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Their Outlaw Bride (Bridgewater Brides)

Page 4

by Delta James

  Gavan’s response was quick, painful, and set her up on her tiptoes. “Enough, Lizzie. Ye behave. The judge saved yer life. Now, apologize for showing him the sharp side of yer tongue.”

  When she hesitated, he swatted her again.

  “Fine. I apologize.”

  Gavan shook his head. “Ye’d best get it through yer head that yer going to mind me, else it will be a long and painful ride home for ye.” Gavan turned to the judge. “I promised ye, Lizzie and I would be gone tonight, and I think we need to head out.”

  The sheriff had left her cell but returned with a set of manacles and what appeared to be a sharpening strap for a man’s razor.

  “I think you might need these,” he said handing both to Gavan.

  Her new husband tucked both into the saddle bags he had tossed over his shoulder and led her to the livery stable, where he swung up on his big Appaloosa.

  Another man, the fair one from the trial, the one who seemed to be her new husband’s opposite and opposing force, held a buckskin and a bay packhorse. The other man handed her a parcel.

  Her husband quirked an eyebrow at him.

  “She isn’t going to wear trousers. Those are meant for a man, and she’s anything but manly,” he answered the unverbalized question. “Ye know, as well as I do, that every man in that courtroom was looking at her feminine bits.”

  “Ye have to admit, her feminine bits are enchanting, so ye canna blame them.”

  “Aye, but she’s ours now, and I’ll nay have other men coveting what’s ours.”

  Gavan laughed. “Are ye daff? Just because you put a skirt over it doesn’t mean men aren’t going to look and imagine themselves between her thighs.”

  Elizabeth tried to punch him, and he, once again, used her own inertia to redirect her energy and landed several more swats on her bottom, making her dance.

  “Enough, Lizzie. Yer a beautiful woman, and some men are always thinking about getting between a pretty girl’s legs.”

  “Only some?” Elizabeth asked, sarcastically.

  Gavan smacked her backside again. “I said enough, Lizzie. Ye watch yer mouth, lass, or I’ll find some soap and water to wash it out for ye. And, aye, some. Men like Caelan and me, once we’re wed, we no longer look at any other woman. But we’ll look at you plenty.”

  “Aye,” started the fair-haired man, “and we’ll do more than look and imagine. We’ll be the ones who spend a fair amount of time there fucking yer cunny and yer arse to our heart’s content.”

  “Caelan bought these for ye, Lizzie, go into that stall and get changed.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Ye will, or ye’ll get another spanking and ride to our camp in yer chemise and bloomers. Cae is right, ye’ll nay wear trousers anymore.”

  Elizabeth snatched the parcel and stomped to the far back stall, followed by the man she now knew as Caelan. Entering the stall, she whirled on him. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Gavan’s had his hands on yer naked backside, I think it’s only fair I get a look at ye, as well.”

  “Arrrggghhh!” She snarled, turning her back and changing her clothes.

  He held out his hand to her.

  She flung the trousers in his face.

  Like Gavan, he reacted surprisingly fast and in a similar way. He bent her over his thigh and walloped her behind several times.

  “Settle down, Lizzie, or ye’ll need more pillows than we have to cushion yer bottom when Gavan takes yer maidenhead.”

  He folded the trousers over the stall door, took hold of her upper arm, and led her back to the main portion of the stables where Gavan waited, already seated on his horse.

  “Yer right, Gav, she’s got a bountiful arse for spanking. I can only imagine what it’ll be like to fuck. Good thing that, once we’re back at home, I won’t have to imagine it.” He took Elizabeth over to Gavan, grasped her around the waist, and handed her up to him. “Up ye get.”

  She struggled and wiggled. The feel of his male member hardening caused a momentary bout of panic, causing her to wriggle and squirm.

  “Enough, Lizzie. Either ye ride in front of me sitting in my lap, or face down across it.”

  She said nothing but settled.

  The other man mounted the buckskin and, picking up the lead of the bay, headed out.

  As they rode, Gavan began to unbutton the buttons of her shirt. When she slapped at his hands, he produced a small length of rope and simply bound them behind her back.

