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The Princess Problem

Page 7

by Diane Darcy

  When she took a deep breath, he quickly bent down and captured her mouth with his own before she could change her mind. At the touch of her soft lips, he groaned and pulled her into his arms, encircling her small frame, and squeezing her close.

  * * *

  The touch of his mouth on hers, and the feel of his arms holding her tight, had Alicia going into sensation overload. The way he felt, the way he tasted, even his scent combined to weaken her defenses. Her purse dropped to the ground with a thud, followed by her keys. She raised her arms around his neck and held him close, just for a moment, only for a moment, as she gave in to the pleasure of his lips against hers.

  He broke off the kiss and pressed his forehead to hers, his breathing as erratic as her own.

  “One more?” he asked.

  She couldn’t think. “I don’t know if we--”

  “I was really good tonight, remember? I earned all five points.”

  She sucked in a breath. “That’s true.”

  His mouth captured hers once more, and this time it was her moaning against his dangerously addictive mouth and pressing closer to him.

  “Um… excuse me?” The voice jarred, and then a flashlight blazed onto one side of her face. She pulled away from Jonas with a gasp. When the light continued to shine on her, she buried her face against Jonas’s chest, mortified at being caught kissing in the parking lot like a teenager.

  Jonas chuckled, and held her close. “Hi, Eddie. Do you mind not shining that in my face?”

  The light immediately lowered to the ground. “Mr. Highborn. Sorry about that. I thought you were a couple of teenagers.”

  Alicia couldn’t help it. She giggled.

  Jonas chuckled. “No need to be sorry. It looks like you’re doing a fine job on guard duty. I was just dropping my date back at her car.”

  “All right, then. You two have yourselves a fine evening.”

  “You, too.”

  Alicia finally pulled away from Jonas to see an older gentleman moving away into the shadows. “I guess I’d better be getting home. Thank you for dinner.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” He retrieved her boxed dinner, picked up her purse, and found her keys on the ground. He chuckled and handed over her things.

  She blushed, glad for the darkness. “Okay. Goodnight.”

  Alicia could feel Jonas watching her as she unlocked her car, climbed in, and started it up. She circled around, looked both ways, then merged into the sparse traffic. Once she was out of his line of sight, she breathed in shakily.

  Two things were clear. Number one, that man was dangerously addictive. And number two, she didn’t know how she was ever going to face him again, let alone see him tomorrow. She was too embarrassed.

  She groaned as she thought about how she’d held him so tight. Maybe she could avoid him for a few days until she got her emotions under control again. She wasn’t sure it would even work, but it was certainly worth a try.

  * * *

  Alicia went home and called Katie. “You are not going to believe what just happened.”

  “You ran over an alligator in the road on the way home?”

  “What? No. You are such a weirdo.”

  Katie sighed. “I know. The baby is kicking like crazy so I’m telling her stories about animals who cross roads. We just discussed alligators so I have them on the brain.”

  “I thought you weren’t going to find out the sex of the baby?”

  “I’m not. I’m just trading off genders every other day. If I give this baby up for adoption, I just don’t want to become too attached to her, but calling her an it just seems cruel. I know she can hear me.” Katie sniffed.

  “Oh, sweetie. I’m sorry. Are you having a bad day?”

  Katie laughed, but there were still tears in her voice. “Life’s just weird, you know? I feel so stupid for getting pregnant at my age. I’m twenty-six. Old enough to know better, and believe it or not, I do know how it happens.”

  “I know. I was with you in Mrs. K’s class when we had to learn about the subject. When I refused to believe it, you’re the one who explained it to me, remember?”

  Katie laughed again.

  “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  Katie sighed. “It’s just that I looked up my ex on the computer today and there was a pic of him on the Internet with another girl. They were at a party in California.” She sniffed again.

  “That dirtbag. I wish you’d let me contact him and give him a piece of my mind.”

