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Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest Vol. 8

Page 5

by Ryo Shirakome

  Short-tempered as always, Zel bristled at Cam’s haughty remarks. He didn’t take kindly to Cam’s dismissal of Verbergen and the elders. Cam maintained a neutral expression, but the Haulia behind him responded to Zel’s physical posturing by attempting to intimidate him in kind. Ulfric, who’d been thinking to himself this whole time, sighed wearily and gave Cam a look similar to the one he’d given Hajime when they’d first met.

  “In that case, Cam. How about we recognize the Haulia as a tribe equal in status to the nation of Verbergen? Naturally, you will retain your right to claim a position on the council if you so wish. This way, you won’t be obligated to follow Verbergen’s customs, or any of the council’s decrees. On top of that, you’ll still be able to influence our policies.”

  “Hoho... Now that doesn’t sound to bad.” Cam’s grin made it clear that he’d been hoping Ulfric would say that. In truth, he’d wanted an alliance with Verbergen in order to prepare for the eventual, inevitable invasion from the empire. However, had they joined Verbergen as just part of the council, they would have been bound by the city’s laws and unable to move as freely as they wished. They could have of course ignored the council’s decrees and done as they pleased anyway, but that would just destroy their relationship with Verbergen. That was why Cam had believed his best options were to either form an alliance on equal grounds, or remain a separate, neutral entity.

  Naturally, Ulfric’s proposal was met by complaints from the other elders. They thought he was giving the Haulia far too preferential treatment. In response, Ulfric just sighed and stated the fact to them.

  “They defeated the empire on their own. Verbergen would never be able to manage that even if we mustered every soldier we could. I’d say that’s a good enough reason to treat them as equals, wouldn’t you? Besides, if we do nothing we’ll lose any connections to the Haulia that we might have had. I’m sure you all aren’t so foolish as to see how harmful that would be to us. If we welcome them as allies, we’ll be able to reforge the bond of trust that was lost when we first exiled them. These concessions are a paltry price to pay, considering what they’ve done for us.”

  The elders grit their teeth in frustration, but none of them could come up with a valid argument against Ulfric’s reasoning, or a better alternative. So in the end, they swallowed their pride and agreed to Ulfric’s proposal.

  “There you have it, Cam. As the council agrees, we will henceforth welcome you as an allied clan. I trust you have no objections?”

  “Well whether you’d agreed to recognize our independence or not, we would have done what we wanted regardless. Still, we’re fine with that. Oh yeah, we’re claiming the land around the Grand Tree and the patch of forest to its south as Haulia territory. So from now on, don’t let anyone go there without permission. We can’t guarantee the safety of any trespassers.”

  Cam really didn’t know when to quit. On top of everything else, he was now claiming land for his new nation. Even Ulfric couldn’t help but twitch a little at that.

  Next to Hajime, Shea buried her face in her hands. Her father’s arrogance was an embarrassment. Her rabbit ears folded over themselves in an attempt to block out his words.

  After a few more rounds of negotiations, Ulfric and Cam finally came to a settlement they could agree on. Hajime left the exhausted elders to work out the details of the alliance and went to see what his accommodations in Verbergen were like.

  As he left the conference hall, he found the citizens still reveling in the streets. Finally free to explore the city as they wished, Kouki, Ryutarou, Shizuku, and Suzu all eagerly ran off into the crowd. It was the first time Hajime had seen them so cheerful in a while.

  Hajime also thought he saw a group of crazed Kaori worshipers out of the corner of his eye, and he decided to give them a wide berth. Just in case, Kaori put on a pair of sunglasses Hajime had made for her, along with a ski mask and a knitted cap. For some reason, the unorthodox getup suited her well.

  A few hours after that, Liliana finished up her talks and decided to go back to the kingdom. Recent events meant she had a lot of work waiting for her back home. The kingdom would need a new direction if it was to survive. Unfortunately for her, her return trip was as unceremonious as Gahard’s. Originally Hajime had just opened up a gate and waited for her to walk through. However, she’d just stood nervously in front of it, fidgeting. She had obviously wanted to say something to Hajime, as evidenced by the cheers Helina and her guards sent her way. But he had no time for her crush, so Hajime had just thrown her in before she could do anything.

