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Finley (Decoy Dynasty #1)

Page 16

by K. T Fisher

  “So, you and Finley?” She asks, swaying to the beat of the next song. “I think he loves you.”

  “Really?” I giggle.

  “Oh yeah.” She nods adamantly. “He’s never had a girlfriend you know, and even my mum loves you. You have to be together.” She beams and then when a Beyoncé track comes on, she’s out of her seat and leaves me to it. At least I know the parents like me.

  After another thirty minutes, I think I’m ready to call it a night. “Hey Cass!” I shout her over the music and she leans in close. “I’m going to get Finley to pick me up, you want a lift home?”

  “No that’s fine.” She smiles. “I’ve already got it sorted.” She gets out her phone to text someone and I try to look at that name, but she does a good job in hiding it from me.

  I text Finley to let him know I’m ready to leave, and say a quick goodbye to the five girls that are left. Cassie leaves with me, but we don’t stand outside because there are still so many paps out there. As soon as Finley sends me a text, I will make a run for it.

  “Still looking hot.” Cassie winks at me and I bark out a laugh.

  “So are you.” I look her over. “Whoever your mystery date is, I’m sure he will love taking that dress off you.”

  Cassie’s eyes widen before she bursts out laughing, but our good night seems to end right there as a voice I wished I’d never have to hear again speaks behind me.

  “Well aren’t you looking good?” Cassie and I freeze, goose bumps spread across me and I begin to feel suddenly sick.

  “Fuck off.” Cassie growls as we turn to see TJ standing a little too close, yet he takes another step closer.

  “Aw, that’s not a nice way to talk an old friend.” He mocks.

  “Go away TJ.” I plead him.

  His eyes snap to mine and I’m shocked at how pissed he looks. I used to think he was so handsome, but now he just looks plain with a touch of arrogance.

  “Where’s your new boyfriend?” He sneers, a dark look shadowing his eyes.

  “Shut up TJ.” I snap. I won’t let him make fun of Finley.

  I look down at my phone, but he hasn’t text me to say he’s here yet. Hurry up Finley please!

  “So are the rumours true?” He laughs. “Did you get close to the band by spreading your legs? I bet you’ve been with all three of them.”

  “Fuck off!” I scream, and my phone vibrates. It’s Finley and he’s finally here. I grab hold of Cassie’s hand and begin to lead her away. I’m not leaving her here with TJ and I’m not staying here any longer than I have to. “Come on, Fin’s here.” I tell her.

  Just as I step outside, TJ grabs a hold of my arm so I can’t move any further. “Where are you going?” He laughs.

  I turn to scowl at him. “Get off me!”

  Cassie lunges for him, trying to loosen his hold on me. “Get the fuck off her!” She shouts. “Security!”

  TJ doesn’t seem at all bothered though and continues to hold onto me. His hand becomes tighter, and it’s beginning to hurt. “TJ!” I scream. “Get your fucking hands off me!”

  “You fucking heard her.” Growls Finley from behind me and I relax a little. Only a little, because I know how much Finley hates my ex and that was before he saw him gripping onto my arm.

  “Oh here he is!” TJ cheers. “The famous boyfriend.”

  Finley steps forward and Cassie removes her hands from TJ and it’s no wonder, Finley is looking really dangerous right now.

  “Take your fucking hands off her or I will fucking kill you.” He growls quietly. Luckily the paparazzi has died down, but there’s still a handful loitering around. If they were to look inside the door and see us, they would most likely think we’re a group of friends.

  TJ laughs, and I’m actually worried what Finley’s going to do. Cassie’s phone begins to ring, and she answers. I try to listen in to who she’s talking with, it’s probably the guy she’s been sneaking off with these past few weeks, but Finley and TJ are distracting me. Plus, TJ’s grip is becoming a little too tight, especially when he yanks me towards him. I wince from the pain and Finley goes insane.

  “Get off her!” He yells, grabbing the attention of some people nearby.

  “I don’t think so.” TJ taunts him. “I think I’d like a little reunion with Riley.”

