The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7)

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The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7) Page 25

by Jillian Neal

  “You’re spending almost four months in Kauai?” Now his father sounded as offended as his mother.

  Two for two. Dan fought another eye roll.

  “Yes, we are.”

  The Governor considered for a split second. “Fine. I think your mother and I will vacation there this summer. We can spend several weeks together.”

  “Oh, you know Jim and Bev vacationed there last summer. They stayed at a lovely resort. I believe it was a Hyatt. I’ll find out, and we’ll get the kids reservations there with us.”

  Dan rubbed his temples still trying to keep his temper in check. “We are not staying at the Hyatt. We have a house there on the farm.”

  “But you’d be welcome to stay on my grandparents’ farm as well if you’d like.” Ever the peacemaker, Fionna made the hesitant offer.

  Dan shot her a pleading glare. He wasn’t certain he could stand having his parents so close for two solid weeks.

  “We’ll get it all worked out, sweetheart, but thank you.” The Governor stood to walk them out.

  A half hour later, Dan and Fionna were tucked up in a corner booth of the local pizzeria watching Aida select songs on the jukebox with the dollar Dan had provided her.

  “I’m exhausted.” Fionna laid her head on his shoulder.

  “As soon as we eat, I’ll take you home and put you to bed, baby.” He was still unable to believe their evening.

  “What a night.” Her sigh turned into a deep yawn. Their pizza arrived, and Aida devoured two pieces of pepperoni.

  When they’d finished and Dan had paid, he loaded Aida up in the car. Fionna was yawning constantly.

  “Let’s go get my girls in the bed.”

  Fionna wrinkled her nose. “I’m sorry I’m so tired.”

  “Baby doll, tonight was insane, and you’re growing my little girl inside of you.”

  “Dan.” Fionna glanced back to make certain that Aida wasn’t paying them too much attention. “When we go to bed, I want you to feel her again. I want her to feel you before I go to sleep.”

  “I want to feel her. It’s absolutely incredible, Fi. She feels so much like you.”

  After they returned to the calming serenity of the home that Fionna had created for them, Dan gave Aida her bath. Fionna helped her with her kukui oil, and they pulled on her purple princess pajamas. They tucked her in and kissed her good night.

  Following Fionna into their bedroom, Dan slowly undressed her. With constant kisses her and vows of how much he loved, he laid her gently in the bed and massaged the shea, coconut, and kukui ointment slowly and tenderly into her breasts, all over her stomach, and into her mound.

  He laid beside her holding her with nothing between them. She relaxed, completely content, in his arms as he concentrated. His eyes closed as he moved through her energies until he locked onto his little girl.

  Fionna smiled against him as he pushed soothing energy through her womb supplying both of them with his all encompassing love and his ardent protection.

  Hide and Seek

  That week the press was ravenous. They’d gone so far as to track Fionna and Aida down at the grocery store. Fionna hadn’t dared enter a maternity shop, not that she was showing much, or even perused a new baby boutique that she’d been drooling over. As the Angel contracts were due back to the owners by noon on Friday, Dan decided that perhaps getting her out of the country was an excellent idea.

  She was putting on weight. He noted with a smile. Her face was slightly swollen and her breasts had nearly doubled in size. This had been pointed out in the newspapers and tabloids constantly along with debate over whether or not she had a pooch, much to Fionna’s horror.

  As the majority of her jeans, which she’d always preferred to wear tight, were now just a little too tight to button, She’d taken to wearing long, loose, flowing sundresses when she went out. Just the day before, a tabloid showed her in multiple shots of different sundresses with the headline “What’s famed Angel’s Receiver hiding now?” The article went on to point out that if Fionna and Dan had hidden their relationship and the first pregnancy for so many months that they were certainly capable of hiding another pregnancy.

  Fionna had come home from her trip to Starbucks and the drug store sobbing. The article had hit just a little too close to home.

