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Edge of Tomorrow

Page 56

by Wolf Wootan

  Hatch continued, “Syd and I busted a tail in Greece—he turned out to be CIA, but a careless rookie. I called the DDI, James Gramble, and read him the riot act, but he obviously has ignored my warnings. The CIA could be here only because of the Monterra/Italy feud over the crown. That would make sense, but then that would mean someone else is bugging my room. Maybe we’ll sort that out at midnight when I talk to Lady Morley.”

  He took a drag off his cigarette while they digested his news. Karen stubbed out her cigarette, took a sip of her brandy, then said with a smile, “You guys live in a world of intrigue, don’t you? What do you want me to do? This sounds more exciting than what I’ve been doing!”

  Hatch thought a moment, then answered, “Karen, I want to emphasize that there could be some danger here. We’re not sure exactly what’s going on. Until we do, I want to make sure that you are safe. Would you mind if Bruno stayed in your suite with you tonight? I would suggest Sara, but I have something I want her to do.”

  Karen got a wicked smile on her lips and said, “Oh, pooh! The hunk instead of Sara? I guess I’ll put up with him somehow! Will he have a real gun?”

  Hatch smiled and said, “Absolutely. Now …”

  His pager went off and Hatch connected to Bruno again.

  “All the other suites are clean. Maybe they haven’t had time yet to do them all.”

  “OK. Come on down and have a drink and we’ll set the procedures for the rest of the night.”

  • • •

  At 12:00 midnight, Hatch was with Syd in her suite. Bruno was next door with Karen in her suite, and Sara was in her own rooms, watching the clock, and waiting to check the hallway.

  On the first rap on the door, Hatch opened it and admitted Lady Morley. She entered the room and saw Syd sitting on the couch.

  “I assume she knows,” said Lady Morley as she handed Syd her key.


  “Well, Bob Hatcher! I thought you were dead!” Morley exclaimed. “I cried for a week after I heard about it!”

  “Did you tell anyone about me?”

  “Of course not! I know the Company arranges ruses like that for a reason.”

  “They didn’t arrange it, I did. Come, sit down, Judy. Who’s in charge here?” asked Hatch.

  Judy Beecher sat in a chair facing Syd. Syd was nervous and was smoking again.

  “I am.”

  “We found your bugs in my suite. Why are you watching me?” asked Hatch as he lit a cigarette.

  “I don’t really know. We were sent here to watch the treaty battle. The President ordered it. Then all of a sudden, you show up, and Gramble himself called me and told me to have you watched around the clock. He didn’t say why.”

  “That bastard! He’s getting too cocky! I warned him about things like this!” fumed Hatch as he paced. “What do you do now? Your people will know we disabled their bugs.”

  Judy Beecher thought for a moment, then said, “I’ll tell them the surveillance was called off when you found our bugs. I’ll feed Gramble false reports to keep him happy. I saw a report I wasn’t supposed to see. Did your visit to Don Tessitore have anything to do with the bombing of Lucchese’s car?”

  Hatch looked at her and said, “So, they’ve been watching me for awhile, eh? Well, well. The answer to your question is ‘I don’t know.’ He probably did, though. Why don’t you retire, Judy? Come to work for me. Or I’ll send you anywhere you want to go, set you up for life. Get out from under assholes like Gramble!”

  Judy stared at Hatch for a long beat, then said, “I’m not ready to retire, Mr. Lincoln. I’ve been a spy all of my life, trained in back-stabbing, double-dealing, throat-slitting, and other dark, devious deeds. What kind of job could you give a person like me?”

  Hatch laughed, “Call me Hatch, Judy. Many of my people are ex-Company people. Also, ex-military, ex-FBI, former Secret Service. How do you think we found your bugs so quickly?”

  Judy shrugged and replied, “I see. Is this young lady one of your agents?”

  “No. She’s really my fiancée,” smiled Hatch.

  “Well, let me sleep on it, Hatch. In the meantime, I owe you big time. What can I do for you?” replied Judy Beecher, senior CIA agent in Monterra.

  Syd interjected, “How many agents do you have here, Judy?”

