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Zane: A Navy SEAL Romantic Suspense

Page 33

by Gunn, Autumn

  The vacation would also allow me more time around Jerry, and Jasmine more time around Kate. We wanted our growing family even closer before we welcomed the new additions. We also needed to fly now before Kate was too far along.

  The third morning we woke up and stumbled downstairs for breakfast. I felt especially frisky and happy.

  “Is everything OK. You seem even more happy than normal?”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Not at all.”

  “What’s on your mind then?”

  “Kate, what are we doing?” I smiled.

  She laughed. “What do you mean? We’re enjoying our little vacation here in Hawaii.”

  “I know that, but I mean what are we waiting for?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I love you. You love me. We’re here. The kids are here. We’re in paradise. What more do we need?”

  “Nothing obviously. This is great!”

  “You’re right, we don’t need anything, but there’s one thing that I think could make today even better.”


  I threw my head back and laughed harder than I had in days. And I had been laughing a lot recently. I was in the best of spirits. I even had to set down for a minute. “I do remember how much you said you wanted to do that, and we can definitely go jet-skiing while we’re here but, today was thinking of something else, first.”

  “Jaaaaaax! She drug out the pronunciation of my name. Come out with it.”

  “I saw a little spot yesterday, when we were driving. It was beautiful.”

  “The one I saw you staring out the window at when you almost drove off the cliff? That one?” She laughed.

  “That’s the one. The water is supposed to be calm today. The calmest day in months. I saw the surf report. No waves equals no surfers.”

  “What’s that got to do with us?”

  “Let’s do it, Kate. Let’s get a minister, and the kids, and rent a little wooden boat, and go get married today in that blue grotto. Inside that cave.”

  “Oh, Jax. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Same thing you said when I asked you to marry me.”

  Kate smiled. She gave me a big hug and kissed me in a magical kiss that lasted over two minutes. When she pulled away, she yelled, “Kids, grab your swimsuits and underwater cameras. We’re going for an adventure.”

  The minister admitted it was a first for him. The captain of our little boat, a 15 year old super polite surfer who was born on the North Shore, said the same. He promised to go slow. I think he might have had his eye on Jasmine, but who could blame him? Love was in the air.

  Kate wore her white swimsuit. She looked beyond beautiful. The captain of our boat had some new fishing nets which he just bought. Kate loved them and came up with the idea that they would be a prefect vail and long enough to serve as dress with a train. It was an amazing idea. She was always came up with such clever and beautiful thoughts. And so original too.

  We entered the cove and the boy dropped the anchor. The kids made a little video as we walked towards the bow. The preacher joined us.

  We had prepared our vows on the ride out. It was so spontaneous, and so fun. It made the heightened experience of everything happening so quickly even more electric.

  There wasn’t a dry eye on the boat, even the minister. He had told us on the drive out that he’d married hundreds of couples, but this one seemed the most special. At first I thought maybe he was just being polite. Maybe he tells everyone that. When I saw the tears roll from his eyes, I knew that wasn’t the case. This one was special. Like nothing anyone had ever experienced.

  The best moment of my life was looking in Kate’s eyes, just before she said those magic words. “I do.” I didn’t even wait for the minister to say it…we were kissing like teenagers. When I pulled away I knew everything was perfect. I just wanted to make one more special memory.

  “Mrs. Justice, care to join me?”

  Kate looked in my eyes. She knew what I had planned. I was a SEAL after all, and SEALs are a little bit crazy. That and by nature they love the water.

  We walked to the edge of the bow. We swung our hands back in forth as we counted…”One…Two…Three!” We jumped into the ocean. Still holding her hand we found each other underwater. We kissed, sealing our love first on the boat, and now in the sea. Our second kiss as Mr. and Mrs. Justice. As soon as our heads breached the surface the rest of the boat joined us. Our kids, our captain, and our minister. Soon we had a few more guests. They were uninvited but very welcome. Just like out of a fairy tale, a small school of dolphins swam up. They swam close. You could feel their power, but also their love. You could sense they were only there to share positive emotions to an already perfect day. After a minute or two they were gone. Breaching the surface and making noises to signal their departure and to wish us good luck in our lives together.

