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His Personal Relationship Manager (Dating by Design Book 1)

Page 22

by Jennifer Peel

  Thursday night Jason called like he had every night that week. “You are really going all out,” he commented.

  “Just doing what you paid me to do.”

  “Yeah. By the way, my furniture was finally delivered after being on back order. You should come over and see what you think.”

  “Hmmm. I’ll think about it.”

  “Oh, no, see, you have to. As my personal relationship manager, you are duty-bound to make sure my living space is up to par.”

  “Send me a picture.”

  “That wouldn’t do it justice.”

  “You really are a pain, you know?”

  “So you’re coming over?”

  “Fine,” I sighed.

  He laughed. “See you in a few.”

  I set my book down and slipped on my shoes. I probably looked terrible after working all day and then lying on the couch since dinner, but what the heck. I kept reminding myself that the better I did my job, the quicker I could go back to building up my walls and living safely behind them.

  When I arrived at Jason’s house, I didn’t even need to knock. He hadn’t yet installed a window covering for his door and he saw me coming up the porch steps. He was dressed casually in a well-fitting t-shirt and some cargo shorts. He had nice legs and it looked like he had been getting some sun, which unfortunately added to his attractiveness. That and his eyes and his smile and his personality and his … The madness needed to stop.

  “I’m glad you came,” he said as he opened the door.

  The new furniture smell mixed nicely with the new house smell. Very intoxicating. Add in a beautiful man and you have a winning combination, or a disaster, depending how you looked at it. For me it was the latter.

  “Anything for my paying client.”

  “Ouch, that hurts. I thought you liked me.”

  Did I ever. “I like my paying clients very much.”

  “You’re killing me tonight.”

  “Well, you’ll be thanking me once you see who I have lined up for you.”

  He cocked his head and studied me for a moment. He looked unsettled.

  “Is something the matter?” I touched my cheek. “Do I have something on my face?” Maybe I should have freshened up some.

  “You look great as always.”

  “Thanks. So let’s see the new furniture.”

  He shook his head, as if trying to come out of his thoughts.

  We walked the short distance into the great room.

  “Very nice,” I commented. “Do you mind my making a suggestion?”

  He smiled over at me. “I was hoping you would.”

  “You should center your couch in relation to your fireplace. I’ll help you.”

  His bright smile was back.

  Once we had the couch properly situated, we both sat down on it. He on one end and me on the other. Distance was key.

  “What do you say we pop open that wine your mom gave me?” he asked.

  “I thought you were saving it for a special occasion?”

  “New furniture is a special occasion.”

  “If you say so, but I’m going to pass. I rarely drink and I have to drive home.”

  “Good point,” he said with a hint of disappointment.

  We sat silently for a second looking at each other uncomfortably. It was odd as we never had been that way before.

  Jason’s eyes lit up suddenly. “Stay there. I have something I know you’ll like.”


  He quickly walked to the kitchen and returned with two opened bottles in hand. He handed me one and I looked it over.

  “I found this amazing place that sells specialty root beers from all over the world,” he said as he sat close to me. “This one is my favorite so far.”

  Upon closer inspection of the bottle, I found that it was made in England. “Imported root beer? Nice.”

  Jason clinked his bottle against mine. “Cheers,” he said.

  “Cheers,” I replied before taking a sip. My mouth was suddenly very happy. I took another long drink, but this time a bigger one, which was a huge mistake. The quick intake of carbonation induced a very embarrassing case of the hiccups. I set down my drink and placed my hand over my mouth. “Maybe we should have gone with the wine,” I said sporadically in between the stupid hiccups.

  “No,” Jason said with a smile, “I think this worked out perfectly.”

  I nudged him with my shoulder. “I’m glad I can entertain you at my expense.”

  “Try holding your breath,” he suggested.

  I took in a huge intake of air and held it. For a second I thought it worked, but no, the next hiccup sounded more like a burp and Jason laughed deeply.

  “Any more suggestions?”

  “I could try scaring you.”

  “I would be expecting it.”

  He thought for a moment. “I’ll be right back.”

  I sat there and continued to let my diaphragm embarrass me.

  Jason returned with a spoon full of sugar.

  “What’s this for?”

  “I remember reading somewhere if you place a spoon full of sugar in your mouth, it cures hiccups.”

  “That sounds completely made up.”

  “What do you have to lose? I mean, your dignity has already gone out the window,” he teased.

  “Thanks a lot. Give me the dang spoon.”

  I placed the sickly sweet spoon in my mouth. I liked sugar, but not straight and in high doses, but after thirty seconds of it in my mouth, I felt my diaphragm relax. I breathed a slow sigh of relief.

  “See? I’m a genius,” Jason said.

  “Thank you,” I said, relieved.

  “No, thank you. You’re cute when you’re flustered.”

  “Great,” I responded sarcastically. “I guess I should go home now.”

  “You can’t yet,” he said in a panic.


  “For one, I haven’t gotten to show off my newly installed surround sound, and I need some advice.”

