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The Princess Problem

Page 2

by Diane Darcy

“We should wait a little longer.”

  “What for? Even if she does show up you won’t be able to open the front gate if she buzzes it. In fact, the intercom isn’t working now. If she does show up she’ll just go home again.”

  “You could take an umbrella and go down to the gate and wait for her. She can park her car on the road and come in through the walk-in gate.”

  Jonas laughed. “Not going to happen.”

  “If I do it, I could fall.”

  “Which is why that’s not going to happen, either.”

  “I could send Tate.”

  Jonas watched, amused, as his mother struggled with the idea of sending the old guy out in the rain. Granted, Tate would do anything for her, but Jonas knew she wouldn’t ask. When her shoulders slumped, he grinned. “Don’t worry about it. If she even shows up, which I doubt, she’ll probably turn around and go home when she sees the electricity is off.”

  His mom sighed. “You’re probably right.”

  “I am. Let’s eat dinner.”

  With two candles, Jonas led the way into the dining room, set the candles on the table, found a flashlight in the sideboard, and headed into the kitchen to find Tate surrounded by candles, dishing up food. How the old guy always knew what was going on in the house was a mystery.

  “Let me help you with that.”

  When Tate gave him a nasty look, his wild, white hair catching light from the candles, Jonas grinned. “Or not.”

  “I’ll be right in,” said Tate. If you’ll wait in the dining room, I’ll make sure you have some food in that bottomless pit you call a stomach, pronto.”

  Jonas’s lips curved and he gave a slight bow. “Yes, Tate.”

  Jonas heard the old man mumbling to himself and joined his mother at the table as the door swung shut. She looked unhappy in the candlelight, and younger than usual. He hated to disappoint her, but she needed to butt out of his love life.

  Tate came out of the kitchen with three full plates he set at each place, then proceeded to fill their water glasses before sitting down to join them.

  They ate in silence, his mother not speaking to him. Finally Jonas couldn’t stand it any longer. “Mom, I know you mean well.”

  “I just want you to be happy. Fall in love. Have some children.”

  “Hey, don’t you think I want that, too?”

  Tate snorted.

  Even in the candlelight, Jonas could see his mother’s pained expression. “Maybe you’re just too picky?”

  “Maybe I just haven’t met the right girl?”

  “They’re never the right girl.”

  She sounded so down he wanted to comfort her. “Mom. I just want the real deal, you know? You and Dad set too good an example for me. I want what you had. I don’t want to settle for less.”

  She sniffed.

  “No crying at the table, remember? Dad always said it was bad luck.”

  She laughed at that and they settled back into their meal. They were halfway through when there was a knock on the door.

  His mother looked up and smiled. “She made it.” She set her fork down with a clatter, jumped up, and ran into the kitchen. “Tate! Help me set another place.”

  Jonas looked at the storm-drenched windows, the lightning, and the darkened room. Some people were truly unbelievable. The lengths some girls would go to simply to attract his attention was truly astounding. While his mother was busy in the kitchen, he was going to give her a piece of his mind. If she liked going out in this weather so much, she could turn right around, get in her car, and go home. This was ridiculous. Jonas hurried to the front door and as he opened it, the candle blew out. A flash of lightning lit the sky, illuminating the beautiful, pathetic-looking, drenched girl before him. He sighed. “Blast it. Come in, if you must.”

  * * *

  Come in, if you must?

  Alicia was annoyed.

  At herself, sure. And she probably ought to be miffed at Mrs. Highborn for putting her in this situation. But it was actually the lady’s son she wanted punished. If the guy weren’t such a dating dud, then she wouldn’t be in this situation right now, would she? Maybe she did need to take some responsibility for the fact that she’d driven out in a raging storm. And, okay, maybe no one had forced her to stumble through the rain to the Highborn house, thereby making a complete idiot out of herself. But this would have been completely unnecessary if the guy in front of her was able to get a freaking date! So, unfair or not, she blamed him.

