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Zane: A Navy SEAL Romantic Suspense

Page 20

by Gunn, Autumn

  “When are you going stateside again?”

  “What’s with all the questions?”

  “Come on. When are you going back?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe never.”

  “Can you be back by next Tuesday?”

  “What did you do?”

  She smiled a mischievous smile. “I didn’t do anything. The top brass want to meet you. Face to face.”

  “Rosenberg and Riley?”

  “Come on. Weren’t you a SEAL? You have to use rank. Can’t just be calling people by their last names. That’s not going to win you any points.”

  I laughed. “But that’s who you’re talking about, right?”

  She nodded.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  She smiled.

  “While you’re thinking about it can I give you a hug?”

  I smiled and opened my posture to her. She bear hugged me. It was nice, but I felt kind of ridiculous. A huge guy getting bear hugged by a girl. So I did what I should have done earlier. I bear hugged her.

  Chapter 10

  Three years later

  “Special Agent, Abbey. Your coffee.”

  “Well, thank you, Special Agent Zamora.”

  “It’s nice to be back where it all started.” I said.

  “It sure is. Even nicer that we’re not chasing bad guys this time around. Just enjoying it. Me and you. You and me. And soon to be us.”

  Claire Abbey looked down at her stomach and smiled. I put my ear close and listened.

  “I think he’s kicking. Or maybe he’s just saying hello.”

  “Probably a little bit of both. Oh, Zane. I’m so excited. We’re going to have our own little special agent.”

  “And he’s going to give us plenty of mysteries to solve. Like who ate the cookies before dinner? Who tried to give the dog a bath? Who tried to give himself a haircut with a pair of scissors?”

  “Don’t forget who went Picasso all over the living room wall?” Claire said.

  We both laughed.

  “We’re already making him out to be a tyrant and he’s not even born! What’s wrong with us?”

  “You’re right,” Claire said. “But let’s face it. With our genetics he’s probably going to be a handful.”

  “That’s for sure.”

  My first three years with the agency had been a blast. I was back to doing what I enjoyed. The team was different. The structure was different. The purpose was the same. Protect the world from bad guys. I was back to doing what I knew I was born to do.

  Abbey was doing the same. Working her way up through the ranks quickly. She was well liked and respected by everyone at the agency. She had really made her mark after her first case.

  She still partnered with Frost from time to time. He still teased me about taking him down in that café early that one morning. He was all healed and better now so it was easy for both of us to laugh about it. He especially liked to remind me by coming by my office on the rare occasions I wasn’t in the field. I think he just enjoyed trying to guilt me into buying him a soda from the vending machine. I got a laugh out of it every time.

  A couple times Abbey and I were able to work on cases together. It wasn’t too difficult since we were always willing to work on the most difficult cases. The ones in the strangest places. People said we were lucky to have found each other. We were the only ones on earth weird enough for the other. An unusual couple, but a couple. Not just a couple. A perfect match.

  I had booked us a ten-day holiday to Turkey. I wanted to return to Turkey for a little R&R. Claire really didn’t really get to see the beauty the country had to offer three years prior. We arrived in Istanbul and soaked in all the culture. The Grand Bazaar. Hagia Sophia. The many mosques. The Golden Horn. Lazy afternoon cruises along the Bosphorus. A Turkish ice cream cone in one hand. Claire’s hand in the other.

  After Istanbul we headed east to check out Cappadocia. The cone shaped rock formations made us feel like we were in outer space. I had rented a luxury cave, at that’s what the ad on the Internet said. I didn’t think cave and luxury ever belonged in the same sentence, especially after spending time in them years before in Afghanistan. Boy, was I ever wrong. The cave was amazing. It was high on a hill. There was a curtain we could pull back and enjoy a cool breeze and see across the entire valley.

  Today I had booked a sunset hot air balloon ride. Our driver arrived and took us to the launching off point. I had some experience with hot air balloons before. We once had to revert to them for a covert jump in a location I can’t disclose. I told the guy I knew what I was doing. Somehow he believed me. I think the big tip I handed him didn’t hurt either. He let me pilot Abbey and I up. Just the two of us.

  The view was too beautiful to even speak. As we soared above the multi colored natural rock formations I took Abbey’s hands in mine. The balloon basket was a tight fit, which was good. It felt even more romantic.