  I sat back against his comfy couch in resignation. “All right, dazzle me with your surround sound.”

  “Prepare to be amazed,” he said as he jumped up and went to work.

  I took a closer look around. “This furniture really does suit this room and wall color well.”

  Jason looked back at me from his television. “You can take credit for that.”

  “Just doing my job.”

  He paused for a moment and thoughtfully looked my way. “You know, I consider you more than my PRM.” He paused. “I mean, we’re friends, right?” he asked hopefully.

  “Yes …”

  “Are you sure?”

  I nodded.

  “I’m glad,” he said, relieved. “Now get ready to be blown away.”

  I grinned at his enthusiasm for his new toy. I likened it to how I would feel if I were taken to a shoe store and told I could have as many pairs as I wanted.

  He situated himself too close to me for my own good, with two remotes in hand. “Remember Top Gun?” he asked me.

  “Like most women, I’m well-versed in Tom Cruise movies.”

  “You will forget all about Tom Cruise when you experience 360 degrees of pure listening pleasure.”

  “I don’t know, that’s a pretty tall order, making me forget about Tom Cruise.”

  He wagged his eyebrows. “Challenge accepted.” He pushed some buttons and it was as if we were on an aircraft carrier and there were fighter jets taking off all around us.

  “Color me impressed, but could you fast forward to the part where Tom sings ‘You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling’?”

  He used the remote in his hand as a pretend knife and shoved it in his heart. “That’s cold, Kenadie. And just for that, you have to watch the whole thing.”

  “I suppose if I have to watch a shirtless volleyball match with extremely attractive men, I will do my best to endure it.”

  He pulled me to him and bear hugged me. “What am I going to do with
you?” he asked into my hair.

  I knew what I wanted him to do with me, and that was to never let go. I pulled away. “I think the only thing you can do is pop some popcorn,” I responded through my rapid heartbeat and flushed face.

  “Anything for you,” he said as he got up.

  If only that were true, I thought.

  We settled in on his couch with popcorn and root beer, which I sipped on slowly as a precaution. It was the perfect non-date night and better than lying on my couch alone. I decided then and there I was getting some new hobbies. I needed to keep busy if I was going to survive Jason and his using me as his test date. He must have held my hand in five different positions asking what was most comfortable. Then it was the whole when and how should I put my arm around a woman? Should I ask first? Should I go with the whole yawning thing as a joke? He was killing me. I wanted to tell him he should keep his distance and be aloof, but I reminded myself if I wanted him out of my life—which I didn’t even though I knew it was for the best—I had to help him, so I showed him my preference.

  I snuggled up close to him and rested my head on his shoulder and instructed him to put his arm around me and rest it on my mid-upper arm. “Now gently pull me in tight like you don’t want to let go.”

  He followed my instructions to a T, to my detriment. I found myself not wanting to move. I had to say I loved the way it felt to be held by him. I’m pretty sure he was already a pro at it and didn’t need my advice at all.

  I felt his warm breath against my hair and, if I wasn’t mistaken, I felt a gentle kiss on the top of my head. “This is perfect,” he whispered.

  I sat up quickly and ran my fingers through my hair. “I better go. Look for someone in your portal tomorrow.”

  “The movie isn’t over yet.”

  “I know how it ends. Tom always gets the girl.”

  “Lucky guy,” Jason responded.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Our Friday connection meeting came and I ordered lunch again. I found it made for happier and smoother meetings. I was now becoming more familiar with the chatter that went on amongst my employees. I even asked Cara if I could come to one of her Pilates classes she taught on Saturdays. She was shocked, but pleased, and even excited. I was excited, too. I needed to branch out. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my biddies and water aerobics, but I was finding I needed more than the life of a successful businesswoman. Momma was right once again, but I wouldn’t be mentioning it to her.

  After everyone placed their clients on the wall, I was surprised to see a familiar face. I turned toward Zander. “What happened between Thad and Brooke?”

  “Didn’t work out,” he responded casually.

  “I don’t see Brooke’s picture up there. Doesn’t she want to try someone new?”

  He shook his head no. “She no longer wants to use our service.”

  “What? Does she want a refund?”

  “Calm down. She was happy with the service; she’s just found … someone on her own.”

  “Oh. That’s too bad.”

  Zander looked at me like I was crazy. “You know, that’s how it works for most people.”

  “I realize that, but she hardly used us. I don’t want her to think she wasted her money.”

  “She doesn’t. Now can we move on?” Zander said icily.

  I raised my eyebrow at him.

  “Please,” he threw in sarcastically.

  I turned toward the rest of the group. “Eva, would you like to go first?”

  From there we went around the room and paired twenty-five couples. I went last again. I presented Chantal for the group and Will smiled wide.

  “Chantal,” Will said with fondness. “Excellent choice.”

  “You think so?” I asked to be sure.


  “Wait a minute,” Zander interrupted. “She doesn’t look like Jason’s type at all.”

  “Are you crazy? Look at her. She’s beautiful. She’s an interior designer, which means professionally they will have a ton in common, and she’s a total people person, just like him.”

