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Mated to the Alien King: The Complete Series: A BBW SciFi Alien Romance (Captured by the Alien King Book 12)

Page 4

by Lace, Lisa

  Time to release this tension.


  As soon as I could see they would be safe, I whispered in Kenna’s ear. “I need you.”

  She looked at me, puzzled. But the urge to make love to her was becoming too pressing to ignore. I had to take her desperately.

  “I need you.” I repeated.

  She still stared at me, not getting it.

  “It’s my mating cycle,” I whispered. “Please. It will only take a minute.”

  “Sounds romantic,” she said. “Where?”

  “There’s only one place that’s close where no one will be able to reach us,” I said. “Follow me in a second.”

  I walked purposefully towards the exit that led into the captain’s office.

  “Ensign Moray, you have the bridge. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said. She didn’t even looking up.

  I could feel Kenna following me. As soon as we were through the doors, I locked them. There was a spot on the wall that required both a retina scan and a saliva sample for entry. A door slid open, and we stepped through.

  I stepped through. Kenna paused at the entrance.

  “What the hell is this place?” Kenna said, looking around at the small room. The sparse furnishings consisted of a bed and a tiny kitchen in one corner. The other corner was a bathroom big enough for exactly one person.

  “It’s a safe place for the captain when assailants attack us. We call it a strategy room, but I think you might be more familiar with the term ‘panic room’. It will do for our purposes. There are no communications in here, and transporter beams don’t work.”

  I grabbed her and threw her on the bed.

  She let out a squeak, and I had her pants around her ankles in a matter of seconds.

  “Do you want me, Kenna?” I said, not forgetting.

  “Strangely enough, I do,” she said, her breathing coming faster. I leaned over and planted a kiss on the triangle shaped scar the graced her upper left thigh.

  I remembered how much she had risked for that scar, and I thanked The Three that she was still with me.

  She hissed when my lips touched it and when I slid my finger between her thighs a moment later, I could feel the gush of her arousal. She was slippery. I wanted to slide deep inside her immediately.

  But Susohnnan males are trained from adolescence for two things about relations with a woman: to get verbal permission to make love to a female and to make sure she always comes first.

  And the fastest way to get a woman coming that I knew of was…

  I bent my head and flicked her clit with my tongue.

  “Oh, holy Mary, mother of God,” she said, and I spread her legs wider. I tasted her again. Fuck, she was sweet.

  Soon she was moaning and thrashing. She pulled on my hair, making me get up.

  “I want you inside me, now,” she said, her eyes hazy with lust.

  I flipped her over, pulling her butt to the edge of the bed, and knelt behind her, sheathing myself deeply in one hard thrust.

  She groaned in pleasure.

  I began thrusting as hard and fast as I could.

  “Yes,” I heard her say. “Yes.”

  I reached around and gently circled her clit as lightly as I could. With the other hand, I palmed her breast, tweaking a nipple.

  “Oh, God, yes,” she said, and I knew by the sound of her voice that she was close.

  When I felt her sex spasm around me and her butt press back against my groin, I sped up the pace and pounded into her. Sinking into her tight wetness again and again, I fucked her until I couldn’t hold back anymore, and I let go in a shattering release. I stiffened and pressed my hips hard against her soft ass as I shot my seed deep inside her.

  It occurred to me that I hadn’t checked to see if it was her mating cycle. Our cycles had never coincided before, and I didn’t expect them to anytime soon.

  After a moment, I got up and did up my pants. She reassembled her outfit.

  “Ready to go?” she said. “You can think straight again?”

  “Yes, thank you, my love,” I said, kissing her deeply.

  She gave me a sweet smile. We walked out of the little room and back into the captain’s office. After I sealed the hideout, I checked my watch. We left for about six and a half minutes.

  We walked out onto the bridge.

  “Oh shit,” Kenna said.

  There was no one there.

  I ran to the nearest console and tapped quickly, pulling up the location of all the crew members on our ship.


  There was no one on board the ship. Seven minutes ago, it had held nearly a hundred people.

  Well, that wasn’t entirely correct. There were two dots blinking — Kenna and me.

  The only two people on board who had been in a transporter-proof room during the time when the aliens had stolen everyone on board.

  I didn’t know whether to be grateful or embarrassed.

  “Dar, come here.”

  Kenna was busy at another console.

  “We’ve lost the audio and video feed, but Mana and Jared are still transmitting.”

  She tapped quickly.

  “See? She set up her scanning devices to relay back the information.”

  We both watched as she pulled up the floor plan of the alien ship again. There were a bunch of green dots in two of the cells — the one that Mana and Jared had been in and the one next to it. There were two blue dots in a third cell.

  “Have Mana and Jared returned yet?”

  Kenna turned those big brown eyes on me, and I saw that they were full of regret. She licked her lips nervously before she spoke.

  “They didn’t come back, Dar,” she said pointing to where it showed their names. “They’re the blue dots. Why are they blue?”

  “That means they’re unconscious. Fuck.” I put my hands to my head.

  I would not let this happen. I was the king. I slammed my fist into the console.