  I looked Abbey directly in the eyes. Kept her hands in mine.

  “Claire Abbey,” I began.


  I could feel her hands begin to shake.

  “Three years ago we began this journey of ours. Three years ago today not too far from here.”

  “Oh my God!” She screamed. A tear streamed down her cheek.

  “We met at the sea. Today we’re in the clouds. You just keep taking me higher and higher. As high as a man can go on his own. I want to go the rest of the way together. With you. Unite our souls as one. Forever.”

  She was jumping up in down. I’m sure the balloon operator was freaking out down below watching through his binoculars.

  “Claire Abbey. Be my wife.” As I said the last words I slid our engagement ring onto her finger.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes! Forever and always a million times, yes!”

  She was crying. She jumped into my arms. I caught her, as I always would. Today. Tomorrow. Forever. Always.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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  A Navy Seal Romantic Suspense

  Autumn Gunn

  Copyright © Autumn Gunn

  All rights reserved.

  Although I served in the U.S. Marine Corps for four amazing years and I surely draw on those experiences whether subconsciously or consciously when I pen these stories, I must say the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended.

  My books do not come with any digital rights management. You are welcome to read them, download them, and store them on any devices you might have. I want you to enjoy them on your terms. With that said I hope that you will keep these books just for you. If someone you know, or even don’t know, is interested in my work please direct them to

  In the Marines I was surrounded by men. It’s a diverse and fun place, but as you can imagine there’s a lot of testosterone there. It’s OK. I loved it. I’ve been told plenty of times I think a lot like a man. It’s probably why it’s more comfortable for me to write in first person from a man’s point of view.

  Without further ado I give you Jax: A Navy Seal Romantic Suspense. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for your support.


  This book is dedicated to the American soldier. When their country calls, they go. Willingly.

  They take our place on the battlefield. Everything at risk.

  Stay safe.

  Thank you.

  We love you.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

bsp; Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 1

  “Jerry’s been kidnapped!”

  Where are you?

  “Two blocks south of my house. The pay phone outside the liquor store”

  “Kate, I know this a mother’s worst nightmare, but we’re going to get Jerry back. Right now we have to stay calm.”

  “It’s my child, Jax! How can I stay calm?”

  “Listen to me. There’s a Target store directly across the street. Hang up the phone. Walk to the crosswalk and cross at a normal pace. Enter the Target and go to the women’s accessories at the front of the store and to your left just as you walk in. There’s a security guard there on duty. Stay within his field of view. Try on hats and sunglasses. Pretend like you’re shopping, but keep your face covered. Try, and I know this is a huge ask, but try and stay calm. I’ll be there in four minutes. I love you.”

  “Please hurry.”

  I ended the call, switched to the left lane, and U-turned so hard at the light I could feel both tires on the left side lose contact with road. I told her four minutes. I was going to be there in three and half.

  Pick up, Cole. Pick up. “Hey Jax, what’s —”

  “Cole, go time. How quickly can you get to Northwest Elementary?”

  “12 minutes tops.”

  “I need you to go immediately and pull Jasmine out of class. Don’t let her out of your sight.”

  “On it.”

  “Jerry’s been taken. They might target Jasmine next. It’s unlikely, but no way am I taking that chance.”

  “Don’t worry. I got her.”

  I heard tires squeal and the call dropped. I knew I could trust Cole, it was Kate I still had doubts about. Was she setting me up? What was she not telling me? Am I overreacting? Maybe that shrink the Navy had sent me to was right. Maybe I did have trust issues with women, or maybe I was about to get burned…again.

  Chapter 2

  Six days earlier

  “What happened to your knee, sweetheart?”

  “It’s OK, dad. It’s just a little scratch.”

  “That doesn’t look like a little scratch. Fess up.”

  “I was playing baseball after school. I had to cover second on a double play. One boy made a hard slide to break up the play.”

  “And that hard slide was right into a 12 year old girl?”

  Jasmine smiled. “Yeah, something like that.”

  “Doesn’t seem very necessary to me.”

  “Me either, but it’s all OK now.”

  “What do you mean, now?”