  “No. I don’t want that. But you’re a good friend for offering.” She blew her nose. “So guess who else I looked up today? Your boyfriend, the mattress guy. Did you know he’s listed as one of Portland’s most eligible bachelors?”

  Alicia tensed. “He is?” She carefully straightened the throw pillows on her couch before sinking down. “I didn’t know that.” She wasn’t surprised exactly. She knew he was rich and good-looking, and now she knew he kissed like a pro. It’s just that she suddenly had to wonder what he was doing with her.

  “So what did you call to tell me?” asked Katie.

  Alicia sighed. “Only that I got caught making out with one of Portland’s most eligible bachelors in a parking lot tonight.”

  “No! Seriously! Tell me everything.”

  So Alicia did. She told about the date, the teasing, the kiss. “What do you think?”

  “I think he sounds great. So why the doubt in your voice?”

  “I don’t know. I’m having one of those, what-does-a guy-like-that-see-in-a-girl-like-me, moments.”

  “The fact that you’re beautiful, fun, and talented aren’t good enough reasons? He’d be lucky to get you. You’re ex’s did such a number on you that you’re having a hard time seeing things clearly.”

  Alicia ignored that. “I was thinking I should probably stay away from him and focus on my job.”

  “Or you could take my advice and just see where this goes. Do you want to be alone for the rest of her life because you wouldn’t step onto the alligator-infested freeway?”

  Alicia laughed. “Baby kicking again?”

  “Yes. All I’m saying is take a chance. Just adopt a wait-and-see attitude, why don’t you?”

  After a pause, Alicia said, “Did I tell you he lives with his mother?”

  “What? Are you serious. Why?”

  “When his father died last year, he moved back in.”

  “That shows what a sweetie he is.”

  “I know, right? So why is he still on the market?”

  “I don’t know. Why are you still on the market?”

  “Um, because I’ve been dumped by the men I’ve been interested in?”

  “No. Because you haven’t met the right guy yet. So give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he hasn’t met the right girl. Maybe you’re her, maybe you aren’t, and vice versa. But you’ve got to at least try.”

  Alicia hesitated, nerves suddenly tightening her stomach, which made her angry. She wasn’t exactly dog meat or anything. Why shouldn’t he like her? She needed to get over these feelings of insecurity and start having fun again.

  “Right?” insisted Katie.

  Alicia blew out a breath. “You’re right. I’ll give it a shot. It may not even last through the week, and if so, no biggie, right?”

  “Right. But before you do, maybe we should look up Mrs. K and get a refresher course on the birds and the bees. Apparently I still have some questions, and since I’m the one who explained it to you, we might both be in trouble.”

  They were still laughing when they hung up the phone.

  * * *

  The next afternoon, Jonas showed up at the mattress store, hoping to catch Alicia finishing up for the day. As he approached the set, he could see she wore the princess dress again, and was in full makeup, hair done, looking great. They were still busy so he hid the vase he held behind a display. He didn’t want to stand there looking like an idiot with a flower in hand.

  When he moved to stand beside on
e of his employees, Alicia glanced at him, but then her gaze skittered away. He hoped that wasn’t a bad thing. Maybe she was just feeling a little shy after their kisses last night. He knew he hadn’t been able to get them out of his head.

  “Okay, Skyler,” Alicia said. “Pull one of the golf clubs out of the bag and look at it like you’re considering something, thinking really hard, then glance at the bed and smile, like you’ve come to a conclusion.”

  A guy dressed as a prince stepped forward and Jonas noticed him for the first time. Tanned, a little on the short side, with overlong, thick blond hair that swept back from his handsome face. When he grabbed hold of the golf bag and smiled at Alicia, Jonas noticed piercing green eyes–probably contacts–and straight white teeth. Jonas didn’t like the admiring gaze the guy fastened on Alicia.

  The guy, Skyler, said, “Are you sure I have to do this alone? I like it better when you’re in the shot with me. You make me look good.”