  Zander kept shaking his head. “She looks like someone who wants to be wined and dined. Jason needs more of a woman who wants to catch a Braves game and eat hotdogs.”

  I looked at Will. “What do you think? Is Chantal high-maintenance?”

  Will thought for a moment. “I think she could go either way. I think she appreciates the finer things in life, but it wouldn’t be beneath her to catch a sporting event and throw down a couple of beers.”

  “See?” I turned back toward Zander.

  “I don’t see them hitting it off.”

  “Well, I disagree with you.”

  “I’m going to have to agree with Kenadie,” Eva interjected.

  Will and Cara both nodded in agreement with me.

  Zander threw his pen down. “Mark my words, it’s not going to work out.”

  “Duly noted. Have a nice weekend everyone.”

  As I was walking back to my office, I received a text from Jason. Will you be at Shasta’s tonight?

  I waited to respond until I was in my office and situated at my desk. Not tonight. The Nanettes are in Savannah at some crafter’s event.

  Do you still want to go? He responded quickly.

  I’m going to change things up a bit and go to one of those make your own pottery places with Lana.

  Have fun.

  We will. You could always ask out Chantal. I’m sending her info now. You can thank me later.

  I expected a prompt reply, but after staring at my phone for a minute, I gave up and went about sending both Jason and Chantal their respective information. Zander was wrong. Jason was going to be a happy man with Chantal. And I was going to find a way to forget about him. I wasn’t sure how yet, but it was going to happen.

  Jason never did respond that night, so I figured he took my advice. The thought both pained me and brought me relief.

  Lana and I had a great time trying to make bowls at the do-it-yourself pottery place, though our bowls were pitiful and looked more like a toddler created them with Play-Doh. It also allowed me to get the skinny on my brother and Renee, who were apparently taking a step back to reevaluate. I guess Rick thought things were moving a little too fast for his comfort. I guess he, too, needed a tortoise.

  “How’s Renee taking it?” I asked Lana.

  “I think she’s pretty sad about it.”

  “The real question is, how is your Nana taking it?”

  Lana giggled. “She told my daddy that he was a damned fool.”

  “She swore?”


  “I’m surprised she hasn’t called me about it yet.”

  “I’m sure she will,” Lana responded.

  “So, what do you think?”

  Lana shrugged her shoulders. “I like Renee and her sons, but it was a little too much all of a sudden. But I liked that my daddy seemed happier than I’ve seen him in a while.”

  “Maybe it will still work out,” I said.

  “I wouldn’t mind if it did, but just slower.”

  “You are a good kid.” I pulled her in for a hug.

  “What about you, Aunt Kenadie? Will you ever date again?”

  “That’s a good question, sugar.”

  “I think you should.”

  “You’re probably right, but I’m afraid I’m like your daddy.”

  “Don’t you want to kiss someone? I can’t imagine never kissing anyone ever again now that I’ve done it.”

  I laughed at her. “It is pretty great, but a word of caution, I wouldn’t mention that to your daddy.”

  She shook her head. “No way!”

  “Smart girl. And don’t let Max talk you into anything you are uncomfortable with. Don’t let a physical relationship get in the way of a real one.”

  “I told you we aren’t going to have sex.”

  “I’m not only talking about sex. Make sure you enjoy his company outside the physical aspect.


  “I love you, Lana Leigh.”

  “Thanks for being my mom,” she said with some tears in her eyes.

  “Oh, honey.” I pulled her to me and never wanted to let go. “You are one of the best parts of my life and if I could choose anyone to be my kid, it would be you,” I said through some heavy tears.

  “You should be a mom, Aunt Kenadie.”

  It was one of my greatest desires. “I’ll try and work on that.”

  “Maybe you should date first.”

  I laughed. “Good idea.”

  I lay in bed that night trying to figure out how to get back into the dating scene without losing my mind or heart in the process. My first thought was to use my service, but we had rules against dating clients and I was pretty sure if I was interested in someone who wasn’t a client, they would probably be turned off if I asked them to complete my company’s questionnaire and go through a complete psych evaluation first. Then I thought about a man who matched me almost perfectly and had already been through the process. Then I thought about him with Chantal and I rolled over and groaned into my pillow.

  Pilates the next morning was a nice change of pace and distraction. I was so sore when I made it home, it dulled my other senses. I thought I was in good shape, but Pilates showed me how wrong I was. Props to Cara, though, she was an amazing and fun instructor. I really needed to get to know her better, along with Eva and Meg.

  Sunday I got a call from Jason while I was in the shower. He left a message.

  Kenadie, I know it’s early, I hope I didn’t wake you. I wanted you to know I took Chantal out and it’s not going to work. Can I meet you at your office first thing tomorrow morning? Or better yet, if you’re not busy, I have all of the Mission Impossible movies queued up and ready to go. I know how you love Tom Cruise.

  What the heck? How could he know after one date? This had to be a mistake. I was marching myself right over to his house to talk some sense into him. He was going to fall for Chantal and be done with our services whether he liked it or not.


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