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Page 19

by Paula Cox

  “You scared?” the woman asked.

  Nodding, and then realizing that her new friend couldn’t see the fear in her eyes, Lily spoke up. “What are they going to do to us?” Lily asked.

  “Sell us off,” she said. “Some masters are kinder than others. You best just hope for a sweet sir.”

  Lily remembered all the nights, so many nights, when she had pleaded with Dan to break from their routine. She had wanted to be on her knees and feel his cock pressing into her from behind. One time, she had even asked for a blindfold. Kicking herself now, she pulled at her bonds, and she was only stilled by the feel of the woman’s hand on her shoulder.

  “Don’t try to fight it,” she said. “No one ever gets out.”

  Lily was not about to resign herself to this awful fate. But she had to keep her facts straight. A sweet sir? Maybe she could survive that. But… “Who are the Diesel Devils?” she asked in a shaking voice.

  The woman started to back away, but Lily gripped her wrist and kept her close.

  “What does it–?”

  “One of the biker clubs around these parts,” she started. “You can’t walk after a night with Trevor.”

  Lily cringed. She knew that Isaac and Rex intended to sell her to these men. Those men.

  A horn blared, and she listened hard as one of the other girls was dragged from her side. In the near distance, she could hear quoted figures and bids for flesh. A strange voice called time at twenty-five thousand dollars, and the unknown girl’s scream dissipated as she was led into some untold hell.

  “How do I get out of it?” Lily asked through her blindfold.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We’re for sale. Right?” Lily asked. Just saying it nearly made her vomit, but she had to take this one step at a time. She was blindfolded, bound, but there had to be a way---

  “You don’t,” the woman said. “Get used to it.”

  But Lily couldn’t, and as soon as she felt her body unhooked from the wall, she struggled and kicked.

  And a hard hand slapped her face. “Maybe a little mark will get the boys hot.”

  At least Rex spared her the end of the bat. Hauling her up by her dragging feet, Lily kept thinking that there had to be a way to escape this with some of her dignity intact, and out desperation, she curled her body to Rex’s. “Don’t send me out there,” she pleaded. Ripping her blindfold away, Lily’s eyes blinked fast to adjust to the dim light. Focusing on Rex’ cold eyes, she made her stand. “I’ll… I’ll stay with you,” she said.

  Rex’ eyebrow drew close to his hairline, and his fingers kneaded her arm. “Will you really?” he asked.

  The thought of giving herself to him tied a knot around Lily’s stomach. No doubt he would be brutal, but after only a few short hours he was suddenly the devil that she knew. Lily would take that over the devil that might rub her raw and cripple her.

  “I… I will,” Lily whispered. Holding her breath, Lily hoped that she could turn him back to her side. Let him take me. If it’s just him, I’ll find a way out. I’ll---

  “You’re cute, cunt,” he said. “But you’ll do more for me out on the block.”

  Pulling her wrist, Rex dragged her up another set of stairs, and Lily finally found herself center stage in an open space. Peering into the crowd, she shuddered at the catcalls and cruel whistles that washed over her body, and when she tried to cover herself again, the auctioneer, a slim man with a thinner mustache, snapped her fingers. Lily felt a million eyes passing over her bare body, and she wondered which one would claim her. She could only hope that she…

  “Here we go, boys! Meat so fresh that your mouths water just looking at her!”

  The mustached man whooped the crowd into a frenzy, and Lily tried to cover her body as she stood under the harsh lights. “Now cut that shit out!” The auctioneer stamped his feet and snapped his fingers.

  Lily turned her head to the slimy man, and when he growled in her direction, she knew that she had no choice but to lower her arms and allow her bare body to be exposed to a mass of unseeing eyes.

  “Now that’s better,” the auctioneer stated with a sneer.

  The room calmed, and she felt the sweat pouring off of her body in waves as the crowd’s mutters debated how much she was worth. Lily could hear a slew of figures hitting her ears; if she wasn’t sure before, now there was no question about it. She was lost, captured, and totally alone. Her only hope was that the top bidder would show her some mercy.

  “I want her!” a hidden voice screamed. “20K!”

  A balding man with a barrel chest and rotting teeth stepped into the light, and as soon as he licked his lips, Lily started to feel her hopes fade slip away. Don’t let it be… please don’t…

  “As expected,” the auctioneer started, “Diesel Devil Trevor Carr leads the muff charge.”

  Oh my god…

  If the other shackled woman was to be believed, this was the worst fate imaginable. As she looked into Trevor’s cold eyes, Lily started to sink into despair when another voice hit the air.


  CHAPTER FIVE “Oh, we have a contest now!”

  Tuning out the sound of the auctioneer’s voice, Lily narrowed her eyes as a lean, shadowy figure stepped into view, and in spite of her naked, vulnerable state, Lily knew what it was to hope again.

