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The Alpha's Hybrid Mate

Page 13

by C Davis

  “Poison him with silver and let him die a slow and agonizing death. With the vampires on our side, he is no longer of use to me.”

  “How can you be so sure they’ll side with us?”

  “Because if anyone hates witches more than us, it’s vampires.”


  I stood at the gates of the vampire king’s territory, and watched the guards hiss at me. I know, I don’t like you either.

  “The King is expecting me,” I said as one of the guards searched me for weapons.

  As soon as they finished; they led me to the gates, and up to the entrance. The place smelled like rotting corpses and I could smell fresh blood as we made it to the king. I bowed my head in respect, and cleared my throat. “My king, I hate to give you such short notice, but I’m afraid a war is breaking out. I have reason to think you might be next.”

  “Jaxson, you know you don’t have to call me king. We go way back… call me Allesandro. I’ve heard the whispers amongst my people. A war is brewing…has for a long time. We go way back, yes?”

  “Of course, I remember,” I said.

  “Then you know, I am on your side. Tara was like a sister to me.”

  “Yes, I know.” I sighed.

  “I hear through the rumors you found your true mate.” He smiled, drinking the blood from the glass.

  “There’s something you need to know about her. She was Tara’s blood sister, and she is a werewolf/witch hybrid. That’s why the witches are doing this. Alpha Lorenzo wants her power. Can I count on you to be on my side?”

  “Anything you need, let me know. So, Tara’s sister?”

  “I know, it’s crazy. Maybe that’s why I met Tara… to find my mate.”

  “What’s her name?”

  “Lana. I have to be going, but keep in touch. We’ll talk soon, and let me know if you hear anything.”

  “Of course, guards please show Alpha Jaxson out safely. He’s royalty around here.”

  I bowed my head to Allesandro again before turning to smirk at the guards. They widened their eyes in fear, and began to lead me out.

  That’s right fuckers.

  Fucking royalty.

  Once upon a time, Allesandro and I were best friends. When we were children, we would meet in the middle of the forest and play. That’s before we knew what we were… completely oblivious to the fact we were supposed to hate each other. Then, we grew up, and drifted apart. In high school, we secretly hung out without our parents knowing, and met Tara. To Allesandro, she was like a sister. But to me, she was more than that… or so I thought.

  Arriving back to Crimson Peak territory, I could finally breathe fresh air. Cole stood at the border, and raised his eyebrow to me.

  “We’re good. We officially have Allesandro on our side.”

  “Lana is waiting for you in the dining room. She’s been worried about you since she woke up. I think she may have had a bad dream.”

  “What?” I snapped.

  I stepped into the room to see her pacing the floor as my mother tried to calm her down. She sensed me, and ran to me wrapping her arms around my neck. “I was so worried about you. It wasn’t just a dream… it was a vision.”

  “Baby calm down, I’m here now. Nothing is going to happen to me.” I whispered and glanced at my mother, but she shook her head. Her body was trembling and I could feel the fear radiating off her body. She didn’t even shake this bad when I told my sister Lorenzo had found her. It pained me so much to see her scared like this, and for the first time…I was powerless. The only thing I could do is hold her close and assure her nothing was going to happen.

  “It was so real.” Tears streamed down her cheeks as she cupped my face.

  “Shh, calm down. I’m right here and I'm not going anywhere.” I held her tighter, careful to not hurt her belly.

  It took me nearly an hour to get Lana settled down and relaxed. She still didn’t tell me what the dream was about, but I know when she’s ready…she will. I stepped out of the room quietly and whispered to my mother. “Watch after her, and let me know if she starts to have dreams again.”

  My mother nodded and I turned to Cole and my father. “We need to talk.”

  I knew they wouldn’t like that I’d gone to Alessandro, but I had no choice. We stepped into my office, and I took a deep breath. “I went to see King Allesandro.”

  “You can’t be fucking serious!” Cole growled clenching his fists.

