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The Nanny

Page 44

by Aria Ford

  “You hungry?” Ryan asked, feigning innocence. “I made spaghetti.”

  “Is this a joke to you?” I asked with exasperation. “This is my job, Ryan.”

  “Which is how I knew you would come,” he said seriously. “You wouldn’t answer my phone calls, Jacqueline. I had to get you over here somehow.”

  “No!” I said. “You didn’t. You could have respected the fact that I didn’t want to talk.”

  “Come on,” Ryan said, rolling his eyes. “Just eat dinner with me. Please.”

  My “no” was poised on the tip of my tongue, ready to fly out with venom. As I looked at Ryan’s pleading face, I couldn’t bring myself to say it. He seemed so sincere, standing in front of me with a vulnerable expression. It took a lot for him to trick me into coming over. He was showing just how much he cared, which wasn’t at all like him. I sighed and shrugged.

  “Fine,” I said. “But only because I’m hungry and spaghetti sounds amazing.”

  “Sit down,” Ryan said with a grin. “I’ll get you a plate.”

  Looking across the room, I saw a small kitchen table was set up. I smiled to myself and walked over, sitting down slowly and eying the flowers in the center of the table.

  “When did you buy this?” I asked, tapping the table with my nails.

  “Monday,” Ryan said. “Bradley came by and insisted I do some shopping. He dragged me all over town. He even made me buy curtains.”

  I laughed and looked at the windows. Sure enough, there were navy-blue curtains hanging from brand-new curtain rods.

  “Bradley’s good like that,” I said as Ryan laid a plate of spaghetti in front of me.

  He handed me a fork and then pulled up his own chair.

  “He’s annoying,” Ryan said with a small laugh. “He can be such a girl sometimes.”

  “Having good taste does not make him a girl,” I said sternly. “You’re just jealous that he has a better eye for home décor than you do.”

  “Oh yeah,” Ryan said, laughing. “That’s right. My secret desire is to become a metrosexual just like your brother.”

  I laughed. “Stop it.” I took a bite of the spaghetti. It wasn’t bad.

  “He’s been bugging me about your parents,” Ryan admitted softly. When I looked at him, he didn’t meet my gaze. His eyes were focused on his plate, but he wasn’t eating.

  “What about them?” I asked.

  “He wants me to see them,” Ryan said. “He thinks I should go by the house. Just drop by like it’s nothing.”

  His laugh was dark and brought an uneasy feeling to my stomach. As I watched him, he ate his spaghetti and fell silent. I knew how hard it was for him to talk about my parents. They hadn’t been fair to him, but I could tell he missed them. It was written all over his face.

  “Maybe it’s not such a bad idea,” I said, keeping my voice soft, so as not to upset him. “Bradley’s right. It might be good for you.”

  “How?” he said, finally looking at me. “Don’t you remember what happened that night? They’ll never forgive me for—”

  “They will,” I interrupted quickly. I didn’t think I could handle reliving that horrible night all over again. “I’m pretty sure they already have. They’ll never admit that to me, but it’s true.”

  “I don’t believe that,” Ryan said. His voice was firm, but there was hope in his eyes. “Besides, it’s too late. It’s been too long.”

  “It’s never too late when it comes to family,” I said.

  “Now you sound like Bradley,” Ryan said, laughing.

  I shrugged. “Well, he is my brother.”

  “And me?” Ryan asked, his eyes locked on mine. “What am I?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, sighing. “Ryan, this is all just too complicated.”

  He nodded. “I know. Is that why you left so fast?”

  “I had to,” I said. “I’m sorry. I should’ve explained myself, but I just freaked out.”

  “I understand,” he said. “But you don’t have to be. We can keep things strictly platonic. If that’s what you want.”

  “I don’t know what I want,” I admitted, my eyes flickering down to my plate and then back up to his face.

  We stared at each other for a few seconds, both remembering what it felt like to be together. Our bodies fit so perfectly together. I’d never had such a connection during a sexual experience before. If I was honest, I knew I wanted him. I wanted to feel that way again, but I couldn’t admit that. Not now. Not yet.

