Book Read Free

Scripted Love

Page 4

by Karen Frances

  Me: What time?

  Alex: If we say 6pm it gives us time for dinner and plenty of time to discuss how you got on when you met the charity.

  Me: Perfect.

  I’m smiling to myself as I put the sandwiches on plates. “There, that’s more like it. What has you smiling?” Callum asks.

  “Alex has just texted. He wants me to meet him and Libby tonight at Stewart House.”

  “Great. I’m sure between you, you’ll come up with great ideas for fundraising.”

  “I hope so.”

  I take the sandwiches and Callum carries a tray with a pot of tea and cups and we go and join Dad and Connor in the sunroom. They are both deep in conversation when we enter, but stop, and Connor can’t hide this smile. I’m sure that’s because I’m smiling.

  “That’s better,” he says as I join him on the sofa.

  “This looks delicious,” Dad says, picking up a sandwich.

  Talk is light as we eat lunch, which is just what I need. The note is still in my head, but I’m trying not to think too much about it. Although, I should organise with Trevor to release a statement distancing myself further from Donovan in the hope that whoever he owes money to will realise I’m not interested in what is going on in his life.

  “Connor, before I forget, Alex texted me about us going to Stewart House tonight. Is that okay? We could leave from here later.”

  “Yes, that sounds good.”

  When we finish, Callum and Connor clear everything away, leaving me alone with my dad. “Ella, I don’t want you to keep things bottled up. I’m here for you. Surely you know that.”

  “I do, Dad. I just don’t want to worry about it. Callum says Jonathon is looking into the note and wants me to go to the police.”

  “Yes, he does. There’s not a lot the police can do at the moment, but at least it would be on record should you get any more.” He has a point. I never thought about that.

  “Dad, do you know what Donovan is mixed up in?”

  I watch as my dad struggles with his thoughts. He sits forward on his chair and stares out of the window into the garden. “Yes.”


  “Drugs. He’s been dealing and taking . . .”

  “Is it that bad?”

  “Yes. Trevor and I will do whatever it takes to ensure your name stops being linked with Donovan. I know it’s not what you’d like to do, but you and Connor need to be seen together more.”

  I sigh heavily, understanding what he’s saying. It’s not what I want to hear, because at the moment, I want Connor all to myself. I never wanted our relationship to be making news headlines.

  “Ella, I’ve spoken to Connor and he’s in agreement with me on this. We would all do anything for you and I know how much he loves you. Even your mum knew you two would end up together.”

  I smile. I can imagine Betty, Trevor’s wife, and my dear old mum sitting around the kitchen table, discussing me. I laugh. I really was the last to know how Connor felt about me.

  “Okay. I’m more than happy to be out and about with Connor, you know that. I’d just rather we had privacy.”

  “I know, but like me, you chose this career and you won’t get much privacy here in Scotland. How about when things settle down and get back to normal, you and Connor go on a holiday?”


  Connor and Callum enter the sunroom just as it starts raining. A loud clap of thunder startles me as Connor sits beside me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. I snuggle into him and watch the rain fall heavily outside. I can hear the three of them talking but I’m not paying attention. Whatever they’re talking about, Connor can fill me in later as we drive out to Loch Lomond and Stewart House.

  I’VE ALWAYS LOVED THE SCENERY on the drive out to Loch Lomond. The storm we had earlier cleared after a few hours, leaving behind a glorious afternoon. The sun has been shining brightly, but it’s not too warm.

  Connor has given up trying to hold a conversation with me as he drives. It’s not that I’m in a mood or anything. I’m just trying to think about everything Alex and I need to discuss. I know he’s the right man to help me. I also spoke to my dad about me going to help the homeless on the streets. He’s not overly thrilled about the idea, especially given current circumstances, but he said he will join me if I do decide to do that. Connor also offered to help.

  Of course, I’d love their help but part of me thinks this is something I need to do on my own.

  I turn and smile at Connor when he takes the right turning into Stewart Estate. I’ve been here a few times over the years with my parents and Callum. The hotel might not be as big as some of the hotels in the city, but it has an amazing reputation. Libby is doing a great job; she has put Stewart Hotel firmly on the map.

  We drive a few hundred yards and I can’t help but smile as the scenery changes. The Loch is right before us and it looks incredible. All I want is for Connor to stop the car so we can go for a stroll.

  He pulls up in front of the hotel and we get out. Connor hands the keys over to the doorman. As they talk, I walk over to the wall that surrounds the main building and look out over the Loch. We really do have some of the best scenery in the world right here on our doorstep.

  “It’s stunning, isn’t it?” I would recognise that accent anywhere. I turn and find Alex standing beside me.

  “Hey. Yes, it is. How are you?” Connor joins us and greets Alex with a warm handshake.

  “I’m good. What about you? I heard about Donovan.”

  “I’m okay,” I say quietly, turning back to look over the calm water.

  “Is she really okay?” I hear Alex ask Connor. “We didn’t have to do this.”

  “She needs this. I’m hoping it helps as a distraction.”

  “A distraction to what?”

  I turn around. “To the fact my ex is an arsehole who is mixed up in drugs and God knows what else. And I seem to be getting dragged into his awful world.”