  “I am. Look, I wouldn’t have gone to him if I didn’t have a choice. Lorenzo and the witches have already taken out two packs. Do you want to be the third? Besides, it was you that told me to get in touch with him.”

  Cole growled.

  “Cole, Jaxson is right.” My father sighed.

  “Fine.” He agreed, but I knew better. He was just saying that to avoid an argument with my father.

  “It’s settled, we’re going to fight beside the vampires against Lorenzo and the witches.”



  I flexed my jaw as I let the information set in. The witches were at it again. They wanted to take out the vampires and the werewolves by causing a war between us. I glanced over to the slave kneeling at my feet. She held out her wrist, offering herself to me. I took her wrist, exposing my fangs and bit into her flesh. She whimpered as I sucked the blood and let the sweet taste slide down my throat.

  I pulled my teeth out of her wrist, and licked the blood off her delicate skin. I brought my wrist up to my mouth and bit into it and held it to her mouth. “Drink.”

  She obeyed, drinking a fair amount and moaned. Pulling my wrist away from her, I said. “Go to your room and rest.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  I leaned back in my throne and sighed. My thoughts went back to a memory of Jaxson and me when we were just kids.

  “Eww. you drink blood.” Jaxson scrunched his nose up.

  “This isn’t blood, it’s my vitamins. My father told me so.”

  Jaxson grabbed the cup out of my hand and sniffed. “That’s blood.”

  “No, it isn’t.” I clenched my jaw, yanking the cup back out of his hand.

  “Prove it. Let me taste it and I’ll tell you if it is, or not.”

  “Fine.” I let out a huff, and rolled my eyes.

  Jaxson took a drink and shrugged his shoulders. “Hmm, not bad. That, my friend, is in fact blood.”

  My father cleared his throat, and raised his brow. “Son, it’s time for Jaxson to go home. His mother is here to pick him up.”

  Jaxson’s mother narrowed her eyes at my father, and hissed. “How could you let him drink that?! Do you have any idea what you’ve done? Come on baby, we’re leaving. Right now.”

  I opened my eyes and frowned. If I’d never given him that drink, he would’ve never triggered the demon wolf in him. It was all my fault. After that day, our parents separated us. Today is the first time I’d seen him since we were younger.

  I rose from my throne and glanced at my guard. “Bring me the slave that was just in here. I have a job for her.”



  Jaxson left to take care of business, and left Cole and a few warriors to protect the women and children. I yawned as I stepped in the kitchen. Jaxson’s mother was at the stove cooking breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

  “Mmm, that smells delicious.”

  Giselle turned her head and smiled, “There’s my soon to be daughter-in-law. Sleep well?”

  “Actually, yes.”

  Giselle turned off the burners and fixed a plate. I leaned down and kissed Gabriel on the head, “How’s my little angel?”

  Gabriel smacked his palms on the high chair table and giggled.

  “Oh,” Giselle sighed, “He’s been extra feisty this morning.”

  “I could’ve taken care of him.” I said.

  “Nonsense, you needed your rest.” Giselle argues.

  “I’m supposed to…”

  “Hush now, sit down and let me fix
you a plate.” She chastised me.

  I slid into a chair and nodded. Giselle set a plate down next to me with scrambled eggs and pancakes that had already been cut up into squares. “For Gabriel. It still needs to cool down.”

  Giselle walked back to the stove and loaded my plate with everything she had cooked. I widened my eyes as she set it down in front of me. “Eat.”

  I scarfed down every bit surprisingly. I took a drink of my orange juice and leaned back, rubbing my belly.

  “How’s the little one?”

  “He’s fine. Just a little rambunctious. When will Jaxson be back?”

  “He should be back any moment.”

  A warmness on my chest began to burn my skin. I reached down to lift my necklace and cried out in pain. “Ouch, my necklace… it’s burning me.”

  Giselle held her head in pain and fell to her knees. “The witches… it’s the witches.”

  I yanked my necklace off and threw it to the floor. Gabriel whimpered and began to cry as I held my head in pain too. Suddenly, I felt cold metal to my throat and was yanked back. “Don’t fucking move or I’ll slit your pretty little throat.”