  “Two besides me. My escort, David Wilson, and a guy posing as a paparazzo, Pierre Le Blanc. There could be others who are not on my team. The Company does that at times. They bloody well don’t trust anyone!”

  Hatch said, “Thank you, Judy, for wanting to help me. You can do a couple of things. Tell your team we found their bugs and call off the surveillance. I’ll keep checking for bugs, since we don’t know who else is lurking in the shadows. Also, tell your paparazzo to go take pictures of beaches and ruins. If I catch him taking pictures of me or my people, he’ll be dealt with very severely, and will need surgery to get his camera extracted from his ass. You can warn them that I do not follow conventional restraints when dealing with people who piss me off.”

  He’s definitely Bob Hatcher! thought Judy. I wouldn’t want to piss him off!

  He let his statement sink in, then continued, “I know for a fact that the President wants to maintain the status quo here in Monterra. If the CIA has any intention of taking this opportunity to mess with Gadhafi and the Libyans, that could result in unexpected bad consequences for them. Keep that in mind. What have you found out about the Prince’s intentions on this mess?”

  “Not a lot so far. Italy is trying to pursue this in the World Court. The Prince’s minister who is handling that is a nincompoop. He’s backing himself into a corner where his only option will be calling on Libya for military support,” said Judy.

  “We’re trying to shore that up. Syd’s sister, Karen Steppe, is an excellent attorney schooled in treaties. She may become the Prince’s attorney on this. If she does, I want to issue one more warning. If I find out that anyone—CIA, SISDE, whoever—is snooping around her for any reason, I will take immediate and decisive action! She is off limits to everyone!” exclaimed Hatch solemnly.

  Judy replied, “I can handle that for my people. If I sniff out anyone else, I’ll get word to you. In the meantime, it’s good to see you alive, Bob!”

  She stood and walked to the door. Hatch followed her and peeked into the hall. The only person out there was Sara. She waved that everything was clear, and Lady Morley walked toward the elevators. Hatch motioned to Sara to come join him. In Syd’s suite, he briefed Sara on what had transpired and told her to go get some sleep, but to not let her guard down.

  • • •

  Earlier, at 11:45 P.M., Bruno escorted Karen to his suite where he picked up a small bag containing toiletries, pajamas, et cetera, and also his briefcase, which contained his electronic gadgets. They then went to Karen’s suite and double-locked her door and hooked the chain.

  Bruno said, “I’ll try and not disturb you too much, Karen, but until Hatch sorts out what’s going on, I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  Karen was feeling her liquor, and was also quite attracted to Bruno. She was quite pleased he was going to spend the night in her room, but she had no idea how far to let things go. On the other hand, she was feeling very horny.

  She giggled, “How gallant of you! I feel so safe with you here! Unzip my dress, please. I’m going to get comfortable.”

  She turned her back to Bruno and he unzipped her dress down to the small of her back. She walked to the bedroom to change, but did not close the door. He watched her go, and sucked on his lower lip.

  Shit! She’s just too beautiful and sexy! I’ve got to watch myself or I’ll be all over her! Hatch and Syd would have my head!

  Karen yelled from the bedroom, “Hey, Bruno. Want a nightcap? Check the mini-bar and see what they have.”

  She took off her dress and hung it in the closet, stripped off her pantyhose, and put on a shortie robe and walked barefooted back into the sitting room. Bruno had removed his white d
inner jacket and unclipped his holstered Beretta from his belt and laid it on a table at the end of the couch. Karen felt a shiver run up her spine when she saw it. Bruno went to the bar and made a survey.

  “Quite a selection, Karen. You want hard stuff or wine?” said Bruno.

  “Maybe a white wine,” she replied as she picked up her purse, retrieved her cigarettes and lighter, and lit up. “I enjoyed our date tonight, Bruno. You’re a lot of fun.”

  “It wasn’t exactly a date, Karen, but I enjoyed it, too. Especially dancing with you. It’s been a while since I had my arms around a woman as pretty and sexy as you. I wish I could get duty like this more often!”

  “I’m duty?” she giggled as she sat on the couch and crossed her legs, exposing them all the way to the top of her thigh. The top of her robe was open slightly, exposing some of her white, strapless bra and her cleavage.

