The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7)

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The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7) Page 26

by Jillian Neal

  “I promise I wasn’t crying. See, I love Daddy very, very much.” Fionna kept the robe tied tightly around her as she moved towards the bed.

  Realizing what she was doing, Dan sat up and hugged Fionna tightly.

  “See, we’re not fighting, baby. I love you and Mommy more than anything in the world.” He vowed adamantly.

  Aida’s brow furrowed. “Why are you wearing your very high heels to bed?” Her curiosity dried her tears.

  Fionna was the shade of an overly ripe tomato. “Uh… I was just trying them on to see if I wanted to take them to Paris.” She lied rather well under the circumstances.

  “I like your pretty tights.” Aida timidly touched the tiny fishnet covering Fionna’s knee.

  “Oh, uh, thank you.” Fionna choked.

  Dan squeezed his eyes shut tightly.

  “You know, I think I’ll just leave these home.” Fionna kicked off the heels. “So, why don’t we get you back in bed and then we’re going to go to sleep, so we can get up early tomorrow and go to Paris.”

  With that, Fionna returned Aida to her room and sat with her for a few minutes reassuring her that she was fine and that she and Dan hadn’t been fighting.

  She slunk back into the bedroom, sank down on the bed, and let her head fall into her hands. “Oh my gosh!”

  Dan nodded as he wrapped his arms around her. He was certain his face was just as red as hers. He helped her dispense with the corset and stockings.

  “Okay, this may be a horrible time to say this but,” he held up the corset. “ This is the hottest damn thing I’ve ever seen, and at some point when our child or children aren’t home or are completely asleep I’d really like to see you in it again, and I’d really like to peel it all off of you.”

  Fionna succumbed to an abashed mix of laughter and tears. “Dan, we’ve had her like a month, and I’ve ruined her.”

  “You didn’t ruin her, baby doll. She has no idea what we were doing, and for future notice we’ll remember that the wall right across from her room might not be our best choice.”

  Drawing a deep breath of regret, he went ahead with the speech he’d prided himself on never having to have made. “Sweetheart, do you need me to do anything for you? I know I didn’t really get you where you needed to be.”

  Gazing at him adoringly, Fionna continued to giggle. She brushed a tender kiss along his five o’clock shadow. “Well, I don’t think I got you where you were going either, but in light of my horrendous embarrassment maybe we’ll just pick this back up in Paris.”

  Thankful that they were in complete agreement, Dan kissed her sweetly.

  “I am sorry, baby doll.”

  “Me too. I was really horny.” She tucked her head on his chest as she made her confession as if that hadn’t been obvious.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you tomorrow night after we put miss Aida to bed and make certain she’s completely asleep.”

  Proffered Offer

  The next afternoon after Captain Namphis had come out of the cockpit to tell Dan how much better he looked than the last time he’d flown on his jet, he let Aida go into the cockpit and see how they flew the plane.

  “He flew me back from Paris after the incident in Germany.” Dan begrudgingly explained to Fionna.

  She chuckled as Aida excitedly took in the way the Gifted flight was flown.

  “She hasn’t said anything about last night.” Fionna whispered in relief. Dan nodded. He’d been relieved as well.

  They landed at Charles De Gaulle and were heartily greeted by the Fitzroys.

  “Maddie, this is my beautiful wife, Fionna.” Dan made introductions as Maddie embraced Fionna kissing both of her cheeks twice.

  “I had to see you for myself, Fionna.” Maddie gushed in her heavy French accent. “Zee woman that has saved Daniel from himself. You are a queen among women!”

  Laughing, Dan kissed Fionna’s cheek. “She is that, and this is my little girl, Aida. Aida this is Fitz and Maddie and these are my godsons Alex and Alfred.” He scrubbed the boy’s heads.

  “Aida, it’s so nice to meet you.” Fitz winked at her.

  “Isn’t it boys?” Maddie demanded.

  “Bonjour, Aida,” Alfred offered politely. “It is very lovely to meet you.”

  “Thank you. It’s very nice to meet you too, Alfred.” Aida managed though she was clinging to Dan’s hand and hiding most of her body behind his leg.

  “I speak French and English,” Alex boasted brashly.