  “Come on, Kenna.”

  “Where are we going?” she said.

  “To the shuttle bay. We’re going to get them back.”

  “Dar, surely you can’t be serious. How is this different from earlier when you said it was irresponsible for you to go?”

  I paused to look her in the eyes. “Now, we are the only ones who can save them.”


  We locked on to the alien vessel and remaining cloaked. We hoped that they wouldn’t realize we were there.

  It was a long shot but better than nothing.

  The plan was simple. Enter the ship from a different spot. Grab Jared and Mana. And get out of there. We would figure out how to save everyone else, once our friends were safely back on board and able to help us plan our attack.

  Dar attached the unidirectional explosive and we crouched on the other side of the ship. It was designed to explode in only one direction using concentrated force. This way, even people with a minimal amount of training didn’t have to worry about accidentally blowing themselves up.

  Once it had detonated, we pulled the pieces of the hull out of our way and peeked through.

  We attached to the alien vessel at the exact location where Mana and Jared were being held. Dar gave me a boost, and I crawled through the hole into the cell. He pulled himself through, and we quickly made our way over to where Mana and Jared were lying.

  They were still unconscious, but it didn’t matter. We were going to drag them into the ship and get out of there.

  I picked up Mana under the arms and began dragging her over to the hole. Dar did the same with Jared. But something was wrong.

  “Dar,” I whispered, stopping. “Something’s wrong. She’s not heavy enough.”

  “What are you talking about,” he said. “Let’s just get them out of here. We’ll worry about how much weight they’ve lost later.”

  But I remained frozen, trying to figure out if we had overlooked something. That’s my problem, thinking about things to
o much.

  As I sat there thinking and doing nothing, the hole that we had made sealed itself in front of our eyes.

  We watched in horror as the ship appeared to heal itself like skin. Then we were transported to another cell.

  As my body winked out of existence in one location, and back in another, I felt like I had been repeatedly punched in the head.

  In the brief moment before I lost consciousness, it occurred to me that their alien technology may not be compatible with human and Susohnnan biology.


  As I drifted awake, I heard Jared’s voice saying, “Oh, we’re really fucked now.” I sat up, my hand to my head. It was aching so badly that I thought I would cry.

  “Kenna’s coming around too. What are we going to do?” Mana’s voice was way too loud, and I put my hands over my ears.

  “After we give them shit for coming after us and getting caught too, you mean?” Jared said.


  The pain receded and I carefully opened my eyes.

  “Kenna,” Jared said, “how are you? So nice to see you. Glad you could drop by to be imprisoned along with us.”

  I winced and looked around for Dar. He was still in the holding his head, trying to wake up.

  I didn’t say anything. It was too difficult to speak. Mana offered me some water, which I drank, then leaned back against the wall of the cell.

  Dar tried to come to me, but he was too weak. Jared helped him over to where I sat against the wall. He took my hand, and I immediately felt better.

  Whatever was going to happen, at least we were together.

  They took us without any of our tools and only the bottom layer of our clothes.

  After a while, Dar opened his eyes and spoke.

  “What happened?” he said.

  “Before or after you guys made everything worse by showing up here and getting captured, too,” Jared said, a sour look on his face.

  “We had a plan to escape,” Mana said more gently. “But it depended on you two still being on board the ship.”

  “But you were unconscious,” I said.

  “We were not unconscious. We were hiding out here,” Jared said, looking at us like we were crazy.

  “I picked you up and dragged you across the floor over there,” Dar said. “Then we all got transported.”

  I nodded.

  “Everyone else’s dots were green, but yours were blue. That’s why we left the ship and came here,” I said.

  “You used the data from the sensors?” Mana said, frowning. “I dropped those when we climbed through the ducts.”

  “Then whose data were the sensors sending back?” This was getting stranger by the minute.

  “I have no idea,” Jared said, suddenly looking like a scared little boy. “What I do know is that we were used as bait to lure you over here. These guys are a lot more sophisticated than we thought.”

  “We saw your bodies.” Dar said. “We lifted them.”

  “Wait,” I said. “Remember how I told you they weren’t heavy enough, Dar?”

  “They must have been decoys,” Mana said.

  “We have underestimated these aliens considerably. We need to get out of here,” Jared said. “Where is your ship?”

  We both shrugged.

  “Great,” he said, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

  “We’ll figure something out,” Mana murmured, and he glanced at her. The look held for a moment too long. Then he nodded and let out a heavy breath.

  Dar looked at me, his eyebrows raised.

  “So, how are we going to get out of here?” I said, tearing their attention away from each other and back to the situation at hand.

  “I’m afraid you’re not,” a tall man in a business suit said, materializing in front of us. We all stared. He was a big man with a broad chest. He wore immaculately tailored clothes which fit him perfectly. He looked pretty good, except for his eyes, which were cold and inhuman.

  “Who are you?” Dar said, his face grim.

  “It doesn’t matter. What matters is who YOU are.”

  He glanced around at each one of us and then smiled in a way that made my stomach turn.

  “You are all my slaves.”

