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Finley (Decoy Dynasty #1)

Page 11

by K. T Fisher

  “Of course he wants you in his bed.” She laughs out loudly. “But he wants more of you than that and everyone can see that, apart from you because you’re so blinded by the hurt TJ stamped into your heart.”

  I have nothing to say to her. Maybe Cassie is right.

  “Have you looked online yet?” Cassie asks me.

  “Cass, you watched me wake up. I haven’t even touched my phone.” I point out and I’m pretty sure she was just standing by my doorway, watching me sleeping and waiting for me to wake up so she can jump on me for information, just like she did.

  Cassie reaches over to my phone and hands it to me. “Then maybe you should.”

  I stare at my phone, but curiosity gets the better of me and I take a look.

  “There’s so many photos of you two last night.” Cassie adds as she looks through her own phone. “All the news pages have posted about you and everyone is commenting on them and sharing the pictures.”

  As she continues to ramble on, I find the photos she’s talking about and my heart begins to beat faster at how we look together, standing side by side. Most of the photos are of us standing on the red carpet, laughing and smiling. Some are right at the camera, but what’s noticeable to me is that on most of them, Finley is looking at me. I’m looking towards the camera, smiling and although Finley is still smiling happily, he’s looking at me instead of the camera. I sit, staring at it for a while just letting it sink in.

  “He looks completely smitten with you Riles.” Cassie adds gently. “Why can’t you see that?”

  I glance up at her, not knowing what to say because I think for the first time, I am seeing it. I look back down at my phone and see more photos. There’s a couple of us sat together by the side of the runway, some that have Finley’s parents in them, claiming that I fit in well with the family and one report even says that Kendal approves of me. I don’t know why, but the sound of that makes me extremely happy. There’s even some at the after party. They’re a little blurred, but you can see us dancing. After the first song that we slow danced to, we continued to dance for a lot more. Finley was making me laugh, which is one of the pictures and as the drinks flowed, the closer we got and that showed in our dancing.

  “Well?” Cassie asks.

  “I can see where they’re coming from, but what if I’m just on his radar?” I ask. “As soon as I let him fuck me, he won’t be bothered anymore. Maybe I should just let him take me to bed, then I will know for sure and he will leave me alone.”

  “Riley, no.” Cassie places her supportive hand on my shoulder. “You have it all wrong.”

  A tear rolls down my face and I quickly wipe it away.

  “What TJ did was shit, but Finley is in a different situation. He won’t cheat on you, I know that for certain and if he did I would chop his cock off,” that makes me giggle. “And he wouldn’t sell stories on you honey, in case you didn’t notice, Finley doesn’t need the money.”

  As much as I know her words make sense, they won’t go in. “I just need some time.”

  Cassie nods, taking her cup of tea with her but she smartly leaves the biscuits with me. I sit in silence, still browsing through last night’s photos when Finley sends me a text. As soon as I open, a picture from last night pops up with a message below.

  Finley: My new favourite photo x

  He sure is laying it on thick, but after the talk with Cassie, I think I’m starting to like it more than I did before.

  I should have known that as soon as I got home I would be jumped on. I decided to come by my parents’ house, and yes I still call it home from time to time. It is where I grew up for most of my life. I tuck my phone away in my back pocket, I was waiting for Riley to text me back but she must be busy. I make my way to the living room and see my mum and Haiden. They’re watching some crap on the TV, but I don’t take any notice to what it is.

  “Hey.” I say, alerting them that I’m actually here.

  “Fin.” My mum smiles, pausing the TV and Haiden complains.

  “Sorry to interrupt your TV binge.” I ruffle her hair, making her scowl and complain.

  “Where’s Riley?” My mum looks around as if Riley is going to appear behind me and without thinking, I do too.

  “Why would Riley be here?” I ask.

  “Is she your girlfriend?” Haiden giggles.

  “I think that’s what your brother wishes.” My dad joins in as he walks through the living room door.

  I look at the three of them, not liking their teasing. “Having fun?” I ask them.