  I nodded and whispered, “Please, you don’t have to do this.”

  “Miss me, little wolf?”

  Giselle crawled towards Gabriel only to scream out in pain. Across the room, I saw Lucinda chanting.

  “Lucinda, why?”

  “Dmitry was such a fool to bring me into his home after all these years. Let’s just say I have big plans for you.”

  “You traitorous bitch. Jaxson will kill you.” Giselle growled.

  “Cole!” I screamed out.

  “Cole will not be coming, my dear. And neither will Jaxson. By the time they get back, we’ll be long gone.”

  “Come, Duke. We have much work to do.”

  “No,” I whispered, “Duke was…”

  “Murdered? Yes, he was. Good thing for me, I brought him back.”

  I tried to flick my wrists to use my powers, but nothing happened. Another flick. Nothing. Duke leaned down and hissed in my ear. “Try all you want, but your powers have been binded. Try anything stupid, and I’ll make you regret it.”

  “Please, don’t take me to Lorenzo. He’ll… he’ll kill me.”

  “Darling, we aren’t taking you to Lorenzo. We are taking you to my coven. The only way we can bring Alpha Jaxson down is to take what is most dear to him.”

  I felt a pinch in my neck and my vision began to blur. I could hear the faint screams when my body grew weak and fell into darkness.



  Something was wrong. I could feel it. My mate was in trouble. I could sense her fear and panic through the bond. I clenched my fists and my wolf was threatening to break free. I closed my eyes and braced myself against the tree and tried to breathe in and out like my father taught me.

  “Mate! Our mate is in trouble.” My wolf growled.

  “Jaxson,” my father whispered, “What is it?”

  “Mate,” I growled, “Something is wrong. Terribly wrong.”

  Before my father could say anything, I felt my bones crack and transform into my wolf. I ran through the woods and tried to talk to her through the bond. Nothing. Not a goddamn thing. I made it to the edge of the forest and sniffed the air. Not even a fucking scent! Nothing. I continued to run as fast as I could and made it to my home. I transformed back to my human form, not caring that I was walking inside stark naked. The only thing I cared about was Lana. I looked around the room and nothing seemed to be out of place. However, when I entered the kitchen, my mother was knocked out and my son was gone.

  “Fuck!” I hissed, “Mom, I need you to wake up.”

  My father rushed in and instantly rushed to her side. He picked her up and held her close.

  “Is she…”

  “She’s alive. Just knocked out. Go put some pants on and check to see where Cole is. If I’m right, he’s going to be in the same shape as your mother. I’ll put her somewhere safe, and find Natalia.”

  I rushed to my room and slid on a pair of shorts. I searched each and every room to come up empty. I finally looked outside to find him knocked out in the bushes. I tapped his face and whispered, “Wake up, Cole.”

  “Hmm,” he moaned, “Jaxson?”

  “What happened here?”

  “I…” he groaned, “I remember I was guarding the house. Then, I saw Lucinda… she talked to me. Then, nothing.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, it was her. What happened?”

  “Lana and Gabriel are gone. Get all the best trackers and start searching for them. I’ll call Allesandro and tell him what’s going on.”

  “I-I’m sorry.” He croaked.

  “Where’s my sister?”

  He shook his head, “I don’t know. She was in her room.”

  My father’s livid voice growled through the air, “Fucking traitor! Goddamn Lucinda did this.”


  “And she’s brought Duke back to life.”

  “Lorenzo!” I growled.

  “No, this is just Lucinda. I can’t believe I fucking trusted her.”

  Suddenly, it all makes sense. Lucinda… the witches wanted to take out another pack. The perfect plan to take Alpha Lorenzo out of the equation. If he had nothing to do with this… fuck, this was bigger than I thought.

  Where was Lana?

  My son?

  And why bring my brother back to life?

