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Romancing the Alpha: An Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set

Page 47

by Zoe York

  “Yes. You persisted far beyond any others who have attempted.”

  She looked at the egg, a sad smile on her face. “Because I believed finding this was important. That sharing its history was the right thing to do.”

  The droid was silent.

  She sighed. “We’ll leave—”

  Damon controlled his start of surprise. “Lexa?”

  “You can’t be serious!” This from Dathan.

  She held up a slim hand. “Quiet, Dathan.” Her gaze found Damon. “He’s following the wishes of the priestesses. That’s important, too.”

  “You wanted this enough to fight for it,” Damon said.

  “Yes. But being on this hunt with you…I realized that believing in myself was just as important as finding the temple and putting the egg on display under lights.”

  God, would she ever stop surprising him? Nope. Damon suspected Lexa would always keep him guessing. “You’re pretty special.”

  She smiled. “Oh, I know.”

  He grabbed her hand, entwined their fingers. “Just so you know, I’m planning on falling in love with you.”

  She gasped, her fingers flexing on his. “What?”

  “Well, I think I’ve already started, somewhere between you kneeing me in the balls and you storming into a pack of wild desert wolves.” He drew her closer.

  She pressed a palm to his chest. “You’re awfully easy to please, Mr. Malik.” Her voice was breathless. “Oh, Damon, I was upset this would be over between us when the hunt was finished. That you’d lose interest.”

  He laughed. “Sweetheart, I’ve never met a woman who’s kept me on my toes as much as you.”

  “Ah…hello?” Dathan waved an arm at them. “Temple, treasures and killer droid here, remember? Can you deal with the mushy stuff later?”

  “A true romantic,” Lexa murmured.

  Over her head, Damon looked at the droid, who was watching them with an unwavering stare.

  “You wanted to place the egg in your museum?” the caretaker asked.

  Lexa swiveled in Damon’s arms. “Yes.” A rueful smile. “I’ll be honest, I’ve already designed the exhibit a hundred times in my head. And he—” she jabbed her thumb into Damon’s chest “—would have driven me crazy with all the things he’d have done to keep the egg safe from the hordes of schoolchildren who’d come to see it.” She looked at the Terran treasure again. “But it looks like it belongs here.”


  “Yes. The Darend gets a large number of school groups from around the quadrant who come to learn history from our collections.”

  The droid was silent and Damon suspected it was running some sort of program. Damon stayed prepared for whatever happened next.

  “I am at the end of my useful life cycle.” The droid scanned the temple. “I had planned to purchase and program a newer-model syndroid soon to become the new caretaker.” His gaze landed on a small group of statues of priestesses. “I remember Priestess Tialla’s last words. That the egg was not just a symbol of new life, but of hope and growth. That hope and growth were the two most important things people needed in their lives.” He straightened and looked at Lexa. “I believe now is the time for growth and change.” He grabbed her hand.

  Damon moved to intercept but Lexa stopped him with her other hand and the look in her eyes. “It’s okay.”

  “Dr. Alexa Carter, do you accept the role of caretaker of this temple and its treasures, and promise to ensure the Fabergé egg is protected, treated with respect, and admired by all those children you mentioned?”

  Damon blinked. Holy stars, the droid was giving the egg to Lexa?

  “I do,” she said solemnly.

  The droid nodded. “It has been hidden too long in the dark.”

  “I’ll take care of it, of everything here.”

  “Thank you.” The droid gave them one long look before he dropped Lexa’s hand. “My function has been achieved.” The syndroid turned and disappeared into the shadows.

  “Damn.” Dathan was shaking his head. “I still get my three things, right?”

  Lexa smacked him. “You are going to drive some woman nuts one day.”

  The treasure hunter grinned and winked. “More than one woman, I hope.” He wandered off to study the egg.

  Damon hugged Lexa close, resting his chin on the top of her head. “Well done, Dr. Carter.”

  “I still can’t believe it. There’s so much to organize…I need to contact Marius, and the Institute. We need to secure the treasure.”

  “We’ll sort it out, and get all this stuff back to the Darend.”

  She smiled. “I can’t wait.”

  “So, do you want to drive me crazy for a really, really long time?”

  She laughed, and looked up at him, and there it was. That look on her face, like she was looking at the most important thing she’d ever seen. Something she wanted to keep and hold on to.

  “I think I’m up for the task.” She brought her lips close to his. “Someone told me I’m smart, and confident, and determined. I think I can handle one former super spy.”

  He dropped his mouth to hers.

  Damon didn’t doubt it. And he was going to enjoy every minute of handling his own beautiful trouble magnet.


  Darend Museum, Zeta Volantis

  Press Release #PR-23-54-90-76

  Subject: New Exhibition – Orphic Priestesses and the Fabergé Egg

  The Darend Museum is delighted to announce the opening of their new exhibit, the Orphic Priestesses and the Faberge Egg. Museum Curator Dr. Alexa Carter was the discoverer of the invaluable Terran treasure after the museum funded an expedition to the desert planet of Zerzura to find the egg.

