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Summer Trouble: A Ruby Romp Novella

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by Ruby Rowe

  Summer Trouble

  Ruby Rowe

  Copyright © 2017 Ruby Rowe Books

  Cover Art by Just Write. Creations

  Editing by Proofreading by the Page

  All Rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  ISBN-13: 978-1542896290

  ISBN-10: 1542896290




















  This novella is told from the points of view of Colton and Summer.

  Summer Trouble is a Ruby Romp Novella, meaning it contains instant lust and connections, along with an abundance of dirty talk and graphic sex.

  It can typically be enjoyed in one reading, so be ready for a fast-paced “get your panties wet” ride.



  Shifting my pickup into park, I stare at Summer in her driveway. I bet Jason mentioned to her I was dropping by, and I guarantee she’s doing this shit on purpose, wearing a damn bikini while she washes her car. She’s nothing but trouble.

  Every single time her brother and I are home visiting from college, she hits on me, knowing damn well I can’t touch her. Hell, the torment’s been going on for three years now.

  I sigh as I shut the door to my Ford and start up her driveway. It sucks wanting something you can’t have.

  “Hi, Colton,” she practically croons as a broad grin spotlights her pretty face. Leaning over, she wrings out the sponge she’s been using on her red convertible above a bucket.

  Her perky tits are practically falling out of her string bikini, which matches the color of that sporty car of hers, and I bet this is another damn thing she’s doing on purpose.

  “Hi, Summer.”

  Just keep walking.

  “Hey, are you not even going to talk to me? I haven’t seen you since you were home over spring break, and besides, Jason’s not home.”

  Messing with the front of my dark hair, I turn around and shove my keys in the pocket of my grey athletic shorts.

  “His car’s in the street, so where is he?”

  “He went for a run.”

  “I’ll wait inside then. It’s hot as fuck out here.”

  “That is the norm for the month of June in Savannah.” Dropping the sponge in the water, she struts toward me, her gaze seductive as hell and her smile hinting of all she could do to me with that sweet mouth.

  I want her. I want to sink my cock inside all of her orifices so I can get her sweetness all wet and dirty. Damn, I want it so bad. I wouldn’t be the last to do it, but I’d at least be the first.

  Ah, hell … and that’s where I’m going for thinkin’ of her that way. It’s a shame she’s as off-limits as they come. I’ve had the hots for her since she went through puberty, but a hookup with Summer isn’t worth pissing off my best friend … not yet, anyway.

  Her arms reach behind her head to fool with the blond hair she’s got pulled up in the back. Her tits lift in the process, and her smooth stomach stretches.

  While my eyes betray me, I groan inwardly. I have to drag my filthy gaze back up, and once I finally do, she’s staring straight at me.

  “Thank you for the graduation card,” she says.

  “Sorry I couldn’t be there. I had to attend my cousin’s graduation that day.”

  “Are you sorry? Because I feel like you’re avoiding me. We haven’t had a conversation that lasted longer than a minute in ages. I mean, we used to hang out and have fun together, even when Jason wasn’t around.”

  “Yeah, and that was before all of this happened.” I wave my fingers up and down at her body, and she grins bashfully.

  “So, you are still interested in me … and what you see.”

  “I’m going inside, little girl.” Once I reach the porch to their enormous brick home, I let the screen door sling closed behind me, but it’s only seconds before I hear it screech.

  Summer’s bare feet thump on the floor with every step until I know she’s standing behind me in the kitchen.

  My hands and mouth need to stay busy, so I grab a glass from a cabinet and fill it with water at the front of their fridge. Turning around, I find her smack dab at my feet, those bright blues gazing up at me.

  “You need to come up with a new nickname for me. I turned eighteen two months ago, so I’m not a little kid anymore. I’m legal now, if you know what I’m getting at.”

  “I’m fully aware, but you’re illegal where your brother is concerned.”

  She scowls. “Screw Jason.” Taking hold of the front of my t-shirt at the waist, she creeps her toes closer and changes her grimace back to a seductive smile.

  “He wouldn’t have to find out.”

  “And how do you know I’m not seeing anyone?”

  Slumping her shoulders, she swallows. Honestly, I think the girl could shed tears.

  “You have a girlfriend?” she mutters.

  Shit, I hate it when she’s sad, so to lighten the mood, I laugh.

  “No, but it doesn’t change anything.”

  Exhaling a breath of relief, she tiptoes, her eyes never straying from mine.

  “It changes everything, Colton. It’s time for this, so stop resisting me.” Her soft lips land on mine, and fuck if I don’t let them. “Admit it; you want to taste and touch me,” she adds as her mouth hovers closely.

  Her lips faintly tease me once more, and I’m unable to resist my urge to touch her. Gripping her bare waist, I yank her close.

  “Let’s get something straight. You might fool the rest of the world into thinking you’re a proud slut, but I know the real you. You’re innocent, and I ain’t gonna be the one to change that.”