  Part 2: Disappearance


  The stranger looked humanoid in appearance, but I was sure he wasn’t human or Susohnnan. There was something that simply wasn’t right about his eyes.

  “If you’re not sure what to do, it would be perfectly acceptable right now to run away screaming,” he said with a mocking smile.

  Dar stepped forward, drawing himself up to his full height.

  “I am King Darvish Micah Nindan Therossell Shu’in. I am the king of Susohn, located in quadrant 415.29. We have a claim on Wormhole 87 that we share with the humans of the planet Earth. You are trespassing.”

  The alien’s smile turned into a full-on laugh. But Dar continued, following protocol.

  “If you handled the removal or deaths of the ten thousand personnel on the Susohn Space Station, I demand that you return them, or I will charge you with the highest penalty of Susohnnan law.”

  “You are an amusing little creature.”

  Dar continued as if he hadn’t been interrupted.

  “I further demand that you release all of the humans and Susohnnan on this vessel as per the Union treaty. It states that all descendants of the Great Race have a right to freedom of person and that no person may own any other person.”

  Dar finally got his attention. “Well!” The man considered Dar’s request for a moment. “When you put it that way…”

  He stroked his chin in an exaggerated fashion.

  “No,” he said, finally. “I don’t have to abide by that treaty because my race is not a part of the Union. I am not a person.”

  “Not a person…” Jared muttered to himself.

  “You’re an alien,” Mana said. “Then why do you look like one of us. How can you speak Unified?”

  “Let’s just say I’m a flexible sort,” he said. “And I pick things up quickly.”

  I frowned. What was he saying?

  He was playing with his words.

  He was playing with us.

  “If you are not part of the Union, then where do you come from?” Dar said. “What race are you?”

  “I’d rather not say. And I don’t take questions from slaves. You should feel honored right now that I am speaking to you at all.”

  “We’re not your slaves,” Jared said. He looked furious — like he was barely holding himself together. Please don’t lose your shit, Jared. I thought carefully, trying to transmit my desires straight into Jared’s brain. Who knew what else this nutcase alien could do?

  “That’s a matter of opinion,” he said condescendingly. “When you are mind-wiped and distributed over the mining planets we own, you’ll be slaves. Don’t worry about that.”

  Mind-wiped? Oh, fuck.

  All of us looked at each other and froze. Suddenly he seemed a lot more menacing. Being slaves was one thing. But being mind-wiped was something else entirely. The stakes had gone up considerably.

  We had to get away.

  Being mind-wiped cleared most, if not all, of a person’s memory. I would still remember basic things — how to dress or cook supper. But the memories that made me who I am would be completely gone.

  We might as well be dead because it would erase the parts of ourselves.

  “Mining planets?” Dar said, keeping his eyes fixed on the alien.

  “Our race requires certain rare minerals that we can only find on particular planets we control. Living creatures must extract the minerals. It is impossible to automate the delicate procedure required. The mining is destructive to the life forms, shortening their lifespan considerably.”

  “By how much?” I said, unable to remain silent any longer. He looked at me with a cold stare.

  “75 percent.”

  None of us said anything.

“You better call some friends,” Jared said, rolling up his sleeves. “We’re not going without a fight.”

  “I’m the only one here, and I do not require backup,” he said, looking amused again.

  “The only one?” Mana said, looking as confused as I felt.

  “This is a self-healing ship, manned by droids. I am tired of this conversation. You will make good slaves, I’m sure. You all look strong and healthy.”

  As he made this speech, there had been a conversation going on between Jared and Dar with their eyes and hands. They were making furious hand signals at each other.

  I hoped they knew what they were doing.

  I looked at Mana, but she was a statue, with an unreadable expression on her face.

  Suddenly, Dar rushed the alien and Jared moved to attack him at the same time. I didn’t see anything happen. The man barely touched them, and both Jared and Dar went flying.

  Dar sailed across the room, hit the wall hard, and slumped down to the floor.

  “Shit!” I ran to him. He was out cold.

  “Enough nonsense. I will transport you to the slave cells.” He made a strange sound from the back of his throat and disappeared.

  “Is he alive?” Mana said, coming over as soon as the alien man was gone.

  Jared got up, shook his head, and tried to focus his eyes.

  “Is Dar okay?” he said, sitting down against the wall.

  I had my fingers pressed to his neck and felt for a pulse. It was strong and steady.

  “I think he’s okay. Just unconscious,” I said.

  The world flashed white. Jared, Mana, and I reappeared in another cell. Dar was not with us.

  “Where’s Dar?” I said, starting to panic. How had I come to depend on him so much in such a short period?

  We all looked around. We were the only people in this cell.

  “Shit,” Jared said, “I think I’m going to puke.”

  He stumbled over to the toilet and threw up. Mana turned away, one hand over her mouth, the other holding her head. I tried to ignore the ache in my temples. Someone needed to figure out what we could do and how we could find Dar.

  I went to the door. They had firmly locked it; I don’t even know why I tried. I walked around the room, pulling on the manacles, carefully avoiding the toilet region where Jared was washing his face off.


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