  “Connor, I’m fine.” I take a deep breath. “Now, Alex, where is your gorgeous wife? Because I’m not sure it’s good for my reputation to be seen with a married man.”

  We all laugh, although Connor shakes his head with a frown before taking my hand. “She’s just finishing off a few things in her office and then she’ll join us.”

  We let Alex lead the way inside, and as soon as we’re in the reception area, I can’t help but stop and admire the beautiful room. I love everything about it. It looks as though it’s had a re-vamp since the last time I was here.

  “Come on. Stop dreaming,” Connor says, tugging my hand. It’s hard not to.

  Alex leads us through the hotel and I suddenly feel underdressed for dinner in my jeans and t-shirt. I relax a little when he takes us into the bar and grabs a table in the corner by the windows overlooking the Loch.

  “Can I get you both a drink?” Alex asks.

  “Can I have some water and . . . no. That’s all.”

  “I’ll take water. I’m driving us home,” Connor says.

  “Ella, Libby will have some Prosecco if you want that?”

  Connor beats me in answering, “Yes, she’ll have that.” Alex smiles, leaving our table. “What?” Connor asks.

  “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

  He slides into the seat beside me and takes my hand in his. “Everything will be fine. I promise.” I know he means what he says, but I’m struggling. I’ve not had a panic attack because I’ve been trying to keep it at bay and I’m sure Connor knows this.

  “I hope so,” I say, turning my attention back outside. It’s not hard to understand why people from all over the world fall in love with this beautiful setting. Connor is rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand, and I’m not sure if it’s that or looking outside at the water splashing against the pebbled shoreline that has a calming effect on me.

  “Here we go,” Alex says, placing our drinks on the table as Libby approaches us.

  “Hi, everyone.” She runs
her fingers through her hair before Alex kisses her briefly.

  “Hi, Libby. Great to see you again,” I say as she sits opposite me.

  “Are you okay?” Alex asks Libby, his voice full of concern, reminding me of Connor’s voice earlier today when he was making sure I was okay.

  “Yes. I’ve had to sort out a few problems, but it’s all fine now. Never mind that. We should order food and then talk.” Libby turns her attention to me. “Alex has told me you’ve already met with the charity.”

  “Yes, I have, and what they do and are trying to achieve is nothing short of remarkable. I’m doing a commercial to highlight the charity, but I’m really keen to help out, not just financially, but hands on.”

  “Wow, I can already tell how passionate you are about this. Why don’t we order and you can tell us what has made you so passionate about this cause,” Alex says, picking up the menu.

  The menu is full of family favourites and traditional meals. We order from the waiter who also ensures we have enough drinks.

  “Okay, Ella. Tell us your story,” Libby says, leaning back in her seat.

  “Okay.” I start at the beginning and tell them about Donovan and what he did and how badly I handled it at first on my own. Connor keeps my hand in his, squeezing gently to encourage me to keep going when it gets too much for me. I tell them that if it wasn’t for the support of my family, I’m not sure what position I would be in. Which makes me talk about others who find themselves in similar circumstances.

  “Ella, I had no idea the extent of what you’ve been through. I have heard some bits in the news . . .”

  “Alex, let me stop you. I don’t want you to feel sorry for me, because I do enough of that for myself. But, I also know I’m still incredibly lucky given my position. That is why I want to help others.”

  “Well, after hearing your story, I’m more than happy to help you in any capacity I can.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot to me and I’m sure the charity will be over the moon too. My dad wants to do his bit as well. I really believe that people shouldn’t be living on the streets, regardless of their background. More emotional support is needed to those in less fortunate positions.”

  “Never mind a Grammy award. I vote Ella McGregor for our next PM,” says Libby with a huge smile.

  “I don’t have the energy or the brains to run our country.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that,” she says with a warm smile. “You have enough passion to do the job.”

  We continue talking about various events that can be organised to raise much-needed funds and awareness for the charity. “I’ve got it,” Alex exclaims. We all pause and look at him, waiting to hear what he has to say. “We all know Jess and Fletcher do a lot for charity, and his football club now hosts a yearly charity football match between two clubs. I know Peter extremely well. Why don’t we put it to him about doing a star studded-match at the end of this season? Players versus celebrities. I’m sure you and I have enough connections between us to form a team. All money raised could be split between the women’s charity that Jess supports and the one you’ve chosen. It makes perfect sense. And I know you and Jess will be working alongside each other at different times.”

  “Do you think the club would go for it?” I ask, hopeful.

  “There’s only one way to find out. I’ll call Peter in the morning and put it to him. As soon as I know anything, I’ll call you.”

  The waiter appears at our tables with our food and we all tuck in. The conversation still flows freely. Libby asks Connor lots of questions about, not just his career, but about us as a couple. He is very honest and open with her considering he’s only met her once before. My heart swells with his honesty.

  My phone buzzes from my bag. I consider ignoring it, but decide against it. Pulling it from my bag, I see it’s a text message. My house alarm is going off. What the hell?

  “Ella, what’s wrong,” Connor asks, his voice full of concern as I dial Callum’s number.