  He brings me a little closer and I try to fight him off but he’s just too strong. Finley sees red and swings his arms back. I already know what’s coming, but it’s still a shock to see Finley land a punch on TJ’s face. His grip loosens and I pull away quickly and now that I’m free of him, Finley launches into TJ. Finley pins him up against the wall, his hand around his neck. “Don’t you ever fucking lay a hand on her again!”

  “Finley?” Liam suddenly appears and stands beside Finley. “What’s going on?”

  Finley slams TJ’s head against the wall and TJ groans. It seems Finley got a good landing with his punch. “This fucker was grabbing on Riley’s arm and wouldn’t let her go.”

  Liam frowns at TJ. “What the fuck man?”

  “She fucking loves it.” TJ laughs, and without warning, Finley lands another punch and TJ groans again.

  Flashes begin to light us up, and I turn to see paparazzi trying to get their money shot. “Finley.” I warn him and his hard eyes soften when he turns to me. “Let’s go.”

  “But he hurt you.” He growls.

  “He’s not anymore,” I hold my hand out to him and Finley takes it. Letting TJ slide down the wall. “Let’s go.”

  Liam frowns down at TJ. “Who is this guy anyway?”

  “I’m her ex.” TJ grins, his mouth is full of blood.

  Liam looks between me and TJ, then to Finley and back to me. “Did he ever hurt you?”

  “Not physically.” I shake my head and Finley takes hold of my arm, looking at the red mark TJ has caused.

  “Until now.” He snaps, his face turning back into an angry scowl again before he charges towards TJ, but thankfully Liam stands in his way.

  “Let’s get out of here yeah?” Liam tries to calm his friend. “Take care of your girl.”

  Finley looks back to me and his shoulders slump. He opens his arms and I gladly run into them. The club security arrives, finally and demand to know what’s happened but as soon as they heard my story, they turn on TJ and call the police. They also do us a favour and get rid of the paparazzi outside and once it’s clear to go, the four of us exit the club.

  “What are you doing here anyway?” Finley asks Liam and immediately Cassie freezes. Liam eyes Cassie and then his eyes drift to Finley.

  “Wait.” I point at Cassie and her head drops. “You two!”

  “The secret is out.” Liam laughs.

  “Holy shit.” Finley laughs. “Cassie is the one you’ve been sneaking around with?”

  Liam nods and Cassie sighs. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask her.

  “I don’t know.” She groans, and Liam joins her side, wrapping an arm around her waist. I have to admit, they look very good together. “It started from nothing, and we decided to keep it between us and the longer we kept it quiet, the weirder it felt to come clean.”

  “I get it.” I nod, and I actually do. All she wanted was to keep their relationship private as long as they could, and it’s sweet.

  We say our goodbyes, and I get into Finley’s car. He helps me into my seat, even though I insist I am capable. I watch him as he rounds the car, and my heart goes out to him. He’s pissed, and he wanted to really hurt TJ but he also held back because of me and the paps. I’m glad though, I don’t want Finley getting into trouble, especially because of TJ. He gets in and lets out a heavy sigh as the door shuts behind him.

  “God I could have killed him Ry.” He looks to me. “I was so fucking angry.”

  “I know.” I nod, placing a hand on his leg to try and soothe him.

  “Are you ok?” He asks me, looking to my arms.

  “I am now.” I take in a shaky breath. “It was a little scary though for a minut

  “When you didn’t come out, I had a bad feeling.” He pulls away from the club and I’m relieved.

  “Well, I’m glad you came over.” A tear escapes down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away.

  “Won’t be long until we’re at my place.” Finley assures me and I close my eyes, the reality of what just happened finally sinking in. I’m so glad I had Finley there with me because TJ was acting so cruel, I don’t know what he would have done.

  Chapter Nineteen

  As soon as we got to Finley’s, he demanded to carry me up stairs and take me to bed. I did want to go to bed, but I wasn’t going to let him carry me. Instead, he settled for holding my hand.

  “I did have a surprise for you.” He admits as we enter his room. Finley gestures to his bed and I laugh in shock.

  “You’ve bought me clothes?” I run towards the bag of goodies.

  “For when you stay over.” He nods.

  I turn towards him, tears gathering and Finley shuffles on his feet. He looks fucking adorable in the moment. “Finley, this is great.”