  “What the fuck, Michael?” Trevor seized the other man by his collar and tried to wrestle him back into the shadows. But Michael, if that was his name, was not budging an inch, and Lily’s eyes locked on his.

  He was tall and, even through his leather jacket, Lily detected the muscles making up the better part of his frame. His face was long and sculpted, and, even in the dim light of the crowd, his blue pools sparkled as he focused on her. Maybe he was the good man in a throng of villains. He would outbid Trevor and set her on the back on the road out of this nightmare.

  Help me. Please…

  “Where the fuck you get 25K for this cunt?” Trevor challenged.

  Michael turned to Trevor and gritted his teeth. “Maybe I don’t waste my time on every slit on the block.”

  The other men cheered and smacked their hands together. Yes. This man was discerning. Different.

  Let him buy me. Let him save me. Let him…

  “30K,” Trevor challenged.

  Lily shuddered, but her fears were swiftly allayed when Michael rose to the challenge.

  “35,” Michael challenged.

  The room grew darker, and out of the corner of her eye, Lily saw Rex salivating over the prospect of a supreme payday. Hate filled her heart, but Lily held her tongue. Let him get his payday, and let Michael win. He would help her. He would…

  “40!” Trevor bellowed.

  Looking away from Rex, Lily trembled when she saw Michael pull back. Was he giving up just like that? Lily was on the verge of screaming for him to make a higher bid when Michael made his play. “45 and that’s fucking final!”

  Instead of charging forward and taking her into his arms, Michael grabbed Trevor by his throat and pushed him back into the shadows. Sinking to her naked knees, Lily craned her neck forward and gasped.

  “Fucking final!”

  Before Trevor could get a word in edgewise, Michael formed a fist. He was about to land the fatal blow when Trevor bobbed and weaved. “Fucking ass!” Trevor lowered his head and drove it into Michael’s middle. He went flying, and when he stumbled to the ground, Lily couldn’t think, she couldn’t breathe as Trevor fell on top of him with a snarl. “Don’t you challenge me!” Trevor said. “If I want her, I get her.”

  Trevor leered in her direction, and Lily could no longer see any way out. Michael felt like her last chance, but Rex encouraged Trevor to take his pound of flesh and run with it. “Go for 50!” Rex yelled. “Want a big payday for this one.”

  Trevor nodded, and when he pounded his fist into Michael’s face and found his way back to his feet, Lily felt her body hauled back to the light. Trevor crept close to the edge of the s
tage, and his hands started to run up her leg. With a wicked grin, Trevor dragged his hands up towards her pussy, and Lily whimpered as his hand grazed her cunt.

  “Going once,” the auctioneer started. “Going twice…”

  Lily closed her eyes and wished that she could disappear and die before the final call. She still wanted to kick and run, but there were too many men to contend with, and she wouldn’t make it very far…

  “Maybe I want her more!”

  Lifting her lids, Lily saw Michael back on his feet, and she hoped again when Michael grabbed Trevor and pulled him away from Lily’s side.

  “So keep your fucking hands off!”

  Michael crushed Trevor into the ground, and he fell on top of him. Removing his jacket, Lily saw the rage rippling down his back, and every vein in his arms pulsed as he started to beat Trevor’s face to pulp.

  “60 fucking K!” he screamed.

  He was going to save her, after all, but suddenly Lily feared that even he wasn’t the best option. Someone this rough would never be kind with her, would only turn his fists on her if given the chance…

  Lily tried to flee from the stage when Rex caught hold of her waist and glowered. “Don’t you run off now,” Rex threatened. “You’re about to bring me a huge chunk of change.”

  Without thinking, Lily started to slap Rex’ face and her body thrashed against his as he gripped her arms.

  “Let me go!” Lily screamed. “You can’t do this to me! You–”

  “Damn fucking straight!”

  Lily was stunned when a pair of strong hands pulled her away from Rex. Whipping her head over her shoulder, she saw nothing but Michael, and before she could protest, he pushed her behind his back.

  “Stay still,” Michael hissed.

  Listening even as she no longer trusted him, Lily hung back and waited, desperate to cover her body with her arms, as Michael reached into his pocket and tossed a pile of bills in Rex’ face.

  “Your services are no longer needed,” Michael said.

  Rex crouched down to collect the bills, and as he counted out the amount, a frown crossed his face.

  “This is it?” Rex asked. “Come fucking on, man. Trevor would give me–”

  “It ain’t Trevor’s show anymore,” Michael said.

  “But I brought you new meat!” Rex whined. “And I should–”

  “You should take your fucking finder’s fee and get the hell out!”

  As Lily cowered behind Michael’s back, she saw the man that had seemed liked her savior fall to the ground and pocket the stray bills. Crawling back to Isaac’s side, the men argued, but Rex ordered his friend to let it lie, that they would find a better way to a larger pay day. A small piece of Lily’s soul smiled as her abductors slunk away, but that feeling swiftly subsided when the mustached auctioneer pulled her arm over her head and paraded her before the crowd, their collective voices rising to attention yet again.