  Jonas crossed his arms and glared at Skyler. What kind of name was Skyler, anyway? The guy strutted across the makeshift set like he was God’s gift to women and Jonas didn’t like it. If the little man didn’t want those pretty teeth rammed down his throat, he’d better stop flirting with Alicia.

  Skyler flipped his cape over one shoulder and struck a pose. “Are you busy tonight? Maybe we should go to dinner dressed like this. We’d get the royal treatment.”

  “Skyler?” Alicia said. “The golf clubs?”

  The guy finally did as Alicia asked and slid a club out of the golf bag. He swung it once, no doubt posing for the ladies. “Nice clubs. Do you golf, Alicia? Maybe we should go sometime? You could teach me.”

  “I need you to focus, Skyler.”

  Skyler winked at Alicia. “With a pretty girl like you around? How am I supposed to do that?”

  Jonas sighed loudly. “I suggest you force yourself.”

  Skyler turned and gave Jonas a long stare. “And you are?”

  Jonas narrowed his eyes. “The owner of this store. The one paying your check. The one who could make sure you never work in this town again.”

  “Oh.” Skyler grinned. “Right, mate.” He glanced at Alicia. “Didn’t know I was stepping on any toes.

  Alicia glanced at Jonas, her expression uncertain. “Okay, Skyler, shove the club under the mattress, then slide out the next club.”

  * * *

  About twenty minutes later, Alicia decided they were done. “Okay everyone, that’s a wrap. Thanks for all your hard work.” Mike and Willa headed for the computer to see the last shots, the makeup artist started packing her things, and Skyler, after a glance in Jonas’s direction, headed for the restrooms to change.

  Alicia headed for Jonas. “Hi.”

  “Hi. I thought I’d come out and see how it was going.”

  Alicia looked around. “We’ve actually finished the last of it. The rest of the work will be done back at our firm. Um...” she waved a hand. “About Skyler--”

  Jonas shook his head. “Don’t worry about him.” He motioned toward her. “You look great.”

  Alicia curtsied. “Why, thank you, kind sir. You look pretty good yourself.” And he did, his snug T-shirt showing off his fit physique and his jeans hugging his muscular thighs. Wow.

  Alicia realized Mike was filming them again, and smiled briefly for the camera then ignored him.

  Jonas cleared his throat. “I have something for you.”


  He reached behind a bed set and picked up a vase with a beautiful lavender rose inside.

  Alicia put a hand to her suddenly pounding chest, then glanced up into his eyes. “Thank you, it’s gorgeous.” She took the vase from him and admired the flower. “I’ve never seen a rose this color before.”

  “It’s actually called a blue rose. They’re genetically engineered to achieve this color.”

  Alicia was having a hard time meeting his gaze again. She couldn’t help thinking about the love-at-first-sight rose Jonas had given her, and now she wondered what the meaning of a blue rose could be.

  “Aren’t you going to ask me the meaning of a blue rose?” He asked, as if reading her mind.

  Breathless, she asked, “What is the meaning of a blue rose, Jonas?

  “Some say that blue roses are associated with royal blood, regal majesty, and splendor. Which is apt in this case.”

  She smiled at him, but felt slightly disappointed that it meant nothing more.

  “Others say a blue rose is a symbol of love, prosperity, and wishes granted.”

  “That’s nice. So a rich princess?”

  He nodded. “But it has a third meaning that I like the best.”

  “Oh?” She could barely breathe.

  “In Chinese folklore, the blue rose signifies hope against unattainable love.”

  Unattainable? After the way she’d kissed him last night he thought she was unattainable? She wanted to assure him that she wasn’t.

  Willa walked over and saw the rose. “Oh, my. A blue rose. You know, since we’re finished here, you should go see the International Rose Test Garden.”

  “We should.” Jonas agreed. “How about it? Will you go?”

  “Yes. I’d love to.”

  “I’ll pick you up here in an hour.”