  “This is a dream come true,” Dr. Carter was quoted saying in a recent interview. “To have the priestesses’ treasure on display for all to see. It was time for it come out of the dark.”

  When asked about her dangerous trip to Zerzura, the astro-archeologist only had praise for the other two members of her team: up-and-coming young treasure hunter, Dathan Phoenix, and her head of security, Damon Malik.

  Mr. Malik is also in charge of the state-of-the-art technology used to secure the egg and the other historical treasures that make up the exhibition.

  The Darend Museum is also delighted that the new exhibit will also be location of Dr. Carter and Mr. Malik’s upcoming wedding. It seems the Goddess’ powers of love worked their magic on the treasure-hunting couple. The Museum wishes them all the best.

  To book your tickets for the exhibition, or to arrange a private group viewing, contact the Darend today.


  For a limited time, I’m giving away a free copy of the Phoenix Adventures novella, On a Cyborg Planet! To grab your copy, visit here:

  The Phoenix Adventures continue with more action, adventure and romance, plus a very grown-up Dathan Phoenix in At Star’s End—a galactic treasure hunt for the last remaining fragment of the Mona Lisa.

  The Phoenix Adventures

  At Star’s End

  In the Devil’s Nebula

  On a Rogue Planet

  Beneath a Trojan Moon

  Beyond Galaxy’s Edge

  On a Cyborg Planet

  And for more sexy science fiction romance and alpha male heroes, check out Hell Squad: the toughest squad of commandos fighting for humanity’s survival. Heroes will rise when they have someone to live for.








  Time Thief

  Mind Raider

  Soul Stealer



  Among Galactic Ruins

  At Star's End

  In the Devil's Nebula

  On a Rogue Planet

  Beneath a Trojan Moon
  Beyond Galaxy's Edge

  On a Cyborg Planet


  Winter Fusion


  Wind Kissed, Fire Bound

  Taken by the South Wind

  Tempting the West Wind

  Defying the North Wind

  Claiming the East Wind


  Savage Dragon

  Hunter’s Surrender

  One Night with the Wolf


  A Galactic Holiday

  Moonlight (UK only)

  Vampire Hunter (UK only)

  Awakening the Dragon (UK Only)


  I'm passionate about action romance. I love stories that combine the thrill of falling in love with the excitement of action, danger and adventure.

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  GENRE: Action Adventure Romance


  Charlotte knows she’s in trouble the moment Jackson North shows up at her door in the middle of the night. She always suspected her ex had secrets, but she never thought those secrets would lead her on a wild treasure hunt through Croatia’s islands—or throw her back into the arms of the dangerous man who once broke her heart.

  Turn the page to begin reading The Devil's Set: Jackson, or click here to return to this anthology’s Table of Contents.


  Prague, Czech Republic

  There was nothing like a cold beer and a good fuck to help a man unwind after a hunt.

  Jackson North leaned back on his stool and took a long, slow sip of his lager, letting it sit on his tongue as his eyes traveled up and down the bar. The dimly lit public house was lively tonight, and he picked up snippets of conversation in at least five languages as he scoped out his potential company for the evening. There was no shortage of attractive women in this particular hole in the wall, but he was in the mood for something special. A good hunt always left his body thrumming with a distinctive sort of hunger.

  He wasn’t the only one on the prowl tonight. Beside him, his teammate Toshi was chatting up a pretty German girl with blue streaks in her hair. Jackson had heard a duck speak better German than Toshi, but the girl seemed to find his mistakes charming. She laughed and ran a finger down one of the tattoos on his arm as she corrected his pronunciation.

  “I think he’s just making up words,” said Leo from his stool on the other side of Jackson. His dark hair fell into his eyes as he laughed and shook his head at their younger teammate.

  Jackson grinned. “I’m pretty sure I heard some Pig Latin in there.” Not that he blamed Toshi for having a little fun. Nothing got a man’s blood going like the sort of expedition they’d just finished. They’d escaped with only a handful of injuries this time—one of their members had needed stitches, and Toshi was sporting one hell of a black eye, which he seemed to have used to his advantage tonight—and the prize had been worth every cut and bruise. The drinks would flow freely tonight.

  Jackson raised his beer toward Leo. “To another successful venture.”

  His partner flashed a smile and returned the gesture with equal enthusiasm. “To another generous haul.”

  They clinked their glasses, but as Leo drained his pint, Jackson found his eyes wandering again. As much as he enjoyed toasting with Leo—and hell, if the fellow didn’t make an excellent drinking partner—his cock was interested in a different kind of celebration.

  And then, as if the sex gods had decided to further bless this night of victory, he spotted her—a girl who was everything he could have asked for. A girl who, even across this dark, smoky bar, brought his entire body to attention.

  She was tall and full in all the right places, and the tight top and fitted jeans she wore showed off every last curve to perfection. Long, honey-colored waves flowed down her back. He’d always been drawn to hair like that—hair that made women look like they’d just come from a good fuck. Even better when he was the one doing the fucking.