  “The house alarm is going off. Callum, where are you?”

  “Just heading home, but I’m dropping Dad off first,” my brother tells me.

  “Good. Can you swing past my house? The alarm is going off.”

  “Sure. Are you still at Stewart House?”

  “Yes. It would take me a good forty minutes to get back.”

  “Okay. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  I end the call and leave my phone on the table. Something is wrong. I know it is. The only time the alarms have gone off is when it’s been tested.

  “Ella, is everything okay?” asks Libby.

  “I’m not sure. I don’t have a good feeling about this.”

  Connor squeezes my hand, but it doesn’t offer me the reassurance I need. “Are you nervous because of the note this morning?”

  “Maybe,” I reply, facing him.

  “What note? Ella, is there something you aren’t you telling us? If I can help, I want to,” Alex says softly, his voice full of concern. Connor tells him about the note that was hand delivered today and how my dad wants me to be seen out more with Connor to put distance between me and Donovan.

  Libby and Alex exchange glances whilst he holds her hand tightly. A silent conversation is exchanged between them before Libby nods her head slightly.

  “Ella, who is looking into all this for you?” Alex asks.

  “Just our lawyer.”

  “Let me know if you need extra security. I know someone who can help you if this situation becomes more difficult.” I understand what he’s saying, even though I’d like to pretend I don’t. I’ve heard some of the rumours surrounding the King brothers, who lead security at all of Alex’s places of business. It should frighten me, but it doesn’t.

  “We hope it doesn’t come to that,” Connor says. “But I’ll bear that in mind because I’m sure you’ll understand I’ll do anything it takes to keep Ella safe.”

  “Okay. Can we get back to what we were meant to be discussing? And then we can head off, letting you get back to your kids.”

  Libby smiles warmly and nods in agreement. Alex takes notes. He’s making a to-do list which he’ll send me a copy of. He’s far too organised for me. I’d always been a spur of the moment person up until recently.

  My phone buzzes again. Connor and I both make a grab for it at the same time, but I get to it first. It’s my brother. A message and a picture. I read the message first.

  I’ve already called the police. I think you should come home.

  My heart sinks at his words and then I open the picture. My gates have been cut open and the camera security system looks as though it’s been ripped from the wall. I gasp. Connor takes my phone.

  “Fucking hell.”

  “What’s wrong?” asks Alex.

  Connor shows him my phone as I stand. “I’m sorry, but we’d better go and see how bad things are.”

  Libby wraps her arms around me, giving me a hug, “Drop us a message later on so we know you’re okay?”

  “I will, and thank you.”

  The two men stand and shake hands. “Remember, if either of you need anything, give me a call and I’ll do what I can to help you. And if I can’t, we’ll get someone who can.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it,” Connor tells him.

  We say our goodbyes and leave the hotel. I’m certain our drive home is going to be a long one.

  AS WE GET CLOSER TO the entrance, I see there are two police cars, both with their blue lights flashing, and a few other cars that look as though they’ve only stopped to see what’s going on. I’ve always had my personal space when it comes to my home. Only those closest to me know where I stay. It’s the one thing I wanted to try and keep private. It was my safe haven, but as I look before me, it dawns on me this isn’t a safe haven now as a small crowd gathers.

  I close my eyes. If I keep them closed for long enough, maybe, just maybe, I can pretend this is all a dream.

  But it’s not a dream.

  This is
my reality. A reality that Donovan has so kindly sent my way. I swear the goings on in my life would make a great movie. In fact, I’m sure it would be a Hollywood blockbuster.

  “Ella, are you okay?” Connor asks when he stops my car.

  “Yes. Let’s get this over with.” It’s not a lie. I am okay, if a bit frustrated and pissed off at what’s going on in my life.

  We get out of the car. My dad is with a police officer, but as I glance around, I don’t see my brother. My eyes take in the damage that has been caused. Wires hang loosely from the security system that was only put in place days ago, and as for the gates . . . well, the damage is going to cost a tidy sum to repair.

  “Sweetheart, there you are.” Dad engulfs me the biggest hug, squeezing me tightly as though he doesn’t want to let me go.

  “I’m fine. Where’s Callum?” I take a step back when he lets me go and I feel Connor’s hand on the small of my back.

  “He’s at the house with a couple of officers.” He points up the long driveway. I stare ahead and worry fills me. What if someone has been in the house? What if they’re still there?


  “Ella, I’m sure everything will be fine. You and Connor can either stay at mine or at your brother’s.”

  “Let’s wait and see what’s happening here before we think about that.” I’d much rather stay here, although I’m sure security will be the deciding factor in that. The police officers are standing together. One is talking into his radio, but I’m not paying attention, even though I should. My mind is racing in different directions. I’m trying to think of this as just a coincidence, but after the note this morning, I know it’s not.

  Someone is trying to frighten me. And it’s working.

  It was bad enough when I found out what Donovan did with my house and money, but this is completely different. Someone is prepared to go to great lengths to get back what he owes.

  “Miss McGregor, can we go to the house? I will leave officers here at the gate,” an officer asks, approaching me. I nod and get back into the car with Connor and my dad.


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