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Hot for the Fireman

Page 10

by Gina L. Maxwell

  “Not at all. If I were stalking you, you’d never know it. Perks of being former spec ops. Nope, this is a surprise visit for the purpose of extending an olive branch by way of buying you coffee.”

  “An olive branch,” she repeated. “Is this your way of apologizing for your brazen behavior in my office, your inappropriate sharing in my boss’s office, and then handing me my panties in the women’s bathroom?”

  “Negative. Watch your step, Doc,” he said, guiding her around a puddle of spilled coffee she hadn’t noticed.

  She muttered a “thanks” on autopilot as she attempted to solve the complex puzzle that was Erik Grady. “Why?”

  “Why, what?”

  “Why aren’t you apologizing? Don’t you think that would be a step in the right direction if you’re trying to date me or whatever?”

  He spared her a glance and wicked grin before returning his rapt attention to their surroundings, like he was expecting danger to happen at any moment. “Oh, there’ll be plenty of ‘whatever,’ and I think you’ve already had a good enough preview to know that I don’t try anything. I do, and I take pride in knowing that I ‘do’ damn well.”

  Yes, he did, damn him. “You’re changing the subject.”

  “I won’t apologize for what I did, because I don’t regret doing any of it.”

  She huffed and looked away. “Of course you don’t.”

  “However…” Grasping her lightly at the elbow, Erik guided her onto the train and tucked her into his side between him and the pole he grabbed high above her head. Her irritation dissolved when his forefinger, extra warm from holding his coffee, lifted from his cup to tuck errant strands of hair behind her ear. “However,” he started again, “I am sorry if my actions did more than get a little under your skin. Believe it or not, my intention wasn’t to upset you.”

  Don’t go soft, Olivia. Don’t you fall for his honeyed eyes and tender touch and sweet words and…shit. “What about getting me fired?” That had sounded a lot more pissy in her head, but it came out sounding more like Marilyn Monroe inviting a lover into her bed. “I’m lucky I still have a job after you blabbed about my sex life to my boss.”

  “Your pseudo-uncle isn’t about to fire you for getting laid. I thought he kind of looked impressed, actually.”

  She was sure her jaw hit the ground. “You knew he’s my uncle?”

  “Gotta admit, Livvie, your lack of faith in me is shooting holes in my ego. Keep it up and I’ll be using it to strain my pasta.” She ground her teeth, refusing to let him see the amusement tugging at the corners of her mouth. “Come on, sweetheart, give me a little credit. I wouldn’t have said any of that if I thought you’d have any negative repercussions.”

  Olivia took a deep breath and turned her head to look at him. “At what point does this olive branch come into play, Lieutenant?”

  “First, you have to tell me you’re not mad at me.”

  Finally, the train pulled into her stop and the crowd started shuffling, preparing to exit or to capitalize on a newly vacant seat. The commotion gave her the perfect excuse to keep her eyes forward and not on his mouthwatering features. “I’m not mad at you,” she whisper-shouted, her tone incongruous with her statement. “I’m irritated with you. There’s a difference.”

  “Then don’t be irritated with me,” he pressed as the doors opened.

  She didn’t say anything at first, choosing to let him stew while they made their way onto the platform, up the stairs to ground level, and through the station doors to the street. Finally, she said, “Give me a reason not to be irritated with you.”

  “You drive a hard bargain, Doc, but I like that you push back. Keeps things interesting, makes it all the more satisfying when—”


  “Right, okay, olive branch. I’m no longer holding you to the three dates you reluctantly agreed on. Consider the nonexistent contract of our original deal shredded and burned.”

  No! Wait, yes. Yes, Olivia, that’s what you want. Stop panicking like you were secretly excited about those dates.

  “I see,” she said, thankful they were now approaching the safety of the Pru. Surely he wouldn’t follow her inside in his sweaty running clothes. “So what will you demand instead, then? I’d set you up with Cindi, but she has a giant of a fiancé who I wouldn’t recommend any man tangle with, even you.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Why would I want to be set up with Cindi?”