  “I speak English and Portugese.” Aida combatted Alex’s bragging making Dan swell with pride.

  “All right, Alex. Let’s get them settled, and then we’ll go exploring.” Fitz guided his eldest son.

  Fitz drove everyone crammed into his relatively small car to the two-bedroom apartment that he’d secured for the Vindicos. It was owned by the French Senate for use of visiting foreign dignitaries from other Realms, but it wasn’t needed for the week so Fitz had booked it for Dan.

  It was only two blocks from the Fitzroy’s home and though Dan had offered to get a hotel for them instead, Fionna was thrilled that they would have full kitchen. She wanted to shop at the markets and cook the food.

  Fitz helped Dan carry in all of the luggage as Fionna eased Aida inside and tried to coax her out of her shell.

  “She is adorable, Dan, and Fionna is just as lovely as Fitz promised.” Maddie seemed very pleased.

  “Thanks, Mad. I happen to agree.”

  “Zee baby, she is doing well with the pregnancy, yes?”

  “Yeah, I guess as well as can be expected. She throws up every morning at five. I make her tea and get her back to sleep until around seven, and then she’s fine. Little tired, but that’s it.”

  “I vill take care of zat. She needs to relax. She’s been through enough.” Maddie took care of everyone and loved doing it. Dan thanked her for letting Fionna into the relatively private family life she conducted like a master of the symphony.

  “John Paul, vere are our children?” She huffed.

  “I thought they were behind me.” He headed back out of the apartment to locate Alex and Alfred. After finding them outside playing on the sidewalks, Fitz dragged them upstairs and into the apartment. “And you better play nice with Aida!”

  “Oui, Papa. We vill, we vill.” Alex wriggled out of his father’s grasp.

  “Well, it’s all over the papers this morning.” Fitz lamented. Dan nodded his regret filled agreement.

  “I thought the guy behind me was going to walk out without paying. I knew he was up to something. I had no idea the guy he was a reporter. I was an idiot.”

  “Would you stop?” Fionna joined everyone in the living room. “Everyone would have known by noon anyway. I didn’t show up to re-sign.”

  Dan guided Fionna into his arms. He still felt terrible that he was the one that had confirmed their pregnancy and even the sex of their baby to the press.

  “Aida’s room has two twin beds, so she’s making one for Sophie.” They tiptoed to spy on their little girl. She was explaining to Sophie how to sleep in a big girl bed without falling off.

  “This apartment is so nice. I’m so excited to be here. Thank you so much for having us.” Fionna vowed to the Fitzroys as they moved back to the sitting area.

  “We’re glad you’re here. Dan’s never come to visit except to work.”

  “Yeah, that sounds about right.” Fionna shot Dan a mischievous smirk.

  “No working zis week. You two relax. We vill take care of the sweet little Aida and you just enjoy Paris.” Maddie insisted.

  Aida raced to Fionna. She looked bewildered as she cupped her hand over her mouth. Fionna leaned down and Dan heard, “There is something that isn’t a potty in the bathroom, and I don’t know what it is. I have to use the potty bad please!”

  “Oh,” Fionna giggled, “come here, sweetheart. That’s a bidet, but there’s a potty also.” She led Aida back to the bathroom near her room.

  A little while late
r everyone headed out onto the streets of Paris.

  “It’s so pretty.” Aida held Dan’s hand and really began taking in the city.

  “Hey, there’s this great place I want to take you to dinner tonight.” Fitz urged. He was up to something. Dan knew. He could tell as soon as they’d gotten off the plane.


  After a few quick tourist attractions and a stop at a bakery for a croissant and coffee, which Fionna had declared they would be doing on a daily basis for the rest of their trip, the Vindicos returned to their apartment to get ready for dinner.

  “I think my tummy is confused.” Aida informed Dan and Fionna. Chuckling, they agreed the time difference took a little getting used to. Dan tried to explain it to Aida, but she still seemed confused by the concept.

  “Okay, Miss Aida, I think you need to go get your book and lay down and read for a little while. You’re going to be up late tonight.” The Gifted pediatrician that had given Aida her physical was concerned with her height, weight and the sleep deprivation that came from sleeping 4 to a bed at the orphanage. A nap everyday had been strongly suggested to recover her health by the time she started school the next year.