  Kate and joined hands, and together took in big breaths of air. As we floated on our backs I could see the sea, expanding forever. I could see the cliffs, expanding skyward strong and proud. In front of me I could hear our children, playing, laughing, and enjoying life. I moved my head to the side and I could see Kate and her bump. I could see my wife and our future children. I could see our love and the love we would show our children and our family. I could see us making plenty of memories just like these. Forever.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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  A Navy Seal Romance

  Autumn Gunn

  Copyright © Autumn Gunn

  All rights reserved.

  Although I served in the U.S. Marine Corps for four amazing years and I surely draw on those experiences whether subconsciously or consciously when I pen these stories, I must say the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended.

  My books do not come with any digital rights management. You are welcome to read them, download them, and store them on any devices you might have. I want you to enjoy them on your terms. With that said I hope that you will keep these books just for yourself. If someone you know, or even don’t know, is interested in my work please direct them to

  In the Marines I was surrounded by men. It’s a diverse and fun place, but as you can imagine there’s a lot of testosterone there. It’s OK. I loved it. I’ve been told plenty of times I think a lot like a man. It’s probably why it’s more comfortable for me to write in first person from a man’s point of view.

  Without further ado I give you Cole: A Navy Seal Romance. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for your support.


  This book is dedicated to the American soldier. When their country calls, they go. Willingly.

  They take our place on the battlefield. Everything at risk.

  Stay safe.

  Thank you.

  We love you.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 1

  I wanted her the first second I saw her. She was sitting on the bride’s side. By herself. As a groomsman I had a view of everyone in the church. She was the only one I saw. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

  I made my
move at the reception.

  “Care to dance?”

  “I don’t really––”

  I scooped up her hand in mine and raised my hand lifting her from her seat.


  We danced in the grass near the gazebo. The bride and groom had decided to have the reception outside. A perfect choice. 77 degrees. The smell of fresh air. I didn’t know how the bar man would be able to keep up with the demand for Rosé spritzers and cosmos from the ladies and vodka tonics, jack and cokes, and beers from the guys.

  After three dances I took her to the photo booth. We made some silly photos and then jumped back out to wait for the prints. In the first one we made serious faces. The second I gave her “the claw.” She was laughing. In the third she had a look of shock as I bit her earlobe. In the fourth she leaned on my shoulder with her right hand and snuck in bunny ears behind my head with her left. We laughed.

  “You’re quite the spontaneous one.”

  “Not the first time I’ve been told that. I take it as a compliment. See something you want and go for it.”

  “And what exactly do you want?”

  “I want to make memories today that will last forever. To enjoy my brother’s wedding. To live in the moment.”

  “Sounds like a good plan.”

  “I think so.”

  “So this living in the moment plan. What comes next?”

  “This.” I grabbed her waist with my left hand and the side of her face with my right. I dipped her back and kissed her hard on the lips. The moment our lips touched she seemed shocked, but quickly I felt her return the kiss. I pulled her back upright.

  “Well. I guess that definitely qualifies for living in the moment.”

  “I would say so. Care for another drink?”

  “Let’s.” We refilled at the outdoors bar and made our way back to the dance floor. We danced, drank, played games, ate cakes, and enjoyed the perfect day. Time was passing so quickly. I was having the time of my life. Soon it was the golden hour. My favorite time of the day. Those last 90 minutes of sun before it sets for the day. The last few years I had always tried to spend those last 90 minutes by myself. Reflecting on the day. Appreciating being alive. Thankful for my brothers. My team. My family. The freedoms that our country offers. Watching the sunset over the Middle East desert. Those memories were still all too fresh. Today I wanted to forget them. Even if just for one day.

  “The house is beautiful, have you seen it?”

  “No, but I’d love to.”

  I took her by the hand and we went inside. It was a beautiful house. A craftsman with plenty of wood and brick. It was more than a house. It was truly a home.

  “My guestroom is upstairs. You can see the entire backyard and into the hills from the window. I’ll show you.”

  The minute we entered the room it was obvious there would be no admiring the view from afar. The views to be admired would be each other. As soon as the door shut I had her against the wall. Hands wandering. Tongues exploring each other’s mouths. She lifted up my shirt and felt my abs.

  “Wow. There really is such a thing as a 12 pack.”

  “You can’t drink this 12 pack, but you can definitely put it to your lips.” She kneeled down and kissed the middle of my abs moving upward. Right along the crease that defines the muscles.