  “Stay the night,” Ryan said, his voice low and rough. “We can just sleep.”

  “I can’t,” I said. “Ryan, I just can’t.”

  “Okay.” He nodded, accepting my answer. The fact that he didn’t argue made my resolve weaken. Ryan so often argued, pushing me further than anyone else could. To see him just blindly accept my rejection was heart-wrenching and told me just how much he truly cared for me.

  “But,” I said, clearing my throat. “Maybe we can have dinner. Tomorrow night?”

  “Sure,” Ryan said, smiling. “Sounds great.”



  Dates weren’t common in my life. When I spent time with a woman, it was usually a one-night stand, and then nothing. As I stared into my closet, I couldn’t remember the last time I took a woman out. Nothing in my wardrobe seemed appropriate for a nice restaurant. I felt certain that nothing I owned would impress Jacqueline, and the thought brought my mood to an all-time low.

  More than anything, I wanted tonight to go well. Jacqueline and I were just moments away from moving forward with this new relationship. I didn’t want to do anything that might screw it up.

  Reaching into my closet, I grabbed a blue button-down I hoped would bring out my eyes. I paired it with a clean pair of jeans and some nice shoes. We weren’t going to a fancy restaurant, but we also weren’t going to the diner. I needed something reasonably comfortable, but attractive.

  “What do you think?” I asked, holding up the outfit for Bob to see.

  He was lying on my bed with his legs sprawled on either side. His eyes were focused on my face, but he didn’t make a sound. As I stared at him, I expected a meow or even a hiss. Instead, he simply blinked.

  “No?” I asked. “You don’t like it? What’s wrong with it? The shirt?”

  Bob continued to blink, closing his eyes slowly. I sighed and threw the clothes onto the bed beside him. He glanced at them before turning his attention back to me.

  “Well, you don’t have to like them,” I said. “I’m sure Jacqueline will.”

  Bob rolled over onto his back, stretching his legs in the air. With his belly exposed, he looked younger and more like a kitten. I grinned and reached over to pet him. He hadn’t been playful with me since I adopted him, and I hoped maybe he was finally warming up to me.

  The second my hand touched his fur, he jumped and darted away from me. He leapt off the bed and sprinted toward my closet. When I looked over, I couldn’t see him anywhere.

  “Really?” I called. “You’re hiding from me now? Justina could have mentioned you were the weirdest cat in the world before I adopted you. Bob. What kind of a name is that anyway?”

  Shaking my head, I got dressed and went in the bathroom to check my appearance. My dark hair was still cut short from the SEALs, so I didn’t have to worry about that. Still, I washed my face and thought about shaving. I checked my watch and saw that I didn’t have time. I had to leave in ten minutes. Besides, I liked the way I looked with some scruff. Hopefully, Jacqueline would too.

  When it was time to leave, I looked for Bob one last time. He was still hiding in my closet, but I couldn’t find him anywhere. I turned off the light and left the door open, hoping he would run out and reveal himself. He didn’t. After a few seconds, I gave up and left the room. Checking Bob’s litter box and food bowl, I saw that everything was in order. I hurried out the front door, locking it behind me.

  As I walked to my truck, I was surprised by my own anx
iety. I felt nervous and shaky as I climbed behind the wheel and fired up the engine. It roared to life, and I drove over to Jacqueline’s.

  She didn’t live far from my apartment, but it felt like a different world. Jacqueline’s complex was much nicer than mine. Decked out in the latest architectural designs and models, it took my breath away when I first pulled up. There was a gate blocking my entry, so I pushed the button for Jacqueline’s apartment and waited.

  “Hey!” her voice rang out. “Ryan?”

  “Yeah, it’s me,” I said.

  “Buzzing you in,” she said.

  There was a sharp beep, and then the gate swung forward. I pulled into the parking lot and found Jacqueline’s apartment. She lived on the second floor of the first building. Even from the outside, I knew her place was huge.

  “Hi,” I said when she answered the door. “You ready?”

  She smiled. “Yup. All set.”