  “Can I ask you something and you swear you’ll tell me the truth even if you think it’ll hurt my feelings?” Fionna asked as Dan located her in their bedroom Thursday evening. She was packing for Paris, and her energy rhythms were strung tightly. He’d been correct in his assumption that a pregnant Receiver’s emotions could get the better of them relatively quickly.

  With the same level of caution he would use to work through a minefield, Dan nodded. “Sure, baby doll.”

  “Am I too fat to wear lingerie for you?” Her tone held a volatile combination of fear, fury, and frustration.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, as this question was extremely easy to answer honestly, Dan shook his head adamantly. “Hell no. First of all, you are not fat in any way at all. As I am the guy that not only knocked you up, but that gets to rub you down with oil and ointment every night then I can definitely say the only place that’s changed at all is here.” He reached and let his right hand slide tenderly over her breasts. Her delighted grin righted his world.

  “And if you strap something black, lacey, and sexy as hell over those and it might just drive me over before I even begin.”

  She loved lingerie, and he was very pleased that she wanted to continue the finer points of their lovemaking into her pregnancy.

  “And you promise to still think I’m sexy even when I’m huge?”

  “Baby.” Dan wondered if he should just go ahead and begin everyday with this same answer as he was asked about that often. “I keep telling you that thinking about you, the most beautiful woman in the world, swollen full of my baby girl, that I put in there, drives me wild, Fi. Just thinking about it makes me crazy. I’ve jacked off several times recently with that on my mind. Why don’t you believe me?”

  A sexy giggle over his admission seemed to boost her confidence. “I keep telling myself that, but then I don’t know. Adeline weighed me when she came over to check on the baby yesterday and those numbers were higher than I’ve ever seen before in my life. I kind of freaked, and then the tabloids.”

  “Fionna, you are gorgeous. You take my breath away on a daily basis. Adeline told you that your weight was perfect.” He’d been standing in their bathroom with her when she’d looked down at the scale and promptly burst into tears.

  “If you want to put on some lingerie for me tonight, I’ll be happy to show you just how sexy you are.”

  “So, if I put on something kind of dirty and want you to do all the stuff I like for you to do to me, then you will and it’s okay that I’m pregnant?”

  A hungry groan lit the air as Dan breached the small distance between them. “Let’s take our little girl to get burgers and fries and get her into bed. Then I’m gonna bring you home and take you dirty, baby doll. I’m gonna make you hurt for me. Make you beg me for it. I’m gonna drag it out for hours until you ache. I’m gonna make you earn it, baby. Make you so wet you drown my cock in that tight little pussy that I’m gonna own. I’ll take you so fucking hard you can’t walk.”

  His trousers tented as he envisioned what he’d described. That seemed to do the trick. Fionna shivered her desperate approval.

  “You promise?” Her darkened eyes lit in challenge.

  With a great deal of intent, he slapped her sexy ass. “Ask me again.”

  A half hour later, Dan kept Aida’s head buried in his shoulder and shielded Fionna with his body as two reporters spotted them heading into Big Buns.

  “Get the hell away from my wife!” He demanded hatefully as they began calling in camera crews.

  Quickly tracking to a booth in the back, Dan placed their orders and requested that the press be kept out of the restaurant.

  “Good grief!” he sighed. “Thi
s is ridiculous.”

  “Why do they want to take Mommy’s picture so much?” Aida fussed dejectedly. “I haven’t told anybody about my baby sister except for Emily and Garrett and you said that was okay.”

  Dan’s heart sank. She thought it was her fault. “Baby, we know you didn’t tell. They just want to know about her so they want to take Mommy’s picture and talk to us. Don’t worry about it. Daddy will take care of it.”

  “Everyone’s going to know tomorrow anyway.” Fionna tucked herself into Dan’s body. He cradled her closely as they waited on their food to arrive.

  “Maybe, but we’ll be on the other side of the world by then. Just you and me and both of our sweet baby girls.”

  Giving him another one of his smiles, the ones that warmed every darkened, cold place in his soul, she kissed his jaw. “You always know just what to say to make me feel better.”

