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Melting the Ice (A Play-by-Play Novel)

Page 22

by Burton, Jaci

  They’d lost two on the road, but they’d won two at home, so at least they were still managing to kick butt on home ice.

  As Drew made his way to the locker room, he couldn’t help the grin as he looked down at his bench, remembering the hot night he’d spent here with Carolina last week.

  And again, he missed her. She was back to being busy as hell, and he’d been on the road and came home to play two games this week.

  “Good game, man,” Trick said, slapping him on the back as he walked by.

  “Back at ya.”

  “Yeah, we’re good here. We’ve figured out how to master the home games so far. But we suck on the road.”

  Trick was right about that. They were in trouble on the road so far this season, and none of them had a handle on what was going wrong with their road games.

  “We’ll figure it out, Trick.”

  His friend nodded. “Sure. We will.”

  They had to stay upbeat and Drew felt it was his responsibility to keep his team morale positive. Even the coach was baffled by their lack of road wins so far, but the coach had said the same thing Drew had just said to Trick.

  They would figure it out.

  And when they did, they’d fix it.

  Drew showered and got dressed, then packed up his bag.

  “Hey, Drew.”

  He looked up as one of the assistant coaches called his name. “Yeah?”

  “Some guy waiting outside the locker room for you. Claims he’s a good friend. Name Trevor Shay mean anything to you?”

  Drew grinned. “Yeah, it does. He’s one of my college roommates, Leon. Tell him I’ll be right out.”


  Drew finished putting all his gear away, then headed out the door. Trevor was leaning against the wall, talking to some of the other guys, who Drew was sure recognized Trevor.

  Hell, everyone recognized Trevor Shay, since he was one of the few guys in sports who straddled the line between football and baseball. Or at least one of the few guys who’d tried it and was successful at it.

  Trevor spotted him, pushed off the wall and came over to Drew. They shook hands. “Managed to pull that one out, didn’t you?”

  “I didn’t know you were here. I could have gotten you a suite.”

  “Dude. I wanted front row on the boards, where all the action was. Good game.”

  “Thanks. What are you doing in town?” Drew asked as they headed toward the exit.

  “I’m here for meetings with some PR people for advertising shit. Saw you had a game so I got my press people to get me a ticket. Are you busy?”

  “No. But I’m hungry. Have you eaten yet?”

  “No. Let’s go get a big fucking steak.”

  Drew grinned. “Man, I’m glad you’re here.”

  They took a taxi to the restaurant, ordered beers and their steaks, and settled in for what Drew knew was going to be a long rest of the night. Once he and Trevor got to talking, they’d never stop.

  “So tell me what’s been going on? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you.”

  “Football ended, baseball’s gearing up. The usual shit.” Trevor took a long pull of his beer.

  “I don’t know how you do it. Don’t you want time off?”

  “Why? What else have I got to do with my time?”

  “I don’t know. Take a vacation? Relax. Maybe grab a woman and get married and pop out a couple of kids?”

  Trevor laughed. “Oh, right. Like I see you all domesticated with a wife, a couple rugrats, and a dog.”

  “Okay, maybe not, but at least if that’s what I wanted, I’d have the time to do it. Football and baseball seasons overlap. Hell, how do you even find the time to get laid?”

  Trevor leveled a smug smile at him. “Oh, there’s plenty of time for that.”

  With Trevor’s popularity, Drew didn’t doubt women lined up just to climb into his bed. He shook his head. “Still, why not just pick one sport and stick to it?”

  “If I only had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked that question.”

  Drew smiled. “Sorry, man. You’re right. Not my business. I guess I’m just curious. And maybe a little jealous.”

  “No, it’s okay. You’re a friend, so it’s different. I don’t really have an answer for you, though, other than the reason I play both is because I love them both. It’s pretty simple.”

  “Still, focusing on one would make you better at it, don’t you think?”

  “No. I think I’m pretty damn good at both of them.”

  Drew laughed. “Still as humble and modest as ever, aren’t you?”

  “You know it.” Trevor grinned and tipped his beer toward Drew.

  “Have you heard anything new about Bill Briscoe?”

  Trevor’s smile faded. “No. He’s still at MD Anderson in Houston. I talked to Ginger last week and she said he’s hanging in there.”

  Drew nodded. “I was down there about a month ago to see him, but there was no change. I was hoping . . .”

  “Yeah, we all are, man.”

  “Have you seen Haven?”

  “I saw her last time I stopped in to see Bill.”

  “How’s she handling all this?”

  “It’s her dad, you know? But she’s tough, and she’s trying to hold it together for Bill. But I can tell this is tearing her up. Not that she’ll talk to me about it.”

  Drew shook his head. Bill and Ginger Briscoe had been their dorm parents in college. Bill had been their rock, their shoulder to lean on, and the one person Drew had relied on to get him through the rough patches. To see him slowly fading away was so hard. He took a deep breath. “I hate losing him.”

  “Me, too. But there’s nothing more any of us can do for him. This liver cancer is going to take him from us, and we can’t stop it.”

