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Their Outlaw Bride (Bridgewater Brides)

Page 8

by Delta James

  “You and Gavan have had a bath, and Gavan said there’s a big tub at home, but could I go wash up in the creek?”

  “Maybe in the morning.”

  “But why…”

  “Didna fuss at me, Lizzie,” he said in a low growl.

  “I’m not clean… I have…” she stumbled over what to say.

  “Ye have some of our spend in your short curls.”

  “After this morning, it’s not the only place, and it’s itchy.”

  Caelan had grinned. “Aye, ye remember that the next time you think to get uppity.”

  Lizzie stomped her foot, and Caelan had swatted her ass. Gavan was right, their Lizzie had a fine ass for spanking and, as soon as he got her home, he meant to enjoy her arse for fucking. They’d come to know their Lizzie loved having them pump their seed in her. She got the most rapturous, glazed-over look when they spilled themselves in her. She would sigh like the proverbial alley cat.

  Earlier in the day, her defiant streak had reared its ugly head over a simple request he made of her. When she wouldn’t back down, they spit roasted her between them. Gavan had fucked her mouth, and Caelan had given her cunny a good ramming.

  When he was ready to release himself, Caelan had pulled out and sprayed her back with his essence.

  Gavan did the same, except hauled her up on her knees and covered her glorious titties. Even though they’d brought her to climax, she’d thrown a veritable tantrum. Gavan had grasped her about the waist, bending her over his hip, and Caelan spanked her pretty bottom to a bright red. Once her temper dissolved into remorse with tears and promises to behave, he let up.

  They both folded her into their embrace, and she’d sobbed, truly sorry for her outburst.

  “There now, lass. Ye know better and, now, you know what happens to wives who get too big for their britches,” Gavan consoled her as Caelan collected the butt plug. When he bent her over his knee, and Caelan had parted her cheeks, she knew what was coming. She didn’t protest at all as he’d slid the larger of the two plugs into her pussy, twisting it to coat it well with her juices, and then seated it in her bottom hole.

  “Now, ye go get on the bedroll, and ye think about having that plug up yer arse and that misbehaving and throwing tantrums have consequences.”

  Lizzie tromped over to the bedroll, started to sit, thought better of it, considering the state of her backside, and glared at both, clearly pouting. They stood side by side.

  “I didna think the lass has taken the lesson of the thrashing to heart,” Gavan said.

  “Nay, but there’s more than one way to humble our wife. Wife,” he called, “Ye stretch out on yer belly and spread yer legs. Show yer husbands what a sweet cunny and arse you have for their use.”

  He watched her struggle to contain her temper. Once she had it under control, she did as he told her. They left the plug in until after supper, making her help with cooking and chores without relief. She went from upset to sore to desperate for relief all right before their eyes.

  In the end, Gavan had sat on the log and made Lizzie impale herself on his cock, sitting in his lap. Caelan removed the plug and then fingered her arse while Gavan moved her up and down his length.

  She climaxed and howled repeatedly, calling their names.

  When Gavan finished, he lifted her off his cock, tossed her over his knee, and held her while Caelan had fucked her mouth shooting a torrent of cum into her belly.

  Now here they were the next day, confronted by her bad temper, again. Gavan had Lizzie by the roots of her hair as he strode toward the creek. Caelan imagined there’d be washing, but it would be her mouth and not her body.

  Realizing his intent, Lizzie struggled and tried to dig her feet in.

  Gavan simply transferred her mane from one hand to the other and spanked her the rest of the way to the creek.

  Caelan followed and tried not to laugh.

  Lizzie had become quite contrite and was trying to get Gavan not to soap her mouth. She failed miserably.

  “How many times have I told ye, yer not to use that kind of language?” When Lizzie said nothing, Gavan had swatted her backside several times, making her howl and hiccup soap bubbles. “Have ye not been told repeatedly?”

  “Yes, Gavan. I’m sorry, but I hate that town.”

  “And that’s fine and good to say, but ye didna need to use foul language.”

  He’d marched her over to Caelan, handing her off.

  “Yer the one that rode into town to get her something nice. It’s time she learned I’m not the only one who’ll take her over his knee when she’s in need of correction.”