  Jacqueline stepped outside and turned to lock her door. In that moment, I scanned her body. She was wearing a gorgeous purple blouse and a tight pair of jeans. The heels on her feet made her butt look even perkier than normal. When she turned around, I cleared my throat and pretended I wasn’t checking her out.

  “So,” she said. “Where are we going?”

  “There’s this little Italian place downtown,” I said as we climbed in my truck. “La Nona, or something like that. Have you heard of it?”

  “I have,” Jacqueline said with a nod. “But I haven’t been yet.”

  “Perfect,” I said, grinning. “I like your hair down, by the way.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “I meant to say that when you first came outside,” I said. “I like it down. It’s pretty.”

  “Thank you,” Jacqueline said, blushing slightly. She reached up to touch her blonde curls self-consciously.

  When we arrived at La Nona, I parked and hurried around to open Jacqueline’s door. She seemed surprised, but she smiled as I helped her climb down. We were silent as we walked up to the restaurant and the hostess seated us.

  It was a Friday night, so I expected the place to be busy, but it wasn’t. We were seated right away at a quaint table near the back. No one was around us. There were a few other people in the restaurant, but we could barely see them from where we sat. Candles flickered on every table, and I immediately knew La Nona was a great choice. This place was perfect.

  “Can I admit something?” Jacqueline asked after we ordered our food.

  I shrugged. “Sure.”

  “I was nervous about tonight,” she said.

  I laughed. “Me too.”

  “Really?” she asked, sighing with relief. “Good, it wasn’t just me then.”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I was practically shaking the entire way to your apartment.”

  “It’s silly, isn’t it?” she asked. “We’ve known each other forever. Why would we be nervous?”

  “Because this makes it real,” I said softly. “It’s a date.”

  “Is it?” Jacqueline asked with raised eyebrows.

  “Isn’t it?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” she said, sighing. “God Ryan, this is all so complicated.”

  “It doesn’t have to be,” I said.

  “Doesn’t it?” she argued. “I mean, what would we tell Bradley? Or my parents?”

  “Nothing yet,” I said honestly. “Listen, I like you. I don’t know how it happened or why, but the second I saw you standing on my doorstep, I was immediately attracted to you. You and me. There’s something here.”

  “There is,” Jacqueline said, her eyes flickering up to meet mine. We looked at each other across the table, and I felt my stomach tighten with desire.

  “Then let’s just see what happens,” I suggested. “We don’t have to worry about everyone else’s reactions just yet. I think we should enjoy whatever it is we’re doing. At least, for a little while.”

  Jacqueline’s smile was timid, but it made her entire face light up. I grinned and reached over to take her hand. She played with my fingers while we waited for our food and fell into an easy conversation. We talked about her clinic and her friends, she told me stories from her time in college, and I told her some from my time in the SEALs.

  Talking to Jacqueline was comfortable and simple. She made me laugh and made me think. Her wit was sharp, and it kept me interested throughout the entire conversation. With most women, I would have already been bored, but with Jacqueline, I couldn’t get enough. I wanted to sit there and talk to her all night.

  We spent three hours at La Nona, just talking and eating dinner. By the time we were ready to leave, my attraction to Jacqueline had increased tenfold. She wasn’t just sexy. She was brilliant. Every word she said was intelligent and captivating.

  I drove her back to her apartment, holding her hand the whole way. When we pulled up to her place, I turned off the truck and turned to face her. Her eyes were already locked on my face and there was a hunger behind them that I knew all too well.

  “Do you want to come inside?” she whispered.

  I laughed softly. “You have no idea how much.”

  Jacqueline grinned and led me upstairs to her place. We walked inside and were immediately greeted by two dogs and a cat. Jacqueline calmed them quickly and put them outside on the patio so we could be alone. I watched her every move, unable to tear my eyes away from her alluring body.

  When she turned to face me, my desire was reflected in her eyes. She moved quickly, closing the space between us in two steps. Her arms flew around my neck and her lips landed on mine with a fierce need. I caught her, lifting her slightly into the air before throwing her backward onto the couch.