  “Well, it did hurt a little, but it was more the shock that he did it. Anyways, after the play Jerry ran over from third base and asked that boy what he was doing. Why was he sliding into me like that?”

  “Exactly what I would have been thinking.” Jasmine didn’t continue. “And?”

  “Dad, everything’s OK now.”

  “Jasmine, what happened?”

  Jasmine paused. “The boy told Jerry to mind his own business. Jerry said we were teammates and it is his business. The boy asked him what he’s going do about it. Jerry looked him square in the eye and said, this. Then he did a spinning kick so hard in the boy’s stomach I bet he’s not going to eat for two days.”

  “Jerry did that?”

  “Yeah, Jerry.”

  “Jerry Harper. The little guy from Cole’s martial arts classes.”


  “Wow! That little guy’s got some guts. And he’s a gentleman too.”

  “Dad, you should have seen that other guy. He was at least eight inches taller than Jerry. And for sure 50 pounds heavier. No one knew who he was. I think he was just there to cause trouble.”

  “But it doesn’t sound like he’s going to be doing any more of that.”

  “Nope. It seems more like trouble found him.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “You sure are right. I’m going to have to give Jerry’s mom a call.”

  “Please, dad. Don’t. Let’s just let it go.”

  “A boy stands up for my daughter when I’m not around. I’m not going to just let that go. I want to shake that young man’s hand. I bet Cole has his home number. It’s on his parental consent form for the martial arts class.”

  “OK, dad, but please let’s not make a big deal out of it. I can take care of myself.”

  “I know, sweetheart.”

  Jasmine headed to her room. Probably to check her social media profiles. She was growing up so fast. And the boys were growing up too. She was a tough cookie, but it’s still nice to know there are good young men out there. I was going to let this one young man in particular know that I thought so. I grabbed my phone.

  “Jax, what’s up?”

  “Cole. Good, man. Hey, favor to ask.”


  “The kid that goes to your gym. Jerry Harper. Do you have his home number?”

  Cole laughed. “Get in line, champ. Everybody is after his mom. You are a smooth dog, but I think she’s not looking for a guy right now.”

  “Man, I’m not calling about his mom. Jerry helped out Jasmine today after school. Handled a kid that was being a bully. Want to take him out for an ice cream or something. Thank him face-to-face.”

  “Really, he took down a bully? Do you know what move he used?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at Cole’s excitement. “Jasmine mentioned something about a spinning kick.”

  “Boom! I just taught him that. He’s a little guy so he needs to generate all the power he can and the hips and kicks are where it’s at. So it worked? He executed it?”

  “Did he ever. Jasmine said he got him in the stomach. She thought he wasn’t going to feel like eating for the next couple days.”

  “See that?”

  “See what?”

  “That’s the patented Cole Callahan kick paying dividends immediately. Worth the price of admission.”

  “Paying dividends for Jasmine and I.”

  “Dividends are dividends.”

  “OK, Cole. You did good, buddy. How about that phone number?”

  “Let me ring her first just to make sure. Even though we’re SEAL brothers I want to respect her privacy.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “Call you right back.” The call dropped.

  Two minutes later Cole’s name lit up on my display.

  “All good. I just texted you her number.”

  “Just came through now. Thanks.”

  “My pleasure. She’s expecting your call. Good luck.”

  “Good luck? With what?”

  “I told you. She’s the talk of the town now that I took Carissa off the market. She’s a single mom. You’re a single dad. It’s the perfect set up.”

  “So since we’re both single parents we’re meant for each other? Is that what you no-kid-having people think?”

  “Kind of.”

  “We’re people too, man. Just because you’re a single parent doesn’t mean you belong in some box in somebody’s mind. Doesn’t mean you’re not unique. Come on, dude. Get with it.”

  There was a pause on the other end of the line. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I never really thought about it. Man, what was I thinking?”

  “It’s OK. Your intentions are good. I knew what you meant.”


  “No worries.”

  “Now go get her!”

  “Bye, Chuck Wollery.”

  I hung up the phone and started to laugh. Now that Cole had the love of his life he wanted nothing more than for me to find the same. Guys are funny. One minute they’re acting like tough guys swearing they’re going to be single forever. The next minute they’re head-ove
r-heels in love little puppy dogs trying to encourage their friends to find women. Guys make no sense sometimes.


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