  As she’d vanished through the portal Liliana had screamed, ”I don’t care if you don’t treat me like a princess, but at least treat me like a girl!” At the very least, it had sounded like she’d yelled that. Hajime preferred to believe he’d just imagined it though.

  That night, Verbergen’s celebration had dragged on, and the sounds of residents partying could still be heard despite the late hour. Meanwhile, Hajime, Yue, Kaori, and Tio were relaxing in the room they’d been given.

  It was just the four of them, as their lively rabbitman companion was nowhere to be seen.

  “Shea’s late.”

  “Mmm... She said she was just going to visit her family, but...”

  “Are the Haulia holding their own victory celebration?”

  “Hrm. Well, I am certain there is no need to worry about Shea. Even if something were to happen, she would no doubt blow it away with her monstrous strength.”

  Hajime and the others nodded in wholehearted agreement. None of them looked too worried to begin with. Hajime was nodding off in Yue’s lap, and was practically asleep already. In fact, he would have already been in dreamland, but for some reason something kept nagging at him. Not even Yue’s lap pillow could calm him down.

  Sensing his vague feelings of unease, Yue smiled and gently ran her fingers through his hair. Kaori and Tio shot her jealous looks, but before they could say anything, someone opened Hajime’s window from outside.

  “My apologies for intruding so late, Boss.”

  “What’s up, Cam?”

  Cam casually vaulted Hajime’s window, which was a good ten meters off the ground. He then dropped to one knee and continued.

  “Boss, I know you need your rest, but would you be willing to accompany me for a short while?”

  “At this time of night?”

  “Yes. Please.”

  Hajime scrutinized Cam. It was rare for the rabbitman to be so curt, or so insistent. However he knew it wasn’t an emergency, since Cam didn’t seem the least bit flustered.

  “Did you run into some kind of trouble? Do you want our help too?”

  “No, that’s not quite it.”

  Cam smiled cryptically at Kaori. Realizing what this must be about, Yue nodded to herself and turned to Kaori and Tio.

  “Kaori, Tio. Do you want to give Hajime a lap pillow?”

  Her question caught them off-guard. Why ask this now? That being said, there could only be one answer.

  “Really? You’ll let us try too?”

  “Hrm? Of course I wish to.”

  Seeing their hopeful responses, Yue grinned and spoke up in a mocking tone.

  “Just wanted to know.”

  “......” “......”

  Veins bulged on Kaori’s and Tio’s foreheads. The sight of Yue snickering at them irked them to no end. Then, as if to deliver the final blow, Yue hugged Hajime’s head in a lavish display of affection.

  “Are you trying to pick a fight, Yue?”

  “Fufufu, I consider myself a tolerant person, but even I have my limits.”

  “You wanna go?”

  The two flared up at Yue’s provocation, and they soon continued the fight they had began that afternoon. Incidentally, that afternoon’s battle had ended in Yue and Shea’s victory.

  “If you can catch me, I’ll let you sit next to Hajime for a day.”

  “Really!?” “Do you... truly mean that?”

  Yue didn’t w
ant to destroy Verbergen with an all-out fight, so she proposed a game of tag instead. One with a very enticing reward for the victor. Kaori and Tio both felt adrenaline start pumping into their system.

  After making sure they were engrossed in the challenge, she transferred Hajime’s head to the pillow and stroked him one last time. She then hopped gracefully over to the window and did a pirouette as she landed. Hajime was still confused by this sudden development, but he realized what was going on when Yue gave Cam a surreptitious wink. While Hajime didn’t know what to make of her “consideration,” Cam clearly appreciated it. He bowed his head in thanks.

  “Mmm... Let the game begin.” With that, she shot out of the window and vanished into the starry night sky.

  “Ngh, mark my words, I’ll catch you this time!”