  Olivia snorted. “Is this a rhetorical question? Gee, I don’t know,” she said with a sarcastic bite as she turned and followed the walkway leading to the tower. “Maybe because once you realized I wasn’t worth the trouble, you figured you’d set your sights on the sexy, young blonde with an obvious wild streak.”

  Just as she reached for one of the large glass doors, Erik wrapped a hand around her wrist and tugged her toward the side of the building.

  They rounded the corner, and he led her several feet into the landscaped courtyard that separated the tower and the Shoppes at Prudential Center. When they reached a larger shade tree, he turned to face her, blocking her path with his body and a decently pissed-off expression.

  “I’m going to say some things, and I want you to hear me. Not let it in one ear and out the other because you assume it’s a bunch of bullshit lines, but really hear me.”

  Erik took a step in to her as she retreated, then another until her back made contact with the tree’s trunk and she had nowhere to go. He stood so close that her nipples would brush his chest if she took a big enough breath.

  “Okay,” she whispered, her breaths coming fast. “I’m listening.”

  “The fact that you’d ever think I want someone like Cindi is insulting. She seems like a great girl, but she’s a fucking kid who’s barely legal to drink. Why the hell would I want a girl of any kind when I can have a real woman like you?”

  She nodded in understanding. “I’m sorry I insulted you, Erik. I didn’t mean to insinuate you have a penchant for co-eds. I’m sure you keep your dating pool very age-appropriate.” Oh, God, she sounded like they were in a session. Why couldn’t she talk to him like a normal person?

  “That’s another thing,” he growled. “You keep making these comments about the kind of women I supposedly want and yet blatantly ignore all the times I’ve told you that the woman I want right now is you.”

  Her heart almost skipped a beat, but his choice of words gave it pause. “Right now?”

  “Yeah, Livvie, right now. I’m not going to feed you bullshit about forever when we don’t even know if we’ll last a month. But I sure as fuck know what I want now, and honestly, I don’t see that changing any time soon.” Erik braced both hands on the tree on either side of her head, and the way his jaw muscles flexed when he wasn’t talking told her he was keeping a tight leash on his control. “Christ, you’re all I think about. It’s making me crazy. I haven’t even noticed another woman since the night we spent together.”

  He couldn’t have shocked her more if he’d told her he was wearing women’s underwear. “You’re serious.”

  “Fuck yeah, I am,” he rumbled. “I’m trying to get you to see that this isn’t some game to me. I’m not looking for a challenge to earn bragging rights like some frat boy, and if all I wanted was pussy, I’d get it at Phoenix from the Hose Hunnies jockeying to get into a fireman’s bed. Believe me, they’re not in short supply.”

  Olivia clenched her fists at the image of different women sliding over him like their personal firehouse pole and reminded herself that she was not the type of person to claw someone’s eyes out. “If you’re dropping the deal we made, what is it you want from me?”

  “A shot,” he said, his eyes dropping to her mouth. And just like that, her rage melted into an aching need. Olivia bit down on her lower lip to stop herself from openly panting. “I want a shot with you in the form of three dates.”

  She frowned. “But you just said the deal is off.”

  “I said the original de
al is off. We both know I had the advantage that morning, and I manipulated the situation to get my way. It wasn’t a fair playing field, so I’m leveling it now.” Erik cupped her face with one hand, then used his thumb to release her lip from the punishing grip of her teeth. “I want you to want to give me those three dates, Livvie. I want the chance to know you better and for you to get to know me so I can better state my case as to why we’re so good together.”

  One side of his mouth hitched up in a small lopsided grin that hit her in the back of the knees. “I’m only asking for dates, sweetheart. Nothing more. Anything that happens beyond that will be entirely up to you.”

  Olivia thought carefully about everything he’d said. She had to admit, the fact that he essentially released her from their silly bet eased the underlying anxiety she’d had since the moment he strode into her office. Already, some of the tension drained from her shoulders. She didn’t relish getting backed into a corner. At least not in a mental capacity. It’s not like she could deny her arousal when he used his body to crowd or pin her. The proof was in the dampness between her legs.