  It’s only a little bag full of shirts, leggings, underwear and some pyjamas but it’s a big step for both of us. “Grace helped.”

  Ah, so that’s what the romance babbling was all about tonight.

  As I have a look through, Finley approaches me and gently rubs the mark TJ has caused. It’s a lot redder in colour now, and I watch his tattooed finger softly skim over it, wishing it would disappear.

  “I’m so fucking glad I got to you on time.” Finley’s voice is low and deep.

  I turn to look at him and lean my forehead onto his chest. “So am I.”

  “I’m never leaving you again.” He declares, wrapping his arms around me. Finley kisses the top of my head. “I didn’t get to tell you before babe, but you look sexy.”

  I laugh and wrap my own arms around him, linking my fingers behind his back. Looking up to him, I manage to kiss his chin. “Thank you.”

  Finley looks down at me, and I love looking into his grey eyes. They’re so beautiful. I think I could look into them all day. “Let me look at you.”

  I step away from his hold, backing up as he sits at the end of his bed. Finley bites down on his bottom lip, shaking his head as he watches me. “How did I get so fucking lucky with you?”

  I choke on a laugh. “No, I’m the lucky one.” I reach behind me and start to undo the corset. Finley’s eyes get wider, understanding what we’re doing and begins to remove his Converse.

  I grab my dress at the hem, and pull it over my head, revealing the matching black underwear set I’ve been hiding underneath. I hear Finley’s intake of breath.

  “No babe.” He moans. “I’m the fucking lucky bastard.”

  Finley’s shirt is quickly ripped over his head and I’m left mesmerised as I stare at his chest. Damn. My knees shake a little and a throbbing begins between my thighs. I know I said I wanted to go slow, but now I’m not so sure. Finley comes to stand in front of me, taking a closer look at me. His hand comes to rest on the curve of my waist and goose bumps spread all over me. Just his hand on me feels so good, his radiates warmth and I want his hand in other places.

  His thumb skins over my bottom lip, before leaning in for a kiss. I moan, wanting to press my body against Finley as much as possible. My hands rest on his pecs, gliding down his muscles and loving the feel of his abs, and they feel as good as they look! My fingers feel the button of his jeans while we’re still kissing, and I unbutton them. Finley pauses, looking down at me. “Are you sure?”

  I nod, leaning up to kiss him some more. “I want you.”

  Finley shakes his head. “You’ve been drinking.”

  “I sobered up.” And that’s the truth, from the moment I saw TJ all the alcohol I had consumed left me.

  Suddenly he picks me up, sitting me on the bed and removes my boots. Finley watches me, as he takes off his jeans and my eyes zoom in on his hard cock that I can easily see straining through his boxers. He slowly takes them down, his erection springs free and I bite down on my lip, suddenly craving him in my mouth. I’m not usually a fan of blowjobs, but seeing Finley’s cock has left me needing him more than I’ve ever wanted any other man.

  Finley steps closer and his cock is at my eye level. I can’t help myself as I reach forward and take hold of his rock hardness. He feels so warm as I squeeze and as I begin to slowly stroke back and forth, he tilts his head back and groans. I move closer, cupping his balls as I lick his tip, wetting him as I continue to pump, but I don’t get to enjoy it for too long because Finley steps back, shaking his head.

  “No, I wanna make you feel good.” He leans over me, kissing me and I’m forced to lay back on the bed. Finley’s hands glide down my stomach and end at my black thong, pulling them down. I lift my bottom to help him glide them down my legs and then I’m left bare for him. I’m so glad I shaved this morning.

  Finley groans his approval, kneeling down at the edge of the bed and spreading me for his own pleasure. I squirm around as his finger softly strokes in the crook of my thigh. He’s so close to my vagina it’s cruel. He finally touches me and his finger glides over my clit, causing a fire to spread inside me.

  I moan loudly and Finley chuckles. “What’s up darlin’?”

  His finger dips inside, and my hips rise to meet him, wanting that teasing finger of his to go deeper. Finley places a kiss just under my belly button and as much as I appreciate it, I want his mouth lower.

  “Want me to go lower?” He asks, planting another kiss just a little bit lower than the first.