  An image flashed in his mind—the memory of hair of a similar shade and texture, spread like an amber fan across his pillow. Even now he could smell that hair, sweet as ripe strawberries, though it had been months since the last time he’d buried his face in those strands. His dick throbbed at the memory.

  Fuck, man. Get it together. The girl on the other end of the bar might look a little like Charlie, but there was no reason for him to lose himself in nine-month-old memories. He was already hard, for chrissake.

  He looked down the bar at the girl again. As he watched, she turned slightly, glancing over her shoulder to where he sat. Her dark eyes sparkled, and she flashed him a warm, flirtatious smile before turning back to her drink. A subtle invitation, and one his body most definitely wanted to respond to.

  She doesn’t look so much like Charlie after all, he told himself. Her eyes are too dark. And her mouth too wide. Charlie’s eyes had been a soft, innocent gray. And her mouth had been small and round, with lips that felt like silk against his skin.

  But he wasn’t going to think about that. Charlie was safe on the other side of the world. She was better off without him, and he was better off forgetting her for good.

  And you can start by tasting something new, he told himself, sliding off of his stool. But as he made his way through the crowd toward the beauty at the end of the bar, Charlie’s face flashed in his mind again, and he knew that every moment he spent with his fingers in this girl’s hair, he’d be thinking of her. Every touch of this girl’s fingers, every sound of pleasure he fucked from her lips, would be compared with those of the girl he’d left behind.

  Abruptly, he spun around and returned to his seat.

  Leo raised an eyebrow. “Change your mind?”

  Jackson shrugged as he waved the bartender over. “Thought I had a taste for something, but I was wrong.” He ordered another round before glancing behind them. “Are the others still not here?”

  His teammate shook his head. “Haven’t heard from them. Don’t know what the hell’s taking so long.”

  Frowning, Jackson rubbed the side of his neck. Since joining their ranks, he’d seen the Devil’s Set take on their share of challenges—their expeditions often required both physical expertise and cunning, and the team had both in spades—and he’d have trusted any of his teammates with his life. But for some reason, he had a sour feeling in his gut.

  “I think I might step out for a bit of air,” he said. “My drink better still be here when I get back.” He glanced toward Toshi, who’d moved from flirting to face-sucking with his new acquaintance. “And make sure our friend here doesn’t get pick-pocketed while he’s distracted.”

  “On it,” Leo said, his mouth turning up.

  A moment later, Jackson was outside, and he took a deep breath of the warm night air before heading down the street. He wasn’t sure why he was suddenly so restless. Maybe it was just the fact that he was still horny as hell, despite the fact that he’d managed to turn himself off of that girl at the bar. But he wasn’t convinced it wasn’t something more.

  He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he made his way down the cobblestoned avenue. Around him, Prague was bustling with life, even at this hour. A couple was pressed together in a darkened doorway, their arms around each other. Some intoxicated American backpackers were loudly slurring their way through a pop song as they stumbled down the sidewalk. An electronic beat pulsed out of a nightclub on the next block. Jackson kept an eye out for any of his other teammates, but he didn’t recognize anyone he passed. He quickened his pace.

  Roth, the leader of their little team, had booked them all into a guest house around the corner. It was a small but clean establishment, and Roth seemed to know the owner, which meant they’d probably be safe to discuss some of the more sensitive matters of their business. But tonight was about celebr
ating, which was why Jackson was so confused as to why it was taking everyone else so damned long to get to the bar. Something was off. He could feel it.

  When he got around the block to the guest house, he found the door to the street wide open. On its own, that shouldn’t have meant anything, but when he stepped inside, the back of his neck prickled. He yanked his gun out of the back of his jeans and surveyed the area.

  The main room was empty—at least he thought so at first. As he peeked behind the small check-in desk, he found the proprietor of the establishment sprawled across the floor, dead.

  No, just unconscious, he realized with relief when he bent down to press his fingers against the man’s neck. But someone had knocked him out cold. And that someone might still be here.

  As if in response to that thought, something crashed on the floor above. Jackson jumped up and tightened his grip on the gun. There were plenty of thieves in a big city like this, but most committed petty crimes of opportunity—picking pockets, scamming tourists, and the like. No one barged into a guest house and knocked out the owner unless they were after something specific. And anyone who targeted the Set wasn’t playing any games.

  He was at the base of the stairs in two strides. But before he could charge up, two men—men who were certainly not any of his teammates—came bolting down.

  They were on him before he had a chance to raise his gun. He threw himself at the short, stocky one on the left, trying to block him, but they had momentum on their side. The man shoved Jackson back against the wall, and the two intruders barreled out the open door.

  He recovered quickly. In a flash he was after them, chasing them through the cobblestoned streets, pushing past backpackers and drunken revelers after his quarry. He was the fastest on the team, and if anyone could catch these men, he could.

  He’d recognized the short, stocky one. It was one of Nash’s men, and this wasn’t the first time their paths had crossed. But they’d had reports that Nash’s team was working on a haul down in Cambodia. They shouldn’t be here. And they shouldn’t be in the Set’s rooms. Besides, the Set had only been in Prague for a handful of hours. How the hell did Nash’s fellows even know where they were?


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