  And there was no doubting the identity of the big jerk snapping at her. She knew it was him. Come in, if you must? So much was explained about his single status.

  “Thank you, so much, for the gracious invitation.” She stepped forward. Well, she squished forward, so dripping wet that the water filling her shoes leaked onto the floor. “I believe I will.”

  He shut the door behind her. “Can I get you anything? A glass of water perhaps? Or a towel or two?”

  She clenched her chattering teeth. The blockhead. If he thought she didn’t hear the sarcasm in his voice, he was sadly mistaken.

  What she’d like was the signed contract, in a big, zip-lock baggie, and to be on her way. A hot shower, some dinner, a cup of cocoa, and a nice long gloat while she looked at the contract and snuggled in her thick blankets sounded like the perfect evening.

  But that wasn’t going to happen, was it? And why not? Because of this big twit standing in the shadows in front of her. She could see the outline of his body, well over six feet tall, all broad shoulders and menace. And, while she couldn’t see his face, she could hear his voice just fine. He was snide, rude, and condescending. At that moment, she hated him.

  “How about we make it three towels? Thank you for the kind offer.” Now scurry off, fathead, and when you come back, you can clean up the puddle I’m making on your mansion floor.

  A door opened and a woman holding a candle and a man with a towel hurried forward. “Alicia! Welcome, my dear. I’m so glad you could make it.”

  Alicia relaxed a little at the genuine welcome in Mrs. Highborn’s voice and in her glowing face, illuminated by the candle. “Thank you, Mrs. Highborn.”

  “Remember to call me Willa.” She handed the candle to the white-haired man at her side and wrapped Alicia in a towel.

  Alicia huddled into it, patting her face with the corners, grateful for its warmth. “Thank you, Willa.”

  “I see you’ve met my son, Jonas.”

  “Yes.” Alicia could hear the edge to her voice and hoped Willa didn’t.

  “Jonas, this is Alicia, the girl I was telling you about. She’s going to help me with the commercial. She has wonderful ideas and I’m really excited to work with her and her team.”

  “Hopefully someone on her team has more common sense than she does.”

  “Jonas.” His mother’s tone held a warning.

  “What? Either she’s a dimwit, or so desperate for your business that she’s put aside her common sense. Either way, I’m not impressed.”

  “Jonas. You will apologize this instant.”

  “No, please.” Alicia face was hot and she was glad for the darkness. “It’s fine. I don’t mind hearing what he thinks. As long as he’s up to the same treatment.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.

  She considered telling him exactly what she meant, but a glance at Willa had her changing her mind. “Nothing I can say in mixed company.”

  Willa sighed. “I’m sorry, Alicia. I raised him better than that. He’s usually charming and hard to resist.”

  Alicia laughed out loud.

  Willa ignored her. “Don’t forget, Jonas, this commercial is completely my decision, not yours. I’ve got to get another candle. I’ll be right back.”

  As soon as Willa and the man with her left the room, leaving Alicia and the cretin in darkness once more, Jonas took a step forward. “Do you want to tell me what you meant by that comment?”

  She lifted her chin. “You first.”

��I meant that if you don’t have enough sense to stay out of the rain, then it appears it will be left to others to handle that aspect of the project, won’t it?”

  Alicia’s eyes narrowed and she clenched her jaw. She knew she looked stupid, and it probably wasn’t fair to be mad at him for it, but she was. “For your information,” she said, “I have plenty of common sense. Do you really think I wanted to come out in this storm? Your mother wanted me here. I was blackmailed with the promise of a contract. And do you know why?”

  He crossed his arms. “Enlighten me.”

  She shouldn’t say it. She should control her tongue. But when lightning flashed, she could make out the smirk on his face and couldn’t seem to control herself. “Because you are such a clod that you can’t seem to get a date on your own.” She tried to lower her voice. “So mommy has to try and set you up with innocent bystanders by twisting their arms. Surely I’m not the first one to show up here in the middle of a storm? It must happen to you all the time.” She waved a hand in the air. “Good weather, bad weather, hail, snow, sleet. So you can wipe that snide tone from your voice and share a little of the responsibility, hey?”

