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The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7)

Page 27

by Jillian Neal

  She immediately engaged Fionna in a conversation about pregnancy and how American women become so frantic about rules for pregnancy, and which products are best for them and the baby, that they not only make their babies fussy, but they don’t enjoy being pregnant.

  Fionna was fascinated, and Dan smiled as he listened intently to Maddie’s advice. Fionna asked dozens upon dozens of questions.

  “It is a magical thing, no?” Maddie urged. Fionna nodded adamantly. “You are a powerful Receiver. You feel her, yes?” Maddie quizzed again as the main courses were served.

  “I do. It’s amazing!”

  “So, relax enjoy her. Enjoy each and every part of having what you have created together inside of you. Men certainly cannot do this. We are the only ones, and you Americans ruin it with what you can eat, and whether or not the newest pillow is all right to sleep on, and if I have a piece of chocolate will my baby’s IQ be half a point lower.”

  Fionna was beaming as she continued to intently pick Maddie’s brain. Every time she began a question with, “I read on a pregnancy website,” Maddie would shake her head and roll her eyes.

  “Fionna, darling,” she finally reached across the table and held Fi’s hand in her own. “You are her mother. You vill know what is best for her, but if you don’t trust your abilities neither vill she. Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time without the internet. You must trust yourself to know what will be best for jour little girl and perhaps more importantly what will be best for jou and zee entire family.

  “My sister told me that some American Medio was warning women against enjoying the art of love with their husbands while they are pregnant. Dis is ridiculous!” Maddie’s tone picked up in her fervor. “Jean Paul and I had amazing love while I was pregnant with both of our boys, almost everyday. It was required. I needed it.”

  Fitz turned the shade of his heirloom tomato salad.

  “Did ya now?” Dan laughed heartily.

  “Really?” Fionna was too intent on learning every single thing she could from Maddie to find her rather loud declaration humorous.

  The children were caught up in a conversation all their own. Aida was asking the boys all about school as she had never attended one before and was already nervous about starting in September.

  “How did you learn to read if you didn’t go to school?” Alfred asked.

  “My brothers were bigger than me, and I wanted to learn so they taught me when I was little-ler.”

  Dan flitted back and forth between the conversations as he ate the delectable meal. The restaurant might have been a front, but the chef was outstanding.

  “And you wore lingerie and everything?” Fionna urged Maddie on.

  “Naturally,” Maddie scoffed. “Who does not wear lingerie?”

  “I don’t think I’ll be able to wear mine much longer.”

  Maddie’s brow knitted deeply. She shook her head. “Do zay not sell lingerie for maternity?”

  “Not in America anywhere that I know of.”

  Maddie gasped. “Preposterous! Ve are going shopping! You do not stop being a woman just because you are a mother, Fionna.” Maddie gestured to Aida. “You become more of a woman, and Dan wants to see dis. Balance, my dear. You don’t give up one for another. You make them all work together. It is zee only way. I vill teach you.”

  “Oh my gosh! I love you!” Fionna gushed.

  “Yeah, she’s taken, but I’d be willing to trade you her for Dan, for a little while I guess.” Fitzroy offered.

  For Me and You

  They walked back to their apartment slowly, still enjoying each other’s company. Aida was yawning constantly, and Dan scooped her up. Without much encouragement, she laid her head on his shoulder and cuddled into him as he walked.

  Fionna gave her a quick bath and helped her into her pajamas before kissing her good night.

  “So.” Dan freed himself of his tie and belt and then unbuttoned his shirt. “Should I be concerned that you’re going to run off with Maddie leaving me and Fitzroy mere shells of the men we used to be?”

  Giggling, Fionna shook her head. She changed out of her dress, seated herself on the bed and patted the spot beside her. He removed his shirt and joined her. She laid her head against his chest and drew from his ample energy supplies.

  Vulnerability permeated her rhythms. He wrapped his shield around her and spent several long minutes soothing her. “What’s wrong, baby doll?”