  Fionna was tired as well. She laid her head in Dan’s lap on the sofa as he played with her hair.

  “What are we thinking?” She gave him his smile. She knew him far too well.

  “Fitz is up to something.”

  “Yeah, I noticed that too. I’m sure you’ll figure Fitz out, but this is amazing, Dan. Thank you so much for bringing us.”

  “Hey, I’m thrilled to watch you two have fun.” He gestured his head to Aida’s room. “Making my girls smile is all I’ll ever need.”

  “She’s pretty worn out. I don’t think she’ll be waking up tonight.” Fionna cringed.

  Dan couldn’t help but laugh. “Did you bring the corset for me, baby doll?”

  Giggling, she shrugged. “You’ll have to wait and see, Mr. Vindico.”

  “I love you.” Dan was overcome suddenly with the need to tell her.

  Her energy spun in elation. “I love you, too.”

  “Fi,” he whispered. “Can I feel her again?”

  Looking like he’d just made her entire world fall into place, she edged her jeans down, lifted her shirt, and closed her eyes to suppress her energy.

  Each time he locked onto the baby he was able to perform the task faster and easier. Their baby girl was growing rapidly, so her energy became stronger with each passing day.

  His heart always paused momentarily as soon as he felt his little girl’s rhythms.

  “She feels you.” Fionna assured him in a breathless pant.

  Dan concentrated and counted each beat of her tiny heart and each rapid pulse of her energy.

  They followed closely behind Aida as Fitz led them through the seventh arrondissement. He stopped and offered Maddie his arm as he guided everyone up a grand staircase to what appeared to be an old home.

  A maître d opened the door and welcomed Fitzroy heartily.

  “Monsuier and Madame Fitzroy, so good to zee you zis evening!”

  Dan wondered why the man chose to speak English. “Dandre, nice to see you.” Fitz shook the man’s hand. “These are some dear friends of ours.” He stepped back to introduce the Vindicos. “This is Dan and Fionna Vindico and their little girl, Aida.”

  “‘Ello, Monsuier Vindico and the lovely ladies. How are you dis fine evening?” The man announced with just a little too much gusto.

  Dan narrowed his eyes, kept Fionna tucked under his arm, and gently eased Aida back towards him. She didn’t argue. She wanted away from the restaurateur as well.

  Clasping both of her hands around Dan’s she offered him a forced smile. They were led to a table on the second floor with a stunning view of the tower.

  Fionna was nervous about whatever she’d picked up on from the maître d, but she was taken with the restaurant and the view.

  “Look, Aida.” She knelt down and pointed out the Eiffel tower. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

  Aida nodded but was still unsure about her surroundings. “And Daddy is taking you there tomorrow for dinner, and you’re going to wear your pretty new dress because it’s romantic, and I’m not allowed to go because I’m little and not romantic yet.” She lamented as Dan pulled her chair out for her.

  He popped a kiss on top of her head. “Daddy will take you next time, okay?”

  “Ah, Aida you don’t want to go with them to eat at the tower.” Fitz assured her. “It’s boring, and no one there can do this.” He waved his hand behind Aida’s head and made it appear that he’d pulled several French coins out of her ear.

  She giggled delightedly. “Those weren’t in my ears.”

  “That’s true, but you can have them.” He dropped the coins in her hand.

  “Wow! Thank you!”

  “We are going to have lots of fun tomorrow night, my sweet Aida.” Maddie assured her.

  Well aware that Fitz had strategically seated everyone so that the boys and Aida were tucked away on the far corner of the table against the wall, with Maddie and Fionna in the middle, and the men on the end, Dan narrowed his eyes. “All right, spill it. Now!”

  “Damn, you’re good.” Fitz and Dan kept their voices low so the kids couldn’t hear them.

  “Let me guess. The restaurant is a front for something gambling, drugs, money laundering, whatever, and the guy down there that has deviant written all over him. He’s what? Obviously not the big player or you’d be down there arresting him, so he’s a little player in a bigger league.”

  “How did you figure that out in five minutes?” Fitz demanded.