  Caelan had nodded, taken Lizzie by the hand, and nodded. “Aye,” was all he said before heading to the uprooted tree, which made a natural bench for sitting, fucking, or spanking. Lizzie had already sat and been fucked leaning over it. It was only natural that one of them would need to use it to pull her over his knee and spank her bottom.

  “Caelan, please, no. I’m sorry I cursed.”

  “Aye. I imagine ye’ll be a lot sorrier before I’m through.”


  * * *

  Caelan pulled her over his knee and began to spank her. If she’d thought the swats Gavan had given her thus far were painful, the spanking Caelan was inflicting demonstrated a new level of pain.

  Elizabeth kicked and screamed and tried everything she could think of to get away from him. She wriggled and squirmed and did her best to get free. But hard as she tried, she could not escape Caelan’s presence, or his hand that continued to punish her backside.

  Caelan focused on the fleshiest part of her cheeks and only placed a few swats to her delicate sit spots.

  She endured blow after blow. She screamed and wailed, but managed to keep from cursing and, still, the spanking continued. All the while, he spoke soothingly to her. He reminded her that she was being spanked because she’d been naughty but, when it was over, she would be fucked, and all would be forgiven.

  Finally, she quit fighting him and went limp over his knee. It still hurt, and she could feel every swat. The moment she capitulated and let the tears fall, Caelan stopped.

  “Ye want her over the tree, or across my knee?” Caelan asked Gavan.

  “She’s fine where she is,” was his response.

  Elizabeth grimaced when Gavan got behind her, parted her legs, and rubbed her bottom. Then, with his cock poised at her entrance, he grasped her hips and surged forward.

  She cried out as his pelvis hit her punished backside and she grabbed Caelan’s leg to not feel as though she would fall as Gavan plunged into her fast and hard, only allowing her a single climax before he drove deep and began pumping his seed into her.

  Gavan withdrew and he gave her a hard swat between her legs. “If there’s a next time, Lizzie, ye’ll get a taste of leather across yer behind. Ye ken?”

  She nodded and waited, knowing she had yet to mollify Caelan. He removed her from his lap.

  “Put yer hands on the log, Lizzie, spread yer legs, and present yer pussy to me.”

  “Caelan,” she mewled.

  “Have ye not been spanked hard enough?”

  “No,” she wailed and then put herself in position.

  Caelan wasted no time in coming up behind her, kicking her legs apart to make room. He parted her thighs and opened the front of his trousers. His cock sprang out, and he sank into her wet heat, groaning in ecstasy.

  She called for him again but this time in surrendered abandon and not in distress.

  “There’s my good girl,” he crooned as he began to thrust in and out of her, riding her through several orgasms before his cock began to swell and twitch. “One more, Lizzie, come for yer husband while he fucks ye.”

  Her explosive orgasm triggered his, and he butted her punished ass several times as he spurted his seed into her. Caelan straightened as he spilled the last of himself into her.

  When he was finished, he uncoupled from her.

  Knowing better than to get u
p, she reached her hand back, wanting and needing his reassurance.

  He took her hand in his.

  “I’m sorry, Caelan. That’s a long ride, and you were trying to do something nice.”

  “Aye, lass, I was,” he said as he released her hand and headed toward their cookfire.

  She started to cry.

  Caelan returned to her and drew her up off the log.

  Elizabeth collapsed into him and wound her arms around him, trying to get as close as possible. She reached behind her, reaching for Gavan in an attempt to draw him in.

  He hesitated and then relented, wrapping himself around her as well.

  “Ye didna please either of yer husbands with that display of temper,” growled Gavan.

  “I know, I’m sorry. They wanted to kill me,” she said, petulantly.

  Both of her husbands chuckled. “You stole their cattle, their horses, and their money,” they said in unison.

  She peeked up at Caelan, and then over her shoulder at Gavan. “But, other than that, what did they have against me?” she asked in her most innocent tone, batting her big green eyes at them.

  Both men laughed.

  “Caelan, can I please go take a bath?”

  “Did ye ask Gav?”

  “Well, yes,” she started, but was cut off when Caelan swatted her.