  “You don’t know what it’s like. I never talked to my mom about being pregnant, obviously. It’s been a long time since Tutu had a baby, and Gretta never had kids of her own. Having a professional career in Summation kind of meant that everyone I hung out with was most definitely not pregnant. None of my friends have kids. I feel completely lost. Some of those websites on what you should and shouldn’t do if you’re pregnant are scary and crazy. Maddie is the only person I know that’s done this before, and she’s willing to help me. And I love what she said about me still being a woman. That makes sense to me, and nothing else seems to. Everyone has an opinion about everything. Nurse, don’t nurse, stay home, go to work, public school, private school, homeschool, it’s never ending. People become very adamant about their opinions, especially online. It’s just a lot to take in.”

  “Baby, there will always be a million things that the rest of the world is doing or saying that aren’t going to work for us because we’re not them. And this is our baby.” He slid his hands to her abdomen. “Let’s take it a little at a time, and Maddie was right. You’re her mother. You’re sweet, and beautiful, and brilliant. You’re going to know what to do. You need to listen to you, and if you can’t figure that out Aida’s baby sister’s Daddy would really like to help with all of this.”

  “Thank you.” She whispered a kiss across his chest. “Can I ask you something now?”

  “Of course.”

  “There was an offer in my email this morning. They must have sent it as soon as the story broke last night. It’s hardly any money at all, and I don’t want to take the money they did offer, but I would kind of like to take the offer.”

  Dan studied her closely. Her excitement lilted in her energy. “What was it for?”

  “Since we both kind of had high-profile careers, they would like for our family to pose for a few paper ads for the Axillary International Adoptions in the Realm program, because we adopted even though we could have our own and because we’re determined to make us all a family, even if Aida isn’t our biological child.

  “They even said in the offer that if we didn’t want the girls faces photographed that they could work with us however we would agree. It’s such a great program, Dan. There are so many kids in the orphanage in Brazil, and there are so many other orphanages.”

  Though he was adamantly opposed to his children being in commercials, Dan suddenly felt like he’d been given an opportunity to give back to the Realm that he felt he’d taken so much from.

  “That sounds like something we should really do, Fi. If you want to, I’m in.”


  “Really. Still not crazy about the girls’ pictures being everywhere, but maybe we could figure something out.”

  “They really just want us. Our pictures and our story, but they said they could take carefully placed shots of us with the girls so you can’t see their faces.”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  “I’m so excited. I can’t wait to tell them!”

  “Hey Fi, baby.” Dan had been thinking about this for a while, and it seemed like the perfect time to bring it up. Her brow rose in expectation as she gave him his smile. “I was thinking we should name the baby something besides Aida’s little sister.”

  “I know. And I name everything, my cars, my boobs, everything. I even named my vibes, but I can’t seem to come up with a name for my baby.” She cringed into his chest.

  He laughed outright. “Okay, I don’t know which I want to know more.”

  She dissolved in a fit
of giggles. When she finally regained her composure she gestured her head downwards to her breasts. “June and Bonnie.”

  Joining in her laughter, Dan shook his head at her. “And how did June and Bonnie earn their names, Mrs. Vindico?”

  “The original Pointer sisters,” she scoffed.

  “Of course.” Dan continued his laughter.

  Fionna’s energy soared as they laid in the bed laughing and cuddling.

  “And your vibes, baby doll?”

  She blushed violently making him all the more curious. “Whenever I got a new one, I would name them after crushes that I had usually on actors and singers stuff like that. But I will admit that my very favorite was named Dan.”

  “I hope I lived up to my name.” He was awkwardly honored by her admittance.

  Still giggling, she nodded against him. “You do, but occasionally I use Dan and think about how having both of you together would be oh so good.”

  “Oh, baby, I will take care of that fantasy as soon as I get you home, unless you brought my namesake with you, and then I’ll take care of it tonight.”

  “Dan Jr. is at home. I once had a TSA guard go through my bags at an airport. They pulled it out of its bag, and I was mortified. I don’t bring them on trips too often anymore.”