  Jonas laughed, sounding genuinely amused.

  Willa laughed, sounding delighted.

  Alicia turned, dismayed. “Mrs. Highborn...Willa...I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to hear that.”

  Willa laughed again. “No. You’re completely right. I do have to bribe girls to date my son. I should be completely ashamed of myself, but I can’t seem to stop doing it. He’s just such a hard case, you know?”

  Alicia wondered if she’d completely blown it, but Willa’s smile in the candlelight looked sincere.

  “Here we go.” Still smiling, Willa handed over the candle and a packet of matches. “Jonas, show Alicia up to the guest room.”

  “The guest room?” Alicia shook her head.

  “Yes, dear. You’ll have to stay the night. The storm is too bad for you to go out into it again.”

  Alicia hesitated, wondering if there was a gracious way to ask for the contract, then leave. She decided there wasn’t. “I think I’ll just drive home. We can meet up again tomorrow sometime.”

  “There is no way I’m letting you back out into this storm,” said Willa. “Jonas. Please show Alicia to the guest room. The bed is already made up in there.”

  Jonas snorted. “Is that a good idea? It’s right next to mine. What if she sneaks into my room in the middle of the night? I have to protect my virtue.”

  Alicia expected Willa to laugh. She knew she was barely keeping herself from busting a gut.

  “I’m sure she won’t. She seems very trustworthy to me.” Willa turned to Alicia, the candlelight flickering across her concerned expression. “You won’t, will you?”

  Alicia huffed out a breath. These people were delusional. “It’ll be hard, but somehow I’ll manage to stay in my own room and keep my hands to myself.”

  Jonas laughed again, and it irritated Alicia that she liked the deep, booming sound. It touched something off in her and made her want to respond, to smile and share in his humor. As if. She hunched her shoulders.

  “The water heater should still have plenty of water for a shower and there’s shampoo and conditioner,” continued Willa. “Dinner is cold now, but Tate is going to make you a sandwich and I’ll bring that up with some pajamas and a toothbrush. I’ll just leave them on your bed. How does that sound?”

  “Wonderful. Thank you.”

  After Willa left, Alicia unwrapped the towel and spread it on the floor to mop up the mess. She then followed Jonas up the stairs, staring resentfully at his back, and when they reached the top, she lifted the candle to try and see his face, but he stepped back into the shadows. “What are you hiding? Hideous scars? A pig snout?”

  He chuckled.. “Something like that. You might want to cover up your, um,” he waved a hand in the general vicinity of her chest.

  Alicia glanced down and gasped. The candle she held illuminated the silk shirt clinging to her breasts. She quickly blew out the candle, leaving them in darkness.

  He laughed yet again and somehow the sound--warm, deep, inviting--made her already cold skin prickle with...attraction? Which annoyed her all over again.

  “You are such a jerk.”

  “Hey, I could have kept quiet about it and just enjoyed the view. Don’t I get any points for that?”

  She let out a breath. “Sure. I’ll add one back to the negative score. Hmm. Let me check. Still a ways to go until you’re in the black again.”

  He chuckled, low and rich, the sound enticing in the darkness, and she wished he would stop doing that.

  He opened a door she could barely make out in the darkness. “This is your room. The bathroom is to your left. I wouldn’t shower longer than fifteen minutes or so, just in case. You probably don’t want two cold showers in the same night.”

  One hand extended to feel her way in the darkness, she clutched the candle and matches in the other and moved forward. “Thank you.”

  “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Not if I see you first.” She closed the door with a snap.

  Too bad she could still hear his laughter. Jerk.

  Chapter Three

  Alicia woke the next morning tired and slightly cranky. Even though the mattress was one of the most comfortable she’d ever slept on, she’d spent way too much time fuming and arguing with Jonas in her head. Why was it she always thought of a good come-back when it was too late? She could see why he worried about girls sneaking into his room in the middle of the night. His virtue wasn’t the issue. They probably sneaked in to continue arguing with him so they could get the last word. Or in this case, the last laugh.