  “So it’s a surprise winner!” the auctioneer cried. “Mr. Michael Roberson!”

  The crowd cheered, and when she looked back at Michael he sniffed towards his feet. Lily had no way of knowing what he would do with her if given the chance, and before she could demand an answer, her body was pulled away from the stage.

  “Now sit and wait like a good little girl.”

  The auctioneer smirked, and strange hands enveloped Lily’s shaking arms. As she was led down the staircase, she saw the rows of bound girls, and she struggled as a new cloth met her eyes.

  “Don’t!” Lily screamed. “You can’t–”

  Her cries were silenced by a swift punch to the gut. The shackles returned to her wrists, and Lily moaned as her body hit the wall. Holding her hooded head in her hands, Lily fought to suppress the tears darting out of her eyes, and she started when a soft hand met her back.

  “Hang in there, honey. The worst is over.”

  But even at the sound of the strange woman’s voice, Lily wasn’t sure of anything, and she blindly gripped her arm and managed to press her lips to the friendly ear.

  “I… I don’t know,” Lily started.

  “Honey, Trevor’ll get bored,” she said. “And you’ll get used to the block. You’ll–”

  “No!” Lily screamed. “You don’t–”

  “Kid, this is your life now,” the woman said. “Best to get used to it.”

  She could never do that. Lily would never accept her fate as a slave and simply languish to the point where she was fit for nothing but to give advice to new girls as they were lured into the web. But at this moment, she couldn’t dread the months, the years that might mean this life and nothing else. There was only one name on her mind, and she pulled the woman in for a whisper. “Tell me about Michael Roberson,” she begged.

  Lily felt the woman start to back away, but Lily held her close and repeated her question.

  “Michael Roberson bought you?” she asked.

  Muttering yes, Lily held her breath and waited for an answer. When the woman stayed silent, Lily’s heart froze, and she pressed her fingers into the woman’s hand and weakly pleaded for something, anything, that might put her mind at ease.

  “Man’s a mystery,” the woman said.

  Those words did nothing to put Lily’s mind at ease, but she kept her hand on the woman’s arm and asked for more.

  “Nothing much to tell,” she said. “He’s a Diesel Devil, but he’s out of the mix. He keeps to himself, and he’s never come to the dance.”

  But tonight was different. Michael had leapt into action and pounded his fists into another man to win her. But to what end? Someone that could be so rough had to have a reason to take his first step, and Lily wanted him to be her hero. But what if he sensed her raw terror as soon as he saw her? Maybe he wanted her under his power so that he could torment her in new ways, and with no road map to follow, Lily quivered.

  “Don’t be scared,” the hidden woman cooed as she held her. “What I don’t know can’t hurt you. It–”

  At that moment, Lily heard a door swing open, and she lost the woman and any hope of comfort as her body was dragged away from the room of chains.

  CHAPTER SIX Her feet banged against the floor, and Lily didn’t have a chance to catch her breath. Having to take the steps two at a time, she knew that she was back close to the crowd. She cringed at the sounds of hoots and hollers, and she moaned when her body was flung to a mattress, and she heard the sound of a door locking behind her.

  It took her a few seconds to calm, but as soon as she felt secure in her forced solitude, Lily lifted her hands to her eyes, and she stripped the blindfold away. Blinking hard against the harsh light, she twisted at the ropes around her wrists and peered up in terror mixed with untold anticipation.

  “Glad we get some alone time,” he said.

  Michael Roberson. The man that had purchased her for God knew what. No. No she knew what; Lily just didn’t want to think about it, and she trembled in her nakedness as his eyes lingered on her bare breasts.

  “You look good,” he said. “Especially up close.”

  Michael’s groan matched the slight pulse in his pants, and Lily bowed her head, the long brown strands of her hair hiding her flushed face. She wanted to be anywhere else but here. Or at least be invisible. If he couldn’t see her, didn’t see her, maybe he would look elsewhere and give her the chance to escape. It wouldn’t be easy; naked and with a room of bikers, every cock hard, waiting just above. She could still hear their screams as the next girl found her way onto the block. But she couldn’t worry about some stranger’s fate.

  Lily had to find a way out of her own mess.

  “Hey?” Michael said. “Don’t turn away from me.”

  She bristled when his fingers pressed under her chin, and Lily suddenly had no choice but to stare right into his eyes. Blue. Steel blue. Cold blue. His face was a collection of sharp lines, and if he had gotten close to her by any other means, she would have thought him handsome. No. No he was handsome. But his hard hands, his flowing
cash was only in a place like this because he wanted a… a…

  “What do you want to say to me?” Michael asked. “Who do you want me to be?”

  The fact that he could somehow read her thoughts intrigued and terrified her in equal measures. Lily swallowed hard and lifted her arm to conceal her breasts. “Not what you are,” Lily choked out. “Not this.”


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