  Ryan’s body pressed firmly against mine as our kiss deepened. His hands were never still. They roamed freely over my face, through my hair, and down my arms. He rolled to the side so he could massage my breasts through my shirt. My nipples hardened at his touch, and I groaned against his mouth. Our tongues danced together, making my entire body heat up with desire.

  I gently pushed Ryan off me. He sat on the couch, and I swung my legs over so I was straddling his lap. While I continued our kiss, my hands slid down to unbutton his shirt. I moved fast, desperate to feel his naked chest again. Shoving his shirt off, I ran my hands all over his arms and his pecks, trailing my fingers lightly over his abs. Every inch of him felt amazing. When he shivered at my touch, I knew I was doing something right.

  Ryan tangled his fingers in my curls and gently pulled my head back so he could kiss my neck. I held onto him tightly while he kissed and nibbled my neck, making me gasp and moan with desperation. When he finally reached down to pull my shirt off, I grinned with pleasure. I didn’t want anything separating us in that moment. I needed to feel him.

  Ryan threw my shirt to the floor and quickly removed my bra, letting my breasts bounce free. He didn’t waste a single moment, pulling me forward so he could attack my nipples with his mouth. He moved between the two with hunger and passion, taking them each in his mouth and biting them roughly.

  His movements were faster this time, more urgent. I wasn’t complaining. My panties were soaked with anticipation.

  I was panting as he gave my breasts all the attention they deserved. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I pulled his face back to mine and kissed him fiercely. Our tongues collided instantly. I nibbled his bottom lip, making him growl with desire. Pressing my body against him, I rocked my hips back and forth, sliding myself over his already rock-hard cock.

  “Do you have anything?” Ryan asked, breaking our kiss.

  “In the bedroom,” I breathed.

  Ryan lifted me up, and I wrapped my arms around his waist. He carried me into the bedroom, basically running until he reached my bed. He laid me down gently, his eyes traveling over my body. As I looked at him, I felt a desperate urge to get him completely naked.

  Sitting up, I grabbed Ryan by the ass and pulled him to
me. I unbuttoned his pants, leaning over to pull the zipper down with my teeth. Ryan groaned as I shoved his jeans and boxers around his ankles. I felt him slip off his shoes and kick his clothes to the side. Finally, he was standing before me wearing nothing at all.

  “Come here,” I whispered, pulling him closer. His cock was inches from my mouth. I looked up at him while I slowly trailed my tongue down his length.

  “Holy shit,” he moaned.

  I grinned and took him in my mouth, shoving him all the way back until he hit my throat. With my hands gripping his ass, I moved him in and out of my mouth, swirling my tongue around him as I moved.

  When I looked back at him, I saw that his blue eyes were staring intently at my face. He watched me while I took him, again and again. His eyes widened and then closed, his mouth hanging open with pleasure.

  I didn’t want him to finish too soon, so I pulled him out of my mouth and gently pushed him away. Standing up, I took off my own jeans and slid them down my legs. Ryan watched me with hungry eyes as I kicked off my heels and slowly removed my panties.

  “You’re killing me,” he groaned.

  “Why?” I whispered, taking a step closer and lightly tracing his lips with my tongue.

  “I want you,” he said.

  “Take me,” I said.

  He didn’t need anything else. With an animalistic growl, he grabbed me and fell back on the bed with me in his arms. Our kiss was intense and passionate, desperate and full of need. He rolled me on top of him, and I sat up, reaching over to pull a condom from the box beneath my bed. I opened it and slid it easily over his ready cock.

  I lifted myself up so I could slide him inside me, but before I could lower myself, his fingers attacked my clit.

  “Oh god,” I moaned, leaning forward and pressing my hands against his chest.

  He rubbed me furiously, slowly moving his dick to my entrance. When he entered me, I felt nothing but pure ecstasy. It sent shots of electricity shooting through my body, and I immediately took control.

  Pinning Ryan’s hands above him head, I rode him roughly. My breasts slapped against his face as I bounced up and down on his dick. His grunts were unbelievable. I wanted to make him moan even more, but I was the one about to scream. Every move I made increased my pleasure. My own orgasm was just seconds away, and I couldn’t stand it.


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