  Bruno said from the bar, “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded, Karen. I really enjoy your company!”

  He turned around to take her glass of wine to her and nearly dropped it when he saw her on the couch, much skin exposed. He recovered and put the wine on the table in front of her and went back to the bar and got himself a can of beer. He popped the top, then turned around again.

  Karen blew a stream of smoke toward the ceiling and patted the couch next to her. “Come sit with me, Bruno.”

  Bruno took a swig of his beer, but did not move. “I better get a pillow and some blankets from the closet. I’ll sleep out here on the couch.”

  “You can have a drink with me first. Then we’ll discuss sleeping arrangements,” said Karen.

  He sat down next to her and groaned, “Karen, don’t do this to me! If I make a pass at you, Hatch will kill me! And if he doesn’t, Syd will!”

  “Were you going to make a pass at me? Then you are attracted to me!”

  “Of course I’m attracted to you! What man wouldn’t be? Look at you! You’re exuding sensuality!”

  “Exuding? I’ve never been told that before!”

  “Karen! I’m serious!”

  “Well, Hatch and Syd don’t run my life! Maybe you’re afraid to make a pass, but I’m not!”

  She put her cigarette down in an ashtray and quickly pulled Bruno’s head toward her and kissed him on the lips. He put his beer down and pulled her to him and kissed her back.

  Then he suddenly pulled away and said, “We can’t do this, Karen!”

  “Why not? I won’t tell on you! I liked that! Kiss me again!” replied Karen, having decided what the sleeping arrangements were going to be.

  Bruno got up and propped a chair against the front door.

  “These locks are easy to pick,” he mumbled, trying to cool down.

  Karen took a drag off her cigarette, then crushed it out in the ashtray. She stood and walked to the bedroom door.

  “Bruno, this is a big king-sized bed. You’re not sleeping on the couch. Come on in here.”

  Bruno groaned, “Karen! Don’t do this to me!”

  She took off her robe and unfastened her bra and both fell in a heap at her feet. That did Bruno in. He lost his resolve. The sight of her pale, pink-tipped breasts was too much! He picked up his holstered Beretta and followed her into the bedroom. She pulled back the covers, slipped off her panties, and stretched out on the bed. Bruno could see that she was a true blonde.

  “Leave the light on. Now, come here!” she ordered.

  “God, you’re beautiful! And you sure as hell don’t play fair!”

  Chapter 35

  Royal Palace, Monterra

  Saturday, August 25, 2001

  10:00 A.M.

  By ten o’clock the next morning, Captain Rossini had escorted the five of them to the Costume Wardroom in the Royal Palace. He had brought a stretch limo instead of the Royal Carriage this time. The women were having a great time trying on 18th- and 19th-century ball gowns with the help of the two women who ran the wardroom.

  Hatch and Bruno selected costumes similar to the ones that might have been worn by the Three Musketeers. Bruno looked at himself in a full-length mirror.

  He laughed, “Do you think D’Artagnon looked this foppish? No wonder they fought so often in those days!”

  “I suppose they called that ‘dashing’ in the olden days,” chortled Hatch.

  Bruno had not been able to keep his eyes off Karen all morning. She was going about things as if nothing had happened last night. All he could do was remember her every curve, her every move. After he was redressed in his own clothes, he heard Karen call him over to where she was modeling her tenth gown.

  “What do you think, Bruno? Too low on the décolletage?” she laughed as she twirled around.

  He was using his X-ray memory on her as he said, “Just the right amount, signorina. Just enough to drive me crazy!”

  She giggled and went back to the dressing room.

  • • •

  Captain Rossini informed Karen that the Prince had reserved an hour at 11:30 A.M. for them to meet and sign the appropriate documents so Karen could represent the Principality in legal matters.

  After her meeting with the Prince, Karen was floating on air! This could be her most high-profile case ever! Win or lose! But especially if she won!

  I must find a way to win this case! The Prince, my client, needs it, and Hatch and the President of the United States want me to win. I’ll call Carla this afternoon and tell her what’s going on and get the research underway. At the very least, I can tie things up in court for awhile. Give me a chance to come up with a winning strategy.