  After Jonas left, Mike came forward. “You guys are going to the gardens? I want to go, too. I’ve been wanting to visit that place.”

  Willa was visibly alarmed. “Oh, Mike. I’m sure I have some work here I need to go over with you.”

  Alicia smiled at Willa. “Don’t worry. Mike is teasing us.”

  Willa, visibly relieved, smiled. “Did you know that Jonas’s father courted me with roses?”

  Alicia nodded. “He sounds like a sweetie.”

  “He was, but you know what this means, don’t you?”


  “Jonas is courting you, dear.”

  “Oh.” Sudden fear lanced through Alicia. Jonas was, well, he was Jonas. He was a little too everything. Too good-looking, too rich, too capable of breaking her heart. If she couldn’t hold onto a regular guy, how did she expect to hold on to one of Portland’s most eligible bachelors? On the other hand, Katie had said it was just dating. Seeing if they were right for each other. She didn’t actually have to lose her heart or anything. She could just enjoy going out with him. If it worked out, great. If not, well it was just dating, right? She headed to the restroom to change.

  She really hated it when she had a hard time lying to herself.

  Chapter Nine

  Jonas followed Alicia to her townhouse so she could wash off the thick makeup and change clothes. They both got out of their cars and excitement rushed through her as she clutched the vase with the blue rose and watched him walk toward her. He smiled as he approached and her knees went a little weak. “Come on,” she said. “This way.”

  He followed her to her door and she unlocked it and invited him inside. He looked around. “Nice. I like it. It’s very feminine, like you.”

  Alicia looked at the flowered sofa, the bright throw pillows, the vivid paint, and all the family photos hanging on the walls and gracing the fiWith mantle. She tried to see it through the eyes of a man who lived in a mansion, but found it didn’t matter. She loved the place, and he was right--it was her. “Thank you.”

  She set her rose on the kitchen counter and hurriedly picked up a few things she’d left lying around, stacking paperwork on the kitchen table, then bundling sweaters, shoes, and a couple of shirts in her arms to take with her into the bedroom.

  He looked pleased, his lips curving when he spotted the pink rose in a vase on her coffee table. He didn’t say anything, just stood there looking gorgeous, and Alicia headed for her bedroom, suddenly in a hurry to start their date.


  She stopped. “Yes?”

  “I just want to thank you for everything.” He shrugged. “This is the first time my mother has been excited about anything s
ince my dad died. It’s like she’s come back to life. I know your project is what pulled her out of her depression. So, thank you. It’s a big deal to me.”

  Alicia clutched the clothes in her arms a little tighter. “You’re very welcome. I’m glad it’s worked out so well for all of us. This has been a great chance for me, too.”

  He nodded once.

  Alicia tried to still the sudden suspicion taking root in her mind. Could Jonas’s mother be the reason he was interested in Alicia? She knew how much he loved his mother. Could keeping his mom happy and excited about life be the reason Jonas was dating her? It had been pretty obvious from the beginning that his mother would be pleased if they got together. And really, what did Alicia and Jonas have in common except his mother? His mother who asked him to take her out tonight?

  It was a real let down to think that might be the only reason he was there with her now.

  Again, she had to remind herself that this was just a date. She wasn’t making life and death decisions here. All the same, it was an added incentive to protect her heart.

  She smiled to cover her emotional turmoil, but didn’t quite look at him as she handed him the remote control for the TV. “I’ll be out in fifteen minutes or so. Make yourself at home.”

  * * *

  On the way to the gardens, Jonas pulled over and stopped at the Elephant’s Delicatessen. “I hope you don’t mind, but it’s sort of a tradition. Whenever we go out to the International Rose Test Garden, we stop here and pick up a sack picnic.”

  “Sounds great to me.”

  Alicia glanced up at the elephant sign as they went inside the round building and headed to an empty spot at the counter. “What’s the motto here? One bite at a time?”

  Jonas laughed. “I’ll have to suggest it to the management.”


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