  “I’ll bet she has beautiful tits,” said Caelan, watching with keen interest as Gavan opened her shirt, unlaced her corset, and pulled her chemise out of the way.

  “You can’t,” she hissed. “Not in front of him.”

  Both men chuckled.

  “Ye’ll find, lass, there’s very little either of us does to ye, that the other isn’t witness to.” He gasped as her bosom sprang free and reached across the distance to trace the area around her nipple that was of a darker hue than the rest of her skin. “So beautiful,” he said in a reverent tone.

  “Aye,” said Gavan, huskily, and gathered the hem of her skirt, tucking it into her waist band. As bloomers were not fully enclosed, he had no trouble revealing the mahogany hair at the apex of her thighs, or exposing the nub that resided there.

  “Ach, would ye look at her clit? God, it looks to be begging to be sucked.”

  Gavan nodded. “Aye, our Lizzie is a sight to behold. I canna waiting to get between her legs and breach her maidenhead while ye hold her still for me.”

  “That’s monstrous!” she cried.

  “Nay, lass. ‘Tis our way. Gavan will be the one to actually breach your maidenhead, but I will hold ye and add to yer pleasure. We’ll see ye well pleasured this night… and for the rest of yer days. It’s important to both of us that ye be happy.”

  He reached out and touched her.

  Her response was a sharp inhalation of breath and bucking wildly on Gavan’s lap as Caelan fingered her much as Gavan had done earlier. As much as she didn’t want it to, she had to admit it felt wonderful. She closed her eyes.

  “Ye will watch him pleasure ye, Lizzie. Open yer eyes.”

  She didn’t want to, but she did. She couldn’t help but watch. She watched as he circled her clit with his fingertips and played with her wet lips, gently tracing the entrance to her core. Elizabeth wondered at her own wanton response to his bold caresses.

  After a few moments, Gavan untied her hands and allowed her to arrange her clothing.



  * * *

  “I hadn’t expected ye to be gone all afternoon,” said Gavan to his partner.

  “Well, while you were persuading our bride to take her vows, I was trying to make tonight a bit easier on the lass. I don’t know about ye, but I intend to see our marriage consummated before the sunrise.”

  “What do you mean ‘our bride’?” Elizabeth asked, remembering something Gavan had said before they were wed.

  Caelan chuckled. “I wondered if he’d shared that information with ye. To tell the truth, Lizzie, ye’ve now got not just one husband, but two. When ye took yer vows to Gavan, they applied to me, as well.”

  “Who are you?”

  “Lizzie, this is Caelan MacAllister, yer other husband. I mentioned him briefly right before I had to spank ye.”

  “Gavan, did ye really have to spank her?”

  “Aye. She had no intention of behaving, and she needs to learn to mind. She’s got a glorious arse, Cae, round and firm and a beautiful ivory.”

  “Hmm. Well, ye could have waited until I was there.”

  Gavan laughed, and the other man grinned before continuing, “Our Lizzie is a naughty thing. I suspect ye’ll see me paddle her quite often, and will probably have to do so, yerself. She’s nay of the mind to be a sweet and biddable bride, are ye, Lizzie? The judge performed the one legally binding ceremony between you and me. But you are bound just as tightly to Caelan as ye are to me. If you are
married to one of us, ye are married to the other, as well.”

  Caelan held up his hand, “See? I have a matching wedding band.”

  She shook her head, her hair spilling down around her shoulders. “No. No. That isn’t done. Did the judge know about this?” she asked, blushing, as Gavan’s words about her being shared between them came back to her.

  “He knows he married you to Gavan to keep you from the hangman’s noose. But, at our home in Bridgewater, all of the women share at least two husbands. Ye’ll be no different.”

  “It’ll be fine, Lizzie,” said Gavan before turning to his partner. “Caelan, after she acquiesced, I gave her a bit of pleasure to help settle her. Once she came, she was a lot more amenable.”

  “Aren’t they always?” chuckled Caelan.

  “I know we agreed that I would breach her maidenhead, but I think it’s only right that you prepare her for that. She was drenched by the time I slipped my hand between her legs.”