  • • •

  After a marvelous lunch at a restaurant on the beach, Sara was thumbing through a tourist’s guide book looking for things for them to do in the afternoon.

  She looked up from the book and laughed, “Now, here’s something up my alley! They have a clothing-optional beach about twenty miles up the western coast. If I had a man, I’d have him take me there! I haven’t been to a topless beach since I was in the south of France two years ago!”

  Syd said, “How can you walk around topless among a lot of strangers, Sara? Isn’t that embarrassing? It would be to me.”

  “It’s easy around strangers. It’s when you’re with people you know that you get a twinge of shyness, but you get over it,” chuckled Sara. “You know my motto …”

  Syd chimed in, “When you’ve got it, flaunt it!”

  “Right on!” laughed Sara.

  While they were laughing, they failed to see Captain Rossini approach their table. He was not in uniform, but instead was dressed in tan slacks and a brown T-shirt that showed off his muscular body.

  “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Please accept my apologies for intruding, but I have the afternoon off, so I thought I would offer my services as a tour guide, if you are so inclined. It would also give Signorina Smith and me a chance to get to know a little about each other before I escort her to the Royal Ball tomorrow night.”

  Sara gave him the once over and scooted her chair over as she said, “Pull up a chair, Captain. The first thing you can learn is that my name is Sara. What’s yours?”

  He pulled a chair up next to Sara’s and sat down.

  “My name is Charles. My father is Monterran, but my mother is English, so she insisted on me having at least one English name,” he said in his clipped British accent.

  Sara said, “We were just discussing what to do this afternoon. I suggested Capriati Beach, but no one opted to take me. How about you take me there, Charlie?”

  He hated being called anything except Charles, but the nickname somehow seemed acceptable—even sexy—when Sara said it. Her suggestion about the nude beach caused his ruddy face to flush.

  “I do want to get to know about you, Sara, but perhaps not that much so quickly,” he smiled, exhibiting his perfect teeth. “Possibly, any other beach. We have many nice ones.”

  “Hey, Charlie, I live in Florida most of the time. I can go to the beach anytime! Oh, well, I tried. Let’s hear
the dull suggestions from everyone else.”

  Charles Rossini would have loved to take Sara to a topless beach, but he had taken a French girl there once and the Prince had heard about it and gave him a reprimand. The Prince thought that it was not appropriate for one of the Royal Guard officers to be seen on Capriati Beach.

  Sara thought, Well, Charlie. I’ll have to arrange for a private showing! You don’t know it yet, but you’re in for a great time before I leave here!

  • • •

  Captain Rossini suggested a tour for them that fit into the three hours allotted by Hatch. He wanted to be back by six P.M. so he could try and make contact with Lady Morley again and see if there were any more problems he should know about.

  Rossini and Sara definitely got more acquainted during the tour. At its conclusion, he asked her to dinner and, of course, she accepted eagerly. She was on a quest!

  Back in Hatch’s suite, after Bruno swept it again, Hatch said to Syd, “I wonder if Captain Rossini is just after Sara’s body, or is he watching us for the Prince?”

  “Or both,” laughed Syd. “Although, he had a perfect opportunity to slip off to the nude beach with her, and instead, stayed with the group. Makes you wonder. I’m beginning to worry about getting Karen mixed up in this confusing mess.”

  “I’ll have Bruno stick to her like glue. He hasn’t complained about the assignment.”

  “I’ve noticed! Karen doesn’t seem to mind either! Do you think Sara can pick up any inside knowledge about Rossini when she has dinner with him tonight?”

  “She’s focused more on carnal knowledge than anything else,” laughed Hatch. “But she’s a pro. If he’s snooping around, she’ll pick up on it.”

  • • •

  At nine o’clock that evening, Hatch was back at the Baccarat table. All the seats were filled, more to watch the billionaire play than anything else. Syd sat on Hatch’s right, placing small bets and following his instructions on how to play. Her main purpose was to save a seat for Lady Morley in case she showed up and wanted to talk to Hatch.

  It was after 9:30 before she approached the Baccarat table. Her escort was nowhere to be seen tonight.


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