  Dan cringed on her behalf as they both laughed again.

  When they quieted, she sighed. “But I can’t seem to come up with anything perfect enough for the most important thing I’ll ever name.”

  He brushed a kiss on her forehead. “Would you be up for any suggestions?”

  “Yes! Definitely! Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to pick?”

  “I want us to pick.”

  “Okay, what is your suggestion?”

  “How about Halia Elisabeth after you and your mom?”

  “Dan,” she gasped as tears sprang to her eyes. “I love that, but I think it should be Halia Elisabeth Amelia Vindico.”

  “Fi, no, you don’t have to do that.” Emotion, thick as syrup, settled in his throat.

  “I know,” she soothed. He felt her dizzying powers, her ethereal light, fill him. Her warmth flooded through his soul healing and binding him. “But I really want to. That’s perfect. That’s what Halia means, in remembrance of those that have gone before us.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I’m positive.”

  They laid there in the calming serenity letting their energy pass from one to another within Dan’s shield.

  Suddenly, she grinned. “You know, June and Bonnie are really sore.” Her lusty, mischievous smirk made him ache.

  With a deep groan, Dan moved his arms down her sides and let his thumbs brush her breasts.

  “Are they, baby doll?”

  She gave him a heavy nod.

  “Can’t have that.” He unclasped her bra and pulled off her robe. A quaking moan hissed from her lips as he began to massage.

  “That feel better, sweetheart?” He added to the intensity as he groped her. Breath panted from her lungs as she slipped her hands down his abs and over his crotch.

  “Tell me what else hurts my baby. What else do you need?”

  “Make me wet.” Her eyes flashed in ardent desire.

  Dan’s body shuddered from her touch and her plea. He longed to be inside of her again. The images of her stunning display from the night before leaned up against the wall in a corset and heels begging for it harder had driven him wild all day.

  He needed relief, needed to feel her pulse around him as he brought her, needed to hear her call out his name as he opened her wide.

  “I’m gonna go make certain that Aida’s asleep, baby. Take everything off for me. Spread your legs. I want to see you touch yourself. Let me see that gorgeous body ready for me. When I get back, I’m gonna make you wet, and then I’m gonna make you suck me, and then baby I’m gonna fill you full. I’m gonna take you so hard and so deep I make you scream. Why don’t we see just how many times I can make you give it all up for me?”

  “Oh, God, yes.” Her body writhed from pent up desire. Dan slipped from the bed quickly. He checked to make certain that Aida was sleeping, pulled her door closed, and switched on the bathroom fan. He wanted to hear the sweet noises Fionna made for him, wanted her sweet, sultry, island scent on his skin. He wanted to own her, and he didn’t want to be interrupted.

  His trousers tightened to the point of pain as he took in his wife naked on the bed with her eyes dark and ravenous. Her breasts were swollen, pert and anxious for his touch and his tongue on her nipples. Her knees were bent and her hair was splayed out over the crisp white sheets. Her eyes were locked on his. He watched her lick her fingers and then stroke her clit rhythmically.

  “So fucking sexy, baby doll.” He quickly dispensed with his clothes and knelt over her. Every time her fingers slipped away from her pulsing clit he granted it a stroke from his tongue keeping her wet and whipping her into a frenzy immediately.

  He grasped her calves and spreading her legs as she quaked in anticipation. Her hands flew to the bed. “Let me help you, sweet girl. You’re so wet I know you need to come. It hurts doesn’t it? Let me make it better.” Separating her lips with his thumbs, he leaned and swirled his tongue up her slit. “Watch me.”

  She leaned her head up to follow his commands as his tongue stroked back and forth over her clitoris. Her sweet little pussy glistened in the moonlit Paris night, slick and ready.

  “Yes! That feels so good,” fell from her mouth in a desperate plea.

  “I know, baby. I know everywhere my good girl likes to be sucked, and licked, and bitten.” He let his teeth slid along the tender folds.

