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Wayward Love

Page 17

by Rhys Everly

  The friction on my prostate made my own dick tense and in need of release.

  I gripped my cock and started jerking off as I bounced up and down.

  “Fair warning, if you come while I’m still inside you, it will hurt like hell when I pull out,” he said, and I stopped.

  “But you do it,” I said.

  “And I’ve been taking dick for a few years now. This is your…virgin ride,” he giggled, and I slapped him gently.

  “Don’t get cocky,” I said and he smirked.

  “Too late now,” he said.

  “I want you to come in me, baby,” I said and pounded his dick harder, the friction making every inch of me desperate. Desperate for his cum. Desperate for my cum. Desperate for our cum.

  Kyle wrapped his hands around my waist and I came down for a kiss, making sure to keep up the pace.

  He groaned in my mouth.

  Then he gasped. He let out a loud moan I never heard him cry before.

  I beat my own cock, and even though he warned me against it, I was so close to undoing it didn’t matter anymore. I spilled my seed on his stomach.

  Out of breath and sweaty, I collapsed on him and he tightened his hold around me.

  “Your dick is still in my ass, I said, and we both chuckled.

  “I hope you’re ready for this,” he said, pulling out, and I winced.

  “Motherfucker,” I said, rubbing my ass cheeks. “That hurt.”

  “I warned you,” Kyle chuckled.

  I collapsed back on him and we cuddled.

  I loved fucking him and now him fucking me, but this…This was my favorite part of being with him.

  “That was incredible,” I said.

  “Give it an hour,” Kyle said.

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “You’ll see.” He smirked.



  We made ourselves decent and Kyle drove us to our original destination, New Harlow.

  When we got to town, we made our way to the mall.

  “I don’t know why you want to get rid of these trousers. They’re comfy and flexible. Maybe you should try a pair yourself,” I said.

  “Honey, I wouldn’t be caught dead in those. Have you heard of the phrase no comfort, no gain? Neither has the rest of the world. It’s no pain, no gain for a reason,” Kyle said. “And it pains me that you wouldn’t want to show off that purdy butt of yours.”

  “But I’m a comfort guy. I like being comfy. All my clothes fit me great,” I insisted.

  “Yeah, and there’s space for another Andy and a half in there. Trust me, you go skinny jeans, you never go back.”

  He locked the car and we headed for the elevator to take us upstairs. When we were nestled inside the booth, Kyle turned and saw me pouting which gave him cause to roll his eyes.

  “Just be grateful you don’t have to wear a bra, heels, and thongs that ride so high it makes your intestines chaff,” he said patting my chest with a smirk.

  “Excuse me?” I said.

  “You think women have it easy? They constantly have to contort their bodies to please society, and all you have to do is put on some skinny jeans. Don’t be a crybaby, baby. Trust me on this. I know what I’m doing,” he said.

  I’d never allowed anyone to make decisions for me other than Lucy. And while the prospect of changing my entire wardrobe scared the crap out of me, I trusted Kyle.

  After all, he’d been right about everything else.

  Besides, I wanted to look good for him. I wanted him to be proud when he looked at me. I wanted him to crave me. To need me.

  And if that meant I’d have to put on some tight shit to make it happen, then so be it.

  “Fine. I’ll try skinny jeans. But I have to draw a line in ripped jeans,” I said.

  “Don’t worry,” Kyle said, gently slapping my cheek. “One step at a time. We’ll leave those to me for the time being.”

  That was a deal I could make.

  “You look like you’re gonna shit your pants. Jeez. How long since you last went shopping?”

  The elevator doors slid open and Kyle stepped out first while I followed reluctantly behind. His gaze was trained on me until I replied.

  “I never really go shopping. Lucy always did the shopping for us,” I said.

  Kyle gasped, sucking all the air in his lungs and shutting his own mouth.

  “You-you let someone else pick your clothes.”

  “Isn’t that what you’re about to do?”