  My mum laughs. “Relax, you two just seemed pretty cosy.”

  I sit on the sofa across from them, shaking my head. “Not enough.”

  “What do you mean?” Mum sits forward as she asks. “Riley seems lovely.”

  “She is.” I nod eagerly and I see the smirk on my dad’s face. “But she’s not interested.”

  “What?” She frowns. “She’s lying.”

  “Riley’s very pretty.” Haiden adds with her pointed finger in the air.

  “And that means?” I ask.

  “Well, she’s Riley James, and you’re,” My little sister points to me, as if it explains everything. “Well, you’re….you.”

  I stare at her, and Haiden shrugs. “Well thanks, but I seem to do pretty well with the ladies.”

  “Ew.” She cringes. My dad stands, gesturing for me to follow him as he leaves the living area. “Can we watch the show now?” I hear Haiden ask, and within seconds the crap they were watching before I showed up, fills the room again.

  I follow my dad out, and into the kitchen. I’ve noticed he does a lot of his serious talks in either the kitchen or the back garden, so I sit at the table and settle myself in for what’s to come.

  “I think you two are a lot closer than you’re making out to be.” My dad passes me a beer across the table and sits down.

  “You’re wrong.” I fucking wish it was true.

  “You having sex with anyone?” He asks and I laugh at him. “Answer the fucking question Fin.”

  I clench my jaw, ready for his fucking teasing when he hears what I’m about to say. “No, not even Riley.”

  He tries to hide his fucking smile, but I see it. “My son, Finley Parker has fallen in love.”

  I lean my elbows on the table, holding my head in my hands. “Fuck off.”

  He belts out his laughing. “I’m right!”

  I look up at him, frowning. “What’s so funny?”

  “Because this is the first time a woman has ever turned you away. It ain’t a good feeling, is it?”

  Is he fucking joking? “No.”

  My dad sets his beer down on the table, leaning forward on his elbows and looking me dead set in the eye. “Don’t fucking sulk son, the girl likes you so don’t get your dick in a fucking twist.”

  I almost choke on my beer. “My dick in a twist?”

  My dad nods. “I was like it when I met your mum, and even worse when we weren’t together when I moved back. I knew I had to have her back, but she fought me all the way.”

  I know my parents love story well, but I didn’t know how hard it was for my dad.

  “What did you do?” I ask, needing some advice on how to approach Riley.

  “I figured out that the reason she didn’t let me in was because of me.” He points to himself, shaking his head. “Your mum thought she was doing the best for me, by keeping you both away, for the sake of my career.” I nod, already knowing this to a certain degree. Back then, my mother thought keeping my existence from my dad was the best for him as he would have done the best by us and his family, rather than fighting so hard for the band as much as they did, to kick start their career. “She’s probably right, I don’t know where we would be now if I had known she was pregnant with you, but I do know we would all be together.”

  I look him over, my dad is my hero and as fucking cheesy as that sounds, it’s the truth and he knows it. He has worked so hard to get where he is right now and I was always p
roud to call him dad growing up. All the other kids were jealous that I was the one to call Jax Parker, my dad.

  “So, I have to find out why she doesn’t want to be with me?” My dad nods. “But how do you know Riley wants to be with me?”

  “That’s obvious to everyone.” My mum joins us in the kitchen, ruffling my hair as she passes with a big grin on her face. I catch the way my dad watches her and the goofy look on his face. “You two couldn’t keep your eyes from each other and I know that girl is as pulled in by you, as you are with her.”

  “Maybe it’s another man.” My dad points out and immediately my blood boils.

  “You think she’s seeing someone?” I ask, sounding a little more pissed than I thought I was. My mum’s eyebrows shoot up in astonishment.

  “No.” My dad shakes his head. “Maybe she’s not over someone?”

  “Or did someone hurt her?” My mum suggests and I have a strong feeling my mum is right. I don’t think Riley is still in love with someone, that’s not her style. I think some fucker hurt her bad, and that’s why she can’t be with me, or even let herself get too close. I’ve felt her pulling away from me and it frustrates me, but now it makes me care for her on a whole other level.