  “Fufu, this is one challenge I have no intention of losing!”

  Two spirited yells filled the room as Kaori summoned her glittering silver wings and Tio sprouted dragon wings from her back. The two of them leaped after Yue, but then simultaneously turned back. Kaori looked a little reluctant, while Tio winked casually at Hajime. Then, the two of them threw themselves into the case.

  “Everyone sure likes Shea, huh?”

  “As her father, I’m proud she’s so cherished.”

  Hajime and Cam smiled at each other. Then Hajime followed Cam out of Verbergen and into the sea of trees... toward the old Haulia village.

  A lone girl stared up at a large, gnarled tree. Its roots were so thick that they were bulging out of the ground. She neither moved nor spoke; just silently looked up at the tree. Her usual cheerful demeanor was nowhere to be seen.

  From the side, her face had a mystical beauty to it, and the effect was heightened by her pale blue hair fluttering in the breeze. Anyone who saw her at this moment would undoubtedly be smitten.

  That girl, Shea, felt someone approaching, but she didn’t turn around. The newcomer seemed reluctant to break the silence, and he walked up to her as quietly as possible.



  Shea casually called out to Hajime, so she’d obviously been expecting him.

  He continued walking until he was shoulder to shoulder with her. And for a few minutes, the two of them just looked up at the tree in companionable silence. Finally, Shea opened her mouth.

  “Did Dad bring you here?”

  “Yeah. He already left though.”

  “Fufufu, he’s more perceptive than he looks.”

  As one might have guessed, Cam’s business with Hajime had been to bring him to Shea. Alone, if possible. Yue had guessed as much, hence why she’d challenged Kaori and Tio to that contest. It was the best way to get everyone else out of the way.

  Of course, Kaori and Tio had figured it out right before they’d left too. However, they’d been willing to permit Shea some time alone with Hajime.

  “Is this where your mom’s buried?”

  “Yes. Under the roots of this tree.”

  It was customary in Verbergen to bury the dead under the roots of trees. Supposedly that way they could once again become one with nature. Having fulfilled their purpose in life, beastmen were returned to the forest in death, so that they could create new life and ensure the continued prosperity of the woods. All beastmen respected the circle of life and death. The tree in front of Shea had a small gravestone marking the location she was buried.

  “I wanted to be a hero.”

  “Hm?” Hajime tilted his head quizzically.

  However, Shea kept her gaze on the tree and continued.

  “I wanted to be able to protect my family. I was tired of running and hiding all the time. If I became a hero, I could fight back anytime someone tried to take away the people special to me. I could protect everyone.”


  “That was something Mom told me when I was young. No matter what happened to her, she always had the same determined passion.”

  Even though she’d been a member of the weakest race, and ill to boot, Shea’s mom, Mona Haulia, had possessed an unshakeable will. It was why Shea had respected her so much.

  “That explains how you ended up the way you did.”

  “Ehehe!” Overjoyed, Shea finally turned to look at Hajime, who was staring respectfully at the tombstone.

  Mona had wished for her daughter to grow up strong. And she had, in both body and mind. Shea hadn’t inherited just a powerful body, she had also inherited her mother’s unbreakable spirit. Even Hajime had to admit her determination was unbelievable.

  Shea smiled bashfully and blushed. Then, she turned back to the massive tree and spoke.

  “Mom, you were right. The world’s a harsh place, but sometimes it can be really nice to you. I finally found the person you said I would. I’ll introduce you to him. His name is Hajime Nagumo... and I love him very much.”

  Mona had once told Shea that there were definitely people out there in the world who could understand her. And that when she met one of them, it would change her life. Even though Mona couldn’t see the future, her prediction had been one hundred percent accurate.

  I guess I still have nothing on you, Mom. I wonder if I’ll ever manage to become as awesome as you? It would definitely take a lot of effort to get there. There was at least one thing she’d already achieved though.

  “Oh yeah, Mom. Me, Dad, and all the other Haulia became heroes!” Shea wondered what kind of reaction her mom would have to that if she’d still been alive. Would she have smiled proudly at them, or scolded them for being so reckless?