  They both went silent for a few minutes, no doubt Trevor as lost in thought about Bill as Drew was.

  “So tell me about you,” Trevor said, obviously looking for a change of subject. “What have you been up to, other than scoring your ass off? I’ve caught a few of your games on TV. Impressive.”

  “Yeah, the home games. We’re shit on the road so far this season.”

  “That happens sometimes. Road games are tough. It’s still early in the season, though, so don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re working the kinks out. You pulled in some new players, and it takes awhile for the new guys to mesh in with the seasoned ones.”

  “You should be a coach.”

  “I’m better as a player. All these impressive skills of mine, you know.”

  Drew rolled his eyes. “Uh-huh. Plus, all the women you attract.” Drew got his fair share of women’s attention, but even here at the restaurant, Trevor was recognized. Not just by the women, either. Any guy who played dual sports, especially if he did it well, became an instant celebrity.

  Throughout their meal they were watched. Drew was used to it, mainly in New York where he was recognized. But tonight, there were even more people taking pictures with their camera phones. He knew it was because Trevor was there with him.

  “So, any special woman—or maybe women—in your life?” Trevor asked.

  Sufficiently full after downing his steak, Drew pushed his plate to the side and took a couple of swallows from his glass of water. “I’ve been seeing Carolina Preston.”

  Trevor’s eyes widened. “Gray’s little sister? No shit. When did that happen?”

  “A few months ago. She’s launching her own fashion line and wants me to model for it.”

  Trevor snorted. “You’re going to model clothes? I can’t see that.”

  “Hey, I can walk in a straight line. And it’s just once. I’m doing it as a favor.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “Gray’s doing it, too.”

Trevor laughed. “I’m going to have to come and watch the two of you. Maybe heckle from the audience.”

  “Yeah, Carolina would just love that.”

  “So . . . you and Carolina. Is it serious?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never gotten serious with anyone before. She’s pretty focused on launching this line of clothes. And I’ve got the season to concentrate on.”

  “Which means it’s just sex for both of you. Right?”

  Drew disagreed, but he wasn’t about to dissect his relationship with Trevor, who didn’t really know Carolina all that well.

  “I don’t know. Maybe.”

  “How does Gray feel about that? Or does he even know you two are seeing each other?”

  “Oh, he knows. I spent Christmas at the Preston Ranch with the family.”

  “Bet that was fun. You two sneaking around trying to cop a feel of each other. Oh, and her dad’s the vice president now, so you had to avoid the Secret Service, too. That must have been a fucking nightmare.”

  “The Secret Service followed her dad. They mostly stayed out of our business.”

  Trevor took a drink of his beer and studied him. “So what aren’t you telling me? Something happened while you were there, didn’t it?”

  “Gray walked into my room one morning, and Carolina was in my bed.”

  Trevor grinned. “Bet that was awkward.”


  “And he didn’t know about you and Carolina before that, did he?”


  “He must have been pissed to find out that way.”

  “Just a little. But I talked to him. I mean she’s not a kid anymore. She can make her own choices about who she sees.”

  “Yeah, but he knows your rep with women. You have one walking in the door while another is walking out.”

  “That sounds a lot more like your rep.”

  Trevor leaned back and signaled the waitress for another beer. “Okay, maybe. But it’s not like you’ve been known for long-term relationships with women. Or any relationships for that matter.”

  “You’re right. But this is Carolina, and she’s different.” She’d always been different. Not that he could explain that to Trevor. Or to Gray.

  “So she does mean something to you beyond just the sex.”

  “Yeah, I guess she does.”

  “Does she feel the same way?”

  “I don’t know.”

  The waitress brought another round of beers. Trevor took a couple swallows, his gaze intent on Drew.

  “What?” Drew shot Trevor a look.

  “Why don’t you just ask her?”

  “Ask her what?”

  “How she feels? Or tell her how you feel about her?”

  Drew shook his head. “It’s not the right time. For either of us. There’s too much going on right now to talk serious shit.”

  Trevor laughed. “I’ve never known you to be a coward, Drew. But it sounds to me like you might be afraid to take that step with her. Or maybe you’re afraid of what she’ll say.”

  “Oh, this coming from a guy who has never had a serious relationship in his life?”

  “You have a point. But I know you. You’re a good friend and always have been. I want you to be happy. Does Carolina make you happy?”

  He thought about it, and realized that over the past few months, he’d never been happier. He loved spending time with Carolina. She made him laugh, she challenged him, and of course, the sex was off the charts. They had similar goals—their careers were their number one priorities right now. But there were a lot of other things they still needed to talk about, which had nothing to do with happiness.

  “Yeah, she does.”

  “Then follow through. Talk to her about how you feel and see what happens.”

  “Maybe. When the time is right, I’ll do that.”

  “That’s the right move. You shouldn’t let a good woman slip through your fingers.”

  “Sounds to me like you might be ready to take that step with someone.”