  I nod in answer with my eyes closed tight. “Can’t hear you Riles.”

  “Yes.” I pant. “I want your mouth lower.”

  “Here?” Finley taunts and his kiss lands a little closer, but not close enough.

  “No.” I moan. “Closer.”

  Finley now adds another finger and his thumb begins to do the most delicious thing to my clit as it circles around. My moans are now louder and I can’t even thrust against his fingers anymore because Finley has decided to hold me down.

  “Where do you want my mouth?” Finley asks, licking along the bottom of my belly. I groan as I squirm, needing something more. Only his tongue or his cock could put out the fire inside of me now.

  “On my pussy.” I sigh. “I want you to lick my pussy.”

  “Fuck yeah.” Finley growls, just before his tongue sweeps up the slit of my pussy and my head tilts back on the bed.

  I cry out in pleasure as Finley’s tongue licks me and his thumb still circles my clit. After a minute, his mouth replaces his thumb and he sucks. Fuck me that feels amazing! His two fingers return to thrusting inside and it’s not long until I shatter into what feels like, a million pieces. My eyes are closed and my body aches from the fall of my orgasm. I haven’t even done anything. I’ve just laid here while Finley did all the work, and I’m the one gasping for breath. I hear him chuckle above me, but I haven’t got the energy to open my eyes. The bed bounces and I take a peak to see Finley now on the bed. He’s wearing a huge smile as he pulls me up the bed to lie beside him. He kisses me on the forehead. “Sleep.” He whispers.

  “But what about you?” I sleepily ask.

  “Go to sleep.” He repeats and my eyes become heavier. Beautifully satisfied and with Finley’s arms around me, I fall into a deep sleep.

  I open my eyes and there’s a soft glow shining through the window. Without turning around, I know Finley isn’t in bed with me and I don’t know whether that’s a bad thing or not. I stretch out my sleepiness, and roll onto my back. I can feel previous night’s make up on me and my hair is still up in a ponytail. I had already made sure to squeeze some travel wipes into my handbag before I went out last night, so I fish them out and grab the hair brush that is in my new bag of things to keep here, at Finley’s. I still can’t believe he did that. I remove my bra and I let out a sigh of relief. I hate sleeping in a bra, it’s the most uncomfortable feeling. Instead of wearing one of my s
hirts Finley bought for me, I go into his wardrobe and grab a plain black shirt to cover me up. It sits longer than my dress did last night, so it does the job. I walk barefoot into the bathroom and I’m shocked at the hot mess I see staring back at me in the mirror.

  I wipe off all the smudged black makeup and when my face is clean, I brush my teeth using my new supplies Finley thoughtfully placed out for me. My hair is the next job, and I pull out my bobble and rub where it was sat. The sensation causes me to moan, it feels so good. Not as good as Finley made me feel, but still a great feeling.

  “Well, now I’m jealous.” Finley chuckles behind me, I turn to see him leaning against the door as he watches me.

  I giggle back. “I should have taken it out last night, now my head feels sore.”

  Finley steps forward and takes over, his fingers working all kinds of magic on my scalp and my eyes close in bliss. “Feel good?” He asks.

  “Amazing.” I moan. “Where were you anyway?”

  “Making breakfast.” I step away, looking around at Finley.

  “What did you make?”

  “Come down and see.” He grins.

  I quickly brush through my hair, throw it up into a messy bun and I follow Finley downstairs. We step into his kitchen and I see the many slices of toast in the middle of the table, a plate full of bacon and some scrambled eggs. My mouth waters and my belly rumbles.

  “Dig in.” Finley wraps an arm around my shoulders and leads me to table. My feet move fast as my stomach rumbles.

  “I didn’t realise I was so hungry.” I sit down at the table and dig in.

  “So, Liam and Cassie.” Finley brings up as we’re eating.

  Shit, how did I forget that?

  “I know.” I sit back in the chair. “I can’t believe she kept it quiet, she usually tells me everything. Maybe Liam really means something to her.”

  Finley nods. “Liam really likes her, when he first met her he was already in love.”

  “Really?” I gasp, remembering when I bought her to the studio and introduced them.


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