  “But you’re here with me,” he said, still glaring at me in disbelief. “Are you trying to say that Lucy would go to the store without you, pick your clothes, and bring them home to you like a good homemaker?”

  My shoulders sagged as I realized how pathetic it sounded coming from Kyle’s lips.

  “That poor woman. Did you also have her do all the housework? Did you let her have a job?”

  I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

  “What do you think I am? Of course she had a job. She helped me run the bar and taught evening sign classes. And as for the housework, Yaya wouldn’t let her touch a thing,” I said feeling the warmth in my heart grow bigger as I remembered the pointless bickering between Lucy and Yaya, flipping their hands in jest.

  Lucy would always try to convince Yaya she was more than capable of washing up after she’d cooked, but Yaya would always shoo her out of the kitchen.

  In the twenty years we were married, I didn’t think she was ever allowed to rinse anything more than a glass unless Yaya was out of town.

  The warmth was quickly replaced by a hollowness. And then with more warmth, as soon as I looked into Kyle’s eyes again.

  “Hm, that shit won’t fly with me,” Kyle said and rushed to correct himself. “You know, not that I’m saying we’ll ever live together or anything.”

  The thought should have sent me into full on panic mode. Kyle and I living together under the same roof. Under the same roof as the rest of my family. And my children.

  Sure, Nathan and Maya didn’t live in the house much anymore, but still.

  Instead of making me at risk of flight, it put my heart at ease. I could feel the broken pieces left behind by Lucy’s death being put back together into a new heart. A puzzle of a heart, for sure, with all the tiny shrapnels I hadn’t been able to glue back on for years, but a heart for sure.

  “We should go,” Kyle said pointing behind him and turned on the spot to face the way we were headed.

  He brushed his hand against mine, and his fingers tried to lace with mine.

  I jumped and looked around us, Kyle scrunching his lips.

  “Don’t worry, baby,” he said. “No one knows you around here. You can be yourself. If you want.”

  I hated seeing him disappointed in me. It wasn’t a good look on him.

  “It’s not that. It’s just…you know. What if there’s a familiar face around?”

  “I thought you hadn’t left Cedarwood Beach in ages. Who would you know in New Harlow?”

  He had a point, but still.

  “You mean other than my son?”

  “Touché,” he said. “But invalid. Nathan is in class. He’s not gonna be at the mall in the middle of the day,” he said.

  “Speaking of class, don’t you have one today, too?” I asked.

  I didn’t want Kyle to fail his degree because of me. He was supposed to be working for me to help, not deter.

  I started walking. The more we stayed in one place, the more nervous I was about being there with Kyle. At least walking gave me something to do. Even though what I really wanted to do was take his hand, put my arms around him, kiss him.

  “Oh it’s okay. Gordon gave me a pass.”


  “My professor. I’ve told you about him. I meet him, like, every other week.”

  “Isn’t your professor someone called Davies?”

  “Yes, Gordon Davies.”

  “And since when are you on first name ba
sis with…Gordon?” I asked stopping on my tracks, an unfamiliar heat taking over my chest.

  Kyle batted his lashes and smirked.

  “Are-are you jealous, Mr. K.?”

  “Me? Jealous?” I chuckled.

  There was nothing unfamiliar about the heat flaring inside me. It was jealousy. Pure and simple.

  When Lucy died, I thought those days were behind me. The days of being jealous and possessive.

  I guess it didn’t matter how old I was. Jealousy was jealousy.

  “Yes. I am. Of course I am. You’re a young, hot, dashing man. Who wouldn’t want to have you?”

  Admitting it was not as hard as I thought it’d be. The longer I was with Kyle, the more time I spent with him, the more my feelings for him became crystal clearer.

  I was in love with the man, and it didn’t matter that he was younger, or Nathan’s best friend, or my employee—for the foreseeable future.

  I was head over heels for Kyle.