  She went wild. Her entire body writhed as she gripped the sheets under her and spread her legs wide. She wanted to be owned.

  “That’s my good girl.” Dan coaxed as her entire body tensed deliciously. Her temperature shot upwards rapidly. Her body fevered for him. “Come for me, baby doll. Fill up my mouth like a good girl.” She lost it all. Her energy flowed around his tongue as he groaned against her. Her body contorted. Everything she’d needed, everything she’d wanted, since the night before was fulfilled.

  “Such a good girl, but I’m just getting started, baby doll.” He watched her body convulse and tremble from the strokes of his tongue. He dipped his fingers inside of the slick heat he’d just elicited.

  Her abdomen clenched tightly as she pulled him deeper. Unable to wait, desperate to have her attention, Dan grabbed her hand.

  “Yes,” she gasped as he wrapped it around his throbbing cock.

  “Feel it! Feel what you do to me before I bury it inside of you.” He kept his strokes deep and rhythmic in the perfect spot.

  She cried out for him, but he kissed her quickly quelling her sweet moans. He didn’t want to silence her. He wanted to hear her pleas, but he wanted to feel her tremble around him more.

  “Is my good girl ready for me to make everything better?”

  “No,” she sassed defiantly as she leapt. She crawled up on all fours and dragged her tongue up his length. Her heaving breasts surrounded his shaft she swirled her tongue around his head. A deep thundering groan rang from his lungs, as his body responded with a mimicked thrust. He pulsed hot and heavy in her face.

  “Take it. Suck my cock like a good little girl. Right fucking now.” He demanded in a lust driven growl as he wrapped her hair up in his hand and guided her mouth over his head. With deep sucks, she pulled the erotic energy from his body in heavy doses.

  He was hotwired to detonate. He’d needed to get off for the last twenty-four hours. He had to stop her. Cradling her face tenderly in his hands, he guided her back. “I want you to just lay there and take it, sweetheart.” He turned her over, laid her out on her stomach, and penetrated her in one deep advance.

  “Yes,” hissed from her as he began to thrust rhythmically.

  “Nothing will ever feel as good as you do.” He vowed in a reverent groan of supreme satisfaction. He pounded into her listening to her demands t
o be taken harder and faster.

  “I’m gonna….” Her back arched up as he continued to plunge her depths. “I know, baby doll. I feel it coming. Just let it go. It’ll feel so much better when you give it up for me.”

  She unfurled around him and surrounded him in the very essence of her love, her trust, her needs, and her desires that he was soothing and fulfilling.

  His release gathered fiercely in his groin. He strained inside of her so tightly he couldn’t stop the imminent explosion. She was too perfect. The love passing between them was far too overwhelming. He felt her tremble again. He groaned in ecstasy and filled her full of everything he was.

  After regaining the ability to breathe and move, Dan eased out of her and pulled her onto his chest.

  “So much better when our little girl isn’t knocking on the door.” Fionna leaned up and brushed a sweet kiss across his lips. “Maddie was right. It’s a requirement. I need it.”

  Chuckling, Dan turned to cradle her in his arms and to block out the sights and sounds of Paris coming through the window. “I’ve got everything you need, baby, and I will always take care of you.”

  “Okay, cuddle me up so I can dream about that. I have to be up to puke in a few hours.”

  “Maybe with the time difference, Halia will let you sleep a little later.”

  Fionna’s entire body swelled with pride and elation. “I love her name, and you’re the most amazing dad in the world.”

  “I’ve been calling her that in my head for about a week now.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I wanted to see if there was something you liked first.”

  “Dan, she’s your little girl, and we have to do this together.”

  “Deal, and do you want me to put the oils on you, baby?”

  “I almost forgot.” Her weary body managed another yawn.

  “That’s what I’m here for.” Working quickly, he lathered his hands and made circular motions tenderly over her stomach and mound as her blinks grew heavy. When he finished, he held her on his chest and waited until she fell asleep.


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