  “You’re like a bronzed sculpture.”

  “And you’re like the Grand Prix of Monaco. Elegant with curves in all the right places.” She looked up at my eyes. Stood up, put both hands on my face and kissed me hard. Her back arched. A moan escaped her lips.

  Three taps on the door. Someone was knocking.

  “Cole, open up you son-of-a-gun. I know you’re in there.”

  I tried my best high-pitched voice. “Cole’s out fighting bad guys. Come back later.”

  We’re doing the bouquet toss. We need Carissa.

  “Carissa, huh?”

  “You never asked.”

  “It like it. It rolls of the tongue well. You don’t hear it every day.”

  “I think a lot of things are happening to me today that definitely don’t happen every day.”

  We held each other’s glance. Trying not to laugh first, but we both lost it at the same time.

  “We’ll be right there.”

  “Hurry. We’re about to start.”

  Carissa straightened her dress and I tucked my shirt back in. We headed back outside and rejoined the reception. Late afternoon turned to evening and evening turned to night. Before I knew it most of the guests had gone. Carissa was nowhere to be found. She hadn’t even said good-bye. Carissa wasn’t going to be mine, yet. At least not tonight. Although I wanted her now, I knew I wanted more than just that. We had only spent the afternoon together, but it was the most enjoyable afternoon I’d had in months and I had her to thank for that. Now I had to find her.

  Chapter 2

  “Wake up, Uncle Cole. We’re going to be late!” Jasmine had snuck into my room and was 5 inches from my face.

  I really need to remember to lock my door. Not for my own benefit, but for others. I was still a little jumpy after everything that had happened on my last deployment and it wasn’t a good idea to wake me suddenly.

  “Late for what? The fish aren’t going to be biting today.”

  “Very funny. Come on!”

  “Oh. I almost forgot. You wanted to help me mow the lawn. You’re right. We should get started.”

  “Uncle Cole!”

  “Ok, ok, ok. Just let me jump in the shower and we’re out of here.”


  Jasmine was a great kid. I think she enjoyed my teasing almost as much as I enjoyed teasing her.

  We jumped in the Jeep and made our way to Northwest Elementary School. There were balloons and signs everywhere out front. Welcome Parents, the biggest of the signs displayed above the front entrance.

  We entered and were greeted with name tags, a welcome bag, and an energy drink. When they handed me the energy drink I froze. The guys on my team had been addicted to these things. Myself included for a time. It was bad enough we were drinking them as adults, but they were handing them out to kids? It even looked like some sort of sponsorship. I made a mental note to talk to somebody about that.

  Jasmine gave me a tour of the school. Right as she was finishing the bell rang, meaning we had 10 minutes to make it to her class.

  “It’s down this way, Uncle Cole. Hurry, we don’t want to be late.”

  As we turned the corner Jasmine raced off down the hallway. At the end of the hall she was scooped up by a young woman in a big hug. Jasmine turned to me and motioned to come faster. I continued walking. My eyes were fixed on the woman who had hugged Jasmine. She looked very familiar.


  “Tara. It’s been a long time. How are you?”

  “Wow. I’m great. Didn’t expect to see you here today. Didn’t expect to see you ever, actually. Sorry, that was rude. I just didn’t notice your name on the list. I heard you were in the military overseas. Someone said Special Forces, but I have no idea what that really means or if it’s true.”

  “Some of it’s true. I was overseas. I’m back now. Catching up with everyone. We’ll see how it goes.”

  “Sounds interesting. Well, it’s great to have you here today. If you and Jasmine want to take your seats we’re about to begin.”

  “Will do.”

  The room was full of proud parents. There were packets strategically placed at each table corresponding to the names. The packet contained a lot of Jasmine’s best work from a number of different subjects. There were drawings, math, a ribbon she won with her kickball team, and some short writings.

  The kids all took turns reading one of their writings in front of the entire class. The subject of their writings was 10 Reasons Why My Parents are Special to Me. The kids seemed to all read each of the items then look at their parents with a smile and affection. It was nice, but reminded me a little too much of a Dave Letterman Top
10 List.

  Eventually it was Jasmine’s turn. She proudly marched up to the front of the class.

  “Hello. My name is Jasmine Justice, and these are my 10 reasons why my parents are special to me.


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