  My phone vibrates and I see it’s Riley. She’s sent me an emoji of a little face being sick, but then quickly adds to it with a photo of the two of us sat side by side at the fashion show, we’re both watching the runway, small smiles on our faces but we look happy. I can’t take my eyes off Riley as usual, she just seems to fucking hypnotise me all the time.

  Riley: This is cute. You look adorable x

  I quickly save the picture and as my parents talk, I look back at the photo, once again. I don’t understand why she thinks I look adorable, but I guess it’s a good sign. I need to think about ways to help Riley trust me because when I see her again, I won’t be backing down.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Today is radio interview time, and I decided to pick up Riley on the way. She said she didn’t mind, and would drive herself but I told her I was also picking up Caden and Liam, so she softened on me and agreed. Little did she know, I was lying about the guys and I just told her what she wanted to hear so I could spend some time alone with her.

  “Oh, I’m first.” She looks behind at the empty seats.

  “You sure are.” I send her a wink.

  “So who are we picking up first?” She asks, scrolling through her phone.

  “You’re my only pick up.” I let her know and as my eyes are on the road, I feel her staring at me.

  “I should have known.” She answers, not sounding too angry and when I risk a quick glance at her, she has a slight smirk in place on her plump lips, that are decorated a dark purple. “So, are you looking forward to the interview?”

  “I wouldn’t say I’m excited about it.”

  “Why not?” Riley asks. “They’re usually fun.”

  I don’t think I would use the word, ‘fun’ because most of the radio interviews I go on are full of questions about my dad. I know where I come from, and I am proud of my father but this is about me now and I would appreciate it that we focus on the subject.

  “You look gorgeous.” I love Riley’s choice of style. She would say she doesn’t have a particular type of style, but she has. Riley is beautiful and her body is curvy and desirable. Anything she wears has her looking amazing. Today she’s wearing a black dungaree, which is rolled up around her ankles and showcasing her burgundy Vans. Underneath, she has on a pink, short sleeved shirt and her hair tied up high on her head, her messy pieces of hair add to her carefree look and I wish I could pull over and sit her on my knee. I want her close so I can take over her plump lips. I wonder what they would look like around my cock? Then thoughts of Sky come to mind and I block it out, she’s tried to get in contact since that night in New York but I haven’t wanted to talk to her. Even though Riley isn’t with me, I still feel shit about it. Maybe because I want her so bad, and it’s clear to her how much I do, I think so anyway, and I got my cock sucked for a couple of seconds.

  “Thank you.” She smiles. “You look,” I catch her eyes scanning me and my dick twitches to attention. “Very casual.”

  “Do I?”

  She then giggles and fuck it if I’m beginning to love that sound. “Yeah, compared to the other night anyway.”

  I just threw on my black jeans, a random shirt and my black Gazelle trainers. Nothing special, but I did take a quick look in the mirror before I left. Something I’ve been doing a lot more lately. We banter and laugh as we drive to the radio station. Paparazzi are outside the gates, snapping away and as we’re let through, I spot Caden and Liam’s cars are already here, both of them talking as they stand together beside Liam’s Audi. Now we’re away from the prying eyes of the paps, Riley and I get out the car and the guys walk over.

  “Riley.” Caden wraps an arm around her, sounding surprised to see her. “Why aren’t you in your own car?”

  He winks over at me, lucky for him Riley didn’t see him. “Finley asked if I wanted a lift.” She shrugs and I like that she didn’t spill my guilty trick. Not that I feel bad, it got me time alone with her.

  Liam moans, leaning against my car. “I fucking hate mornings.”

  Riley laughs at him. “Poor Liam.” She shoves his shoulder playfully, and I can’t help these little fucking niggles of jealousy inside as she pays my best friends attention. Then she turns to me, her blue eyes shining as she giggles. “Come on Fin, let’s go inside and answer their questions about our romance.” Riley even tucks her arm into mine as we enter the building. I look down at her, and Riley looks up to me. Fuck me I want her bad!