  She dressed, made the bed, and folded the pajamas. Digging in her purse she retrieved a comb, found an elastic, and scraped her hair into a ponytail. She daubed on lip gloss, which was unfortunately all the makeup she had with her. She knew from past experience that looking her best when facing an opponent helped her feel more confident, thereby helping her to to think and react better. There was probably some sort of psychology behind it, and whatever it was, she knew it worked.

  She stood back, studied herself in the mirror, then sighed. Apparently there was only so much she could do with a wrinkled and slightly moist dress, damp shoes, and a lack of cosmetics. Even some smoothing gel or a curling iron right about now would be a godsend.

  If not for the fact that she needed to talk to Willa about the contract, and knew both Mike and her boss would expect a report, she’d be tempted to just sneak out of the house. She turned away from the mirror, picked up her purse, and, after one more glance around to make sure all was in order, she left the bedroom.

  She assured herself that what she was feeling was nerves and not anticipation about meeting Jonas face to face this morning. She’d lain awake half the night wondering what he looked like. If there was any justice in the world he really would have a pig snout. Anyway, she felt the need to hurry. She didn’t want to leave Jonas alone with Willa for too long this morning. Regardless of what Willa said the night before, Alicia worried that Jonas would influence his mother about her decision to hire Alicia and her firm.

  When she arrived downstairs to find Willa alone, she assured herself she was really feeling relief and not disappointment. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, dear. Come and sit down. Tate is making us some breakfast.”

  Alicia hesitated, but realized that until she had the contract she wouldn’t be leaving, anyway, so she sank onto a chair. “Thank you.” She opened the white linen napkin in front of her and spread it on her lap. “Will Jonas be joining us?’

  “No. I was hoping he’d make an exception this morning, with you here and all, but he went into the office early like he always does. He works too hard. I keep hoping he’ll find a young lady to marry and it will settle him down.”

  Alicia was pretty sure she wasn’t imagining the assessing look Willa gave her, and was gla
d when Tate came in with scrambled eggs, oatmeal, and orange juice. He joined them and the three of them ate in silence for a moment as Alicia tried to think about the most tactful way to bring up the contract.

  “How did you sleep last night?” Willa asked.

  “The bed was very comfortable, thank you.”

  “But did you sleep well?”

  Alicia shrugged. “I never do the first night in a new place. It’s the same whenever I travel.”

  Willa smiled. “So you tossed and turned all night?”

  Alicia raised a brow at Willa’s obvious amusement. “That’s a good thing, is it?”

  “Don’t you see? It’s like the story, The Princess and the Pea. So that nails it. If you didn’t sleep, you must be a real princess.”

  Alicia smiled. “Doesn’t that convince you that I’m your girl and that you should sign the contract and give me a chance?”

  Willa lifted something from off the chair next to hers. The contract. She slid it over and Alicia could see it had already been signed. She grinned. “Are you serious?”

  Willa exchanged a smile with Tate before nodding. “Yes. Very serious.”

  Alicia picked up the stapled papers and drew in a deep breath. “You won’t regret this. I swear.”

  Willa smiled. “I have no intention of regretting it. I also don’t regret that you saw right through me yesterday. You see, as much as I want this commercial made, and trust me, I do like your ideas, but the more I see of you, the more I like you. I’m hoping it won’t inconvenience you too much if I keep trying to set you up with my son?”

  Alicia looked at the contract in her hands. Willa obviously thought the sun rose and set with her precious son, which was perfectly normal, but Alicia didn’t want or need the added pressure of feeling like she had to date the guy. She took a breath. “And if I don’t go out with him?”

  Willa lifted one shoulder. “Then I’ll expect to get a fantastic commercial out of it.”

  Alicia’s excitement grew. “We have a deal.” She jumped up. “I’ve got to go. Thank you for breakfast!”

  “Wait! Did you get enough to eat?”


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