  Elizabeth felt her entire body flushing with embarrassment, and something more. She’d never thought of herself as a prude, but these two men were riding along, discussing what sounded like their plan to share her tonight. She had to admit the thought of being with either one of them had a certain appeal, but both of them? That was just wrong.

  They rode into a small box canyon that Elizabeth had used to hide stolen herds several times. It was well-hidden, had plenty of water and forage, and was easily defendable. A large campfire had been set up, as well as a temporary corral for the horses. Spanning the width between two trees and close to the running stream was a canvas of some sort that had been strung up to form a canopy. What worried Elizabeth was that, beneath it, there was only one, exceptionally large bedroll.

  They brought the horses to a stop, and Caelan stepped off his horse and handed its reins, as well as the bay’s, to Gavan. He pulled her gently from in front of Gavan, who rode over to the corral to unsaddle and make the horses ready for the night.

  Elizabeth struggled when Caelan held her tight against his chest, his member poking at her through his trousers.

  “Easy, Lizzie. It’ll be all right. Ye have two husbands who care for ye now. Two men to love, honor, and cherish ye. Gavan says yer a passionate lass. Given how ye responded to being spanked and then finger-fucked, I think ye’ll find having two husbands to keep ye warm and satisfied will suit ye just fine.”

  “No, it isn’t right…”

  “Who’s to say what is right? When we were in the war, we lived for a while in Mohamir, where this kind of marriage is commonplace. They believe, as do Gavan and I, that a woman with two husbands is far less likely to fall on hard times. Gavan’s sister became a widow, and she was forced to marry a man she didna love to provide for herself and her children. We will keep ye from that. If one of us is killed, the other will provide for ye and our children.”

  Elizabeth thought he made it sound perfectly logical.

  “How will you know whose children are whose?” she whispered, trying to tap down the desire that was pooling below her belly and across her nipples, beading in response to his words and his hands that softly caressed her body.

  “Who the actual sire is? It won’t matter. As yer are our bride, the children will belong to all of us.”

  Gavan had finished with the horses and returned to Elizabeth and Caelan. Without removing her from Caelan’s embrace, he added his own wandering hands to her body, feeling the weight of her breasts.

  He bent down and whispered, “I love ye, Lizzie. I know ye probably didna believe that, but it’s true. We wanted to break ye out every evening when they took ye to jail so we could protect ye. But ye’d have had a death sentence hanging over yer head.”

  “So we waited,” continued Caelan. “But, had the judge not agreed to Gavan’s plan, we would have seen ye freed, even gone to Canada, if we’d had to. We never would have let them hang ye. Yer our wife now and, like Gavan, I pledge ye my heart and all that I am.”

  Elizabeth wasn’t sure when she had stopped trying to get away and just began to respond to their fondling, which continued to grow bolder. Caelan pressed himself into the cleft between her butt cheeks, and she could feel Gavan’s hard length pulsing on her belly. Their whispering warmed her skin. The sensual feel of their hands acting in concert fired her blood and she moaned.

  “We have a beautiful bride, Caelan. I’ve only seen her naked bottom, but it was fair beyond belief.”

  His lips nibbled and kissed along her jawline, barely passing over her lips before starting down the column of her neck. Gavan pressed his lower body against her mons as he brought his hands up to squeeze her breasts, lightly pinching her nipples.

  “I think, Gavan, our bride has on too many clothes,” Caelan said, nuzzling the nape of her neck.

  Between the two of them and the sensual web they were weaving, Elizabeth felt on fire. Her nipples were now hard enough that they pressed against the whalebone corset and bordered on painful, and her feminine sheath pulsed in a way it never had, and it seemed to coincide with the throbbing of both of their cocks.

  Caelan held her close, his hands spanning her hips and holding her in close contact with his staff. As one hand left her hip, it travelled down between her and Gavan’s pulsing rod. He covered her mons, cupping it and pulling her into even tighter proximity to his groin.

  Gavan reached up to the neck of her shirt and began unbuttoning it.

  When she tried to raise her hands up to ward him off, she found her arms were pinned down and back by Caelan.

  The two worked together to remove her shirt and then her corset.

  “We need to get ye out of that corset, Lizzie,” said Caelan.