  We’re greeted as soon as we enter and are lead to the waiting area for our interview. There are speakers in here somewhere, so we can listen to the radio. Cassie pops her head around the door and Riley jumps up.

  “Hey!” Riley rushes to her and Cassie then waves at the rest of us.

  “I thought you were on the afternoon shift?” Caden asks her.

  “I am.” Cassie nods. “But I’ve come early to cover for another DJ.”

  “She always covers for the other DJs because she loves her job so much.” Riley pokes her best friend. I look over at Liam, and see him staring at Cassie. She’s a pretty girl and typically Liam’s type. She’s petite, caramel coloured skin, curly hair that bounces above her shoulders and bright hazel eyes. I know that Liam is very interested in Riley’s best friend, he couldn’t keep his eye off her when she dropped by the studio during recording.

  Cassie says her goodbyes to everyone, and I smirk over at Liam. “What?” He frowns.

  “Nothing.” I snicker, and Riley looks over at us from her seat beside Caden.

  Cassie’s voice then comes out from the speakers and I smirk over at Liam again who gives me the middle finger.

  “My best friend is in the building!” Cassie sings over the radio and the other presenter laughs.

  “Tell her to come and say hi.” He encourages and laughs when Cassie disappears. “She’s gone to fetch her friend, I wonder who it is.” He teases. “Let’s listen to Alessia Cara, while we wait.”

  The song comes over the speakers as Cassie pokes her head into the room again, her hand out stretched to Riley. “Come on.”

  Riley runs to her, quickly disappearing and when the song ends, I wait to hear her.

  “Well, we have Cassie back.” Josh the presenter announces.

  “Hey Josh!” She greets. “My beautiful best friend is here.”

  “Hello.” Riley whispers, and honest to fucking god, goose bumps spread on the back of my neck.

  Josh gasps and Cassie giggles. “Is that Riley James?” He asks.

  “The one and only!” Cassie screams.

  “Yes it’s me.” Riley giggles.

  “And you’re here with Lunacy.” Josh adds.

  “Yes I am.” Riley answers, her voice sounding sexy as fuck.

  “If you didn’t already know folks, we have L
unacy and Riley in here for an exclusive interview and they’ll be live on air in twenty minutes.” Josh explains. “If you want your question to be asked, then Tweet your question using our radio’s hashtag.”

  “I can’t wait.” Riley sings.

  “Lunacy and Riley!” Josh announces to the people listening along. The odd couple of people standing inside with us holla and whoop. Liam and Caden are sharing a mic and Riley and I are sharing the other. She’s tucked in between Liam and me. Cassie sits beside Josh, she was supposed to be finishing now, but she wanted to join our interview.

  “Hey!” The three of us greet.

  “Hello.” Riley answers. Always different.

  “Now, you four have a lot of people talking.” Josh begins, “The song is great, the video is hot and you two,” He points at Riley and me, “you have so many people guessing.”

  Me and Riley share a little look, and laugh.

  “I saw that look.” Josh whispers.

  “Oh Josh, those two are always looking at each other.” Cassie adds, with her typical attitude. “You’ll get used to it.”

  “Yeah, just ignore them.” Caden casts us a side glance. “They’re all loved up.”

  “This an exclusive?” Josh digs.

  “No.” Riley giggles. “Me and Finley are just good friends.”

  “I’m working on it Josh.” I wrap an arm around Riley, who then laughs some more. Cassie joins in, commenting on how adorable we would be together.

  “It’s getting a little hot in here.” Josh laughs.

  We talk over the song, letting them know that April wrote the song and when Riley agreed to feature with them, she edited it with her.

  “Rhys’ daughter, from Decoy?” Josh asks.

  “Yes, she’s lovely.” Riley replies. “And she’s also helping me with my own.”

  “Getting close to the Decoy family.” Josh comments, and there’s something about the way he says that has my back up a little.

  “They’re a great bunch.” Riley answers, smiling at me.


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