  “Lorenzo may have tried to get Lana back and kill James’ daughter, but this wasn’t him. Your mother said they were taking Lana to the coven. Lucinda’s coven. Whatever is happening, it’s all Lucinda and Duke. I’ll call Allesandro; you get Cole inside and checked out by the doctor.”

  “Natalia…” Cole whimpered.

  “She’s fine. Natalia is in the safe room with Giselle. Go!”

  It was like Tara all over again. I grabbed Cole by the waist and helped him inside to his room. He collapsed on the bed and groaned in pain. “Fuck, bitch must’ve got me good.”

  I turned to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist. “I’m sorry, Jaxson. I couldn’t…”

  “It’s not your fault. Lucinda had us all fooled. Including me.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to wait for Allesandro to arrive, and then I’m going to form a plan to get my mate back. I know you don’t like vampires, but I have to work with them. For my mate and my two children.”

  “I know. It’s not that I dislike vampires.”

  “Then what?”

  “I was jealous when we were younger. You wanted to hang out with Allesandro more than me. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t blame yourself for this. It wasn’t your fault.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  “Mad at you? No. Pissed my mate and son is gone? Hell yes. And I’m going to get her back. Both of them. Rest, Cole. I have a feeling you’re gonna need all your strength for this war.”

  When I reached my office, my father and Allesandro were already waiting for me. I curled my fists and clenched my jaw. “They took my son and my mate. These witches are going down. One by one. And when I take each one of them out, Duke will be next.”

  “I already have my best men tracking them. Your father was kind enough to get something that belonged to them so they have their scent. We’ll find them, Jaxson.” Allesandro tells me.

  “Jaxson, help us.” I hear Lana whisper through the link, “I don’t think I have much time left until they take my baby from me.”

  “Hold on, baby. We’re coming for you. Very, very soon.

  “They’re going to come for you. Watch out for…”

  “Lana! Lana!”

  I fell to my knees and let out a howl, alerting the entire pack to get busy. I had to find her. Find my son. Or I feared my mate would die. And soon I would too. I held my head in my hands and let out a feral growl. I could feel my eyes changing. My father tried to calm me, but I shook my he

  “I can’t control it… my wolf is too angry.” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Allesandro, maybe you should step out.” My father warned.

  “No!” I growled, “Maybe he can be of use right now.”

  “How?” my father asked.

  “His blood… give me some of his blood.” I said through clenched teeth.

  “Jaxson?” my father started, but Allesandro was already biting into his wrist.

  Allesandro picked up a glass and squeezed his fist, filling the glass halfway. He handed it to me and I gladly took it and drank. His blood may be the only way to get into Lucinda’s territory without being detected as a werewolf. Plus, it will give me the strength to fight off each and every one of the motherfuckers. Including Duke. That’s the one I really want.



  Duke, Jaxson’s brother, pushed my hair out of my face and whispered. “Lana, dear sweet Lana, where’s your little mate now? Hmm?”

  “Fuck. You.” I growled.

  I tried to ease my wrists through the rope but it was no use. They tied me up good. Being touched by anyone but my mate made me sick to my stomach. Duke wrapped his hand around my throat and sneered, “I see Jaxson didn’t teach his little bitch any manners. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you know each and every rule. Even if I have to break you.”

  “Jaxson is going to kill your witch and after he does that, he’ll rip out your heart. Again.”

  “Oh Lana, you are in store for a treat later.”

  “Where’s Gabriel?” I demand, “What have you done with him?!”

  “In due time, my sweet. But first, I’m going to have a little fun with you. Jaxson was right to keep you from the other men. You are one ripe woman.”

  “Don’t touch me!”

  I closed my eyes and fought the urge to puke when I felt him jerk my head to the side. His lips touched my neck, his canines grazing my skin. It disgusted me. I let out a blood curdling scream when he sunk his teeth inside. Right in the same spot as when Jaxson marked me. I cried out in pain, but he covered my mouth with his free hand. I opened when he pulled away and licked the blood off his lips. “My, my, you are a tasty little thing.”


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