  “Ye didna play us against one another. If ye asked Gav and he said no, then it is Gav who must rescind his denial.”

  “I’m sorry, Gav. I wasn’t trying to do that. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Forgiven, lass. And, yes, ye may go and take a bath, but do not tarry, and do not wander far. Ye stay within earshot. Do not venture much beyond the bend. There’s a good spot with a rock where you can sit to bathe.”

  “But it’s deeper farther upstream, and I can swim.”

  “The current is too swift, Lizzie. Ye didna ask for permission to go swimming. Ye asked to take a bath. Yer not to venture upstream. Ye have not had yer bottom spanked when its wet and fresh from a bath. I can tell ye, the water will intensify the effect. Keep that in mind, Lizzie.”

  She headed down to the creek and found the place Gavan had indicated. It was shallow and, not only couldn’t she swim, it wasn’t even deep enough to submerge herself to rinse.

  She continued on upstream until she found an ideal place. It had easy passage into the water and was deep enough to rinse and play in the water. It was bracingly cold, but the towels and washcloth Caelan had purchased in town for her were soft, like velvet.

  Elizabeth dove into the water and swam for a few moments, allowing the water and its swift-moving current to rush over her skin, refreshing and cleaning it. She was completely wet and stood close to shore where the water trickled over the pebbles in the sand, leaning over to wash her hair and using the cloth to clean herself.

  She smiled as she considered her life. She had two men who said they loved her, and she believed them. She had a new home that sounded beautiful. Gavan had described a huge tub that would hold all of them. Elizabeth blushed when she recalled his description of the wickedly erotic things they would do to and with her in the hot water. Her beaded nipples ached for their attention. She was just rinsing off when she heard the sound of someone else entering the water. Elizabeth turned, expecting to see one, or both, of her husbands.

  Nude and having just rinsed out her hair, she turned smiling, “Ready for more?”

  Instead, she was confronted by Sheriff Gutherie.

  “You have no idea, bitch,” he said swinging the butt-end of his rifle into her jaw, knocking her senseless.



  * * *

  “Cae, shouldn’t Lizzie be back from her bath? I could understand a delay if we were at home and she was soaking in that huge tub ye insisted we buy. But that creek water is cold.”

  “Ach, yer just feeling randy and want another go at our girl,” he laughed.

  “Always,” Gavan agreed with a smile. “But she should have been back by now. Ye didna think she’s gone further than I told her she could go?”

  “Maybe. She’s still testing us to see if we’ll make her mind.”

  “Ye think that’s all it is? Ye didna think she wants to leave us, do ye?”

  His friend crossed to him. “Nay, Gav. I knew she hasn’t said it, but Lizzie loves us, and she loves her life with us. We dote on her. Yer far more indulgent with her than I would have thought.”

  “She’s had a hard life, Cae. Everyone always telling her what she couldn’t be and ripping her away from people she cared about. She had to become hard in order to survive. Everyone in her life has abandoned or disappointed her. We need to give her some time to see we’re different and she has no need to keep us at bay for we’ll never hurt her.”

  Caelan shook his head. “I don’t agree. It made her strong and gave her a brittle shell, but there are cracks in it already. She reaches for one or both of us when she has a bad dream. She likes to snuggle between us at night and is so responsive when either of us reaches for her. And the look she gets on her face when one of us fills her with our seed. ‘Tis a wonder to behold.”

  Gavan smiled. “Aye, the lass does like to fuck. She’s a veritable alley cat in heat…”

  Caelan chucked. “And we’re the tom cats looking to make her howl as we breed her.”

  “Did ye ever think we’d find a lass as fine as she?”

  “Not in my wildest dreams.”

  “I think I’ll go make sure she’s all right,” said Gavan.

  He left Caelan and made his way down to the creek, expecting to find her just around the bend. Gavan swore when she wasn’t there and followed her footprints upstream until he found a place that had an easy entrance into the fast running water and was deep enough for Lizzie to go swimming. He had to admit it was a better bathing spot than the one he’d told her to use, but he’d need to punish her for disobeying.

  “Lizzie, where are ye?”