  Trevor let out a laugh. “Yeah, right. When? Like you said, I’m too busy, and having the time of my life right now. Long-term relationships just don’t fit into my career plan right now.”

  “You never know, Trev. The right woman might just blindside you when you least expect it.”


  FASHION WEEK WAS BARRELING DOWN ON CAROLINA like a meteor hurtling through the atmosphere.

  She barely had time to breathe. Her to-do list was a nightmare and every day she felt like pulling her hair out, because either beading had to be replaced on her signature dress or one of the suits wasn’t fitting the model just right and had to be altered—again. She was sure a certain model was changing his physique in some way, because it fit him just damn perfectly a week ago and if she found out he was using performance enhancing drugs or pumping too much iron or something that was making her have to refit this coat one more damn time she was going to explode.

  Or maybe replace the model, though she was out of time, and most definitely out of patience.

  She sat in her office going through the lineup of the walk-through, numbering and renumbering everyone on her lineup card, when there was a knock on her door.

  “Carolina, Esme is here for her final fitting.”

  She didn’t even look away from her desk. “Get her dressed, Tierra, then call me.”


  She needed to schedule Drew in here for final fittings, too. She and Drew had traded phone calls, but hadn’t yet connected. She picked up her phone and sent him a text message.

  I need you to come in to my office for a final fitting. What does your schedule look like for this week?

  She laid her phone down on the desk, hoping he’d text back today.

  “Esme’s in the dress.”

  Carolina left her office and checked the fitting on Esme’s dress. Esme was a very sought-after model, so to get her for the show was a big deal. She’d put Esme into the beaded gown. It fit her perfectly. Esme walked for her, and of course she did it beautifully.

  “What do you think?” she asked.

  “I think it’s a knockout dress,” Esme said. “I want it.”

  Carolina grinned. “Thank you.”

  At least something had gone right today. Esme was going to be the hit of the runway. And she hoped the dress would be, too. She’d spent hours designing it, crafting it to absolute perfection. Esme was gorgeous, with her tawny skin, tall frame, amazing body with her curves in all the right places, and those golden brown eyes of hers that were incredibly mesmerizing. The dress, with its copper and orange beading, set off Esme’s coloring perfectly. Carolina couldn’t have found a better marriage between outfit and model.

  “Thank you so much for agreeing to model this for me.”

  “Thank you for asking. I’m excited to wear it for you. Tierra gave me a peek at your line. I think you’re going to go big.”

  Hearing those words from Esme, from a supermodel who wore the latest fashions from the biggest designers, made her heart race. “Thank you. I really hope so.”

  After Esme tried on the other two outfits, she left, and Carolina huddled with her staff, making some notes and adjustments. A few other models showed up, so they spent several hours doing final fittings and discussing alterations. She and her staff grabbed lunch and ate in the main sewing room together. She didn’t get back to her office until dark. That’s when she realized she’d left her phone on her desk. She’d missed several calls, and a return text from Drew.

  I have an hour or so right now. After that I’m headed out of town. Want me to come over now?

  That had been seven hours ago. She scrolled through her missed calls and saw that Drew had called, too.

  She tried calling him, but got his voice mail. He w
as likely already on a plane headed for . . . somewhere. She left him a message apologizing for missing his call, and told him to call her when he got back to town.

  Dammit. She couldn’t believe she’d missed him. And now that she knew he was going to be out of town for at least a couple of days . . . she missed him already. Not just because she had deadlines to meet, but because she missed being with him. Work separated them so frequently that she could have at least spent an hour with him today.

  She went home, disgusted, and warmed up a can of soup, eating in front of the television as she worked on her schedule.

  There wasn’t even any decent hockey on tonight.

  When her phone rang, she grabbed it, smiling when she saw it was Drew.

  “Hi,” she said after she clicked the button.

  “Hi yourself. Busy day?”

  “Insanely. I apologize for missing your text and your phone call. I was in the workshop and left my phone on my desk. I’m clearly in idiot mode this week.”

  He laughed. “That’s okay. I figured you were buried.”

  “No excuse, since I’m the one who bugged you. Are you settled in wherever you are?”

  “I’m in Toronto, and yeah. Cold here.”

  “I’m sure it is. How long is the out-of-town trip?”

  “I’ll be back Friday. Can we arrange something then?”

  “Let me take a look at my schedule. Hang on.”

  Her staff wasn’t due to work over the weekend, but she could handle it. She pulled up her phone. “How about Saturday? Do you have a game?”

  “I do Saturday night, but we could do it in the morning.”

  She chewed on her lip. She didn’t want to be pressed for time. “How about Monday?”

  “That’ll work.”

  “Great. Thanks for making time for this.”

  “No problem. We’ll get it done.”

  “I’m really sorry I didn’t get to see you today. I was sad that I missed you and would have been happy to see you for that hour.” The words tumbled out of her mouth before she’d thought about them. Now they were out there, a confession of sorts. It was the first time she’d said anything even close to her feelings. She cringed, even as she said them, wondering how he’d react.


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