  Kissing the side of her head, Dan reveled in her declaration.

  Their burgers and shakes arrived, and Fionna dug in feverishly. Aida took great delight in slurping up her chocolate shake, but Dan had to coax her into finishing her cheeseburger.

  He kept Fionna cradled under his arm as she sipped the last of her mocha shake. “Ready, baby doll?”

  He threw away their trash and scooped Aida up into his arms as they headed out of Big Buns.

  Suddenly, microphones, cameras, and reporters surrounded them.

  “Fionna, can you confirm the pregnancy?” chanted reporters as they buried them.

  “You heard it hear first folks, a channel 456 reporter inside the popular burger joint Big Buns overheard the Vindico’s adopted daughter, Aida, state that she was going to have a little sister. Mr. Daniel Vindico, Fionna Vindico’s husband, confirmed that tomorrow they would be on the other side of the world with their baby girls. Yes, folks, it was plural, and we have confirmation that the Vindicos will be traveling to Paris tomorrow morning meaning that Fionna will not be in Alexandria to sign her contract to return to play for the Arlington Angels. It seems she’s hung up her halo and is going to give the formed Chief of Elite another girl.”

  “No comment!” Fionna yanked on Dan’s hand and they rushed to the car.

  “Get away from her now!” Dan shoved a reporter out of his way furious with himself as he blocked her entire body with his own as she climbed in the car. He quickly settled Aida in her carseat.

  “I’m so sorry,” he lamented as soon as he slammed his own door.

  “It’s fine. They’d be doing this tomorrow anyway.”

  “It was the guy in the booth behind us. I knew he was up to something. I just wasn’t thinking.”

  “Dan, it’s fine, really.”

  Driving for almost an hour to lose the press and make certain that they weren’t being followed, Dan finally pulled into the garage. By this point, Aida was sound asleep. They’d fielded a few questions, but had managed to assure her that everything was fine.

  He scooped Aida up and laid her head tenderly on his shoulder.

  She stirred. “Is it time to go to Paris, France?”

  Fionna kissed her cheek. “No, baby. Let Daddy carry you to bed. When we wake up then it will be time to go.”

  Aida pressed her face into Dan’s neck. She hid from the world and soothed his soul.

  Little Ears

  After tucking Aida in her bed, Dan pulled her door closed and eased towards he and Fionna’s bedroom. She’d already closed their door as well. His brow furrow.

  The evening’s events had driven them from one end of the spectrum to the other. Before they’d left, she’d had more carnal pleasures on her mind, but that was before he’d stupidly confirmed her pregnancy to the entire Realm.

  Uncertain if she was upset and wanted a little time alone or if she wanted to surprise him with something, Dan debated knocking. Praying that she wasn’t furious with him, he tapped on the door gently.

  “Come in.” She didn’t sound upset. She sounded anxious; he decided. As soon as he turned the knob, he realized just what she was anxious for.

  A shuddering growl echoed from his lungs. “My God, you are so fucking sexy.” His eyes goggled and the real estate in his jeans became nonexistent as he took in his gorgeous wife wearing a strapless corset. Her heaving, fevered cleavage was spilling out of it deliciously.

  It laced up the front with an extremely enticing black ribbon and attached with black straps to her thigh-high, black, lace stockings. There was nothing between the bottom of the corset and the top of the stockings except the elastic straps that drove him wild.

  Her backside was on luscious display along with her mound which she’d just had waxed clean for him the day before. She’d completed the ensemble with sky-high, black stiletto heels.

  Kicking the door shut and locking it instantly, he made it to her in two long strides. She wanted to feel just a little less like a mom for a little while, and a whole lot more like the hot sex-goddess that she was. She wanted to shut everything else out except for the erotic all-encompassing sensations he was determined to bring her.

  “Looks like your forgot something there, baby doll.” Dan traced his index finger over her mound as she began to pant.

  “Oops.” Defiant challenge stormed in her darkened eyes. She was ravenous. It drove him wild.

