile that didn’t reach my eyes.

  “Just…leave Grace alone. In this past week, you’ve hurt her enough for a lifetime. So…stay away.” Brett seemed satisfied with his edict.

  Picking up my fork and knife I began to saw through the meat on my plate. “I could do that, dear brother, but I wouldn’t want to disappoint Miss Milly.” I eyed him pointedly. “We wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize Grace’s ability to save the camp now, would we?” I watched as he struggled to process my words.

  “If you hurt her…” His voice trailed off. Brett was the king of empty threats. He had nothing to hold over me. I was older, stronger, tougher, and head of the company.

  “You’ll what? Seriously. What exactly will you do?” I stabbed a piece of the beef with my fork, dipped it in horseradish sauce and stuffed it in my mouth. Then I chewed lazily while I waited.


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