  The way my heart pumped faster when I looked at him. The rush of energy coursing through my body when we touched. The wonderful smile imprinted on the back of my lids every time I closed my eyes.

  “Aw,” Kyle said and rested both hands on my chest.

  And probably for the first time, I didn’t care if anyone was watching us.

  Like he’d said, Nathan was in class, and I didn’t really know anyone in New Harlow. We could be ourselves.

  “I wanna tell you something,” I said.

  We’d gone into a store, and I still couldn’t take my mind off what I’d just realized.

  “What?” Kyle panicked and looked around us.

  I smiled and touched his face, returning his focus back on me.

  “I just realized something.”

  There was no point keeping it in. We might be a secret, but our feelings didn’t have to be.

  “What did you realize?” he asked with eyes still wide open and expectant.

  I saw myself in their reflection.

  It was so strange. So weird. Yet so right.

  Everything about him was right. Everything felt right with him. The world felt right. For once. And it hadn’t felt right for a very long time.

  “I’m in love with you, Kyle Brady,” I said.

  He froze in the middle of the aisle, eyes wide, mouth agape, and I was never more sure of anything in my life.

  I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

  “Do you-do you mean it?” he said eventually.

  “Of course I mean it. Why else would I say it?”

  Kyle shrugged.

  “I don’t know. Maybe you’re joking.”

  I put my hands on either side of his head and looked into the endless green of his eyes.

  “I’m not joking,” I said and sealed the deal with a kiss on the lips.

  I rubbed his right cheek with my thumb and pressed our bodies together. I wanted him to know it was real, that my words weren’t a joke.

  And if it’d take a kiss in public, then so be it.

  I pulled away, but Kyle remained frozen in place staring at my chest.

  “Baby? Are you okay?” I asked, waving a hand in front of his face.

  Kyle blinked, shook his head, and smiled.

  “Yes. I am,” he breathed and reached for a t-shirt behind me, unravelling it in his hands and inspecting it as if nothing had happened.

  As if I hadn’t just kissed him in public and told him I loved him.

  “I-I was expecting a different reaction,” I said.

  Kyle stopped and turned back to me.

  “You don’t mean it,” he said and walked away from me, running his hands through a rack of shirts.

  I chased after him.

  “I’m sorry. I took you by surprise. I shouldn’t have said anything. I just realized it myself. And I wanted to say it. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same. But I do. I do mean it.”

  It didn’t matter to me if he felt the same way.

  Well, it did a little bit. As long as he liked me, too, I was okay with him not feeling the same way or being there yet.

  Hell, until two seconds ago, I didn’t know I was there yet, either.

  I still wanted him to acknowledge it in some way, though.

  Kyle stopped and looked at me with narrow eyes.

  “I don’t feel the same?” he said. “Babe, I’ve had a crush on you since I met you. I’ve been in love with you since before we kissed.”

  He dropped the hanger he was holding on a shelf and stood in front of me again.

  “I love you too, Andy.”

  It took everything in my willpower not to drag him to the fitting rooms and show him how much I loved him.

  But there was no stopping the Kyle breeze from shopping, even after I laid my feelings bare for him. Even after another hot kiss that was too R-rated for public consumption.

  Kyle pulled away from me with the biggest grin on his face and acted as if nothing had happened.

  He showed me different kinds of clothes he wanted me to try on and piled them on to my hands. When he thought we had sufficient material to work with, he guided me to the fitting rooms where we reenacted a dressing room montage in real life.

  And as with everything else in my life in the last few weeks, I let him have full control over my wardrobe, too.

  I tried the skinny jeans and skinny chinos. With every new article of clothing I tried, I had to march out, twirl, and pose like I was a model and he was my agent.

  Or like he was my fairy godmother and I was Cinderella before the ball.

  Pff. Cinderella? More like Beerella, considering how many beer and line cleaning product stains my clothes had gathered over the years.

  Most of my clothes were running out or running thin. In all fairness, this trip to the mall was long overdue. Not that I’d admit that to Kyle any time soon.