  “Have to be careful, sweetheart. I might take advantage of what you’ve left open for me.” He breathed the warning in her face.

  “I’m hoping.”

  A hungry growl tore from his lungs. “You are a naughty little girl aren’t you, baby doll? You want to be fucked like a naughty girl don’t you?”

  Grasping her backside with one hand he kneaded it with greed. He kissed her fiercely then swirled one finger just inside of her opening before plunging deeply inside of her. Her body swayed against his strokes.

  “That what you wanted, baby? Or do you need something more? Tell me what you need.”

  “Oh, God, yes. Fuck me hard, please.”

  “My naughty little girl’s so wet for me. I could make you take it right now. You’ve been thinking about me haven’t you?”

  Her body convulsed. Her head fell back from the pleasure he was bringing her, but she backed away suddenly. His eyes flashed in irritation. “Come back here to me. I didn’t tell you to move. Don’t make me turn you over my knee, baby, because I will.”

  Spinning away from him in abject defiance, she moved to the wall, placed her hands against it, and hoisting her backside out.

  A thundering growl evulsed from Dan as he watched the erotic display.

  “I want it. Give it to me now!” she demanded.

  Pulling off everything he was wearing in seconds flat he moved to her.

  He cupped her ass with his right hand and then slapped it hard enough to pinken her skin.

  “I said not to move. Now you’re gonna get it rough and dirty, baby. I’ll make you mind.”

  “Yes!” She shook her sexy ass all for him stroking her lush cheeks against his cock.

  “There, that’s my good girl. You know what I like. Behave.”

  “I want it, please. Please give it to me.” With a sexy pout and abandon lit in her eyes, she begged.

  “Take it!” He pulled her back over his throbbing cock. “Take it, baby! You take it all. Be a good girl for me.” His order thundered from his lips. His eyes rolled back in his head from the exquisite sensation of plunging her depths with little to no foreplay. She was so tight he was certain he was going to lose it all in moments.

  “Give it to me, please.” Her lips and her body made the same plea to be filled full of him. “Harder!”

  “Fucking hell you are so damn hot!” He pounded into her. “That’s it. Good girl. You want it? You take it hard. Take everything I give you.” He grasped the elastic straps of the corset and pulling her back as she encased him in the heavenly perfection of her sweet little pussy.

  His right hand popped the strap against her ass and then wound around to her throbbing clit. He stroked up from where his own
cock was straining inside of her and gathered the mix of the two of them together. When his fingers were slicked he rolled them over her clit making her whimper and groan in need as he devastated the tender bundle of nerves.

  “Ask me, baby. Say please like a good girl. Ask me to let you come.”

  “Please, please give it to me now!” She cried out loudly.

  But suddenly he stopped. He heard something.

  “Don’t stop!” Her desperation shook through her body, but then she heard it as well. Aida was crying and knocking on their door.

  “Oh shit! Get out!” Fionna panicked.

  Withdrawing instantly, Dan was gasping for breath.

  “Dan! She cannot see me like this!”

  “I know, baby, but you’re gonna have to give me a minute.” He gestured down to his painfully swollen erection then squeezed his eyes shut and tried to will it away.

  “Go get in the bed.”

  Dan climbed in the bed, pulled the covers over him, and turned on his side as to avoid creating a tent out of their sheets. Fionna flung on a long, silk robe and opened the door.

  Aida was sobbing. “Why are you crying, and why are you fighting?” She managed through her heartbroken tears.

  “I’m not crying, baby.” Fionna drew her in tenderly and tried to wipe away her tears.

  “Yes, you were, and you were fighting.” Her entire body convulsed in fear.

  Certain he’d never felt so horrible for anything in his entire life, Dan didn’t know what to do.

  “We weren’t fighting, Aida. I promise. We were… uh… just playing.” Fionna stammered.

  Aida pulled away from Fionna and rubbed her eyes. “I heard Daddy say take it a bunch of times, and I heard a sound like this.” She clapped her hands together forcefully. Dan cringed in horror. “And you said give it to you, and you were crying.”


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