  “If I said no,” she began pensively, “you’d accept my decision and move on?”

  She held her breath, waiting to hear his answer before deciding anything. At least, that’s what she told herself. Deep down, she knew she wasn’t changing her decision from the one she made three weeks prior. But there were only two words he could say at this point, and her psychological curiosity was dying to hear which one he chose.

  Erik’s jaw muscles fluttered as he exhaled harshly through flared nostrils. With his face close enough to trade breaths, she watched his eyes bounce back and forth between hers as though searching for his answer in their hazel depths. Then something changed in him. His pupils grew and the air of authority once again filled him, making him much larger than he was a moment ago, even as she knew it to be physically impossible.

  He sank his fingers into her hair, disregarding the destruction to her sleek ponytail style, and held her firm as he uttered a single word. “Don’t.”

  Why did it not surprise her that he chose to break the rules and create a third option? This man refused to conform, to do anything simply because it was what was expected. Unpredictable and wild. All traits that should frighten her away, not turn her on to the point of soaking her panties.

  Swallowing hard, she whispered, “Don’t what?”

  “Don’t say no.”

  “Okay,” she answered. “I won’t.”

  He held still for several beats, possibly trying to decide if he’d heard her correctly, then pushed out a heavy exhale and gave her a smile that lit up his whole face. She only had a moment to enjoy it before he crushed his lips to hers in a kiss so hot, she swore their lips melted together.

  When they finally broke apart, he looked like a kid at Christmas, so handsome and happy. She hated that what she said next might ruin his little high, but it couldn’t be helped. There was only one more concern to get out of the way before she committed to this completely.

  “Erik, this is going to sound ridiculous considering we already…” Olivia dropped her gaze to the grass between them. “What I mean to say is that I’d like to take things slow. Physically speaking.” God, this couldn’t be more awkward. She continued on, her words now coming out in a rush. “It’s not that I don’t like it when we get physical, because believe me, I do. I really, really do. But—”

  “Hey, stop.” He lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his steady gaze. “You don’t need to explain yourself. I’m not going to pressure you into anything. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to kiss you or that I’ll be able to ignore the air growing thick with enough sexual tension to suffocate us. There’s no point pretending to be something I’m not, and you already know I’m a man who goes after what I want.”

  That was an understatement if she’d ever heard one. Memories of that hotel room and the things he did flooded her brain. And then her panties. At this rate, she’d have to ditch them and go without the rest of the day.

  “But the minute you tell me to back off, Olivia, I will. I swear, I’ll listen. Got it?”

  “Got it.” She tried hiding her smile but wasn’t very successful.

  He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Why do you look so amused?”

  “That was the first time you ever called me Olivia.”

  “Yeah, well, don’t get used to it. You’ll always be my Livvie.” Erik placed a soft, sweet kiss on her lips. “I’ll call you later.” Then he walked away, leaving her in a daze as the words my Livvie echoed in her mind and warmed her blood.

  “Oh, and Doc?” he said after spinning around to walk backward as he talked.

  “Yes, Lieutenant?”

  “You might want to fix your hair before heading into the office.” A smug half grin hitched up the corner of his sexy mouth, and then he turned and disappeared into the small crowd along the street.

  Letting her head fall back on her shoulders, she took in deep lungfuls of air to rid herself of Erik Grady’s intoxicating scent so she could think clearly again. Her head was going to have one hell of a time trying to convince her libido to take things slow. She wasn’t even sure it was possible where that man was concerned.

  “Shit,” she whispered to herself as she righted her hair and clothes. “Might as well let him tie me to his bed and tattoo ‘sex slave’ on my ass.”

  Making her way into the lobby of the Pru and onto an elevator, Olivia had the distinct feeling the next time she saw Erik, her pride would take a swift kick to the teeth. She watched the heavy door as it slid closed, and there on the reflective metal surface was the hint of a smile she couldn’t contain.