  She closed her eyes, losing herself in thoughts of her mom.

  After a few seconds, Hajime spoke up.

  “I’m grateful.”

  “Huh? Hajime-san?” Shea opened her eyes and turned back to Hajime. He was still looking up at the tree, and Shea realized he was talking to her mom, not to her.

  “When Yue and I crawled out of the abyss, we were ready to take on the world with just the two of us. Even if it meant we’d be alone forever, we were still determined to overcome everything fate might throw at us... But you know, if we’d kept going like that, life probably wouldn’t be as fun as it is now. The one who brought color to our dull journey, our empty hearts and our boring lifestyle was without a doubt, your daughter.”


  Shea choked up. However, Hajime simply smiled softly and kept going.

  “Thank you for bringing Shea into this world.”

  Shea looked up at the sky. It was the only way she could keep the tears in her eyes from spilling out.

  The two of them stood there in companionable silence, looking up at the great tree. Even the bewildering fog that normally confused interlopers seemed to be gently wrapping itself around them.

  After a few minutes, Shea finally responded.

  “Umm, Hajime-san?”


  “Thank you. I don’t really know else to say it, but... really, thank you so much.”

  There was so much she had to thank him for. For saving her family, for taking her along on his journey, for fighting an entire country for her sake. For entrusting his back to her, and bringing her along to even the most dangerous of trials. For trusting her so much. And finally, for spending time with her together in front of her mother’s grave.

  Embarrassed by Shea’s sincere gratitude, Hajime averted his gaze. It was unusual for anything to get to him.

  “Yeah, you better be thankful. I’m still counting on you to help me with the remaining labyrinths.”

  “Fufu. Can’t you just say ‘you’re welcome’ like a normal person?” Shea snickered. However, her expression then grew serious and she posed a question.

  “What will it take to repay you, Hajime-san?”

  “You already thanked me, didn’t you?”

  “But those were just words. I want to do something meaningful for you. What can I do to make you happy? If it’s for you, I’ll do anything. I mean it...”

  Her bunny ears t
witched back and forth as she sidled up to Hajime. Her burning, passionate gaze made it clear what she was hoping to do. Hajime wasn’t so dense that he didn’t pick up on that, but his only response was to smile wanly and respond coyly.

  “Just keep smiling like you always have, you airhead. It’s thanks to you that we’re always having so much fun.”

  “Jeez, why’d you have to add that airhead bit!? Besides, didn’t you hug me and say you cared about me in front of the emperor? This is where you’re supposed to jump on me and say ‘Alright then, you can thank me with your body, Guhehe!’ Can’t you read the mood even a little!?”

  “I think we need to have a talk about what exactly your mental image of me is.”

  “An earnest, spineless wimp.”

  “Can’t we just cut it off at the earnest bit?” Shea puffed her cheeks out into a pout. She then hung her head, and her rabbit ears drooped over her face.

  “Joking aside, I really do want to thank you. You’ve helped me so much, but I haven’t done anything back for you. Both you and Yue-san keep saying it’s fine as long as I keep smiling, but I just do that naturally because being with you guys makes me happy. That’s not really thanking you at all.”

  “I said it before didn’t I, you’ve already done more than enough.”

  “Mrrr, that’s not good enough. I want to do something tangible for you both. But no matter how hard I think, I can’t come up with anything. And since you said you don’t want my body... even though you said you cared about me...”

  “Come on, stop sulking about that already...” Hajime scratched his cheek awkwardly. He understood Shea’s feelings, but he really did feel like she’d done more than enough for him already. She’d stubbornly stuck with the two of them, even when the journey got so harsh she was reduced to tears. And it was thanks to that Hajime and Yue hadn’t been alone. If anything, he was the one who owed her. Still, he knew telling her that wouldn’t change her mind.

  “This would be so much easier if you just fell for me, Hajime-san. I’d service you every night... Haaah, oh well. I guess I’ll just have to work even harder to pay you back during our journey.”


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