  I also tried on a lot of shirts and T-shirts two sizes too small. Apparently it was how people wore them these days.

  “You gotta let those muscles show, baby. What’s the point of having them if no one can see them?” he said.

  “Oh, so you want other people to see my muscles. Are you sure about that?” I asked.

  “As long as I’m the only one who gets to touch, yes. I am,” he replied.

  “Okay, I get it. But this doesn’t just feel tight. It feels like if I lean over to grab a bottle of beer, it’s gonna rip,” I said.

  “Fine. But I’m only going one size up. Okay?” he said and with a fake pout walked away from the fitting rooms.

  Before we left, I made him try some clothes, too. There was no chance in hell I was walking out of there without something for him, especially when they had some gorgeous trendy clothes that would look so sexy on him.

  As we headed to the checkout, I spotted a floral pink scarf, and straight ahead, a vision of Kyle wearing it around his head like he had that first day at work hit me.

  “You gotta wear this,” I said, grabbing it and dropping it in the cart. “You will make it look so beautiful wearing it.”

  Kyle blushed and pursed his lips.

  “Why are you blushing?” I asked.

  Kyle shook his head and put the clothes on the counter.

  “Nothing,” he said.

  “Tell me,” I insisted.

  “Nothing,” he sighed. “It’s just…everyone I’ve ever dated always wanted me to rein the gay in. So I’m not used to a man I’m dating encouraging me to dress like I want to.”

  I grabbed his chin and made sure he looked up as the cashier scanned our shopping.

  “Those men were idiots. You wear whatever you want,” I said. “You will always look the most beautiful whatever you’re wearing.”

  “Aw, that’s so sweet,” the cashier said and beamed at us.

  I dropped my hand off his chin and nodded at her awkwardly before turning to Kyle who was staring into space.

  I couldn’t believe he thought I’d want him to change so he could be with me. I’d never try to change or con
trol him. He was perfect just the way he was.

  “Hey, I’ve got a crazy idea,” I said when we were back in Nathan’s car. “Do you wanna…sleepover?”

  Kyle chuckled.

  “Aren’t we doing that every night anyway?”

  “I meant at my house,” I said.

  Kyle took his eyes off the road for a second to glare at me, but it was a second too long as the car swerved from left to right.

  He straightened the car, but his face was scrunched up.

  “In your house? You mean the house where your entire family lives? I thought you weren’t ready for everyone to find out,” he said.

  “You’re right. I’m not. But it’s a big house and no one has to see you come in. I’m sick of the floor in the office. And as hot as sex in the car is, it’s not ideal for hugs, and I want to sleep with you in my arms. Like really sleep. Not wake up every half hour because the seatbelt’s digging in our backs,” I said.

  There was also another reason. After we’d admitted how we felt to each other, I couldn’t let him go home or sleep on the floor.

  Kyle deserved better from the guy he loved.

  “It’ll be risky. Are you sure?”

  “I am,” I said, looking at the side of his face.

  “Okay,’ he said after a long pause. “Let’s do it.”

  He turned left on a street when the way to Cedarwood was straight ahead, and I asked him what he was doing.

  “I need to pick up some fresh clothes. I forgot this morning, and if I’m gonna stay at your house, I’ll definitely need them.”

  He lived on a street where downtown met the suburbs. His house was squashed between two larger homes as if it’d been built as an afterthought.

  It was compact and sweet and reminded me of one of Summer’s dollhouses.

  “Do you want to come in?”

  I shook my head. “What about your mom?”

  “She won’t be home for another couple hours. She had errands to run,” he said and got out of the car. “Come on. We can have a quickie in my bedroom.”

  He winked at me, and I rushed out of the car. Could you blame me? I was forty-three. I had to take advantage of any opportunity for sex I got. Who knew when nature would take its course and boners would be a thing of the past?

  As soon as Kyle closed the front door behind us, I knew there was something wrong.


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