  Reaching being his back, Gavan pulled out a large Bowie knife and showed it to her. For the first time, fear was in competition with lust as her overriding emotion. Did he mean to kill her? Had he saved her from the hangman just to cut her up?

  Gavan spun her around in Caelan’s arms. Placing the tip under the laces, he brought it up, neatly slicing through them much like a hot knife would slice butter. The corset fell to the ground. In that instance, she felt exposed, even though she still had on her chemise and bloomers. Her breasts fell free; their shape and size clearly visible, even though they were covered with a thin cloth.

  Gavan turned her back around and smiled appreciatively at her curves.

  The butterflies that had taken flight in her belly moved down, and their wings fanned the flames of her desire. Her nipples were puckered from the cool night air, but the space between her legs was a raging inferno.

  Gavan ran his hands down the front of her body. He dropped to one knee; his hands came up to her waist, pulling at the skirt and petticoat, dragging them down past her hips.

  She shivered everywhere she felt the touch of his hand, or his breath.

  He couldn’t seem to stop staring at her tits, and the place where her legs joined her body, as if he knew how damp her sex had become and how it pulsed with need. He skimmed his hands farther down, removing her long socks and boots, leaving her clad in only her chemise and bloomers.

  “Our bride is getting more and more aroused.” Gavan said, sliding his hand inside the waistband of her bloomers before combing his fingers through the silky curls at the apex of her thighs and parting her swollen lips before just circling the entrance of her core and stroking lightly. “The lass is soaked, Caelan. I think it’s yer turn to get her naked and see our bride in all her glory.”

  Elizabeth’s knees began to buckle as they turned her around so that she was now held captive in Gavan’s embrace. Caelan leaned down, sliding her bloomers past her rump, down her thighs and calves, before removing them completely, tracing his fingers along the inside of her thigh. His hand cupped the silky triangle while his finger began to strum across the distended nub it found there.

  She moaned and would have fallen forward if Gavan had not kept her erect.

  She shook her head. “No,” she barely managed to sigh.

�Aye, lass. There’s nothing to fear, or be ashamed of. We’re yer husbands, and we’re going to claim ye tonight as our bride. Both of us. All of our clothes will come off so we can see each other as God intended us to. Then, we’ll lay down in the nice soft bed I made. I’ll make ye ready for Gavan, much like he did earlier after he spanked ye. Only, when I’m done, Gavan will get between yer thighs and breach yer maidenhead. When he’s finished pleasuring ye and left ye full of his seed, I’ll put ye on yer belly and take ye like a stallion takes his mare and do the same. Ye’ll know only the brief pain of Gavan tearing yer maidenhead but, then, we’ll only give ye pleasure.”

  Elizabeth’s breathing was shallow and erratic. His words inflamed her lustful thoughts. She had always thought she was wanton, as she longed to feel the most intimate caress of a man. His words were seductive and, slowly, she began to want not just one, but both of them to have carnal knowledge of her body. She could no longer form thoughts, much less words, on her own. All that existed for her was being held between two strong, virile, highly aroused men. Her pussy throbbed, and she moaned deeply when Caelan slipped her chemise off so that she was finally naked.

  He wrapped his arms around her as Gavan released her.

  Gavan went into the lean-to and removed his clothing. He turned to face her, unashamed of his body and its response to her proximity and nudity. It wasn’t the first time Elizabeth had seen a cock, but never had she seen one that was so long and thick. It seemed to deny the laws of nature, standing straight out from his body. It was suspended and bobbed in anticipation; the thought of what it was anticipating thrilled and frightened her at the same time. He couldn’t expect that thing to fit up inside her, could he?

  “Do ye like the look of Gavan’s naked body, Lizzie?” whispered Caelan. “Do ye see his cock? Do ye want him to fuck ye with it? I can’t wait to see it disappear into that sweet cunny of yours. Even better will be when I watch my own sink into your wet heat. Do ye see how finely he’s made? We will both worship ye with our bodies until we have ye exhausted, but well-fucked and happy. Can ye feel my cock straining to get out, Lizzie? We’ve waited for ye a long time, and will spend the rest of our lives taking care of all yer needs.”


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