  “I’m far from innocent.”

  “Bullshit, and you have no clue what you’re starting here. You couldn’t handle me.”

  Her lips purse in that cute way they always do when she’s being stubborn.

  “Then prove it. Be the one to give me a taste.”


  It’s happening. I can’t believe it’s really happening. Colton is holding me against his warm body, staring down at me with his smoldering onyx eyes.

  He might be right. I don’t know if I could handle him, but I’ve been dreaming about trying for as long as he’s been walking around with that ginormous cock of his.

  He’s thinking … deciding, and if he waits much longer, reality will sink in, and I might chicken out like he’s expecting.

  “Fine, little girl. I’ll give you a sampling of what you’re not ready for.” Firm lips crash to mine, and in an instant, I’m swallowed up in his fit arms. While a hand squeezes my ass, his tongue plunders my mouth, the strokes giving away his determination to dominate our kiss.

  Please, don’t let it end. It’s already better than anything I could’ve imagined. I’m tingly all over, and
my heart is drumming all the way to my ears.

  My arms are trapped between us, and I’m unsure if that’s the cause of my chest constricting or if it’s the rush from this drugging kiss. Regardless, I can hardly breathe.

  Growling, he splays his wide hand over my entire ass cheek, striving to feel more of me. His body makes two of mine, and as he envelops my petite frame, I do feel his domination and the man he’s become.

  His lips pull free, and he can’t hide the harsh breaths thrusting from his lungs. His eyes reveal his desire, too, the yearning more evident than ever before, and I’ll satisfy that craving if he’ll let me. Anything he wants, and I’ll do it.

  As he slithers a hand up between us, his gaze bores into mine, and he gropes my breast. It gives me the opportunity to free my arm, so I wrap it around his waist.

  “Is this what you want, Trouble? I bet a guy hasn’t even sucked on these perfect tits yet.”

  “I’d let you,” I whisper. His thumb circles over my nipple, and it hardens like a pebble.

  “It fits right in my hand, and so does this tight ass of yours.” His grope to my cheek is more forceful this time as his hips thrust forward, allowing me to feel his erection against me. I gasp from the size and hardness of it through his thin shorts.

  In my mind, I might be a terrified little girl, but for the first time ever, my body is lit ablaze and announcing I’m a woman.

  My head falls back, and his lips stalk up my neck, feathering kisses along the way. My ass is still being massaged, along with my breast, and I moan wildly.

  The sudden grating sound of the screen door opening startles me, so I jerk free from Colton’s hold. His hands slide down his face before he blows out a swift, short breath.

  “You happy now? That’s all you get, little girl, so get the fuck out of here,” he utters while his gaze morphs from lust-filled to furious. He’s pissed he caved, and it’s all because of my stupid brother.

  Fine. He can go back to treating me like a teenager, but I’ve shown him I’m grown up. It’s now burned in his brain, and he can’t take back that kiss no matter how hard he tries.

  I march out of the kitchen and down the hallway, shoving past my sweaty brother along the way.

  “What the hell’s your problem?”

  “Males. Every one of you are assholes.”

  “Yeah, well, there’s a car full of them out front. I guess your scent draws all the dogs to the yard.”

  Spinning around, I walk backward while flipping him off. He pulls up his muscle shirt to wipe the sweat from his face.

  “I haven’t done shit to you today, so please have one of those idiots pull that massive stick from your ass. I’m sure at least one of them are all up in there, anyway.”

  “Oh, go fuck yourself!” I yell before I shove the door open and stomp onto the porch. He’s right about one thing; a car full of idiots is parked behind my convertible, and I wish they weren’t here.

  Even though Colton was an asshole, I want to touch where his lips have been and relive that kiss.

  “Daaaamn, you look sexy in that bikini,” Zane says as he exits his little Nissan. My eyes roll because although he’s hot and all, he’s not half the man Colton is.

  “What do you want, Zane?” His three amigos hop out of the vehicle next, and it might take a shovel to lift their gaping mouths, but to be polite, I smile and lightly wave at them.

  “Come to my graduation party tonight. All our friends are going to be there, along with a couple of kegs. We’re having a bonfire, too.”

  Hmm … a thought comes to mind. Porsha, Zane’s older sister, hooks up with Jason when he’s in town. If my brother’s going, then that means Colton is, too.

  I shrug. “Sure, I’ll come.”

  My friend grins, baring the same hope he’s held onto since grade school. I grew up with him, much like I did with Colton, and I can’t say I haven’t thought about him romantically from time to time.

  He’s not Colton, though, a guy who I can’t get out of my head long enough to consider having a relationship with anyone else.

  I feel I’ve made it clear to Zane that nothing’s ever going to happen between us, but he’s persistent, and I guess it’s like I am with Colton. I won’t give up.