  Dan rolled his eyes. “First of all, I am married to one of the strongest Receivers of our time. If my hands are on her, I know something is wrong instantly. Secondly, I have a another little radar screen right down there.” He gestured his head to Aida. “And, come on, it’s me, so before I start shouting about the fact that you not only brought my wife and my baby girls up here, tell me what it is you’re up to.”

  “Jean Paul!” Maddie sniped as she began telling him off in French.

  Dan and Fionna had no idea what she was saying but they were certain that he was getting an ear full.

  Fitz waved her off with, “Desolee, desolee!” before turning back to Dan.

  “All right he knows I’m onto him, but I can’t figure out who he’s working for. I need some help.”

  “Dammit, Fitz. My girls are here with me little, tiny, helpless!”

  Fionna scowled. She didn’t like being qualified as helpless.

  “In my defense two of them are traveling together for awhile.” Fitz threw his hand out to Fionna making her laugh.

  She shook her head. “I am not helpless, Mr. Vindico, and unless you’d like to have a slumber party with Fitz tonight, you’ll take that back.” She informed Dan vexingly.

  “Fine, but our little ones are.”

  “Look, I know you already signed on with the Academy, but just hear me out.” Fitz began. Dan immediately knew where this was going. “I want to offer you a job. Governor Haydenshire was an idiot to force you to resign. You’re the best damn officer out there. If you don’t want to move here, then just be an advisor. Fly back and forth. I could really use your help.”

  Fionna’s energy spiraled in terror. It shocked Dan. He wrapped his arm around her and tried to assure her with his body that he wasn’t getting back into law enforcement. Clearly, everything that had happened lived there just under the surface of their marital bliss and the elation of having another child.

  “No, Fitz. Thank you, but no. I want out. It isn’t good for me, and there’s no end to it. Just like I said, you aren’t arresting him because you want the guy he’s working for and it just keeps going.

  “I don’t want to fly back and forth. I want to be home with Fi and my girls. I want to see them and be there for them every single day. I will not live out of a hotel in Paris wondering what they’re doing and worry
ing about them.”

  Fionna leaned and kissed Dan’s cheek. A whispered “Thank you,” caressed his ear.

  A waiter appeared with a selection of breads. He suggested several wines, which everyone agreed to save Fionna who ordered a sparkling water.

  “Oh, Fionna, you’ll have to come back when you can really enjoy everysang Paris has to offer.” Maddie fussed.

  Fionna smiled. “It’s okay. I’m pretty excited about the reason that I can’t have wine.”

  “Yes, and mommy’s tummy is going to get really big like when you have a ball in your dress.” Aida was informing the boys with a great deal of knowing sass. The adults laughed quietly as they listened. “But my tummy will not get big, but when my baby sister gets out of mommy’s tummy it will be normal sized again.”

  “Ah, if only it were that easy.” Fionna sighed.

  Dan gazed at her sweetly as he kissed her cheek. “You will always be the most stunning woman in the room, in the city, in the entire world to me.”

  “Yeah, I remember that ‘cause I’m bigger than Alfred.” Alex assured Aida.

  “Oh yeah, he remembers at nine months old.” Fitz rolled his eyes and brought on more laughter.

  “How is your sister going to get out of your Mommy?” Alfred seemed genuinely fascinated.

  Aida’s lips pursed to the side thoughtfully. “I’m not exactly sure, but I think Daddy will do it.”

  “But how will Uncle Dan get your sister to come out of your Mommy?” Alfred restated his question. His tone rang with disbelief.

  Aida shrugged. “Maybe he’ll just say Aida’s baby sister you can come out and play with Aida now.”

  “He’s Uncle Dan. He can do anything.” Alex scoffed.

  Dan shook his head. He was thoroughly abashed by the admiration.

  “Aww, I think so too.” Fionna only furthered his embarrassment.

  “I’ll have to give that a try.” He laughed.

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure Daddy,” Fitz laughed, “Is more into the delivery not the retrieval.”

  Dan and Fionna laughed heartily.

  “So, you’re sure?” Fitz leapt back on the previous topic.

  “I’m sure, Fitz.”

  “Jean Paul, no more work. Dan and Fionna are here to relax.” Maddie commanded.


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