  He looked around and could see no sign of her still there. He called for her again; only the sound of the rushing water responded. Lizzie was nowhere to be found. Had she run from them? Had the past few days been her simply lulling them into a sense of false security so they’d let their guard down and she could escape? Gavan made a preliminary search of the area and then ran back to the camp.

  “Caelan, she’s gone.”

  “What do ye mean gone?”

  “She’s not there, not at the creek. She played us. She used us to escape the hangman, then lulled us into believing that she wanted to be with us. She played us false.”

  “Gav, yer making a lot of assumptions, and none of them in her favor. I didna believe Lizzie capable of what yer accusing her of. Despite the outlaw face she showed to the world, she’s a sweet thing, and I think already has feelings for us, both of us. She has a wildly passionate, naughty steak, but there isn’t a mean, nor truly deceitful, bone in her body.”

  “She’s a rustler and a thief,” Gavan countered, angrily. “We never should have trusted her. Just kept her confined to our bed where we could fuck her and sire children on her. Saddle up yer horse and let’s get after her. When we catch up with her, I’m going to take my belt to her backside and lay a set of stripes on it she won’t forget any time soon.” With a great deal of agitation, he began to saddle his horse. Muttering his breath, he continued, “After that, I’m going to fuck her until she can’t walk, much less run away.”

  Without a word, Caelan walked over to his partner of many years, turned him away from his horse and toward him, and punched him in the mouth, knocking him onto the ground.

  “What the fuck, Caelan!” Gavan said springing back to his feet with balled fists.

  “Ye didna talk about our bride that way. Lizzie has done nothing since ye wed her to warrant that kind of distrust from ye. If Lizzie is missing, and that’s still questionable, what makes ye think something hasn’t happened to her? What makes ye think that she’s played ye false? For Christ’s sake, she’s naked and has no cl
othes! Have ye done something that would make her run? The lass has exceeded every fantasy either of us ever had about a shared wife and seemed to be well on her way to giving us her heart and soul. And, at the first sign of trouble, ye make accusations and threats? What the fuck is wrong with ye?”

  Gavan felt the blow from Caelan’s words far more harshly than he had the fist in his face. He looked at his oldest and best friend and felt ashamed. Caelan was right, Lizzie had done nothing to deserve his mistrust.

  Holding up his hands, he said, “Yer right, Cae. The lass has done nothing wrong that I know of and deserves better from her husband than to be accused until we know the truth of it. I just…she wasn’t there…”

  “And yer madly in love with her and terrified that, since we forced her into this arrangement, she’s going to leave.”

  Gavan nodded. “Aye. I tried telling myself that it was just my cock she had from the get-go, but it isn’t true. I love her.”

  “Me, too. Then, let’s go find her. Let’s see what happened and, whatever it is, we’ll figure out a way to make it right for her, even if that means we lose her.”

  “Aye. I’ll apologize to her, tell her I love her, and beg her forgiveness, in the hope that she’ll stay, but I will accept her decision. And it must be her decision.”

  The truth of it hung in the air between them. Both men saddled their horses and rode back to the place Lizzie had bathed.


  * * *

  She woke feeling groggy, not in the sated, happy, and hungover from sex and love groggy, but hit over the head groggy. She was bound and gagged, draped across the front of a horse and wrapped in a scratchy blanket. At least, her husbands had made their bridal bed with soft blankets, silken sheets, and pillows. She smiled, some girls might have wanted a swanky hotel room, but not Lizzie. Her smile widened as she realized she had become their Lizzie and wanted to be no other.

  “You’re a filthy outlaw and a wanton temptress to boot, living with your gang of thieves and rustlers and now taking up as a fuck toy to two foreigners,” Gutherie spat. “Did you like it when they plowed your cunt? Did they do you together, a dick in each hole? You should have hanged, Morgan. I was going to get you to plead for your life and do whatever I told you,” he said with a nasty laugh, “and then watched you swing. I’d have fucked your cunt, your ass, and your mouth, and sent you to the gallows dripping my cum. I suppose I could hang you, anyway, when I’m done and blame it on them two pricks, but shooting you is probably safer.” He chuckled, “Well, safer for me. Either way, you end up dead, but only after I get to have a go at you.”


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