  I smile. “OK, I better rinse off my car. I’ll see y’all tonight.”

  “I could come pick you up,” he adds. Tilting my head to the side, I consider his offer. Hmm … maybe if I get some experience under my belt, another guy I know won’t feel guilty about taking what he wants.

  I’d prefer Colton be my first, but I’d feel safe losing my virginity to my best male friend, and that counts for something.

  “It’s a date,” I reply.

  His eyes round. “OK, cool. I’ll pick you up at seven.”


  I adjust my cock before Jason enters the kitchen.

  “Hey, man,” he says, smiling. He’s sweating so much that the water’s dripping from his blond hair. “Miss me already?”

  “No, asshole, but I thought you were going to check out that job with me.”

  “Oh, shit, I forgot.” He didn’t remember because his parents still support his ass. Unlike my broke folks, his are loaded. “I start shadowing Dad at his practice on Monday. Those little patients of his better not give me their damn strep or chicken pox.”

  Once he gets a drink for himself, he heads straight to the living room. I follow behind and stand next to him at the wide window overlooking his front yard. He downs his water while peering at his sister and the goons talking to her.

  He says he doesn’t give a shit about her, but this shows it’s not true. He couldn’t resist getting in here to watch over her. I can’t say I like the assholes checking her out any more than he does, and the fact I give a shit disturbs me.

  “She’s turned into a little whore. Who would’ve thunk it, considering how sweet and perfect she used to seem,” Jason says.

  “I’m not buying it. I bet her cherry is still intact.”

  “So she’s a fucking tease … even worse.”

  I smack his chest with the back of my hand.

  “Go shower. I need a summer job to help pay for our apartment this fall, even if it requires me sweating my ass off on a rooftop.”

  “Laying shingles... You’re getting a finance degree, dude. Get a job in a bank or something.”

  “I tried to make that happen last summer, remember? Places like that won’t hire me until they know I’m not leaving. One more year, and then I can have a job with air-conditioning.”



  Waiting on the couch for Zane, I feel kinda guilty. He’s hurrying over here to get me when he’s hosting his own party. Of course, he’s probably hoping to get some tonight, so I doubt he minds.

  “Summer, stand up,” my dad orders from the doorway as he plants his hands on his hips. When did he start losing his hair?

  Rolling my eyes, I lift to my feet. He takes a look at my attire and shakes his head, his lips pressing tight. I don’t see what the big deal is; I wear this baby blue tank and these denim shorts all the time.

  “You need to dress more modestly. There should be a good eight more inches on the length of those shorts.” His finger wags at me. “You know, just because you’re eighteen now doesn’t mean you have to dress like you’re looking for some action.”

  “John, don’t talk to your daughter that way. Times have changed. All the young girls wear skimpier clothing nowadays,” Mom replies.

  I grin. “Exactly. Thank you, Mom.” Seeing a car pull up in the drive, I slip around my dad and pad to the door.

  Opening it, I find Zane approaching. Since we were about twelve, his eyes have scanned my body like an X-ray machine, and today’s no different.

  “Hi, ready?” he asks.

  “No drinking!” Dad shouts from the living room. After another eye roll, I step onto the porch and pull the door closed behind me. Once we’re in the car, I buckle and smile over at my date.

  “I’m ready for a night out.” I squeeze his knee. “I think I’m ready to try some other things, too. I need to have some fun before I head to college.”

  His gaze roams over my thighs, and he licks his lips.

  “You’ve changed this year, and I have to say I’m diggin’ it.” He winks before he clears his throat and starts his car.

  What am I getting myself into? Am I ready for this? Wiping my slick palms on my shorts, I lean my head back against the seat and take a few deep breaths. It’s time I participate in some adult activities so Colton will take me seriously.

  I’ve always been the good girl, and that’s been nothing but boring, so I think I’ll drink tonight, too. Maybe seeing me with another guy and a beer in my hand will leave him wondering what he’s missing out on.


  Adjusting my blue Emory University ball cap, I survey the crowd to see who I recognize. Why did I let Jason drag me to this high school party?

  Well, there are some college age people here, too, but to me it’s not a college party when high school seniors are running around acting stupid.

  They don’t know how to pace themselves, so after only two hours, they’re shitfaced drunk. The two guys in front of me who are sword fighting with sticks are confirming that prediction.

  Jason and I grab beers from the keg, and as soon as I see Porsha strolling up, I wander off to leave them alone.

  He only came here to hook up with her, the chick who worships at his feet. She thinks she’s going to be a doctor’s wife once he graduates, but she can keep dreaming.

  Jason has years of school left, and he fucks pussy on campus like he’s conducting research. He also believes he lost the love of his life three years ago, so I doubt he plans to settle down with Porsha.

  My mind drifts back to the real reason I’m here. The bonfire is massive in size, so it’s pretty lit up as my eyes scan the field, looking for Summer.


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