  Chapter Eight

  Erik wondered if Olivia would actually stand him up after all this time. The thought hadn’t occurred to him until about fifteen minutes ago, and then with every passing minute, he’d grown less certain she’d show.

  Standing next to the aquatic-themed Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream cart in front of the New England Aquarium, he checked his watch for the hundredth time. Two minutes past their agreed-upon meeting time. No big deal. She said she was taking a cab, so there were several legitimate reasons why she might be late. But that didn’t stop him from scanning the area like he was back on watch detail in a red zone, taking in and cataloguing every detail so he’d know the second she arrived.

  The Harborwalk was alive with locals and tourists alike, meandering along the brick-paved wharf as they enjoyed the cloudless June afternoon. He adjusted his mirrored sunglasses and turned his face into the strong breeze coming in off the water¸ which was just as busy. The rectangular inlet between the aquarium and the weathered-looking Boston Marriott was the docking area for the Charlestown Ferry and other attractions, including the Boston Harbor Cruises, which he and Olivia would be going on later.

  If she showed.

  Erik clenched his fists, then just as quickly forced his hands to open and relax. What the hell was his problem? He told himself it was his ego bucking against the unprecedented feeling of rejection, nothing more. That’s all it should be. But he knew it had nothing to do with ego and everything to do with disappointment. He might put a certain amount of stock in fate, but there came a time when a man had to know when to walk away. He’d have to let it go. Let her go.

  Screw that. He could no more give up on this thing, whatever it was, between him and Livvie than he could on finding a trapped vic in a burning building. It’d be one thing if she truly had no interest in him, but if that were the case, he wouldn’t have pursued her past that first night. No, there was more than enough interest, and he’d be damned if he let her continue to run.

  Time check. Five minutes late.

  Fuck. If his BFD brothers saw him right now, they’d be giving him shit about being pussy-whipped before he even got the pussy. Although that wouldn’t entirely be true, would it? He’d had it, all right. Had it right up against his face and wrapped hot and tight around his stiff cock.

ct. Now he’d be sporting wood for their family-friendly date. Nothing screams “safe and unassuming” more than an unsightly bulge in the crotch area. She was sure to be impressed. Luckily, he’d taken that into consideration when choosing his clothes this afternoon. Dark jeans and a light blue button-up shirt, untucked with the sleeves rolled back on his forearms. Casual but not sloppy, with the benefit of hiding his dick’s reactions. Something he’d had to deal with on a daily basis since meeting Dr. Olivia J. Jones.

  “Hey, mister.”

  Erik glanced down to see a young boy squinting up at him. Curious, Erik repositioned his body to face the boy so that his much larger frame cast the kid in his shadow. “What’s up, little man?”

  With wide eyes, he asked, “Are you a under-the-covers cop?”

  Erik’s left brow arched in question as he tried to keep his amused grin at bay. “You mean an undercover cop?”

  The kid nodded emphatically with a fair amount of hero worship shining in his dark brown eyes. He was cute, with shaggy blond hair and dimples that were evident even without a smile, but he couldn’t be more than five or six years old. No way he should be wandering around by himself.

  Keeping his head tilted down at the kid, Erik used the cover of his mirrored glasses to discreetly search for a frantic adult who might be missing a child. “What makes you think that?”

  Canting his head to the side, he answered, “My Rose says you can always tell a undercovers cop”—well, that was closer than his original attempt at the title—“because they wear sunglasses you can see yourself in and they hold real still and look real scary.”

  Erik assumed Rose was a person who probably watched too many cop shows, but he stalled by pretending to misunderstand. “A talking flower said all that, huh?”

  “No, not a talking flower.” The kid giggled like it was the funniest thing he’d ever heard, then suddenly cut off and his ears perked up like a dog hearing a dog whistle. A second later, Erik heard it: a girl calling out a boy’s name, over and over again in clear desperation.


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